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  • I was surprised to hear of the strong union sentiment in Korea and especially surprised to hear of their anti-"globalization" philosophy.

    I have not closely followed the Korean export success but hasn't the country had very rapid export growth? Are they doing it (in addition to whatever work and education ethic) in the Japanese and Chinese manner - ie manipulating their currency? In fact aren't they even a huge threat to Japanese exporters - and especially because of more competitive pricing?

    PS I assume that is a typo at the end of the Paragraph lead -
    Both unions oppose current trends in globalization. KFTU issued the following solidarity message to unions around the world in March should be March 2010 (and so is very recent sentiment)?

    Reply to: Strong Unions - The Worst Nightmare for the Financial Elite   13 years 5 months ago
  • Will the judge consider him a flight risk?

    And in New York, it looks like the criminal defense industry just got a huge income boost.

    These are the kind of people who decide whether your children can go to college.

    If found guilty, would he go to Attica, Sing Sing, house arrest, or probation? Will he assert immunity? Dick Wolf, you've found your next series -- "Law and Order: Financial Elites meet SVU"

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • We know the FDIC, Federal Reserve, US Treasury, taxpayers of the world, and the poor, disappearing middle class will pick up the tab.

    IMF is corrupt -- so what's another victimless crime? The poor don't count -- so screw 'em. The middle class? Screw them too. They are dumb enough to vote for the ones who are screwing them.

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • U.S. factories lost 3 million jobs from 2000 to 2004, jobs that did not return during the boom leading up to the recession, along with another 2.2 million from 2007 to 2010. Those are unlikely to come back, as well. Manufacturing jobs were 20 percent of private-sector payrolls in 1990, 15 percent in 2000, and just over 10 percent in April. Large multinational corporations have cut 2.9 million U.S. jobs over the past decade, while adding 2.4 million workers to their overseas operations.

    Job gains in the retail-trade and leisure-and-hospitality sectors, where hourly pay is 32 percent and 43 percent, respectively, below the average for all private-sector employees, have accounted for 27 percent of this year’s job growth.

    In addition to the 5.2 million jobs already lost, the recession wiped out nearly three million high-paying jobs in construction and finance, where average hourly pay is 11 percent and 20 percent, respectively, above the $22.95 average for all private-sector employees, which includes both production workers and management. Those jobs are not coming back any time soon, if ever.

    Professional and business services, including legal, accounting, computer systems design, and consulting. Jobs there typically pay 20 percent higher than average, and they have accounted for 30 percent of all private-sector job growth over the past year.

    Hourly pay for factory workers is 2.4 percent below the U.S. average.
    27 percent of small-business employees have no health insurance.
    72 percent of small business employees have no retirement plan.

    ( source ---> ) May 16, 2011

    Reply to: Structural Unemployment and "Skills gap" - RIP   13 years 5 months ago
  • it was such an incredible analogy to what the IMF is pushing on these countries when they should have nationalized the banks in the first place. That's why I posted the "breaking news" Instapopulist.

    Just incredible what people can get away with under the guise of "finance".

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • Him running to JFK is so damning. Sure glad police caught him on the plane.

    My thinking is he probably did it and has no real excuse, so it will be American-style self-victimization/ excuse-making defense. I'm figuring alcohol as the most likely candidate -- actually not just alcohol that day but that there's an addiction or mental health issue that will be trotted out.

    Fancy European folk will rush to sink to American cultureless depths with pleasure and I'll be able to see it and hear it constantly over the next year on local media, yippee.

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • I worry about these networks too. Why they don't make their videos available online and show ads, like regular TV and get revenues is beyond me. Clearly EPers are that niche audience who will watch their entire reports and I don't think anyone minds these great documentaries making money for their efforts, at least I would be fine with them doing it that way.

    Anywho, the BBC puts on some great stuff and it seems our Frontline, needs some funds.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Chinese Are Coming!   13 years 5 months ago

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • Great film! Thank you

    I see the truth in what I read recently:

    "The business of the US is war, and the business of China is business."

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Chinese Are Coming!   13 years 5 months ago
  • When it hits the press, you know it's too late, but just in case, many "analysts" are talking about an equity decline.

    I hope some caught the commodities crash ride down. Copper at 5 month low now.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Asbestos Edition   13 years 5 months ago
  • I swear, youtube must be creating such horrific video search on purpose. I must have searched for hours looking for those homemade gems and it seems every day the site gets worse and worse to actually find anything.

    Folks, if you see a stark raving funny economic, financial, labor or political (within reason) parody video out there, send me the link and I'll add it.

