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  • A single unmarried full-time worker without children earning the minimum wage ($7.50 an hour) and working 40 hours a week pulls in a salary of $1,290 a month ($15,600 per year) before taxes --- they gross TOO MUCH for food stamps.

    Reply to: Food Stamps: Profits from Poor at Risk   11 years 2 months ago
  • This is just unbelievable they are playing games with people going hungry in the United States. They should separate out food stamps from the farm bill and pass this, 100% funded, pronto.

    Starving America? There is already hungry people in the United States but food stamps is about the only thing millions are then able to eat with!

    Reply to: Food Stamps: Profits from Poor at Risk   11 years 2 months ago
  • It is ridiculous they are picking on the vulnerable because the vulnerable have no voice. If one is sick, severely disabled it's tough to go on a talk show and call out this outrage.

    Glad you spoke up! Even more glad the accessibility I've tried to install on this site actually worked! Yes! Seriously.

    Also, that is ridiculous they would discriminate against you over driving a stupid car. I was working at one place where they spend thousands of dollars with lawyers all to not build an elevator in the building, wheelchair access. What does that tell us about what an asshat the CEO was and how he clearly wasn't considering anyone disabled to work there.

    Reply to: The Last Word on Social Security Disability   11 years 3 months ago
  • As a blind adult I receive SSDI and also enrolled in Social Security Ticket to work program, that would allow opportunity for me to return to work rather than trying to survive on less than $900 monthly. Sadly the GOP has no problem calling a disabled person "Lazy" or "Welfare bum" but how would they feel if someone took every opportunity away from them where they are government bums taking a free ride off tax payer dollars.

    All we want is the opportunity to engage in employment to support ourselves and yet we are continually ignored, called bad names or told we are useless.

    I went to school earned an MBA and yet because I cannot drive a vehicle due to my disability and am considered useless. I find this offensive to say the least.

    We need to clean out the GOP and all members of Congress and find new and fresh minds that will aid employers to create jobs, strengthen medical care in the USA and put a halt on abusive drug pricing for those who must purchase life sustaining drugs like insulin.

    What happen to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness", instead it is all about GOP congress trying to take control of our democracy and control life in America as if we were a third world country.

    Reply to: The Last Word on Social Security Disability   11 years 3 months ago
  • CNBC=Constant Nose to Butt Caressing of everything Wall Street. Always has, always will.

    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • Some of the figures are a little spurious, such as labor force. If someone is disabled they are not part of the labor force most likely because they cannot work.

    Reply to: The Last Word on Social Security Disability   11 years 2 months ago
  • Although I think we've been victims of housing hype too. Interest rates are putting a damper but already housing is out of reach for the middle class and last I saw "institutional investors" were still a third of purchases on existing home sales.

    Reply to: June New Housing Starts Apparently Down Nearly 10%, Permits Off 7.5%   11 years 3 months ago
  • I think it's great when people want to work hard and as long as they want, but so many people now have to work long past the time they thought they could retire (that's if they can get hired). It's insane when some fat slob politician says people are too lazy to work or they should just suck it up and work until whenever. I've seen plenty of jobs filled by people at every age, but many, many jobs are tough on the body and just become impossible after years and years. People of all ages can do them (the mind and body can tolerate huge amounts when necessary), but one accident, one fall from a height, one bout of arthritis and some jobs are actually impossible to do. What are people supposed to do then? Too old or injured to work anymore and no sympathy from politicians after years of hard work. When a pudgy politician or teleprompter reader is forced to hobble around on a jobsite with screwed up knees or after breathing in coal dust for decades or is working on a rig 50 miles off the coast with screws in his back, they might care just a wee bit more, until then, they are clueless.

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
    And for those that think it's "just aluminum" and "aluminum only matters to beverage drinkers," good luck with that thinking. Alcoa might disagree with that gross underestimation of aluminum's importance in the modern world. That's like saying petroleum only matters to people that drive cars. Yeah, because that's the only thing petroleum is used for/sarc.

    Also, thought Teddy R. and Clayton and Sherman Antitrust Acts would end this crap, guess not. DOJ and FTC and everyone else apparently bought-and-paid for sitting on sidelines doing jacksh*t when this is out there and obvious. Criminal and Civil Divisions and 93 US Attorneys Offices getting paid for nothing yet again. Oil, copper, gold, silver, aluminum, real estate, etc. all being played with by people making money through corruption and crime - CAPITALISM? Yeah, whatever. It's a criminal syndicate running our country and big business and it's global.

    If you aren't in "elected corrupt office" or in a boardroom, you are like the rest of us, small farmers and small rig owners and hourly workers of old trying to get by while the Vanderbilts and Rockefellers and Carnegies try to crush us or make billions more by denying us a single penny.

    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • That's quite a gotcha story if they found the secret stash. In 2008 they found a bunch of oil tankers just parked out at sea when prices were soaring.

    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • Because they were wiped out of their retirement and Americans plain work hard. People live so much longer seems ridiculous if one is in good health to not work past 65 as well.

    America has an age problem alright, an age discrimination problem.

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
  • On today's front page of some paper they were talking about banksters and shuffling aluminum between warehouses to reap profits (not for anything productive, just the BS $ shuffling games these assclowns play). GS and others were called out by ZH a long time ago for these games involving oil, silver, aluminum, etc. Coke called out the banksters for these price fixing games because they were so reliant on aluminum for basically all their business and in the end we pay for higher airplane manufacturing costs, higher Coke costs, etc. I mentioned this too here a long time ago.
    I even believe some of the warehouses were in Detroit. Guess that didn't really help the people of Detroit though, kind of like sitting right next to Canada and NAFTA didn't really help Detroit out either, which pro-globalists never really address ever.

