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  • I had/have major technical difficulties so I couldn't get to retail sales. If you would cover your findings in an Instapopulist that would be awesome.

    I had to replace parts of the motherboard on a laptop and of course the part took 8 days instead of 2 to arrive, plus some sort of OTA update on my Android phone destroyed it and I had to reinstall the OS/firmware. Anyone interested I put Cyanogenmod 10-1.3 on it instead of Stock ROM.

    Anywho, was down to a quad system. and had to skip numerous reports. Will be doing something on capacity soon, not a regular Industrial production, focus is on U.S. capacity.

    The holiday is more techno geek out fun but I hope to get to some updates on this site.

    I do think you're probably right on Q4, so the above conclusion is probably wrong, that the inventory build up now will lead to lower Q4 GDP, I think you're right, but would like to see the details.

    There are probably price deflators somewhere for retail sales from the BEA. Price deflators, import/expert price adjustments are the hardest thing to verify I've found, but we shouldn't ignore them, that's of course when funky things go on (as if adding $300 billion in "IP" for economic growth is not?)

    Reply to: Holy Cow! Q3 GDP Revised Up to 4.1%   10 years 10 months ago
  • i have real retail sales growth at .95% in October, .91% in November, adjusting sales for each business group with the appropriate CPI component...that suggests inventories are moving and maybe a double digit annual growth rate in personal consumption expenditures for goods (which accounts for ~23% of GDP) in the fourth quarter...if we see any decent growth in services spending in the 4th quarter, PCE could drive GDP to a big upside surprise...

    Reply to: Holy Cow! Q3 GDP Revised Up to 4.1%   10 years 10 months ago
  • F them, f them all. Sick of their lies. At all levels, the lie = work hard + be good to other people + get an education = you can have a semi-comfortable life. And if you donate to us, we'll help see others get the same opportunity. Property taxes go higher and higher and the folks for K-12 get richer and richer and we get less and less. College, same thing. Grad school - hundreds of blogs on that topic in every field. US News "rankings"? Education officials? Lobbyists? Private and public schools? All the same. No more! It's all lies, and since the lies are becoming increasingly transparent and their attempts to steal and enrich themselves at our expense even more transparent, I say, with the skills I learned in Kindergarten, "F them all!" Give a man or woman an education Thomas Jefferson envisioned. Let them learn to question the whole freaking system. Let them read, and read, and read some more. The Matrix is doomed, and all the scammers and self-enriching pigs at the trough can go read some Animal Farm for all I care.

    Reply to: Holy Cow! Q3 GDP Revised Up to 4.1%   10 years 10 months ago
  • Actual demand is still mediocre, should have mentioned that.

    No lie higher education has turned into some product and you, dear Alumni, are perceived only as a potential contributor to the great granfalloon.

    Reply to: Holy Cow! Q3 GDP Revised Up to 4.1%   10 years 10 months ago
  • I was in a place where I was forced to listen to CNBC against my will (or at least had to be subjected to it to conduct business). The teleprompter readers paid $500,00 + because they don't have a brain/ask questions were slobbering over themselves over this crap and Dow record highs. Again, for those of us in the real world (i.e., non-banksters, non-DC politicians/lifetime jobs, etc.), how's it feeling? Does it feel like the Dow is reflecting good times are here again? GNP? GDP kicking ass on the homefront? Or are we using our college degrees to wipe our asses during rare breaks on the factory floor? Applying for job number 3,999 while some dick calls us for an alumni donation and extols the virtues of college networking? Praying to God we don't break our leg on the scaffolding the bossman saved $ on because BS GDP stats don't pay the bills at the ER and self-insured folks get some sh***y help when push comes to shove.

    But hey, GDP kicking ass! Freaking awesome! Me like lies! Me like blue and red puppets being controlled by the same ass-raping hands destroying this country. GDP is awesome? Yeah, my bank account and the tales of woe from across the US say otherwise. Didn't the propagandists in DC recently say they were going to revise how GDP and/or GNP were computed? Like, "If a unicorn farts in the wind but no one is around to hear it, chalk $1 up to both GDP and GNP because unicorn methane is energy production for imaginary gnomes' cars." Yup, Alice in Wonderland time, and these bastards in charge are the perpetual joke, but they don't know it and don't care. Like we left one dynastic Empire so that we could have Bush I, II, and III, Clinton I, II, and III, etc. So spying is good unless you have something to hide. Laundering $ is good for the GNP, but only if you are a TPTF and above the law per Eric Holder. Farce, farce, farce.

    Reply to: Holy Cow! Q3 GDP Revised Up to 4.1%   10 years 10 months ago
  • God knows what Congress is thinking now beyond Republicans wanting to end EUC entirely.

    Senate majority leader Harry Reid said a vote to extend EUC benefits, but for just three months to be held on January 7th. That means at least 11 days of no benefits would happen and when one is getting $300 a week, that's still bad news.

