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  • I have over 30 years of experience in programming. My job was outsourced to an offshore company. I don't have a bachelor's degree... somewhere along the way employers have decided that a bachelor's degree is necessary for a programmer.This is making it difficult for me to find work. Also because companies are no longer willing to spend the money...they won't pay for their employees to get additional "technical" training... which BTW is usually vendor training not university training. This is really hurting our economy and our country.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • As EP readers know, normally these overviews come out the day the report does and go into more details.

    For completeness sake I decided to at least show the graphs, remember to get individual values, just click on the first link to go to the BLS CPI site.

    Sorry for the lateness and short overview, I've managed to get some serious respiratory something that has me wiped out for the last three days.

    Reply to: CPI up 0.3% for March 2012   12 years 6 months ago
  • In the U.S., Formal Education Beyond High School
    IS Not Required for 66% of the 2008-2018 Job Openings
    see page 15 of
    The 2010 to 2010 report reported no measurable changes in numbers.

    Reply to: A Peek into the Employment Report Establishment Survey   12 years 6 months ago
  • Nothing new? I respectfully disagree. Perception is reality. This week's mainstream media coverage is a big win to expose the truth to millions of Americans. The big lie, we can't find qualified American talent is a flat out lie. Greedy corporations (foreign companies like Infosys, Wipro, etc. and US e.g. IBM, Microsoft ) perpetuate the labor arbitrage big. The big lie strategy - tell an outrageous story often enough and eventually people think its the truth. Google big lie and you'll see tragic results in modern history about how effective this well proven strategy works in history.

    Sadly it costs money to buy a voice - laid off Americans replaced by less experienced, less qualified foreign talent, need to decide between dinner and going to the doctor... We don't have the money create mindshare with mainstream media (via ad $$$), and politicians thru contributions, PAC and much more. Obama and Biden bought into the big lie hook line and sinker and never both to question why greedy companies whine and complain about finding American talent - of course you can't find American talent when all you to is try to replace it.

    Lies, lies, and damn lies. What's new is the emperor has no clothes and I applaud American hero Jay Palmer and CBS news for their bravery to expose these lies.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • We have a saying in the US - if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Nothing new, eh? How about exposure of the truth to millions of American citizens about American high tech talent who have lost our jobs, homes, healthcare, savings and much more through the brazen "labor arbitrage" big lie.

    Sadly it costs money to buy a voice - laid off Americans need to decide between dinner and going to the doctor... We don't have the money create mindshare with mainstream media (via ad $$$), and politicians thru contributions, PAC and much more. Obama and Biden bought into the big lie hook line and sinker and never both to question why greedy companies whine and complain about finding American talent - of course you can't find American talent when all you to is try to replace it.

    Lies, lies, and damn lies. What's new is the emperor has no clothes and I applaud American hero Jay Palmer and CBS news for their bravery to expose these lies.

    My hope is that the sleeping giant, American voters. will see through the charade and insist that these criminals get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Sooner, not later. American talent is more than ready, willing and able to restore our country back to greatness.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • Here's a link showing exactly that:

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • Folks, this is labor arbitrage of skilled I.S. workers through fraud, manipulation of the Visa system. It has nothing to do with voting or IDS and frankly this site is all about economics, this is plain off topic.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • So the disreputable Eric Holder, Attorney General, head honcho and known for his alleged involvement in the gun running scandal (Fast & Furious) who took the oath of office to protect and defend America's citizens, stating that Voter fraud, "“does not really exist,” Plus he has used the huge resources of the taxpayer to hound the unprotected states of Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina and possible other states in the future, who have been sued for trying to save their citizen and residents from illegal alien public assistance programs.

    But what has been just been exposed in Florida, is that non citizens have been caught simply because when called in for jury duty, they have told the court officials that they cannot perform jury duty as they are not citizens. But what really clinched this failure of the election law in Florida and most probably thousands of U.S. counties and voting districts throughout America, it the reason they were held accountable is that these non citizens, were caught because they had registered to vote.

