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  • This is incredible, MF Global John Corzine is bundling campaign contributions for Obama. He should be in jail.

    Reply to: They Got Away With It   12 years 2 months ago
  • We covered that segment here in this piece, This is what the unemployed look like.

    Stop offshore outsourcing all jobs associated with federal, state government contracts. Stop issuing foreign guest workers and cancel Visas for foreign guest workers.

    These are two things we've mentioned here on this site many times, of course to no avail.

    Right now, we have another corrupt "think tank". The Brookings Institution put up a pure propaganda agenda for more foreign guest workers. It was so bad even some press who normally just type up what others tell them, questioned it.

    Reply to: Long Term Unemployment is the Crisis of Our Time   12 years 2 months ago
  • It's exhausting because there was a "60 Minutes" piece here from 2010 about 99ers in Silicon Valley - overqualified and struggling hard to survive. 2012, the year's changed, but the situation is only worse because millions more are homeless now, killed themselves, got divorced, or have no self-esteem left and are still ignored by the people in charge. Two years on and CNBS is concerned about which candidate will help Wall Street more? Not about complete destruction of America and Americans? Damn, that's bad. Plenty more gave up on the American Dream and buying into the lies spewed by politicians and the media that never struggle one day (by the way, Paul Ryan's rich as Hell according to today's news - so we should think about his job prospects and struggles and other politicians' as much as they think about ours).

    We know there's work, the good paying kind, and not some internship being foisted on us for training. The UK uses such programs to get free labor from the unemployed, the Diamond Jubilee used free labor to "test run" potential employees for a govt. contractor to see "if they were fit" to be employed. Besides working for free and getting no food or shelter overnight, they watched the Queen sail by and still no jobs for them. At least the British media is more pissed than America's about our respective situations.

    There's work, and as soon as the oft-repeated advice here and everywhere is taken by a yet to be seen ethical politician and businessmen, it will come in droves and will be good-paying. Stop all visas. Punish outsourcing in every industry, from medicine to law to banking to IT - they are destroying Americans' lives, exposing private information, and endagering national security. And the issue is so obvious and serious that nations like Japan and China recognize it and deal with it, unlike our politicians that come cheaper. Punish visa abuses, and criminally and civilly prosecute corporate visa abusers. Sites dealing solely with visa abusers are doing their part and are relentless - keep it up. No more foreigners in our schools or businesses taking American places unless they can cure cancer or have figured out time travel. Less supply = higher wages. Any internships must only take place in college or grad school and must offer credit. Any internships outside of school and without $ will be illegal, whether they are offered by the Department of Justice or any other government agency or private business. They are merely getting fully-qualified individuals to work for free = despicable exploitation.

    Media and business will look at people's skills. The long-term unemployed will be seen as Americans, and in most cases, highly-skilled Americans that have been crapped on by unethical and greedy power-hungry, ego-driven lunatics in power. Those that insult such talent will be seen as the dolts they are. The term "overqualified" will be stricken from the American vernacular. It is a disgrace and is used by fools who are so greedy they won't pay for talent; by mediocre sniveling managers and HR that are afraid of being outthought and outworked; and by generally clueless people that will parrot whatever new word and lies the MSM starts using. We don't need 20 year olds serving their bosses by eliminating anyone with an IQ over 100 who might outthink them, assume you will be outthought, but hire thinkers for the company regardless = more profits and a better society because they are working. Punish all business and political crimes at all levels (e.g., banking and corporate crimes; fraud in higher education regarding debts and job prospects in tech, nursing, law, pharmacy, and other fields; age discrimination; etc.,).

    America should be ranked among the more corrupt countries at this point (but the well-paid woman in charge of the American branch of Transparency International is actually a former employee of big business - surprised? nah), and when it finally is, that will certainly drive business elsewhere as the cost of business due to corruption will be too high. MSM, well, not sure what the answer is. Stop listening to corporate masters and ask some questions like Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? for starters.

    All the advice here and everywhere will of course be ignored like it has for decades because it goes against business and political powers that profit from status quo. Banana republics are the same, no matter what slogans they profess - we're getting quickly there.

    Reply to: Long Term Unemployment is the Crisis of Our Time   12 years 2 months ago
  • I'm always up for a good laugh, and given the fact that even simpletons refuse to prosecute the RICO case I laid out here previously, let's examine what will be prosecuted courtesy of the NY prosecutors and The NY Times.

