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  • This is more CEO worship that because he is one of the richest people in the world, somehow that gives him knowledge and wisdom above the rest.

    He built Microsoft with shady dealings, stole code and was in the right place at the right time. That does not make him a good social engineer or even good at basic economics.

    It makes him have a big fat feather in his cap for building the most dominant software company in the 1990's, EOM, that's it.

    Also, raising the minimum wage does not cause substitutions. The minimum wage has been one of those great economics "war" topics, but the statistics show it doesn't cause less employment or substitutions in effect to date. Go with the historical data on it. There are pluses and minuses that seem to cancel each other out to go to the overall economic positive.

    Reply to: Corporations Hoard Cash While Americans Go Without A Job   10 years 9 months ago
  • A little later on in the program the MSNBC hosts had Bill Gates on as a guest, to discuss his 2014 annual letter. They asked Gates about the new wealth report, showing the world's top one percent had 50% of the world's wealth. But rather than waiting for a definitive answer, they asked him about raising the minimum wage, and Gates was lukewarm on the subject, saying raising the minimum wage would cause wage substitutions, and that the issue was "complicated", and that a lot more thinking was needed on the idea.

    Bill Gates also said the poor were not becoming poorer, then he immediately used China as an example. He wants more foreign aid to help the poor overseas. (Bill Gates had been a co-founder of MSNBC, but pulled out in 2012 because he thought MSNBC was becoming too "left wing". )

    None of the MSNBC hosts had asked Bill Gates about the low tax rates on the top one percent or about offshoring jobs—they just mostly showered the multi-billionaire with platitudes for all the good work his foundation does to fight poverty (in other countries).

    Reply to: Corporations Hoard Cash While Americans Go Without A Job   10 years 9 months ago
  • ...just redistribute the wealth. Now "Socialism" doesn't sound so bad after all --- Bernie Sanders in 2016!

    Reply to: The World's Top 1% has 50% of the Wealth   10 years 9 months ago
  • Credit Suisse says to expect the world's first 11 trillionaires within the next two generations.

    Trickle down?

    The richest 85 people in the world have as much wealth as the poorest 50% of the world's population. That should be a wake-up call to the deepest sleepers. If one subscribes to view that "trickle down" would work infinitely, then when evidence proves that it doesn't, it should be a cause for alarm.

    Reply to: The World's Top 1% has 50% of the Wealth   10 years 9 months ago
  • A way to swing the game in the favor of the working American is to stop the export of raw materials to foreign nations. The natural resources belong to the people of this country. If a foreign country wants steel, let them buy "junk cars" for example. When this country is out of natural resources, we will be out of business.
    If China wants American Steel to build cars, no problem build the cars here. Our natural resources should be used to employ people here in the U.S. .

    Reply to: Corporations Hoard Cash While Americans Go Without A Job   10 years 9 months ago
  • This morning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe", host Joe Scarboroug blasted the tax code and how the ultra-rich paid so little in taxes—calling it "obscene". And he also railed against their offshore banks accounts to dodge taxes, saying, "If they want to keep their money offshore, then they should move offshore too. We don't want you here."

    Reply to: Corporations Hoard Cash While Americans Go Without A Job   10 years 9 months ago
  • Accenture is one of the top federal contractors, offshore outsourcing, importing foreign guest workers and the costs of these contracts are absurd. Are we not all fairly certain that a team of 12 could have been put together with $23 million start-up funds and a much better product in one third of the time would have materialized?

    We wrote about Accenture since almost all of the press just completely ignored the fact they are BPO, offshore outsourcer, with many failed contracts or "works sorta" results after the original debacle.

    I'm fairly certain most people technical know what a ripoff and scam these Obamacare websites really are, as well as hacker havens.

    Reply to: Obamacare Outsourced   10 years 9 months ago
  • CGI has plenty of off shore programmers as well. Consumers Energy in MI used them for a major project. When corrections were needed the project manager invariably advised that the off shore programmers would attend to the many issues. I suspect there wouldn't have been so many issues if local programmers had been used.

