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  • I feel the same way about demo and rep. Once we elect you, you are no longer red or blue. You are America elected lobbyist. You should not be for sale to any group for personal or finanical gain. You are our spokesman and we are GDI(gauld darn independent) If you are true lobbyist for the people then you will rat out the crooked politicans to ensure that they are not elected again. We need leaders not politicans. We are not socalist, we are capatalist. Those that dont contribute need to be culled from the system. I am in fear that American will unite and demand that the gov. do what they are sent for, or a revolution of some type is imminent. Why is it that oridnary people have some common scense answers to a lot of the problems that are facing us, and the brains that we elect seem to not have anwsers. What part of illegal do they not understand. I compare it to 6 people in a life boat that will only hold 5. Someone has to go, and we have to take care of our own citizens.

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   13 years 8 months ago
  • I couldn't agree more with the head spin. BLS indicates mass layoffs were up, Conference Board shows fewer job openings in February and ADP shows huge job gains. There's no consistency except that the market always goes higher regardless of report.

    Reply to: Layoffs at 11 Month High   13 years 8 months ago
  • I think it's obvious that we do indeed have a "Washington" filled with corruption and corrupt politicians. Ever wondered where the untold hundreds of $Millions handed-out by Lobbyists go? Ever wondered what the actual effect of influence by the power brokers has on legislation and policy? Ever wondered why legislation and policy benefit a select few at the expense of the whole?

    One only needs to take a close hard look at our decline over the past half century to answer those questions. As I've said several times before, what happened didn't happen by chance or accident, but was engineered and planned by those we entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation.

    Even our military power and strength has been neutralized to an extent by diplomacy and anti-America policies. A pro-America representative government would not have allowed us to fall this far.

    Through fraud, waste, corruption, and greed, we've become a much dependent nation, deeply in debt, at war, and without the resources to correct the many wrongs in a timely and beneficial manner. The more taxes we pay, the more revenue the government waste and gives away. There will never be enough tax revenue to satisfy the habits of our spend and borrow government.

    Reply to: Imagine That, Writing a Budget to Reduce Government Waste   13 years 8 months ago
  • "Capitalist production can by no means content itself with the quantity of disposable labour-power which the natural increase of population yields. It requires for its free play an industrial reserve army independent of these natural limits."


    "It is the absolute interest of every capitalist to press a given quantity of labour out of a smaller, rather than a greater number of labourers, if the cost is about the same. In the latter case, the outlay of constant capital increases in proportion to the mass of labour set in motion; in the former that increase is much smaller."

    Reply to: Corporate Profits Soaring Thanks to Record Unemployment   13 years 8 months ago
  • The more they buy elections and are corrupted, the more inept and incompetent elected officials are to manage. The government is the biggest corporation out there and it appears most elected officials couldn't operate a corner candy store to profit and efficiency. Although the DoD does know how to manage for the most part, I think in that case, it's more corruption from politicians in part.

    Reply to: Imagine That, Writing a Budget to Reduce Government Waste   13 years 8 months ago
  • Nice blog, to write without going into a moderation queue one needs to register. Working on improving that.

    Reply to: Oil Prices Spiking on Middle East Protests and Overthrows   13 years 8 months ago
  • Its long been common knowledge that our government is in the habit of wasteful spending and unfair unjust taxation. I doubt that you can find anyone that can dispute the findings with facts which would support their claim. Its also common knowledge that "kick-backs" from "beneficiaries" of government no-bid contracts, and other forms of waste, such as subsidies, infest both the executive and legislative branches of government. The well publicized fraud, corruption, and waste, connected to the two senseless deadly costly wars, are prime examples.

    Examples of Government Waste :

    (1) Such projects as "The Fence"
    (2) Looking for water on the surface of Mars
    (3) Exploring the far reaches of outer space
    (4) Subsidies paid to Brazil for corn crops
    (5) Centuries of monetary aid to African nations
    (6) Care and support of illegal immigrants ( government assistance programs )
    (7) Subsidies paid to big oil companies and rich farmers
    (8) Government no-bid contracts ( military )
    (9) Ridiculous pension benefits paid to federal employees ( Senators, Congress-persons, The President )
    (10) Federally funded studies such as "The sex habits and communal structure of ants"

    Examples of Unfair and Unjust Taxation :

    (1) Yearly renewal of vehicle licence plates
    (2) Excessive tax penalty on tobacco and tobacco products
    (3) Toll tax to drive on roads that your highway taxes paid for
    (4) Inheritance Tax
    (5) Excessive tax on gasoline at the pump
    (6) Excessive property taxes
    (7) Luxury Tax

    Our government is a very poor steward of tax dollars and resources under their control. Corruption, fraud, and waste, are all proper and merited descriptives of our government, and their habits and practices.

    Reply to: Imagine That, Writing a Budget to Reduce Government Waste   13 years 8 months ago
  • Once again I'll remark that this is all so confusing to me.

    Over the past few weeks NSA (nonseasonally adjusted) initial claims have dropped a lot.

