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  • ... jailing them for years on trumped up charges of treason." Bradley Manning might disagree with that.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Indeed. The so-called "deficit hawks" have plainly and repeatedly demonstrated that they couldn't care less about deficits. The only reason any of them are still taken seriously is because the corporate media refuses to point out the obvious. That would violate their traditional role as propagandists for the billionaires who want to get their hands on all that money in the social security trust fund. The level of propaganda is surreal. First Republicans spin the tale that high unemployment is caused by the deficit and austerity is the cure. Then Obama parrots the nonsense, followed by other Dems and the corporate media talking heads. So they enact the big austerity plan know as the fiscal cliff. Then when the fiscal cliff is approaching, they all start freaking out because a big austerity program will actually take us back into a recession. And yet not one single politician nor pundit on TV has pointed out this radical 180 by the entire beltway establishment. It's as if it never happened. "We've always been at war with Eastasia." The bullshit has reached psychedelic levels.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Creating hysteria for America's holiday with the clear goal of reducing people's social security benefits.

    Fiscal cliff show on television, 24/7, right through Christmas and New Years.

    Reply to: Congress Ushers in 2013 with a Resolution to Push the Economy to the Brink   11 years 9 months ago
  • And they are off to a great start. My guess, they'll have no temptation to break their resolutions in 2013 or 2014 or 2015 . . . Love those big corporations and their low friends in high places taking our money and enjoying corporate welfare while not doing a damn thing for us (still waiting for jobs from anyone, even fake happy talk, but it's gone) and blasting "entitlements" for everyone else. NASCAR and Goldman subsidies will improve our lot, I'm sure of it. Dig deep, I'm sure every other bankster or big corporation got sweet deals because that's why politicians create these last-minute deals to "save us," it's the best time for lobbyists to insert thousands of breaks and thefts before anyone can read anything (or at least give them cover for the outrages - "how could we read it, we needed a deal quick, and this was the best we had") especially millionaires and their dozens of staff members posing as public servants paid specifically to do exactly that. 2013, same as it ever was. Can I sleep for another 365 days and read the same exact story and outrages only updated to 2014 with only minor changes to the players? Sure I could, that's the good thing about predictable criminality.

    Reply to: Congress Ushers in 2013 with a Resolution to Push the Economy to the Brink   11 years 9 months ago
  • I'm skipping the typical "top 10 posts" and new year stuff due to trying to get the new site done. Seriously underestimated the work involved here.

    I'm not sure those statements you found are specific to OWS, although I was just shocked to see anyone from the Federal Reserve involved in the least, except maybe to get some better ideas, so I might be in denial.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • The Richmond Fed had people working closely to destroy Occupy. Here's a link to the Richmond Fed GC's prior "issues" with the bank she came from.
    Attorneys, especially general counsel and law enforcement attorneys (or those treading into law enforcement areas) really do have to understand the importance of working alongside police, federal agents, etc. and taking on roles they never should take on. If you want to earn massive $ and claim expert knowledge while 25% of your fellow citizens are unemployed and overqualified, then please read, research, and understand constitutional limits. People exercising their 1st Amendment rights are being targeted by snipers and intimidated and somehow government attorneys or public servants are going along with this? That's unacceptable in any democracy/republic. The Fed represents the 99%? Just more proof that it doesn't. How's Dimon doing on the NY Fed Board? 2013 and he's still there? USA USA.

    Anyway, Happy New Year to the rest of us! Some of us may be poor, unemployed, or desperately struggling despite our degrees, experience, and service to our Nation, but looking at those earning millions and billions and in the seats of power, it's not hard to understand why we're kept down. Integrity, it's what should be for dinner (and breakfast and lunch).