    There was a full-page story about some woman, former Internet entrepreneur, who was being prosecuted by the NY Special Prosecutor (drug prosecuting group that covers NYC's counties so no juridictional issues) along with her accomplices. What did she do? Was she laundering money for Mexican cartels like Wells Fargo or HSBC or Standard Chartered have been shown to do and always settle civilly so no business officials ever spend one day in jail or lose one dollar? Was she helping finance terrorism through drug proceeds? Was she illegally importing and exporting weapons? Was she helping the ruling Burmese government launder tons of cash that they make daily in their global/state-run meth business (the same govt. the Dept. of State is easing sanctions on)? Nope.

    This woman was busted for advertising prescription pain killers on craigslist! She was busted after her ads, surprisingly, were noticed by someone in law enforcement who apparently didn't want to work too hard. And then several buys took place! Now she and her accomplices (one of whom also sold a gun to an undercover) are now facing state prison! Yippee, law enforcement going after the baddest of the bad! But hey, if banksters and CEOs were really breaking laws, wouldn't their paid-for puppets in the DOJ and SEC go after them too? Come on, nothing worse than paid-off officials that would pretend to act like honest officials - that's true betrayal. Once they're bought, they stay bought. Always visit the DOJ and look at what they are investigating and prosecuting - it'll make you smile because it's so ridiculous given the massive crimes they purposely ignore.

    Watch "Breaking Bad." Do you really think there are DEA and FBI and Treasury agents and US Attorneys never sleeping, thinking 24/7 about busting the masterminds even after they get one honcho? It's good TV for a reason. Do you think the Treasury/FinCEN is dreaming about busting entire banks like Wells Fargo because they are truly corrupting the global financial system and corrupting entire governments and societies? About destroying banks that work with Iran and help finance its govt., despite the fact that Iran is literally attacking our troops and civilians across the globe? Seems to me that's a clear case of aiding our enemy, no? Working with the enemy when the enemy is attacking us, what word describes that? Without the big criminals, cartels and killers would be sitting on tons of cash and unable to finance precursors, buy farms and labs, buy transportation and experts, buy politicians and law firms, buy judges and police, and buy protection in DC and elsewhere. TV vs. reality, and yet actors play the better part.

    So, look around you, if you are getting angry, you are entitled. If you follow the laws and rules prescribed and you struggle because of being an honest American while the criminals and unethical elites get richer and richer at your expense, then you should be getting more and more disturbed. Think about how violated you feel when you get searched going through a simple airport screening yet DHS is okay with people and companies financing terrorists, terrorism, and other criminals. If you are subject to laws that the corrupt can avoid precisely because they make money through crime and corruption and find puppets willing to serve them, then you should be disgusted. If you aren't annoyed and disgusted, then you're probably one of the 1% or truly corrupted and have no business ever talking about laws, ethics, hard work, justice, or democracy - you truly don't understand the concepts. Now if you are one of those corrupt individuals, go down to Juarez or go live in the neighborhoods in the US utterly destroyed by the violence you help create and nurture and don't look to anyone else for help or protection - you created the mess, you profited from it, now live it every day and spout your talking points to your new neighbors, they won't be as tolerant of lies or bull**** as you're used to and you won't be coddled like you are in your buddies' TV stations. Go visit the people mourning personal losses due to terrorism and explain why you need to make millions more to help terrorists because a $10 million salary just ain't enough. And make sure you wear your American flag lapel pin, because that will surely wipe your sins and crimes away.

    Reply to: They Got Away With It   12 years 2 months ago
  • Romney(aka: Mittens) was selected to run because of his innate ability to bend to the wishes of anyone who pulled his strings. By all accounts he's a man who doesn't believe in or stand for much of anything except self-enrichment. Probably quite stupid given how he conducted himself in Europe, he certainly cannot speak extemporaneously about any subject, which is scary.

    A modern day Thurston Howell the III without the panache.

    The fatal flaw with Mittens is that his own base hates him. They know he's a fake and it shows in the way he acts. Why do you think he's called 'Plastic Romney'. No one I know is enthused by him. The ones who will vote for him aren't voting because they like him, it's because they don't like Obama.

    So people will vote because they despise the other guy even more. Wow, what a system.

    Rayan OTOH is a Remora and a idiot. A bad combination.
    He's never had a real job or run anything except his mouth. Again signs of stupidity and parasitism. On his own he could aspire to be a tape worm. The real bad news is that he'll scare away independents and the elderly, whom no candidate can win the presidency without their support.

