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  • This gave me a good laugh this early Monday morning while waiting for my coworkers to get to work.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Dysfunctional Economy Sing-Along Edition   12 years 2 months ago
  • That's at least October or Novemeber when the October numbers come out. It's Q3 to Q3 a year ago.

    The COLA adjustment was 3.6% for 2012.

    Reply to: CPI Shows No Change for July 2012, Up 1.4% From A Year Ago   12 years 2 months ago
  • Very true and why I go putting these collections together but you just added an original!

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Dysfunctional Economy Sing-Along Edition   12 years 2 months ago
  • Just think of all of the unemployed Americans out there that can basically do anything and everything a great society should be able to do (and these are people who have been out of work for 4+ years now). Not only filling roles they already had, but able to move into dozens of other jobs they could learn or that they could switch in to, resumes and past experience and pigeonholing be damned(and isn't that what makes life worth living - always learning, getting excited about something). The innovation, and cures, and remedies, and simply great ideas that are pushed aside because of the quest for cost savings, and mediocrity, and fear by superiors. If business schools and think tanks served any legitimate purpose whatsoever and not some strict agendas, they would have been up in arms about this for quite a few years now. The silence is deafening and Americans that are ignored really do have gripes with not only those who pushed them aside or rolled over them, but also everyone who didn't fight on their behalf for years now. I look forward to the day when the unemployed talent gets back in power and competes with those who made their lives so difficult and drives them out of business or gets into a hiring position. If anything, that should keep a few people's struggle to keep on going very much alive in these trying times.

    Reply to: Long Term Unemployment is the Crisis of Our Time   12 years 2 months ago
  • Let's run some "real news" and then ask yourself if it could be right in The Onion. Real news:

    1) Banks need more money from taxpayers, already spent sizeable amounts on cocaine and prostitutes and vacations;
    2) Banks continue to launder money for foreign terrorists, government concerned with Americans bringing 6 ounces of liquid on planes;
    3) CEOs using software to reject tens of thousands of Americans for openings, don't know how to find skilled workers;
    4) Companies are tired of government intervention, demand greater subsidies from government;
    5) Free market capitalists demand government leave them alone, free market capitalists currently lobbying candidates, politicians, and officials in federal, state, and local agencies to ensure they get what they want;
    6) Banks payoff regulators, banks claim if anything was wrong, the regulators they paid and lobby would step in and stop them;
    7) American companies are tired of "overqualified candidates," seek applicants who can barely walk and talk at the same time;
    8) College graduates must work for free to prove they have the right fit with corporate culture that demands sacrifice from everyone below the CEO;
    9) Media repeats same keywords on every station and same stories - those who think this is more than random are labeled conspiracy nuts;
    10) Companies and politicians tired of government intervention - demand the military and State Department step in to protect their infrastructure and personnel overseas;
    11) Government officials sign pledge they will not raise taxes - same officials are tired of people protesting and exercising rights under Constitution;
    12) Politicians are sick of people collecting benefits and want to end government assistance, politicians keep collecting government paychecks and enjoy government benefits;
    13) TV anchors claim Americans are just lazy and should settle for less - same anchors throw hissy fits when they aren't given millions more per year for reading teleprompters;
    14) Politicians and companies demand people work until they die because they have it too easy, companies refuse to hire people over 30 because they are too old;
    15) Politicians claim there are jobs out there and people don't take them because they are lazy and unskilled, at least 4 people for every job opening, with dozens per actual opening;
    16) Manager fired because employee stole small amount of money, manager faces criminal charges quickly; banker steals $1.2 billion dollars, answers a few questions, and continues on collecting money for politicians and enjoying wealthy life;
    17) Man tries to bribe police officer, currently in jail facing charges; man bribes hundreds of police officers internationally, currently lobbying law enforcement and politicians;
    18) Millions of people claim they are applying for jobs but constantly ignored and rejected for year after year - they are called lazy and unskilled and liars by media and politicians; ex-Microsoft CEO personally appears in front of Congress and claims he cannot find any Americans to do jobs, he is praised by Congressmen and they don't call him a liar;
    19) Companies claim they cannot find skilled and educated people to do jobs in USA; companies relocate overseas where they find candidates with no skills and less education and hire them immediately
    20) Life-long politicians that inherited wealth and companies from families tell Americans to just work as hard as they did and they would succeed
    21) Political candidates claim unemployed only have themselves to blame for anything that goes wrong; political candidates blaming everyone but themselves for not winning office
    22) Banks launder money for drug cartels that risk destroying entire nations and kill tens of thousands of people; politicians collect money from banks and blame soda cartel for risk it poses, demands people not be allowed to buy big soda while getting angry when asked about banks and corruption
    23) Government having trouble finding skilled individuals who are motivated to work; automatically rejects tens of thousands of candidates daily, opens and closes positions with 24 hours, and keeps candidates hanging on for 3+ years
    24) Government concerned with Iran and places sanctions on banking with Iran while paying thousands of people to combat money laundering; government upset when a regulator finally tries to stop Iran money laundering after 10 years of silence

