U.S. Wealth Inequality Visualized

We've written about wealth inequality in the United States many a time.  See here and here.  We were just alerted to a viral video that's actually been out for awhile illustrating wealth inequality in the United States.  He seems to be using 2009 data but from news sources and amplifies our perception versus reality.   We've covered more recent statistics and they say the same thing if not worse.   America has a top 1% class and the rest of us.  There is no vibrant middle class anymore.   The video amplifies how Americans still are hoodwinked into thinking there is some sort of opportunity, middle class, social mobility left in the United States and through visuals the video shows this just is no longer so. 




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"Trickle down" and "job creators"? Guess not

Simple and effective. And as for "best and brighest," how many of those at the top made billions while doing nothing (e.g., inheritance), very little (e.g., sitting in front of computers or bribing politicians), or actually destroyed $ (e.g., losing money on derivatives and bad trades). And "working harder," same thing. A coal miner isn't making Blankfein or Paulson or Hannity money, but something tells me he's definitely working harder. Maybe those guys could prove us wrong, maybe they could handle a couple of minutes in a mine or laying down asphalt before passing out and demanding $10 million - $ 1 billion for their time before their own crews turn on them. Maybe Meg Whitman or Murdoch could actually handle bricklaying, roofing, or teaching kids in a high school that has shootings and stabbings. Let them try.

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It's criminal.

It's criminal.

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