    Either Mittens is shown to moderate this pasty faced loon or he destroys the GOP chances.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Let's face it, people who worship her (what sane person does that?) either have no eye for writing and/or are desperately in need of something that only a therapist can help them with, to say nothing of her personal life + hypocrisy. Her heroes are bizarre, including an architect that would rather destroy his work than compromise at all with his paying clients (not exactly good business practices). And I guess all those fancy big-time capitalists that run away built everything with no one else's help in her other piece of garbage. All by themselves they built roads, educated their workers, gave medical care to their workers, built the trains and trucks and cars, guarded borders, fought wars, built guns, discovered medicines, cured diseases, bought the products they were selling, etc.? All by themselves without help from anyone else anywhere at any time - truly astonishing. And the characters deliver monologues/diatribes that go on and on and on. But apparently the 1% really do believe that, as we see banksters and CEOs continuing to claim they really do deserve mega riches despite requiring our helping them for their endless and repeated failures. Yeah, whatever.

    As a truly great American writer and wit once said, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." I doubt politicians and banksters read much Twain, otherwise they would follow his advice. Too witty, too intelligent, and the man gave us "The Gilded Age." Talk about true talent.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • This piece is over the top, but has some tidbits on the culture of Ayn Rand I did not know.

    Bottom line, the destruction of the middle class, poor, social mobility under the guise of austerity is alive and well in Europe.

    The technocratic elites in Europe are now firmly trying to inflict bone-crushing austerity on ordinary workers, despite visible evidence of its failure (debt to GDP ratios keep rising as the economies contract) and widespread public opposition. There the rationale is a bizarre combination of “punish the borrowers” when countries like Ireland and Spain were held up as poster children of economic success until the bust, and a need to hide the fact that what looks like rescues of the PIIGS is in fact bailouts of French and German banks.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Oh my, I thought "conservatives" (not in the sense of old school, just Fox News) and the GOP didn't like Iran? After all, doesn't Iran help attack our troops overseas through surrogates? Doesn't Iran launder money through HSBC and other banks? Gosh, that sounds illegal. Hey, Bill "No Spin," whatsup? Cato? Rupert "Time to hack 1,000 phones and stalk and bribe police" Murdoch? Home Depot founder and free market guru? Eh? Yeah, they do. But weren't the Koch Brothers busted for trading with Iran? Yup, they were, in 2008. But if a common citizen did that, they'd be in a federal pen right now. But if you are a member of the 1% like Koch or Dimon, no worries! Relax, the noble politicians and DOJ have you covered! I mean you get what you pay for.

    But Bloomberg confirmed it, and when a bankster attacks other big $ interests, it must be really, really bad. Didn't the Kochs' father make his money from building pipelines for Uncle Joe in the 1930s when he was killing Ukrainians, free thinkers, democrats, Poles, Germans, Jews, etc.? Gosh, the Gulag, that was pretty freaking horrific for tens of millions of innocent people. Oh well, the Kochs needed their money.

    Crazy, I didn't think Iran and Stalin were models of democracy and free market capitalism, but that shows how little this person knows. I wonder, Paul, will you return all money to the Kochs because their entire fortune in the past and present was built on dealing with some really terrible people, Stalin in the past and Iran in the present? Or is that not allowed?

    Once again, D & R, all the same, this ain't partisan.
    Oh, at least opensecrets says Paul Ryan takes money from beer companies. And looking at America's future bought-and-paid for by the 1%, beer is what we all need. See you at the bar! And if you praise Iran's govt. or Stalin, see how much the 1% have sway among the 99%.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • We've already seen retirement wiped out. The move from traditional pensions to 401ks.

    This has been proven to be a disaster multiple times, they did it in Chile as well.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Lassie, what's that? The US Government would put the savings and accounts of millions of Americans under the control of Wall Street banksters? The same criminals that bet against their own clients in derivative instruments they bet trillions on but never disclosed a blatant conflict of interest in and the bought-off DOJ and SEC okay? The same 2 and 20 fraudster current hedge fund tools that would laugh all the way to Davos as they would realize they literally get paid trillions more for doing nothing but earn fees for losing to the market indexes? The same Wall Street that commingles funds, steals individuals' money, and escapes any justice despite literally 100s of 1,000s of documents, emails, etc. demonstrating guilt beyond a reasonable doubt mandating life sentences in Leavenworth? The same Wall Street that engages in price manipulation of LIBOR rates and basic commodities like oil, silver, gold, and aluminum (greetings Mr. Dimon and Blankfein, why do investment banks interest themselves in aluminum)? The same Wall Street that contributes to both D & R because real values don't matter, only that you own regulators and law enforcement and policy makers thoroughly? The same Wall Street that cooks books to get Greece into the Euro and then wants austerity and to privatize public assets when countries have 20%+ unemployment? The same Wall Street that bribes public officials to construct economically untenable deals that bankrupt cities and counties (Jefferson County says what)?