    Reply to: Obamacare Outsourced   10 years 9 months ago
  • This is returning to the middle ages, where kingdoms were made up of lords and serfs. The feudal system had the king with nobles. The nobles in turn had their own private armies,loyal to them in addition to lands and holdings, all on the whim of the king.

    So glad they are busy wiping out 500 years of social progress, very disconcerting study.

    Reply to: The World's Top 1% has 50% of the Wealth   10 years 9 months ago
  • Couple pages into it in a couple of pie charts that I bet Jesse James could understand -

    So instead of 158 million sharing 50%, about 283 million share 11%

    The rest is, apparently, overhead. I think we need to cut overhead, move that investment over to some CapEx and OpEx (better tax-avoidance on our OpEx, and no long-term debt)- building job facilities, more public-access training in higher tech talents and philosophy, (no tuition and we save on the overhead needed to charge for it), just offer it to the public, get internet access out so everyone has decent access for $10/mo. Find some ways to create a better future than the loser-ville we are certain to build if we continue like this and don't even try.

    The article you wrote leads me to think we could just get rid of 20% of the people, the richest ones. We would all be richer for it. Forgive all the debt and go on about our way, re-organize for a smarter way forward.

    Ok by me.

    Reply to: The World's Top 1% has 50% of the Wealth   10 years 9 months ago
  • Finally dawned on me why we're seeing Arthur Andersen request for correction/error comments here. It is in the New York Post article.

    Sorry about that, the article was completely rewritten and edited and I missed the mistake. I've contacted NYP about issuing a correction, from Arthur Andersen to Andersen Consulting.

    That said, the additional information about the relationship between the two I've put in the comments is valid.

    Reply to: Obamacare Outsourced   10 years 9 months ago
  • It looks better but the key is to scale images and make them crisp, well displayed. To edit images, I suggest GIMP,, it's open source and rivals Photoshop. Email me for more formatting tips since we're filling up your post on formatting stuff instead of mortgage foreclosure discussion.

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
  • If you read this, Andersen Consulting is not mentioned and we also addressed the timeline.

    Reply to: Obamacare Outsourced   10 years 9 months ago
  • I came here to say that. You're mixing up Arthur Andersen and Andersen Consulting (former name of Accenture).

    Arthur Andersen was involved in Enron but Andersen Consulting wasn't. And as Bill said, Andersen Consulting had changed its name about a year and a half before the scandal.

    You might want to correct your article.

    Reply to: Obamacare Outsourced   10 years 9 months ago
  • i uploaded and changed the map above after several failed attempts; the process wasnt very intuitive...and it really doesnt look or function any differently than what i had...

    let me know if that's what you wanted...

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
  • The world's 85 richest people now have the combined wealth of 3.5 billion of the world's poorest people.

    The wealth of the richest 1% in the world is $110 trillion and is 65 times the total wealth of the bottom 50% of the world's population. (1,426 individuals have a combined net worth of $5.4 trillion.)

    As U.S. tech jobs were going to India over the last 10 years, the number of billionaires in that country increased from less than 6 to 61--- and this elite minority had its wealth skyrocket from 1.8 percent in 2003 to 26 percent in 2008.

    Reply to: Cash Hoarding becomes an Addiction   10 years 9 months ago
  • i've got a lot of my own work as well, but i'll try reformatting some of the graphics in this post as per your instructions as my time permits...

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
  • click on rich text editor but there is resizing of images and uploads, all sorts of tools, see user guide as well. We're not wordpress, we're not email, we're even not a blog. We're a news source. Nuf said.

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
  • what did i do wrong? how should it be corrected?

    all the images are taken from this pdf:

    i save the graphics from that or any other pdf to my PC using the Paint utility, format if necessary using either paint or windows photo gallery, then download them to my personal wordpress space, so i have images that i can use whereever i post...remember, all my blog posts start as emails to my mailing list, so all my original formatting has to be suitable for email use...

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
  • You REALLY need to learn how to format rjs. That said, I just took at look at realizes foreclosures and delinquencies still are elevated. Who is not vulnerable to spin as if it's all over and homeowners, middle class have recovered.

    Reply to: Mortgage Delinquencies Rose 2.6% in November as Foreclosure Starts Fell to a Post Crisis Low   10 years 9 months ago