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Government agents are out of their minds (or just have become so haughty and complacent) if they think they can share intel with TBTF alone and protect them through whatever means necessary. Even on search warrants for basic drug or weapons or forgery or any other case, private parties are not allowed to share or take part in a search or get their hands on evidence. If a private party that isn't specifically written into a warrant takes part in sharing evidence or a search is found out, they will and can be sued because they are infringing on citizens' private property, etc. Judges will be extremely pissed off if law enforcement allows non-law enforcement or law enforcement from other jurisdictions to share intel or search results. They can't be present during searches and even if they want to know what searches or seizures turned up, judges will almost always deny their requests (that's after the case goes to a court for hearings and trials). Even if a case goes to indictment, etc., private parties have to file FOIA requests and as we see/know, the govt. denies those requests or redacts heavily for a multitude of reasons.
    But to actually allow law enforcement to share specific intelligence about specific people and groups pre-investigation, let alone pre-arraignment or pre-trial with select private parties, that's outrageous. And these people were present when sniper attacks were considered? That's quite a lawsuit, and personal lawsuits at that, corporate and agency protections don't apply. If TBTF is present when laws are being broken, let them be accountable. That's the reason people with a lick of sense let law enforcement do its job (as we understood it). They have chains of commands, oaths, and rules and procedures. They have nothing to do with protecting private interests of select people or companies. There's a reason for the separation and avoiding conflict. If certain agencies want to be private security forces as if they serve Afghan warlords and TBTF want to think they can have quasi law enforcement powers, let them all deal with the repercussions. They are all on the hook and enjoy getting sued and fired. Corporations and public law enforcement, people with brains know the difference and the importance of keeping them separate. Once they start serving the same masters, all rules are off the table. We knew this was going to come as soon as Guiliani allowed the NYPD to work for private parties.
    Almost like Cecil Rhodes running his own army nowadays in the USA to protect his private fortune and interests. I wonder how the British would have felt if Rhodes used his own private army in the UK vs. in Africa?

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • I pulled the documents to read that section for myself. It helps to read the pdf version so you can see what was redacted more easily. So, clearly some local official in some agency was talking about mass assassination of "leaders".

    We have non-stop 24/7 cable news ramblings on Benghazi, yet this gets no press?

    My god, that's really a terrorist act against citizens sanctioned by the state and just unreal someone could even think of such mass murder and not be immediately fired and arrested.

    I had to pull up the documents because I couldn't initial believe this was real.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Sorry, changed topics in midstream. By "people in charge" I meant the 1%, the FBI, the Fed, etc., not OWS.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • OWS was not full of nuts and it was an effort to bring awareness of all of the economic injustice going on. They were not acting like children and considering the world of silence on the never ending middle class squeeze, how else are the people supposed to be heard?

    Valiant effort and the people need to regroup and re-organize in my view. Think what's going on in America today has much to do with the middle class or even improving the economy as a whole? Think again.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • In the long expose of the sins of the Nixon Administration in the summer of 1973, one member, Father Drinan, focused on domestic CIA spying, COINTELPRO, and the IRS enemies list. The IRS, CIA, and FBI were all used by LBJ and Nixon to break the Vietnam war era anti-war movement.
    The CIA infiltrated demonstrations, disrupted anti-war organizations, planted spies inside the U.S., in violation of its 1947 Charter. COINTELPRO was directed by Nixon and LBJ to find and name anti-war activists. The IRS, meanwhile did much of the real dirty work by auditing the tax returns of Conscientious Objectors and other anti-war activists through the infamous Enemies List.
    The Ervin Committee eventually reported out a Bill of Impeachment against Nixon which included the CIA Abuse of Power charges. Abuse of power impeachable offenses resonated with the public, quite like none of the other charges (like fudging 1968 Tax Return or the Watergate Break-In, even corruption and payoffs).

    That Bill of Impeachment against Nixon was approved by a vast majority in the House Committee which included a very large number of Republicans and by similar majorities in the House.
    Patriot Act and the Predator tools used by the CIA have clearly delineated sanctions against domestic spying. There is no hiding behind the Patriot Act, awful as it is.

    Abuse of Power, then and now, destroys the rule of law in the most fundamental way. It is the most deadly charge that can be made against any Administration - as long is this country remains a Republic any any form. Or as Franklin said, "a Republic, if we can keep it."