    "The Onion"? Nope, pure truth. Every single one. And thousands more.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Dysfunctional Economy Sing-Along Edition   12 years 2 months ago
  • This is actually only goods trade. Offshore outsourced call center, I.T., engineering, legal are all services and the breakdown of services data is hard to come by.

    Second point to amplify is this is only subsidiaries. As noted in the above piece, there are a slew of manufacturing offshore outsourced that use 3rd parties, such as Foxconn and so on for their manufacturing. That comes in as non-related party trade since Apple doesn't own a percent stake in Foxconn.

    Reply to: Intra-Firm Trade Drives the Trade Deficit   12 years 2 months ago
  • Hey, I didn't say it, Matt Taibbi did. I do think all flavors of the political spectrum want Holder out at this point, he seems to have real issue with doing his job as a general rule.

    Reply to: They Got Away With It   12 years 2 months ago
  • We didn't create these maps, they are provided by the BLS and anyone know of great mapping software, let us know, these are not really that adequate, but when looking at regional data, maps are the best way to illustrate what's going on.

    Reply to: State Unemployment Paints a Bleak Picture for July 2012   12 years 2 months ago
  • These facts are scary. How many companies are being run by generalists instead of experts? The writer Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes 10,000 hours of intense study and work to become an expert at anything. With this data its safe to assume that most companies are being run by generalists. Another thing missing is passion. How can you develop passion for where you work when you have little evidence that the company intends to keep you or cares for you as a person or a member with upside. It also help develop an attitude of every person for them-self. Back stabbing probably abounds and employee attitudes are about what's in it for me instead of the common good. A sad state of affairs.

    Reply to: Job Study Tells a Terrible Tale for U.S. Workers   12 years 2 months ago
  • Ralph Gomory and others have recommended we demand corporations being redefined to be good citizens. They are not loyal to the United States and obviously not loyal to American citizens. They do not act in the national interest.

    Can you imagine today the discovery of Penicillin? At the time, the British and the U.S. government are the ones who funded the effort for mass production. Nobody was thinking, how much money can I squeeze and my profit margins aren't enough so either pay up or we're not producing it. Save billions of people over time.

    Salk as you know gave his discovery to the world.

    We need the entire corporate entity to be redefined and this goes along with removing corporate personhood. Since Citizens United, that looks like it has a prayer's chance at the moment.

    This idea they are to make quarterly profits for shareholders at all costs is immoral and they are not even doing that. They are making their excessive pay the #1 consideration. Think about Forina and HP-Compaq merger. It was all about the fees, the bonus, the money. Literally HP went from being a world innovation leader to one step above cheap plastic toys from China. HP has been completely destroyed through offshore outsourcing, labor arbitrage, H-1B, short term thinking. All was caused by CEOs who cared more for their bonuses and superstar status than even the company itself.