    Supposedly they want to "revamp" EUC, but you can bet dollars to donuts Congress will not give tax incentives to hire, train and retain workers with added incentives for anyone not on a W-2 for over 28 months. Practical solutions, real help? Assuredly not in the Congressional vocabulary.

    If there is real definitive action with a "guaranteed to pass Congress, sign into law", we'll update this article with the latest.

    Glad to see so many comments telling your story. We need that in America. The Media spins America like people have money and are just fine and dandy, when we know this is simply not the case.

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • 1.5 years is a problem because only January has the annual population adjustment controls in it. When one takes calculations on an year or annual basis, this automatically smooths out that adjustment across a year, but if you take 1.5 years as the interval, it does not.

    I think the above shows some recently is from retirement, but by calculating on 5 year increments, we can see this better.

    To me, people do not retire at age 55, they do get discriminated against for jobs....a lot. So, watch their age bracket.

    If the BLS asked the question, watch the sample rate and margin of error.

    Reply to: Record Low Labor Participation Rate Not Due to Retirement or School   10 years 10 months ago
  • Thank you for such a well written, to- the- point, hard cold truth article on what us on EUC benefits are challenged with everyday! I can tell you from experience...this is blatant DISCRIMINATION.

    I have emailed out so many resume's that I feel like I'm going to lose it. Now, I finally see the light...I am a victim of discrimination!
    Then I figured out what these "POTENTIAL" employers have been doing...they google the applicant and check out their age by the demographics given on the resume. Address and Name is sufficient enough to search for a potential employee. I have experience rather than education, but, am attending school now thanks to MIWorks program for EUC beneficiaries. Will that too end?

    In 2007 I was 47 years old, I got a job with a contract house in the toughest economy ever - albeit for very low pay, but it lasted 4 years - I got laid off February 2012. It's been tough as nails to get a job ever since.

    Currently, I'm with 5 contract houses and have been on 2 interviews. I'm not a stupid female. I know how this works and let me tell you, I am a victim of age discrimination. How the hell can you prove that with absolutely everything being online.

    I don't have rent or a mortgage payment, as I can't afford either. I live by the generosity of my boyfriend who keeps us with a roof over our head and a car for me to drive.
    Just recently, I have been granted an EBT card for food and medicaid. Now, I guess I will have to apply for cash assistance as well.

    I'm so disgusted with the situation I am in. I have been putting my resume out to all over the state and across the U.S. I have even asked friends who have jobs to put in a good word for me - but to no avail. All I get are regrets and my resume will remain on file for a year.

    I hate to place blame with any political party, but, as I see it, I don't see any new companies coming into the state of Michigan. I see more and more younger people getting jobs and those of other minorities.

    Worse demographic is a single unemployed white female over the age of 50, mother of one.

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • thanks one more let down by are goverment. I was layed off no fault of my own. I have filled out over 200 apps I want work and cant find any. Now I cant pay my rent no christmass and no gas to put in my truck to go look for a job.WTF really??? Hope I can eat next week, does the congress know they are killing us. HELP Im about to be homeless and hungry I just want to crie. I did nothing wrong why most they kick us while we are down

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • I don't know if this is just cherry-picking on their part, or if they are trying to spin the conversation away from the $85 billion a month being used to support the wealthy at the expense of investing in the worker, but they released a report in November "On the Causes of Declines in the Labor Force Participation Rate", in which they try to pin the low participation rate on retirement and people going on disability. One line stood out "In particular, the decline in the participation rate in the last one-and-a-half years (when the unemployment rate declined faster than expected) is entirely due to retirement".

    Why pick out a particular 1.5 year period? We have been seeing the decrease since roughly 2000, coinciding with a tremendous number of jobs being disappeared or replaced with MCWalmart jobs, which would indicate that other factors, such as the selling of our jobs overseas and the massive rise in the financialization of people's lives for the profit of the wealthy are responsible for much more of the decline in the "participation rate" than retirement, forced or otherwise.

    It's being discussed in a lot of places, but those who want to take the side of the banksters and other criminals sure seem to place a lot more stock in it than others.

    Reply to: Record Low Labor Participation Rate Not Due to Retirement or School   10 years 10 months ago
  • I wish that Congress would pass it before they leave office for their Christmas vacation. The rest of us on benefits that expire soon will NOT have a Christmas...please help us out. I have worked for 40 years and now I am jobless and depend on benefits or I will be homeless for the new year.

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Well we need to spread the word that on January 2nd since the 1st is a holiday, everyone who has lost EUC benefits or just ran out of state benefits needs to apply online to their state benefits site for food stamps or apply for change of household income to allow for more food stamps because everyone who now has zero income will qualify for maximum food stamp benefits based on family size. In Florida it is called SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Someone needs to ask the question, after December 28, what is it supplementing? Tax-free income from begging on the street corner?