    These contradictory reports make my head spin.

    Feb 26 Feb 19 Change Feb 12
    368,000 388,000 -20,000 413,000 (SA)
    351,076 381,105 -30,029 424,400 (NSA)

    Reply to: Layoffs at 11 Month High   13 years 8 months ago
  • It really seems funny to me that they want to blame the whole financial downturn and all its consequences on some outside forces instead of revealing to the public the persons responsible for the ineffective regulatory policies.

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • Bush giving tax cuts in the onset of the now nine year war helped prove Osama right. Maybe those same tax cuts for the "job creators" will start to bare fruit soon (not), Obama seems to think so. Bin laden was also right in saying our gov't is owned by the wealthy and our installed dictatorships in the middle east would fail. WE have lost the war and nobody is saying that.

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • thanks for the link to the prize Robert. It is interesting to note that if you measure the oil price in another currency, it has not risen as much. For example the Oil price in Yen is still trading at $65 equivalent.

    Intrinsic Value: Comparison of current oil price adjusted for exchange rates

    Reply to: Oil Prices Spiking on Middle East Protests and Overthrows   13 years 8 months ago
  • The point could be made, in addition to the banksters driving the economy over a cliff, Osama Bin Laden warned we would be bankrupted in a protracted war..... This is very interesting from 10-2004. He also gives himself some credit for bankrupting the Russians. HMMM...It wasn't Ronald Reagan?

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • A copy of the original report can be found here

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • I'm having a hard time sifting through all of them to write about it. Just unbelievable, we've gone from frying pan to hot fire to absurd hell.

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • Robert, I love your posts. This is the biggest crock of $@#& I have heard in a while.

    Reply to: Terrorists Did It, Really!   13 years 8 months ago
  • First off, thanks Robert for the great piece! Wish there was more reporting of this kind of stuff in the "main stream" media.

    Credit agencies bug the crap out of me. After graduating from college, I had racked up a substantial amount of debt and was looking for a way to dig myself out of the hole. I found this site, Credit Repair, which offered a few helpful hints for free and many other sites selling their credit repair services, which if you do 5 minutes of reading, realize are totally a waste of money! Anyway, back to my story. I ordered my credit report from the federally mandated Annual Credit Report website only to find LOTS of inaccurate information in my report, some of which had been affecting my credit score for years! Now I admit, I was at fault for racking up the debt on eating on campus between classes and god knows whatever else I thought I needed, but I didn't realize that these inaccuracies were keeping me from getting a good rate for my used car loan I took out during my senior year (other car got stolen and when found was totaled... hurrah). So I contacted the bureaus at fault and had them fixed and my score jumped up pretty dramatically. Long story short, I don't trust any of the credit agencies after that and I make sure to check my reports periodically. Glad to know these crooks had their hand in causing the economic meltdown that prevents my educated mind from obtaining gainful employment for 17 months!

    Reply to: Credit Ratings Agencies Corrupt   13 years 8 months ago
  • Trade Reform pointed to some Huffington Post article claiming U.S. manufacturing is "red hot". This report is red hot, but the manufacturing sector, as a whole has shrunk and has a long, long way to go before earning the label "red hot". So, take this report in perspective of the declines in U.S. manufacturing, particularly in the last decade.

    Reply to: Manufacturing ISM for February 2011 - 61.4%   13 years 8 months ago
  • It is possible that it'll spread to the U.S.A. one day. We can only hope and pray that it does. I see a citizens' revolt in the U.S.A. an almost certainty, and in my opinion, it won't be that much longer until it happens. We're going down a dead-end path filled with economic ruin and government negligence.

    But, we have no business concerning ourselves with happenings in the Middle East and Northern Africa, especially at this stage of the game. Our primary concerns should be focused here at home where folks are in much economic stress and misery. To me, putting undue emphasis on matters that do not directly address issues here at home, is very counter-productive, and only serve to distract from and prolong the dire situations and circumstances pushing us further down into the abyss of economic ruin.

    We can't control the price of oil, civil unrest abroad, over-throw of governments, nor can we take the entire world under our protective wings. We've tried to play the role of "big brother" in the past, and most of us can see the cost in lives and economic damage as a direct result. To me, the Middle East and North Africa falls into the catagory of "nice to know information" at best. We can't do a damn thing about it, have no control over it, can't change the out-come, and certainly do not have the resources to assist either side of the conflict.

    If one will look at the centuries of history in that region of the world, it's easy to see that unrest is par for the course, especially in the Middle East. The current events should come as no surprise to anyone, especially to those in our own government.

    Again, how will it directly affect us here in the U.S.A. ? ( aside from the price of gasoline )

    Reply to: Gaddafi Regime Collapses - People Hold Line Despite Brutal Attacks   13 years 8 months ago

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Monster Cheese Ball Edition   13 years 8 months ago
  • Reply to: Gaddafi Regime Collapses - People Hold Line Despite Brutal Attacks   13 years 8 months ago