    Reply to: CEO Pay is a Tax on You   12 years 2 months ago
  • Tough choice, polio vaccines for nothing vs. bankster information that will profit a bankster/part-time mayor. Hmm, what would Salk say? I'm guessing the world population matters more than an elitist bankster. Hey, Mayor, dollars to donuts in a push-come-to-shove situation like a Gulag, or concentration camp where Polish and Jewish and Ukrainian and other freedom fighters were killed, or Pol Pot's hellholes where people were killed for wearing glasses, you wouldn't do the right thing, you wouldn't stand up for the weak, the oppressed, etc. And I could see the excuses, "Sorry folks, you've got to die, but I can do so much more if I live." We've heard it, we hear it, and we'll hear it 10,000X more times. An unarmed German young woman had more balls than many more people claiming to be people of integrity - look it up. Are the victims in Davos, are the victims in the UN, are the victims sipping champagne? Americans don't ask for much, we just want people who will look out for their countrymen and the Constitution according to the laws they swore to protect. Looking out for the weak is more impressive than sipping more champagne at a sycophants' convention - but it involves real sacrifice, something most Americans have had more than their fair share of for many years.

    Reply to: CEO Pay is a Tax on You   12 years 2 months ago
  • Raising anyone to hero level is always disconcerting. I'm a firm believer that those who are probably doing the most good in the world are those who you will never hear about, and quite frankly, they'd be extremely uncomfortable with the press - they certainly aren't getting rich through other's efforts and will probably remain anonymous to those writing articles or meeting in elitist retreats. They are doing it, quite simply, because it's right. "I am CNBC"? Huh? Go visit China and find Tank Man or cover the journalists and corruption fighters who are killed or otherwise disappear in the former Soviet Union all the time. Heroes? Praise those who took on Colombia's cartels when that was a death sentence or thousands of other examples around the world every day. Most aren't winning Nobel Peace Prizes and aren't getting rich.

    And those we do know about, often passed up any wealth in order to help others. Jonas Salk's response when Edward R. Murrow asked him who owned the patent on the polio vaccine, was “Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?” Well, nowadays we have private companies trying to exploit outer space for minerals, so never put anything past today's business "leaders." In addition, the polio vaccine required private + public cooperation, which Ayn Rand and many politicians probably wouldn't approve of.

    Today the CEOs and politicians and the press would probably mock him, try to steal his vaccine, or have him come up with it as a "freelancer" or get it through crowdsourcing him and he'd get no credit and they'd get rich. Or they'd hire tens of thousands of people in another country to make some hair growth formula because trying to cure polio probably cost too much money and Salk was already too old and overqualified according to CEOs nowadays to really do anything.

    Plenty of people throughout history are fighting injustice, protecting their families and neighbors, etc. many of whom were crushed, but did their part for their fellow man.

    Today we are bombarded with an "Oracle" that is the son of a politician and makes inside deals and, of course, is rich and is followed 24/7 by a female TV host (PR work or "journalism)? They are celebrating CEOs who hold themselves above the people buying their products, hold themselves above the law, and hold themselves to different rules of conduct and business - after all, this isn't Adam Smith's capitalism, rather, more like the collapsing Soviet Union and years after - plutocracy and crony capitalism.

    Truly great men and women in our society will be purposely ignored by the press because the corporate press can't sell more goods if people question the ethics and morals being celebrated daily. They want CEO worship, compliant consumers, and workers who will go along until we are all unemployed and homeless and then they will focus all sales and work overseas. Even without anyone else praising them, CEOs' and politicians' hubris is already taking a terrible toll on society.

    They want the US to die with a whimper, while laying blame for all they helped cause at the feet of the most powerless - the American worker and unemployed worker. Too bad for them we won't go silently along as Americans suffer, despite their plutocratic wishes. Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" doesn't sell [Product X, Y, or Z] and he wasn't getting rich on Walden Pond, but something tells me we could use more Thoreaus and far fewer of today's CEOs setting our path.