    One Naples voter admitted she was not a U.S. Citizen, nor a legal immigrant – but election records show she voted six times in the past eleven years. My only hope is that potential president Mitt Romney investigates these violations of the federal election laws, as it might overshadow his election in November. Even now there are the protests in the streets, specifically over Arizona’s legitimate pressure to inform the U.S. government, they cannot afford to subsidize every illegal alien who circumvents the border looking for a better life? Alabama has also shown just cause to fight back against unfair federal mandates. What about the American impoverished, who have had their welfare rights cut back because the insidious invasion from other countries. Very shortly the people will know if SB1070 is constitutional or not and then all hell could break loose. This has been forced on them over thirty years, because not only have been occupied, but because Ronald Reagan signing the amnesty program in 1986, was the beginning of the failure for four administrations to stop illegal immigration.

    The stunning investigative report by Andy Pierroti of NBC-2 in Fort Myers included interviews and voting documents illuminating nearly 100 non-citizens who are illegally registered and in some cases have voted in elections as far back as 2001. Election officials tell the television station that thanks to Florida's 1992 Motor Voter Law, it is not acceptable to ask potential voters for proof of citizenship; accordingly, they can only investigate fraud if they get a tip. As a consequence, election officials have contacted these persons discovered in the NBC-2 report. . His investigative report came just two days after the Tampa Bay Times claimed voter fraud in Florida was imaginary.

    Since only official investigators checked a very small sample of jury relief forms, one can only envision how many thousands, or even tens of thousands of illegal’s aliens statewide who may have voted since the Motor Voter law was introduced in 1993.

    William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), evidence exists that illegal nationals are voting in mass numbers in several states. Gheen has made this statement, but other organizations think it is nationwide.

    "He also stated, “In the states of Texas, California, and Florida, this gives them the ability to control national electoral politics," adding "The Democrats are registering and voting illegal immigrants en masse -- especially west of the Mississippi, where we believe they saved [Nevada Senator] Harry Reid's campaign." The ALIPAC spokesman says fraudulent voting has dire consequences for the future of the country.

    "If you're a conservative voter and you ever want to win elections again, you have to stop this," he argues. "... No conservative is going to get elected to anything in this country in another five to ten years if we don't stop the massive theft of U.S. elections happening right now in America with illegal alien voters."

    The left are facing a harsh election year and are furious, ready to do everything in their power to stop Voter ID laws from being enacted. The Obama Department of Justice is on the warpath against South Carolina Texas and – inventing fictional “racial profiling” to block the popular voter ID laws in those states. With Liberal backing the Democrats will do anything to halt the use of photo ID, and are trying to accomplish this currently.

    Every voting precinct in America need to check their election rolls, as Non-citizen voting is a Federal felony and should be prosecuted as such. We can no longer trust this great price of the vote offered to us by the founding fathers and the U.S. Constitution. And now, an outstanding reporter in Florida has uncovered shocking fraud in that state – registration and voting by non-citizens – which officials had no idea what is was happening, since they are prohibited from asking immigration status under Motor Voter Act of 1993.

    The NBC2 investigators established that a voter after examining “jury forms, where the person excused themselves said they couldn’t serve because they were not U.S. Citizens. They reporters took those names and found dozens of those people in the database of Florida registered voters.

    The FL Secretary of State told NBC2 they were investigating the case:

    “…we will be exploring how many of the state’s clerks of court and supervisors of elections could work together to verify that persons excused from jury duty, because they are non-citizens, are not illegally registered to vote.”

    The question to ask all citizen voters is how many illegal aliens have sent in a “Voter Motor” application to intentionally or unknowingly register to vote. Consider this that non voters could be changing your voting power to such an extent, by not just altering close races in local and county elections, but a widespread violation across American states. In furtherance, with our nation future pivoting on an agenda of Socialist, that it is already seen with the hindrance of our freedoms by this present administration.

    According to Roger Hedgecock detailed, “the Democrats have what he calls “machinery of fraud” in full gear and ready for November.” The Department of In-justice down to its leftist advocacy groups are already registering illegal aliens door to door in every city. Are Republicans just going to sit back and let them steal the election of 2012? He further has said,”the voter rolls of this country are stuffed with illegal aliens, felons and dead people, who not only vote, they vote overwhelmingly Democrat.

