retail sales

Retail Sales - December 2010

Retail Sales increased 0.6% for December 2010 and is up 7.9% this time a year ago. Retail sales increased 6.6% in comparison to all of 2009. Sales have recovered to pre-recession levels. The three month average of December, November, October 2010 has an increase of 7.8% in comparison to a year ago. November retail sales percentage change was 0.8%.


Holiday Retail Sales a Bust

Remember before the holidays the press headlines were not about the long term unemployed, or that 50% of Americans make less than $26,261 a year, or how 14% of Americans are on food stamps, and to qualify for food stamps, you are dirt poor, really broke.

Nope, the major press kept on pounding some consumer mirage that Americans were out shopping in droves. Guess what? December retail sales are a bust.

From Oct. 31-Jan. 1, holiday revenue at stores open at least a year rose 3.8 percent over last year, according to an index compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers. The figure is the biggest increase since 2006, when it rose 4.4 percent.

The index tailed off to a 3.1 percent increase in December after a 5.4 percent rise in November.

According to MarketWatch, here are the losers in retail sales:

Against high expectations for a brighter holiday season, more retailers reported shortfalls than upside surprises in December sales Thursday, raising concerns that profit-eroding discounts may increase in January to clear excess inventory.

Retail Sales - August 2010

Retail sales increased 0.4% for August 2010, but July 2010 was revised down to 0.3%. The increase is all necessities, gas, up 1.9% for the month, groceries, up 1.4% and clothing up 1.2%. Auto sales & dealers were down -1.1% for the month. Electronics down -1.1%.



For the year, retail sales have increased 3.5%. On a quarterly basis, retail sales ae down -0.5% in comparison to the March to May 2010 time period.

The below graph is retail sales excluding autos, with minus autos & parts, retail sales increased 0.6%.