    Reply to: CEO Pay is a Tax on You   12 years 2 months ago
  • Look around the US and travel abroad. People overseas think we have it so good, we're spoiled, that we need Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, and Central Americans and foreigners to do our jobs. Yet when you explain that CNBS and Bloomberg and Congress paint a certain picture and it's pure bullshit, and real unemployment is 20%+, and that we actually have degree after freaking degree but still are purposely ignored by our own "American" corporations so they can undercut and replace us, they are pretty damn surprised. What's most shocking to them is that our leaders really don't give a crap about their own citizens to this level in a country that preaches about equality and fairness and the rule of law.

    See, the corporate-owned media paints that picture, TV wants people to believe that everyone's living like a spoiled leech on "Real Housewives of Who Gives a Crap." so that people think Americans have it coming and we just need to accept less and work harder. Well, f*ck that. That's all noise and we all know it. CNBS has Jack Welch on as some icon? Of what? Getting rich off people who are fired and destroyed? He's an asswipe that loved cutting people so he could prosper, nothing more. And what, his replacement is better? And he's on a "Job Council." WTF has that council done except give more titles to more asshates killing the middle class while Obama and ex-Pres Clinton (yeah, Bill, I have to remind you, you aren't in office anymore, so disappear and stop screwing over more Americans with your foundations and acting like someone who cares about the world) and every other politician meet secretly with CEOs to bone us over.

    There's a story about ATP Oil CEO saying the government made it impossible to succeed and that's why he's bankrupt. Isn't it great - whenever they succeed and make mad loot, it's because of their actions solely (are you kidding me, especially in natural resources sector where there are GOVT. LEASES and the oil companies rely on our govt. and military protecting their asses around the world). And when they fail (despite all that $ they lobby with), it's still not their fault, it's the government's? Sounds like ready made excuses at every turn. CEOs succeed, it's all to the CEO's credit, not the workers, taxpayer infrastructure, state-educated workers, military protecting resources globally, govt. that will help protect company in court and WTO, state and federal courts that seek rule of law and settle disputes, etc. And when they fail, damn, it's not the CEO's fault, it's all that uncertainty, the government, those policies 50 years from now they cannot predict. Stop it, while all the complaining is going on, there are tens of millions of people with more skills, brains, education, and a whole lot more integrity and concern for other Americans who are homeless or close to homeless. So preach it on Fox or in Forbes or some other puppetshow that can pretend to care. But don't try to meet Paul Ryan, he might be busy, he's meeting with Adelson so they can make sure justice and law enforcement and foreign bribery laws never affect the people with money -"and justice for all" [audience laughter].

    Yeah, Bloomberg, there's an icon everyone can universally despise. So much time to spout globalist 1% agenda, so little time to actually be a mayor - just resign already so you can keep visiting the Aspen Institute, Brookings, Davos, lobbying/lying to Congress about lack of qualified Americans, etc. 365 days a year.
    Murdoch, another person loathed around the world.
    Eisner (what would Walt say about people like that)?
    Bill Gates - the man who stole IP from other people, acts like he invented something, and then perjurs himself in front of Congress saying he just can't find any qualified Americans to do his bidding (but then again, Youtube has the videos of the script they are supposed to follow to get more H-1Bs, and wouldn't you know it, Bill Gates can read scripts).
    And on, and on, and on.

    But that's the facade they want the world to believe, anything's possible, if it just weren't for the lazy Americans that we have to fire and destroy.

    Drop these people off without the family connections and their names, without their bullshit step-on other people and lie your way to the top attitudes and see how great they really are - hint: they aren't.
    Hey, Murdoch, bribe a cop to get out of a ticket and we'll see you in a cell within 10 hours. But with your name only and your millions made through crime, you can lobby DOJ to avoid charges. Guess what, that only proves you are worse than the average citizen because you break laws and then require preferential treatment to avoid hard time.

    Yeah, most CEOs, they are special, very special. Anyway, time to go, Robespierre is meeting on the tennis court (oh, banksters and CEOs, if you don't know the reference and right quick, you ain't that bright, but ask one of your unpaid interns to kiss your ass, it will make you feel powerful despite your lack of skills and care for your own country).