    J. Christian Adams, attorney formally attached to the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice, eventually left his position and wrote an expose on the racial motivations which entirely poisoned the department on Eric Holder’s agency. In his book, "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department” he coldly warned our sovereign country that the end result of this violation of trust, if not appropriately addressed, would be “lawlessness.” He Divulged never-before-published details on several important cases—including the Black Panther case—Adams "Injustice" exposes how the very (DOJ) accountable for enforcing equal protection has been infested by radicals hell bent on furthering a fringe political agenda.

    In a similar manner, Investigative reporter James O’Keefe rendered proof positive that organized hordes of illegal “voters” can extensively warp the results of elections throughout the nation. Just by claiming the identities of registered voters in those particular districts, specifically if they do not have the financial resources to oversee irregularities. And to nobody’s real shocker, Eric Holder is the most forceful benefactor of maintaining the present system just as it is, while seeking to ridicule and disgrace O’Keefe. In 2009, he and an accomplice, 20 year old Hannah Giles, laid bare the rampant criminal activities being perpetrated nationwide by ACORN, the subversive network of leftist activists whose seditious political work had previously remained largely under the radar. As a result of that exposure, ACORN was forced to officially disband and reorganize, though its activity is ongoing and has already raided its ugly head under another assumed new name in New York.

    Voters must punish the Politicians, Governors, Mayors and the whole mix of elected officials that are harboring foreign nationals, who have implemented Sanctuary cities ordinances, who have driven policies of Dream Acts, Chain migration and other catastrophic Comprehensive Reform packages. Even citizen voting privileges are not safe anymore, from groups like ACORN involved with voter fraud. The U.S. citizenry must step forward and adjoin with the TEA PARTY “THE PEOPLE’S PARTY” to stop the erosion of legal rights, which are being reduced by this administration. Both parties have abused immigration enforcement, by neglecting the fence and the incompetence of acknowledging that ID theft is out of control, that every foreign worker is committing a felony by using U.S. victim’s Social security number and identity in the majority of cases, but nothing has been accomplished to halt these issues.

    The illegal alien occupation are racking up over a $100 Billion dollars a year, with no end in sight. Additionally, illegal foreign workers are estimated to wire over $40 Billion dollars annually outside this country to foreign banks. Obama is skirting the laws of the Congress, to implement another sordid avenue, to covertly allow illegal aliens to stay and in addition allow family members to join them. You can also learn more of the Obama government ignoring your Constitutional rights at ‘NumbersUSA’. Even better explore the ‘American Patrol’ website that the Democrats and Liberals don't want you to view.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • Big pharma is notorious for staffing it Human Resources departments with H1-bs. Hundreds of thousands of Pharma jobs have been lost in the last ten years but the Corps still bring in L-1's and H-1's.

    Computer scientists though have it the worst. Many Chinese companies use tourist visas and individuals with expired visas. They buy apartments in the USA to keep them off the radar.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • You're right and I believe many weapons deals are hidden, labeled as "other" things, but because it's not underground officially, I might be able to extract some statistics on that one.

    Thanks, I might put up a post on the underground economy and see what kind of overall statistics I can gather up. I know the marijuana trade is in the billions, #1 cash crop and if made legal would basically get a host of states out of their deficits, first and foremost, plus reduce some government costs due to enforcement and most importantly deflate the power of the Mexican drug cartels since to obtain supply would then mean it could be a domestic (official) crop.

    Weapons might be tougher to dig out. Then there is also illegal labor and there is of course massive spin on those figures due to vested interests as well as costs to the U.S.

    Good points.

    Reply to: Trade Deficit for February 2012 - $46.0 Billion   12 years 6 months ago
  • Weapons and Illegal Drugs. In pure economic terms both are a huge part of trade. None of the stats ever draws a passing reference to either. Comments? Each are estimated in the range of $40 to $60 billion with no really good figures except Janes for weapons trade.

    Neither category is viewed as politically correct.
    Each is economically huge to trade.