    Also, we get various organizations emailing the site and I'm sorry, your video must actually be funny and also have some ring of truth to it.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Asbestos Edition   13 years 5 months ago

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • Yes, the optimistic outlooks are fading fast. Optimism on all fronts seem to be merely hope against all hope. Everything from our dwindling tax revenue to our poor becoming poorer, presents a dark and painful picture of what America has become. Meanwhile, the rich and influential continue their unrelenting assault to amass every resource at the expense of the common man. While proper health care and higher education become reserved for the wealthy, the common man stands in long unemployment lines and regularly visits the local food pantry. What was once the richest nation on Earth, has now fallen to debt and dependency. The land of opportunity has now become the survival test of modern history.

    Home foreclosures and bankruptcies have replaced the American dream, and our national debt will burden many future generations. The hope of a nation has turned to prayers, and to looking for signs of relief from suppression and growing poverty.

    While the general population become the "forgotten", the corporate elite and the fat cats of Wall Street and the financial world are the focal points and interest of our misguided and non-representative government. Bailouts and subsidies are appreciation gifts for political support and campaign contributions, while unemployment checks and government assistance programs are penalties for our stupidity.

    As we report and make observations on the bad news in bunches, the good news drips slowly from the taps of journalists. The helpless feeling of a nation in trouble, is only recognized through rhetoric and false promises by those we've entrusted with our well-being. Socioeconomic progress has been replaced by regression, and the daily headlines bear witness to our decline.

    Remember, our downward spiral is not a product of chance nor accident, but a result of careful planning, engineered by the Washington Brotherhood over the past half century or so. All of the items, situations, and circumstances mentioned in the root article, can be traced back to Washington D.C.

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets - All About the Banks   13 years 5 months ago
  • I agree, and have written about a possible revolt many times over the past six plus years. Certainly the U.S. is not exempt from a citizen revolt, it happens all around the world. I also agree that the present system is broken beyond repair. We've given the government "Carte Blanche" for way too long, and the results are killing all hope of prosperity and justice. Our foundation and basic principles of equality have long since eroded.

    Under a governing body, totally supported by greed, egos, the thirst and hunger for power, and absolute influence over monetary control, the "people" have fallen victim to their own trust and patriotism. Totally absent of a representative government, the general population is now at the mercy of a system gone awry.

    If we consider just the economic impact alone, of actions and inaction over the past half century or so, there's no way anyone can justify what the Washington Brotherhood has done to this country and her citizens. We were once an industrial power revered around the world. Now, we're nothing more than a market place where other countries dump their cheaply made goods.

    Yes, the "people" will soon tire of suppression and make their anger known. It's only a matter of time before the economic pain becomes unbearable.

    Each day, many of us report on and write about the many problems and obvious wrongs, but how many of us take it a step farther and present the obvious solutions, and point a finger at the villains responsible for our destruction? I applaud you, and appreciate you, for having the intestinal fortitude ( guts ) to tell it like it is. Except for the affliction of "Blind Patriotism", many many more would see it the same as you and I.

    Reply to: Structural Unemployment and "Skills gap" - RIP   13 years 5 months ago
  • Just hard to believe, like maybe he ordered up some strange and instead the maid came in, who knows. gets weirder.

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • criminal sexual act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment.

    I get he forced her in oral sex and I'm sure we'll hear about the rest.

    Now folks, rape is not sex. He could have bought any type of strange he wanted and in New York, have it at his hotel room door in 10 minutes...

    it's power/violence, so our theme of the IMF raping the poor, middle classes analogy has gotten just too real.

    If only other executives would act out what they are really up too, maybe we could finally get some justice.

    Do it with finance, economics, you're just a figure head, an official, a business mam.

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • and all of this austerity when it's the banksters, global who set this thing on fire, sure there are problems, but that's the billions, trillions,

    But I posted this because we've been blasting the IMF on their "take from the poor, middle class, give to the banks", motif, and here is a real accusation, a real crime, in the spirit of what they have been demanding financially, economically.

    "Get down on your knees, won't you say please...."

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • Of course, he's innocent until proven guilty (on the sexual assault). We know he's guilty on Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, etc. etc. Here's another link, from the one above:

    The IMF: Raping The World, One Poor Nation at a Time

    Also, Recently in Economic Populist...

    IMF Rates Up Dictatorships Just Before Revolutions

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago

    Reply to: Head of IMF Arrested for Attempted Rape   13 years 5 months ago
  • We have the highest prison population percentage anywhere in the world, loaded with stupid nonsensical crime and drug offenses.

    White collar? Hardly anyone. It's pretty clear only stupid criminals use guns or physical presence.

    Smart ones incorporate, steal digital bits and paper, go to Wall Street.

    As far as I know the entire derivatives trading is majority just a few big banks, pretty much the same ones who caused the financial crisis and it's just going on pretty much as before.

    We've had hearing after hearing, book after book, outrage after outrage and hardly anything has happened.

    Reply to: Oh That Goldman Sachs!   13 years 5 months ago