    Reply to: CEO Pay is a Tax on You   12 years 2 months ago
  • For now, notice New York State increased their unemployment rate in the past year.

    Reply to: State Unemployment Paints a Bleak Picture for July 2012   12 years 2 months ago
  • They are few and far between, that would make a nice post, ethical, moral CEOs who do their job of taking care of their employees. This used to be a strong corporate value before 1980.

    Reply to: Long Term Unemployment is the Crisis of Our Time   12 years 2 months ago
  • As many posters here have noted under "Automated Rejections" and the many, many other article here and every other blog that gives us a voice and expose the lies and manipulation, the good men and women who follow the rules, don't asskiss (but aren't a**holes either), and just want to do their jobs and do them well are often ignored at the expense of the narcissists and sycophants. The hard workers who don't BS but let their work speak for itself used to be able to rise to a certain level within corporations. Now they are automatically weeded out during the application phase because they have "too much" experience, or would require a living wage, or wouldn't go along with criminal acts (e.g., does anybody think HSBC is going to hire an American that really would stop money laundering or raise alarm bells immediately at Standard Chartered?). If you apply to certain corporations from a US computer, you are automatically locked in to say your are from India no matter how many times you try to fill in the USA to make sure you cannot apply (Deutsche Bank - here's looking at you!). But don't try telling the fools spouting talking points like Geraldo, Bloomberg, Stossel, Forbes, or [fill-in-the-blank]. And those who keep taking credit for others' work, kiss the most ass, and cut others' throats without showing any integrity will be the most likely to rise, and rise quickly. 21 year old HR assistants that are scared for their own careers and automated software just make the job that much easier. And then, eventually, they rise to the CEO club where psychos protect themselves. Who says there's no honor among thieves? Just ask Corzine and Dimon and any other thief at the top if they are protecting each other. Those who speak out, like in MF Global, are shown the door – those who remain learn the lesson.

    In politics, who gets involved in that game? Narcissists almost all of the time. And who rises to the top, those with their hands out the most, the ones that will steal candy from the most babies while kissing another baby in front of the fawning press, and the ones that make the most promises they know they will break. Those with the biggest lies and the most corrupt will be granted more and more power.

    And so we now have the culmination of two groups of amoral, narcissistic, megalomaniacal individuals that only understand abusing everyone and anything to gain power having ultimate power in 2012. So when they sit at a table, they will protect each other. They have no interest in anyone who isn't like them (i.e., us) because they rose by trying to crush people like us when they weren't lying to us or stealing from us. To look to either of these groups for help is ridiculous. They have shown throughout their lives they profit and get more power despite us and to keep us weak. How many lobbying groups represent the homeless, the working poor, the overqualified, people destroyed by visa abuses and open borders, and outsourcing? How many represent the small group of people that rose to the top through lies and treachery? And how much $ do they take from the honest people when we pay fees or buy products and then use that $ only to protect the very same people at the top that bring us misery? How many overqualified and unemployed vets are on Bloomberg? How many times is Bloomberg on TV to talk about what he wants? Wow, for one man he sure does seem to have an inordinate amount of power where “everyone is equal.” Guess those are just words.

    Remember the CEO of Malden Mills, Aaron Feuerstein? Talk about a real "job creator" and "saver." His factory burned down. Feuerstein decided not only to use his insurance money to rebuild it, but to also pay the salaries of all the now-unemployed workers while it was being rebuilt. Feuerstein spent millions keeping all 3,000 employees on the payroll with full benefits for six months. Unfortunately the company eventually went bankrupt, but he did the right thing despite pressure to cut his losses and outsource. And remember this, how many banksters and big CEO would be bankrupt many times over except for our intervention and protection? How many billions does a hedge fund manager earn for sitting in front of a computer and LOSING to the market?! And these CEOs and banksters never, never did the right thing by their employees or Americans before or after they had trouble. They’d go out of their way to fire those people no matter what, even before a fire ever happened. And yet people like Feuerstein are too soon forgotten by the corporate press and we have politicians and businessmen celebrated for getting richer at our expense (NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, ending Glass-Steagall, lifting visa caps, betting billions on derivatives, laundering money for criminals and terrorists, etc.).