    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Much easier to chase and intimidate people expressing their 1st Amendment rights in their own country within walking distance of local FBI or other law enforcement offices. That doesn't cost too much money or time, the protesters are more likely to cooperate if really confronted (they are following the laws of the land in protesting, after all), and possibly overtime can be earned without really facing too much of a threat. Now compare that with chasing people that don't speak the language, have no problem sacrificing anyone or anything that dares get in their way, know who their friends and allies and kin are for the last 100+ years and don't talk to anyone but, and it's a different story. In other countries like Pakistan or Mexico or Nigeria, it'd be more difficult to chase criminals and investigate crimes. That would take lots and lots of hard work, possibly learning multiple foreign languages, and spending years infiltrating organizations in which relative strangers are never trusted (and if they are allowed in, they and their families and friends are watched 24/7). It would also involve years of shared sacrifice and empathy with victims and witnesses to ensure cooperation. And overtime and dinners at Outback Steakhouse on weekends might have to be sacrificed. So who wants that?

    Sure, plenty of folks would like to chase the real threats and actual people breaking real laws and loathe chasing lawful protesters fighting big banks and corrupt politicians that are actually breaking the laws the same officers were meant to enforce, but those people aren't allowed to play. Nope, targeting people expressing their constitutional rights is easy, fully supported by the powers in charge (and partially bankrolled by banksters and other corporate players), and has been tried over and over again. And success against easy targets (or claimed success) makes good press conference material. Just build up the threat, ignore the violations, claim they just took care of such inflated threat, and hold a press conference and release PR material to non-questioning media from Fox to CNN and everyone else. Rinse and repeat, take paycheck home, and go to Outback Steakhouse for celebratory dinner. Don't think about what just happened too much.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Most people are probably wondering, "Whatever happened to those Occupy nuts?" That's assuming they think about OWS at all. Now we know. The key people got a look at the fist inside the glove.

    More than ever I believe the people in charge are behaving like children. They're so busy maximizing their returns, they don't realize they're squeezing the life out of the economy, or else they don't understand that they're the ones responsible. And now we see that they're so insecure, they can't tolerate any disagreement. One way or another, they need to go, or at least loosen their grip.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • from here, p 61:

    1. An identified as of October planned to en Iacks .196
    against protestors in Houston, Texas, if deemed necessary. An indentifiedl had ib7C
    received intelligence that indicated the protesters in New York and Seattle planned similar protests in
    Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin, Texas. planned to gather intelligence against
    the leaders of the protest groups and obtain photographs, then formulate a plan to kill the leadership via
    suppressed sniper rifles.

    same thing on page 69: To: Jacksonville From: Jacksonville b7A

    Re: 10/19/2011 b7E

    interested in developing a long--term plan to kill local Occupy leaders
    via sniper fire.

    (much is redacted)

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • then, they should have only been acting as private citizens, certainly not reporting to the FBI or DHS. But what should be and what is are clearly two very different things.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Let's be clear, if you are in NCIS, the FBI, a local DAs office, an AGs office, DOJ/US Attorney's Office around the country, there is nothing, nothing, nothing that says you serve or take orders from or work closely with "the private sector." In fact, that would contravene your oath to serve the laws and public on your first day of duty. Even when investigating a specific crime or suspect, you never serve a victim or party, you always serve the Nation, State, etc., so you better serve the laws of your jurisdiction (e.g., California, Florida, your local county, etc.) and the federal and state constitutions. And if you want to pretend you are serving the "private sector," then carry the charade out, don't just invite large cap banksters and private equity and other corporations to your secret meetings, carry it out, invite the local hardware store owner, the local pizzeria owner, the local IT firm owner that got IP stolen by Microsoft and might have two kids that are long-term unemployed and supports OWS. This is what America is about, lest you forget it (and apparently they have).