    Nope, the media ignored it all. ZH didn't. The media ignored oil being held in tankers to limit supply until someone acted too out of control and had to be prosecuted. They ignore embezzlement and aiding it (Dimon, Corzine, etc.), price fixing in commodities, QE's real effects, real inflation and real unemployment rates (shadowstats and others speak truth), derivatives in the trillions that mean nothing of value but will destroy us yet again. And on, and on, and on.

    It's great and sad. Great because ZH, this site, and many others reveal the truth and through the comments and posts, show the writers and audience know what's going on long, long, long before the powers that be and corrupt fools in boardrooms, politics, and media can understand or acknowledge anything. It's tragic because it shows we know long, long, long before things fully explode what's coming - but we're locked out and can't do anything. We're just in the bowels of the Titanic.

    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • "U.S. seniors are more likely to be in the workforce than their peers in almost every other developed country. Nearly 30 percent of Americans ages 65 through 69 were employed in 2012. That’s about three times the European average, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development."

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
  • Here are the SSI statistics and they are two separate programs.

    May 2012 disabled SSI = 7,154,651.
    2000 disabled SSI = 5,312,347

    have to calculate total population and ratios to see if any real increase beyond attributable to normal population growth.

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
  • My guess is the 14 million includes both people receiving the SSDI and SSI, which is also a disability program.

    Unfortunately due to Iraq and Afghanistan wars the number of former military people receiving disability would have greatly increased, I am sure. Maybe that number was included, if the 14 million was the number of Americans receiving government disability benefits.

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
  • "Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws." ~ Rothschild

    Whether or not he said that, it must be true --- just ask Eric Holder. He'll tell you that the bankers are too big to jail. They all tell us the same thing: "It will hurt the economy". But whose economy are they referring to?

    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • amen dude. the only i think u forgot was the unions, yes the unions caused the bankruptcy of detroit, the evil unions who fought and died for a living wage at the turn of the 20th century, the same unions who lifted the floor for the benefits of all workers union and non-union alike.

    well at least there's wal-mart with their billionaire heirs to dole out minimum wage and gov't benefits to those in need of meaningful work

    GOD bless America

    Reply to: There Goes Detroit!   11 years 3 months ago
  • Bloomberg Law did an in depth piece on how the Banking lobby is stopping New Glass-Steagall.



    Reply to: CNBC Strikes Out with Elizabeth Warren   11 years 3 months ago
  • No jobs, no manufacturing. Tax base shrinks. Despite shrinking tax base, corruption continues unabated. Despite shrinking tax base, public services are more needed than ever as crime rises, arson, robberies, etc. rise. No one wants to pay more taxes to make up for tax base shrinking so people that can move and find work anywhere else do. People left behind can't move, public services cut, no sane business wants to move into an area like that. Foreigners think they can buy cheap real estate in cities that are collapsing, and are shocked to find that Americans are leaving these places for a reason and real estate is cheap for a reason. Corrupt foreigners with $ to launder and legitimate foreign interests explore more areas to buy up real estate and businesses. US and state and county govt. bemoan lazy Americans, how "dumb" we all are, yet continue to lick corporate boots and go along with outsourcing everything = destroying more US jobs. Fewer US jobs, smaller tax base, more people need tax-funded public services = the cycle spirals out of control and quicker and quicker.

    Corporations and puppet govt. here want US citizens to be temps only and expendable within 24 hours. Minimum wage only. $ spent on education a waste. So Americans stop wasting $ on STEM and every other major (e.g., history, psych., etc.) because it doesn't matter anyway, we're all cogs. Americans no longer buy BS of working hard, having a family, believing in communities because corporations and politicians don't want us setting up in communities, we're all temp workers that can't afford mortgages, let alone commit to a 12-month lease (temps can't do that). People lose faith in communities and govt., turn completely to themselves and close family, give middle finger to anyone else, including govt. and big business. US self-destructs, along with other corporate countries in which corrupt politicians lick the boots of paymasters. World burns, people roast marshmallows as it does and just don't care anymore.

    But hey, the US govt. and corporations have a clue, really, they do. Why I'm sure Communist officials from China, JP Morgan/Jamie Dimon and Goldman/Blankfein and Corzine, DC bootlickers from both parties, and the Clintons and Bushes etc. are working on a plan right now to save Detroit and the rest of the US. You know who won't be there? The average American because we apparently count for sh*t. The last few decades have proven that time and time again. Anyway, the plan is being hatched right now in the Hamptons and Brussels or Frankfurt or some Wall Street office. I'll be busy drinking Bloomberg-banned beverages so my mind doesn't explode with too much thinking about things we can't change.

    Reply to: There Goes Detroit!   11 years 3 months ago
  • I just checked the SSA database for disabled and no where can I come up with 14 million or even close, so this is a great call out on reality with numbers.

    Population increases and also ages and as a result we should see proportionately the number of people on disability increase. More people, more people who become or are disabled.

    You can rant away on this site as long as the numbers are accurate that one is ranting over!

    I never checked this, there is so much media spin out there with inaccurate figures and I never bothered to look it up, so thanks for writing about this.

    Notice how these people prey on the weak, vulnerable, powerless and the sick? What do predators in the wild do?

    Reply to: Report: Disability Claims and Awards Declined   11 years 3 months ago
