Recent comments

  • according to the CIA and the BBC documentary the power of nightmares .

    Reply to: Reads Around the Internets - Obama Wants to Cut Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 9 months ago
  • You'll see a new link in the main menu, news reader. It is dynamic, and will change depending on who has new posts/articles published.

    Folks, keep the commentary coming for this is great feedback. I know what I like but this thread has greatly informed me of the various ways people want a site to be, which is very cool.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • My show stopper bug was finally discovered. I spun my wheels thinking it had to do with the upgrade, server config or custom code. Drupal core bug that has to do with caching.

    If they don't fix it I'll have to rig up a fix, but the good news is the rest of the site requests, issues hopefully are my screw up (ha ha). Ya all know de government uses Drupal? Ya all know they pay people to do this shit?

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Just a FYI, but we want the site to be about economics and so we can now safely chatter about what's going on with the upgrade without having it take over the site. See "recent comments" doesn't post the admin forum comments anymore.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Good, that is a serious goal, to make articles be as readable as possible. Additionally 100% access from mobile devices. Of course the other goal is to have some new articles to read! ;)

    This bug is a major show stopper and from where it came I just don't know. I might have to run the production site as a development site with full debugging everything to find it.

    Ok, two major features to be added! One is the Instapopulist where any registered and logged in user (Eper) can write whatever they want as long as it is economics related in some way.

    Second major feature is a "mega blog roll". I don't know what to call it but it will be a page, just like the other pages, of all of those side bar other sites we say showing their latest offerings but all on one page, accessed by the menu. Just click on it, and I'm going to try to have the updates more timely so we can see immediately all of the latest offerings. I'll be adding some of the more commercial sites that are worth reading possibly since there is much more real estate to put it all on this way.

    I personally need those blocks because it's one stop shopping plus we are sister sites with many of them, they reference us, we reference them. I need it just to have a fast view on what's going on or what did I miss that they caught. Why it will be separated, page load speed, fast load, plus page layout/real estate.

    So, bug or not, I should have those two features added by tomorrow. Although the bug is all preview forms do not work, something is vectoring to outer space on all previews so to create an Instapopulist space where anyone can write and have more visibility on their thoughts, I need preview to work.

    More later.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Definitely liking the new look - it's much sharper visually.
    Just wondering, did you want to keep or get rid of the "reads" listing other sites that cover economics because I know the old version had a list of them on the side. Or just list sites that list yours, either way.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Gotta love it, something broken preview so what is wrong with comments is much more in depth. Wow, so glad I created multiple sandboxes and dev. environments writing and testing this code to have the entire site break once I put it in production.

    Woe is me. I am going to put a filter on comments so the comments show us talking about what we came here to do, economics, but this thread I need people to switch gears and report problems.

    I'm not kidding, I have an entire server, 100% models to exactly this one, code, everything identical. Production broken, dev. working as designed. Lovely.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • maybe "hide comments" should be your default...or color 'display comments' so it's evident that its a link (as it seems im not the only one confused by it)

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • I have some major mods dealing with server issues, jQuery, caching of scripts, etc. so, I hope to get these major bugs worked out by the end of the weekend.

    Comments are now on jQuery, which I want but there are dependencies here, plus there is no open source offerings to solve this, so I'm basically rewriting code as I go along (as I ended up doing extensively! No, Drupal is not "out of the box" period!)

    I ended up having to take the site to production and live simply because I am one person and this is just a time sink, it's really enterprise web/code development and supposedly we're the little guy economics site, not discussing the fine advanced concepts of enterprise site development. ;)

    So, there are numerous issues with server caching, config never mind site issues I'm going to have to fix on the production server and God willing I'll nail 'em all down by Sunday.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • To display comments, click display comments. Also, not logged in you should be able to view comments now.

    What I need to fix on comments is once one hits that display comments link, it should stay open until it is clicked again. I have to modify the code, so bear with me. Lots of issues, no surprise, that need fixing. For now, just make sure you can see comments by clicking display comments.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • ok, i figured it on display comments...duh...

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • i cant seem to view my own comments even when signed in...tried with 2 different browsers (IE, chrome)

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • did you know i could not read your comment (or any others) until i was approved?
    seems like that recent comment gadget has some bugs in it you didnt intend...

    the text links on the recent page can be copied & pasted ok, that's what i was looking for...

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • I wish you would create an account and login, rjs uber-lurker extrodinaire!

    It's not well formatted but I created a page called recent, see in the menu, click recent and there will be the latest 20 new items of any kind. Let me know if this works for you, for one of the main goals in the site upgrade is to vastly improve the ability to easily find things and share articles, etc.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • what i miss having is a list of your recent posts...i had been using that to copy text links to your posts, which i not only aggregate but also often email...

    i can, of course, make my own text links, but that's two steps, and im a lazy bastard...

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • It's happening, the linking of the Islamists in Mali (Ansar Dine) to Al-Qaeda in the media. I thought Al-Qaeda was almost destroyed and we had it on the run after all these years and trillions in $? Anyway, here's the question, if Ansar Dine is "linked" to Al-Qaeda, then surely HSBC and other banks that aid and abet terrorist financing that helps them buy weapons, kill people, cause insecurity, etc. are also linked to Al-Qaeda. So, who in the media and government is calling for NATO intervention against HSBC and the other banks and employees involved? How about the politicians that accept money from those banks and by logic, also linked to Al-Qaeda? Will there be a NATO strike against them? Because if we're going down this road and getting crazy, let's go all the way and go full farce. NATO shouldn't have a hard time finding the politicians or HSBC or Standard Chartered or other banks. And it would be a whole lot cheaper than sending troops to Mali, or Somalia, or Uganda, or Indonesia, or anywhere else we're sending our people and $.

    Reply to: Reads Around the Internets - Obama Wants to Cut Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 9 months ago
  • Now I know why so many sites have not upgraded to Drupal 7. ;) Also, I really want fast loading comments, so I will continue to rewrite this code to get it to extreme fast usefulness. There was no functioning anything contributed so this is one of many additions I had to rewrite (or write, as in coding write). Suggestions are most welcome. I hated the old comments for it took way too long to write one.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Display comments is fine. Is there still the option for the comment author to edit his/her comments once posted (until there's a response) or is that no longer an option?

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • Seems I need to make that clearer to click on "display comments" to have them all show up.

    There is a problem in that once you replay they default to being hidden as well as when linking. I have to hack up this code, already have so I'm going to try to fix this so the only thing when effects whether comments are displayed or not is clicking the "display comments" and "hide comments".

    Would you prefer better titles, such as "Show Comments" or something to make it more clear that needs to be clicked on?

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
  • The comment subject will still show up under "recent comments," but immediately after posting the comment, it will appear, but then disappear. Even after trying to link to the comment by hitting it under "recent comments," the comment might appear for <1 sec. and then disappear.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 9 months ago