    Reply to: Trade Deficit for February 2012 - $46.0 Billion   12 years 6 months ago
  • You're right but I would hope it's not move along, simply because of the denial and lobbyists who repress these stories has also been in full force since 1990.

    What's slightly different in this case is the use of the B-1 Visa, it's more black and white that one cannot work on this Visa, period. So, if the U.S. Justice system isn't completely corrupt, the case, which is systemic, plenty of evidence, against these Indian based body shops, should be a slam dunk.

    But pursuing Infosys is like pursuing Enron or Microsoft, they are that large in India.

    Similarly we see Goldman Sachs and Banksters also getting away with about anything.

    But regardless you have to raise up these issues to have any prayer's chance of getting justice.

    Senator Chuck Grassley's office is aware of this and maybe he might get somewhere in Congress in stopping these abuses.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • This is so systemic and use of a Visa where it's clear holders cannot work on it, if the U.S. bothers to investigate, the case should be a slam dunk.

    The Bush administration wasn't going to do a damn thing and clearly the Obama administration has the same lobbyists.

    This is a really big deal, you cannot ask Americans to go into massive debt, take on very difficult college degrees in STEM and then labor arbitrage them. The result is Americans are not going to invest, spend, work to study and obtain these skills, for beyond coming up with the next Google or Facebook in your dorm room, a regular job/employment career in established businesses just isn't going to pay out, over the course of a work career.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • Nothing new here, move along folks. I'm serious, this is nothing new. Tech firms have been engaged in this practice for many years now. Lay-off your U.S. citizen because their position is "no longer necessary" - then hire the H-1B visa holder to fill the same job with a slightly different title (fire them when the visa expires and bring in a new, cheaper, foreign worker). So, between this gambit and off-shoring a raft of tech-related functions you're left we the mess we have now. Guess nobody noticed until now, unless you were the experienced DBA or systems analyst who was laid-off.

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago
  • This is an issue you care about. I have family members who were displaced by H-1B Visas. Also I worked as a relocation specialist helping bring in those H-1B Visa workers because they had been trained overseas to the US company's specifications as a cost savings for the company. In contrast my son was told by a Chinese Airline he was being hired to train Chinese pilots and then would be asked to leave. Which company cares about its citizens?

    Reply to: Displacing American Labor Through Foreign Guest Worker Visas   12 years 6 months ago

    If someone wants me to read a comment on any article, you have to leave a comment here, there are just too many things to look at and Facebook for this site is more of a convenience.

    plus I like to call it "spybook", ;)

    Anyway, nice page and glad people liked the information. I do try to number crank out something from the data which hasn't been already amplified by the government group releasing their report.

    Reply to: Job JOLTS - There are 3.66 Official Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2012   12 years 6 months ago
  • I believe the majority of government jobs and this is federal, state and local, are law enforcement, prison guards or a large part. My opinion injection isn't one of those 'shrink the government' or somehow government workers are not performing vital services unlike the private, more simply one of scale. In other words, a strong, humming, production economy should have much a much larger manufacturing sector.

    Reply to: A Peek into the Employment Report Establishment Survey   12 years 6 months ago
  • In many states, public sector jobs are basically gateways between public money and the private sector. They are the mechanism by which sunshine laws and open accountability are applied to private sector contracts that affect public works. And without those government jobs, and the contract oversight standards behind them, public money would be siphoned into private pockets with absolutely no fail safe.

    Also, government jobs are what keeps a lot of smaller private companies alive. If it weren't for this symbiotic relationship, we'd have nothing left in public construction but, say, Halliburton doing whatever they feel like and vacuuming our pockets dry with no oversight.

    Reply to: A Peek into the Employment Report Establishment Survey   12 years 6 months ago

    This article was "shared" earlier today.

    I was surprised and glad to see it on my Facebook page.

    Reply to: Job JOLTS - There are 3.66 Official Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2012   12 years 6 months ago
  • I've never used Twitter, but I like the concept, so I'll check into it ... probably later this month or in April ... on the road right now ... pretty busy with whatnot ...

    Reply to: Déjà vu Dot Con   12 years 6 months ago