    I wonder how much the cost to the government will be for 1.3+ million people on maximum available food stamps, many who previously never needed or was eligible for them and did the government factor that into their budget?

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • This article truly reflects all aspects of the unemployment situation. I am near 60 and about to lose my benefits. No matter how hard I look for work, I can not find even temporary work. No one wants to hire older people or people in their 20's. The GOP simply want a Great Depression, where businesses can enslave us for meager wages. I would say shame on Congress but any conscious human being would not have cut the extension, realizing the devastating effect it will have on millions of people they govern. They are incapable of shame.

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Remember the movie Patton? The way to win the war is to make the other poor dumb bastard die for HIS country. So in your equation, if people need to die, it shoud be the politicians that are cutting the benefits and bringing misery to not only the recipients but everyone else.

    That would have the immediate effect of job openings to be filled with people who understand that this is a problem with lack of demand, which this current Congressional action makes worse, people who would most certainly do something better.

    Seems like a two-birds with one stone kinda thing...

    Happy Holidays!!

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Congress's decision to deny the request for euc for longterm unemployed Americans and go on holiday recess is upsurb. Personally, I believe that its another rock to throw at the president as another casualty that has happened on his watch. But its apparent and obvious  as to who's behind this heartless choice of action on American families. This choice of action by congress will put millions of kids well being at risk, increase poverty and hardships within American families, increase homeless issues rapidly at a national level, potentially increase crime rates  throughout the country, etc... Is risking all that really worth the statement? Why are the American people paying the cost? Its a good chance that both unemployed and employed Americans will feel the wrath of this decision. (I wont go into detail with that one but just think about it for a minute!) Americans should use this dishonor by congress to long term unemployed as an eye-opener and awareness for future elections. I wanted to talk about the state this euc denial is putting me and my family in, but 1.3 mil  Americans and counting losing thier only source of income until they find a job in today's job market is scary enough.  

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Well written and exactly the point, lost job in August, state
    benefits run out end of Feb, I am in my 60"s . No one hiring
    people my age, support myself, first time I have used unemployment, I need it desparately just as those last year and before, Hope congress has a Merry Christmas, and think of
    us who are not, they should be taken out of there cushy
    jobs next election . I have workd for 45 years, and deserve this for the only time I have ever been on unemployment,California unemployment is stll sky high,

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Lets spend more money on foreign aid.. The hell with American citizens..

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Mass suicide? HELL NO! That's exactly what they WANT us to do. I say stay alive and vote the M-Fs out of the office they have proven they are too incompetent to hold.

    Same thing with taking your Social Security early at age 62 - for many of us, with no jobs, there will be no choice but to take it sooner rather than later. Yes you lose some money, but mostly the government tells you to wait to take it because they are hoping you will die before they have to pay you.

    So screw them - outlive the bastards.

    I just spent all day trying to sign up for the Affordable Health Care Act and found out that because I am on unemployment and possibly will segue into early Social Security, I will qualify for a full subsidy of $610 a month toward the plan of my choice which is $563. I may even get some money back as a tax refund at the end of the year. I am also considering a job offer that pays $36,000 a year but has no health benefits. So guess what? After losing my subsidy (because now I will make too much), and figuring out my gross vs. net salary, I actually come out over $4,000 ahead if I DON'T take the job. Those benefits are a huge expense, and a company plan is always better than a private plan. This is what working has been reduced to in this country. 40 years of experience and I have to take a piece of shit job with no benefits. A disgrace.

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • NO, NO, NO! Disagree! Cruel people are the ones who should punish themselves for their heartless actions, not the ones who suffer from the wrong doings of others. I say: Stand tall, strong, and fight to get all the crooks out of power. Even if you are 105, you will always have something important you can contribute with the right cause. Nobody needs to die because of cruel acts, but those who abuse of the power they have must have it taken away from them. The jobless may not have a job or may have lost or about to lose "everything:, but this is not the end. It could be just the beginning. Chin up, and fight to get things straight. In God We Trust...God's power is still bigger than those in Congress...

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
  • Ending my EUC benefits will mean a “lean” Christmas i.e. no presents for my family.

    I have benefited from this federally funded extension, in that I still have my home…

    I worked full time (plus frequent simultaneous side jobs) for 42 years. In November 2011 I was laid off; my job and the jobs of 130 co-workers went to India via IBM, an IT contractor hired by my company.

    Between 4/30/2012 and 12/10/2013 I have applied for 242 positions, all of them resulted in “Not Hired”. My local unemployment rate (Deschutes County, Oregon) is 8.9%. We're still planted firmly in this great "recession".

    Reply to: Congressional Scrooges Deny Unemployment Benefit Extension   10 years 10 months ago