    Lassie, for a collie you sure are much smarter than "the best and brighest" and "job creators" and every single American politician. Golly, Lassie, it's a damn shame our Constitution doesn't allow dogs to get elected but instead we have to vote for corrupt dolts that are called "wonks" and "experts" and "intelligent" if they can read a teleprompter or impress a TV host or repeat their puppetmasters' script without drooling on themselves. Gosh Lassie, I sure hope these dolts don't invoke our Founding Fathers' because I think Thomas Paine really didn't approve of banksters and saw the need for the elderly and physically and mentally disabled to be taken care of through a social security system, along with an estate tax and many other cutting edge ideas. And don't get me started on banksters, Lassie, rumor has it old Thomas Jefferson and many others didn't trust them at all, but let me check what Bill O says on Fox or what MSNBC tells me, thinking is so old fashioned.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • We'll have to step up analysis based on real statistics, economic theory, facts. The snow has been falling fiercely on reality, hard to keep up. Regardless with this "choice", GOP sealed their claim to being Worser in election 2012. Social security is the only thing left standing for a majority of Americans. Retirement is already long gone between the removal of pensions, corporations squeezing retirement benefits, 401ks where people have lost everything in stock market crashes and the #1, being continually fired and cannot find a job.

    We're literally looking at a sea of homeless old people as it is.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Look at who made contributions to all of these "choices." It's pretty clear Goldman and every other crony capitalist will be fully protected no matter who wins. Soros, and Koch Bros., and Wall Street, Fortune 500 everyone has bought their protection so no matter who wins, they are all safe unlike us. It's just a question of whether they can drink Dom at the White House weekly or will have to put that off for 4-8 years. And then the social calendar reverts back to when their puppet is back in the WH.

    Write in votes work if only to protest and show the choice between two evils isn't really a choice at all. So, would the condemned like the executioner to use a Smith and Wesson or Colt? Wow, options options. Can I choose neither and save my own skin somehow? At least the never mentioned Buddy Roemer discussed the corruption and BS money killing our democracy - but he was summarily ignored and dismissed.

    I've done my share of bashing this Congress and administration and the idiocy is always bipartisan, so quickly on to the GOP lest I be called partisan.

    I can't wait until Romney and Ryan claim they are all about free markets and American can-do spirit. Horatio Alger stories, no really, just like every other normal American that wants to rule 300 million of their fellow citizens (and who doesn't feel that they are that enlightened and special that they can decide the fates of so many people - talk about narcissism + megalomania). Oh, most people are far too modest and intelligent to think they can be President? Well, that's why only a special breed of person ever seeks office and all the $ people can buy you with and not the fewer real jobs in the USA.

    Romney, the son of an automobile lobbyist in DC, Governor of Michigan, who obviously had major connections that got him into Harvard, private equity, and on to a Governorship. Outsider? Pull-yourself up by your bootstraps? He knows financial struggles and hard work like the working poor and overeducated, outsourced American long-term unemployed? Ever worked a job that you might actually lose money in in the baking heat outside or inside because of complete lack of available benefits and low pay? Struggled with medical bills and food and fuel prices that never seem to drop? Nah.

    Paul Ryan. Became involved in politics before college and during college (and that's never a good sign - did you really trust those people in high school and would you trust people seeking office/self-promoting that early in life now)? Used Social Security payments to help pay for college (I guess SS is okay for some people). First jobs outside college were in Congress. Had a job with a family company briefly. But he'll claim he's an outsider, someone who despises politics, who is so middle class and knows struggles. There are videos of him attacking OWS and telling them to get a job. Hey, I think a complaint is that jobs keep rushing outside our country and the ones remaining no longer want US citizens. There are no jobs, and every opening has 100+ applicants, including 60,000 hired from 1 million McDonald's applicants. Clueless.

    Any one of these people going to take on Wall Street? Hardcore anti-bankster background? Anti-corruption? Outsourcing and immigration/visa exploitation? Why would they, they've been paid-for already and Wall Street CEOs demand ROInvestment. DOJ going to take on Wall Street under either party? No way. But they are like all good bullies, they will have no problem attacking the middle class and those without paid-for representation and billions in the necessary "fees" who will simply never be able to obtain 30 seconds of time to explain how we are being systematically wiped out.