    "Private sector" our collective asses, it's crony capitalism, not democracy, and it's TPTF clowns that sell out state secrets to China and India all in the name of the all-mighty dollar. Congratulations, FBI and others, you are helping companies that outsource national security secrets to our enemies. You are protecting companies that aid terrorists from the Middle East and terrorists that kill tens of thousands of people south of our border. And this is what "public servants" do while serving who? Following what laws? Following whose orders? Whose federal constitution? What state constitution? Where was the "public" that you serve and that pays the bills? These same banksters loot pensions, including federal and state pensions, so while you take their orders, they become billionaires for sitting in front of computers and doing nothing and you can't cash out your pension because it's gone, gone, gone baby, gone. Ask these questions, because the answers are obvious no matter how uncomfortable they are. At these round tables of idiots that needed taxpayer $ to fund their broke asses, did any Special Agent or US Attorney ever ask why they are aiding banks that aid terrorists? Why they are protecting companies that sell national security secrets to China and others? Why they are crushing civil protests in the US to protect companies that have admitted they don't believe in patriotism or the US but only seek to enrich those in the boardrooms? Hey, Bueller, does anyone have the answers to the obvious?

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • If they had murdered people or thrown them into jail by the thousands with no trial, the entire nation would have revolted.

    What they are doing is to diffuse, so there is no opposition to the corporate agenda.

    We see it right now. Media is creating fiscal cliff hysteria when in reality, it's all about reducing people's benefits.

    If they really wanted to reduce the deficit, they would be looking at corporations parking profits offshore, the total amount equals the deficit and taxing those funds could dramatically reduce the deficit. Just one example out of many, many that could really reduce the deficit and it's all corporate welfare and stopping for profit health care monopolies making obscene profits of treating sick people.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • in the La Follette Committee hearings estimated that business had spent 80,000,000 on spies, finks, and other traitors,thugs such as the Pinkertons, police departments, others to break the unions people were forming to demand such things as 8 hour days, unemployment, safe working conditions, and fair treatment.

    At least the police aren't shooting unarmed peaceful demonstrators dead in the street, clubbing women and children like baby seals, hanging them, or jailing them for years on trumped up charges of treason.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Or whisked away to be locked up under the Patriot act. This news actually broke before Christmas but I missed it due to site upgrades and the holidays.

    It's so important I wanted to make sure we covered it for this site is all about regular people and economic justice, through statistics.

    At the time it happened I saw the very obviously nationally coordinated shut down of OWS and suspected it was coordinated by FBI-DHS-Local governments, but to see the banks involved is really the economic terrorism of this story.

    We're talking millions participated in OWS and in a matter of days they shut down millions of voices.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
  • Think about it, the very ideas and people that helped create and forge our liberty and freedoms would be spied on and incarcerated nowadays, even before they created a full blown revolution. How ironic that nowadays the very same values that the Founding Fathers created our Nation with are now once again viewed by the powers that be as a threat. Freedom of speech, speaking out against large banks, speaking out against corporations, warning against monopolies, demanding protection for the poor, elderly, physically and mentally disabled, protesting corruption, fighting for the creation of good public education systems for everyone (including the importance of math, science, history, languages, and other liberal arts), etc. Ring familiar, don't they? And so when in doubt that the educated common man or woman that is struggling and despised by the powers in control is actually doing the right thing, it's always good to have a collection of books to refer to. I'll take a library over corrupt politicians and their servants (whether they are knowing or merely clueless) any day of the week. Terrorists? Wow, how utterly ridiculous. But actually financing terrorists by Bank of America, Wells Fargo, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and all the others which are acting as accomplices to terrorism (including narcoterrorism) and co-conspirators to terrorism isn't putting anyone in those companies on a watch-list or in prison, now is it? And the politicians and lobbyists that accept money from those companies and aid their activities (including writing laws for those criminals) aren't on watch-lists or in prison, are they? Double standards and hypocrisy. Anyway, back to my books and Common Sense.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Labeled "Terrorists" By The FBI   11 years 9 months ago