    Of course there are waves of honest businessmen and people who want to fix the current system, but they are purposely locked out with no access. Crony capitalism rewards those that buy their way into the system and keep perpetuating it. It will not fix itself and we cannot look to those who profit from it to fix it either.

    Oh, by the way, today, as is weekly custom for decades now, both parties are blaming each other for the never-ending unemployment disaster. First, Bill O and Stossel and Dobbs and every other dope on every channel, I thought people were unemployed because they were "lazy" and "not looking hard enough." So if that's the case, the economy must be booming. But if it's booming, Dems get some credit. But then you say it's dismal in the next sentence. Then you can't blame the unemployed, but rather have to blame CEOs, and outsourcing, and visa abuses, and at least many GOP members. So which is it you dumb bastards? I don’t expect much, but the logic of a five year old I do expect from rich puppets. Dems, same thing, economy is improving or not. Just kidding, I know both parties will never blame their paymasters and will do whatever it takes to get richer and more corrupt. Carry on.

    Reply to: Long Term Unemployment is the Crisis of Our Time   12 years 2 months ago
  • If either party was interested in America, the national interest and even the debt, they would be canceling federal contracts which offshore outsource, curtailing immigration into the country, confronting China on currency manipulation, putting the Banksters in jail, reenact Glass-Stegall, stop putting foreigners ahead of U.S. state resident students for educational entrance, opportunity, jobs, stop making more bad trade deals, give massive hiring incentives, tax, grants, rebates, tied 100% to U.S. citizen workers, create tax incentives for the return of traditional pensions, enforce anti-discrimination laws that are for U.S. citizens instead of turning those laws on their head or ignoring them...

    Put social security in a "lockbox" to use Al Gore's phrase and raise the cap on income taxed, enact single payer universal health care....

    the list goes on and on and if you notice, in that laundry list are favorites of conservatives and favorites of liberals. That list is derived from actual statistics and analysis, objective analysis I've read, done on a daily basis and I'm just rattling off a policy list off the top of my head.

    All we have is noise, idiots, talking blather, non-issues, and a massive snow job on non-choices (such as destroy Medicare with vouchers or go bust), because the lobbyists and corporations who control our politicians, government, don't want the above laundry list of actions they could take to solve our problems.

    We see it everyday, the entire "press" picks "empty issue du jour" and prattles on about it for a 24 hour "news" cycle and they wonder what happened to their readers, why their ratings are tanking.

    They are not informing, they are snowing. It's like a gigantic snow job, spin machine.

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Before all of this outsourcing started, companies were routinely having "flunk out" quotas of personnel. So, in other words, 5%, 15% of all staff were supposed to be shoved out the door claiming "performance" issues. Well, there is a problem with that mentality, sometimes to get in the door they already had the best of the best so this was a dog eat dog competition. Many still do this sort of thing today. It's ridiculous.

    Reply to: Outsourcing Has Its Benefits - Money Landering, Stock Market Crashes and Failed Projects   12 years 2 months ago
  • "House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner spar over debt. Transcript below:

    Ryan: Here's the point, if you'll allow me. This is your time, so we'll just take a long time. Here's the point. Leaders are supposed to fix problems. We have a $99.4 trillion unfunded liability. Our government is making promises to Americans that it has no way of accounting for them. And so you're saying yeah, we're stabilizing it but we're not fixing it in the long run. That means we're just going to keep lying to people. We're going to keep all these empty promises going.

    And so what we're saying is, in order to avert a debt crisis -- you're the Treasury Secretary -- if we can't make good on our bonds in the future, who is going to invest in our country? We do not want to have a debt crisis. And so it comes down to confidence and trajectory. Do we have confidence that we're getting our fiscal situation under control, that we're preventing the debt from getting at these catastrophic levels?