    Write in - "No one - s choice for anyone is a choice for corruption." Whether Louis XVI wears a read robe or a blue robe doesn't really matter to any of us, we're doomed either way.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • To justify further the classification of election 2012 as a choice of worse and worser:

    Matt Stoller gives the history of Democrats, yes Democratic presidents and leadership, out to privatize, cut and destroy Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

    Going after entitlements is in fact a tradition of Democratic politicians since the 1980s. The post-WWII model of dealing with entitlements was to expand them as a way of boosting aggregate demand. But as Carter, Reagan and Volcker ushered in an era of Wall Street greed and austerity, that trend reversed. In the early 1980s, Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil collaborated with Ronald Reagan to raise taxes on the poor and middle class with a “grand bargain” around Social Security. Later on, Bill Clinton had his go at the programs, with an even more aggressive plan to destroy the remains of New Deal liberalism.

    One of the little known political stories of the late 1990s is how Bill Clinton tried to work with Newt Gingrich to cut Social Security for recipients and pour some of the Social Security trust fund into the booming stock market. Clinton was willing to oppose the liberal wing of his party to cut a deal, and accept Republican demands for private accounts and a higher retirement age. Gingrich was willing to let Clinton succeed at doing so. And Clinton put Erskine Bowles, a conservative Democrat, in charge of the effort.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • I got caught up in some data but I saw this and it didn't even make the front pages. I guess everyone has "they got away with it" exhaustion.

    Reply to: Latest Bank Money Laundering Scandal Shows Federal Regulators M.I.A.   12 years 2 months ago
  • The DOJ and SEC said they just couldn't find the balls, sorry, evidence, to find illegal activity by their paymaster Goldman (and every other bankster and corporation that funds them). There's really no need for DOJ and SEC and FINRA to exist anymore - all they do is bleed taxpayer money and apparently waste time not finding any evidence ever while applying for jobs after govt. work to the people they are supposed to monitor and investigate - that's a whole lot of wasted money and time purposely ignoring what everyone with a shred of integrity can see (e.g., betting against your own clients and cooking books without disclosing material information, as well as commingling funds is illegal in real estate, law practice, and every other industry, but it's apparently fine if megawealthy are involved).

    Ever notice how on Bloomberg or Fox any bankster criminal wrongdoing is now called "a scandal" or "questionable," but never a crime or criminal activity? It's a PR tactic paid for by people receiving corporate welfare and FDIC protection. LIBOR rigging is not an international conspiracy that defrauded millions of govt. entities and individuals and businesses of trillions of dollars, it's just "questionable." Contract and price rigging in a fish market or small stores is illegal and US Attorneys fall over themselves rushing to TV stations to sing their own praises when they go after these "small" people, price rigging and antitrust activity by banksters is just an issue with the markets and policies need to be fixed. If a regular citizen was ever accused of theft, or a violent crime, or money laundering, you're done, expect to be indicted within a week or a few months and face conviction and sentencing within six months to a year and your sentence soon after. DOJ and SEC take years and years to arrange secret meetings, arrange not doing anything, and then for business as usual to continue for the criminal elite.

    When the vast majority of Americans are subject to laws and prosecution without a moment's hesitation by every single local DA, local police, State Police, and AG, but the elites are not subject to any laws and ensure their protection by meeting secretly with DOJ and SEC and FINRA, that is not democracy, that is pure corruption and tyranny. Doesn't our State Dept. mouth a whole lot of words about this being wrong overseas? But we should tolerate it here? The good news is Deloitte and banksters like Goldman are continuing to spread their crimes overseas. Deloitte, aid to money laundering and fraudulent practices, is set up in South Sudan and working on oil projects. Money laundering, a war-torn nation, and oil - what could go wrong? Nice to see our Government is punishing criminal organizations and businesses and barring them from making billions more. Oh, I apologize, the govt. is merely ensuring the average American can no longer survive in his own country if he wants to work hard and follow the laws.

    I wonder, will the DOJ and SEC and CFTC ever go out to the farms and meet the farmers people like Corzine stole from and destroyed and explain how they simply couldn't prosecute clear-cut commingling of funds and theft? Or do Americans like that not really count to jack in this new US of Corruption? Rhetorical, I'm tired of asking real questions.

