FOX to do "Reality Show" of Real People Losing Real Jobs

Just when you've seen it all:

The Fox network is making a reality show out of the troubled economy. An upcoming series titled, "Someone's Gotta Go," lets employees of a small business decide which one of their colleagues will be laid off.

Fox says it has no air date yet for the series, which is being developed by the company behind "Big Brother" and "Deal or No Deal." Each week, a different company lays off an employee.

Now imagine yourself, on national television, at your job and all of the reasons, petty office politics, bad mouthing, discussing your personal flaws for at least 20 minutes and then deciding of all of the people in the company, you are the worse and need to be fired. Remember this is broadcast to the entire country on why you, personally, are to be rejected at your place of employment and you lose your real job, real income as a result.

Now, who thinks we have a powder keg here? What's next for reality shows, the life of real time crime in action?

At least the Survivor Game mentality of me first, fuck you is being put to where the original intent was..

Anyone remember when FDR declares all citizens have a right to a livelihood? How far we have come!

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What a horrible idea

Why would I possible want to watch this?

Mao Tse Tung Hour

What's next for reality shows, the life of real time crime in action? This idea has already been explored, Robert, by one of the greatest movies of all time.

oh yeah!

We forgot about the ultimate way to fire someone live on air!

For everyone else, if you have not watch the 1976 film Network, or seen it recently, seriously rent it and watch it.

It is so prophetic on what is happening today and at the time the film came out, it seemed way too far fetched to be actual "reality".

If my boss decided to go on this show

I think the ultimate response would be "no, you can't use footage of my face without a year's worth of my salary"- whether I was ultimately in the layoff pool or not.
Moral hazards would not exist in a system designed to eliminate fraud.

Maximum jobs, not maximum profits.