    If we go back to the preceding chart, number 13, you're showing that you have no plan to get this debt under control. You're saying we'll stabilize it but then it's just going to shoot back up. So my argument is, that's Europe. That is bringing us toward a European debt crisis because we're showing the world, the credit market's future seniors -- people who are organizing their lives around the promises that are being made to them today -- that we don't have a plan to make good on this.

    Geithner: Mr. Chairman, as I said, maybe we're not disagreeing in a sense. I made it absolutely clear that what our budget does is get our deficit down to a sustainable path over the budget window.

    Ryan: And then they take back off.

    Geithner: Why do they take off again? Why do they do that?

    Ryan: Because we have 10,000 people retiring everyday and healthcare costs going up.

    Geithner: That's right. We have millions of Americans retiring everyday, and that will drive substantial further rise in the growth of healthcare costs. We're not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to our long-term problem. What we do know is we don't like yours."

    This is a taped interview between both. Geithner knows their plan is bull and does not fix the problems long term. Democrats do not relly want a fix. They want ot control the dole completly..
    Ryan points this out a few times, Geithner respons is typical Ob Scam We just do not like your plan, not if it better or worse we just do not like it..
    I see Ryan as the guy who can get this thing back under control, OB and company are not going to do that.... Geithners' response should tell all of you that..

    article link, or google it your self and many other Ryan Interviews, he shows Debbie Wassermann to be a complete idiot, which she seems to be... Also Chris Matthews and others anbout the budget and such...

    Reply to: Paul Ryan Wants to Destroy Social Security & Medicare   12 years 2 months ago
  • Watch how pissed off The People's Republic of China and India get when MNCs find that those countries are just too expensive and slave wages and the appropriate bribes are lower in other parts of the world. Oh, you'll see them scream in the WTO and whine about how they need to protect their populations (something the US Government never does with us).

    Already MNCs are moving out to the rest of Asia. Then eventually sub-Saharan Africa. And when wages and the people just won't shut up and do what their told, we could have MNCs buy out governments, force people to work for free, and if they don't work for free, they will be sent to prison and work for free, but behind bars. It will make the Dutch in the East Indies look like a forerunner of the 21st Century. Cecil Rhodes in southern Africa was no doubt a god to these lunatics/"best and brightest". Notice how the sociopathic businessmen always set up philanthropies to wash away the stench of their sins, like the Rhodes Scholarship? It's a great PR move. Like the "foundations" of today's crooked kleptocrats - make sure you donate, because they just aren't rich enough already through destroying the middle class.

    And that's why our Nation's founders were extremely distrustful of large banks and corporations - they saw the problems and understood the damage they did and would do.

    Does this remind you of Western Imperialism? Cecil Rhodes and DeBeers in South Africa? Belgium in the Congo? Chinese prison labor (and now American prison labor) replacing free employees?

    I just laid out a business plan that I have no doubt is right at home in many boardrooms today and could be argued by the drones graduating Harvard Business School (you know, the "best and brighest" that can pay $200,000 to repeat slogans and not think too much) and on MSM screens - "Look, if Americans want to be competitive, they just need to stop whining and work harder for less like the 10 years olds in Pakistan" -I swear I could find an intern who could replace a bloated teleprompter reader who could save $10 million/year and do a better job.

    Bring it on, 19th Century, here we come again! Only this time prepare to have your financial records and medical records and corporate secrets handled by people in Pakistan that admire Al-Qaeda, and in a few years, by people in Somalia that would accept $5 to look the other way if someone wants to access your medical records. But hey, I'm sure corporate HQ has top people monitoring the situation and no one overseas is corrupt, ever, right Standard Chartered, HSBC, Wells Fargo, etc.?

    Reply to: Outsourcing Has Its Benefits - Money Landering, Stock Market Crashes and Failed Projects   12 years 2 months ago