    Reply to: Latest Bank Money Laundering Scandal Shows Federal Regulators M.I.A.   12 years 2 months ago
  • Many among us have worked or dealt with people who are sheltered in the sense that they work in offices distant from real trouble, real carnage, real pain. They are safe and secure or have seen them from afar and know what they are all about. They know where their next vacation is going to be, what luxury hotel they will stay at, and how many relatives they can foist upon others with no real talent or education but merely through cronyism and nepotism. They live in a different society and don't dare mingle with the rest of us.

    They are phony-tough in the sense of a TV anchor that talks about "taking any job available," "the unemployed are lazy," "the American Dream is available to all, but lazy welfare recipients want everything for nothing," "banks that launder money don't do real damage, stop whining" and then quickly return to a gated house that is paid for by people who want puppets that will read what they are told to read, and not to think (if that's possible) under any circumstances. These people will never deal with a victim of a cartel that will kill witnesses and their families on site. They are proud of meeting with top level officials that are millionaires, but don't dare ask how a public servant got so rich and will be offended if you dare pose such a question. They will never dare talk about how banksters deserve their global vacations and vacation homes within 100 miles of someone who saw their policeman brother beheaded because he took on the cartels. Will they defend terrorism while visiting the victims of suicide bombers? Of course not, because they don't want to mingle with them. Will they talk about how great bankers are or how necessary it is that Myanmar's regime conduct business as usual while visiting Karen refugee camps in Thailand where they can discuss systematic rape and murder? Of course not, the Karen people matter not to them. They work in DC or NYC or Brussels or Frankfurt and attend their reunions and talk about how great they are as federal prosecutors or politicians or international businessmen without giving a second thought to how little they actually achieve and how dependent real law enforcement and justice is upon witnesses, victims, and people risking their lives for real justice and not some damn partnership defending the rich and corrupt in a beautiful DC law firm or lobbying firm. In a word, they are . . .

    Reply to: Latest Bank Money Laundering Scandal Shows Federal Regulators M.I.A.   12 years 2 months ago
  • I'd place all my $ with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd (and toss in baggage handler/Senator Al Franken) trying to corner the frozen orange juice market before I'd give a dime to HFT algos and their human masters. Frozen orange juice vs. trying to learn ASAP the initial claim numbers to bet on whether fewer people with jobs left to fire is good news or not (kind of like a burning neighborhood - sure, at some point there are fewer houses left standing and the rate of destruction is reduced, but tell the residents that things are looking really good and improving). "60 Minutes" ran a special on HFT (and ZH has been destroying them daily for a long time now) and the people in charge didn't see anything wrong with their admissions that the market was being made/broken by machines that could execute the quickest trades in millionths of a second and were moving physically closer to the servers to beat the competition? And retail investors are supposed to trust such gamesmanship/manipulation? Same as certain banksters using carrier pigeons from the Battle of Waterloo to exploit information arbitrage - I'll pass.

    Who knew, a comedy about a man in a gorilla suit, a $1 bet, and frozen orange juice made more sense than Wall Street? No doubt Randolph and Mortimer are working in Congress somewhere under new names or in some brokerage or bank.

    Reply to: Initial Unemployment Claims, Wall Street and the Correlation to Job Growth   12 years 2 months ago
  • half way down we cite how the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury are pissed the NY DFS did this order and why and asked the same question, now two days ago?

    I've read many times that the NY DFS is "over zealous", OMG, stepped out of line, don't ya know it's a free for all?

    Reply to: Latest Bank Money Laundering Scandal Shows Federal Regulators M.I.A.   12 years 2 months ago
  • Not only are Federal regulators complicit by turning a blind eye, they're actually upset that the NY DFS acted so aggressively. Check out the Chicago Tribune's post from today:

    Apparently this makes it hard for the Feds to negotiate a settlement with SCB. Since when do prosecutors concern themselves with ensuring they can negotiate cushy settlements with criminals?

    Reply to: Latest Bank Money Laundering Scandal Shows Federal Regulators M.I.A.   12 years 2 months ago
  • Happens every day. There are a few lawsuits ongoing right now, two targeting Infosys for making sure they import Indians and do not hire Americans for jobs in America.

    When one has entire divisions of nothing but foreign nationals, I don't know what gives better statistics on discrimination against U.S. citizens than that, but of course our politicians or the EEOA won't do anything.

    Reply to: Outsourcing Has Its Benefits - Money Landering, Stock Market Crashes and Failed Projects   12 years 2 months ago
