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  • The GOP has spewed more economic fiction than I care to shake a stick at, in part due to their "primaries". They shut out Buddy Roemer who seems to be cherry pickin' on policy across the political spectrum, he must be knowing a little about what actually works to be doing that.

    I just get the feeling both political parties are out to destroy the United States, period, per the demands of MNCs and other special interests. They could care less about the people who live here.

    Reply to: Q3 2011 GDP Advance Estimate - 2.5%   12 years 12 months ago
  • Along with the underlying economic headwinds get ready for more hysteria from the Republican radicals in congress. In November there has to be agreement on the latest wreck the economy spending cuts. May as well wreck consumer confidence over the holidays.

    Reply to: Q3 2011 GDP Advance Estimate - 2.5%   12 years 12 months ago
  • Thank you for going through all this. I will use this information to validate what I have been telling everyone. In a nutshell people are sacrificing their future to continue to spend, spend, spend. As a society, we have not learn save for the future and forgo the pleasures that tempt us on a daily bases. Starbucks, Panera Bread and Apple are among a few retailers that people have to have, probably just to fill good about themselves.

    I have been surprised how well the retailers have been performing through this slow recovery and I could only conclude that people are dipping into their savings to spend on goods for thier family. Perhaps this is why we have a consumer conundrum, where retail sales are increasing while at the same time consumer sentimate is falling.

    Reply to: Personal Income Declines -0.1%, Real Consumer Spending Flatlines for August 2011   12 years 12 months ago
  • I'm seeing major press reports acting like "all is good" economically and the "worst is over" between this GDP report and the 50% Greek debt haircut.

    Far from it. We've seen other good GDP quarters, while unemployment keeps rising and there has been negative policies passed which will guarantee more job losses, one of them being more bad trade deals.

    So, while this is great news in comparison to what could have been, one quarter of solid GDP growth, which is an advance report, does not mean, magically all is well.

    It means it could have been much worse has now passed, i.e., double dippers look to be wrong.

    Here, we didn't predict a double dip, although Q3 GDP I estimated to be more around 2%, vs. 2.5%.

    Reply to: Q3 2011 GDP Advance Estimate - 2.5%   12 years 12 months ago
  • More 3rd world cannot afford houses with plumbing, cars, never mind cars with air-conditioning. Food is a problem too, if one noticed the middle east, "spring" started with outrage over food inflation and went from there.

    Nope, lowering wages usually means wage slave and not much else.

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   12 years 12 months ago
  • Look, it's probably true there are some former ACORN people running around in there as well as some others with the most despised and alienating agendas. But don't put on your tin foil hat without evidence.

    I've seen some agendas for "unlimited migration" popping up as official agendas, so if OWS gets compromised, taken over and off message, well, that's what this article is warning about in so many words.

    Got a link for that video? I might consider it a candidate for FMN, never heard of it.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global   12 years 12 months ago
  • Fox wasted no time crowing about ACORN. To their credit, they point out that all ACORN members are former, but the money is all new and current. Following the money will lead to the usual sources.
    The question, to repeat, is how govenrment money
    is used to manipulate and discredit OWS and how this is not a conspiracy? The is the worst of the the McCarthy days. Even, the 'get a job, bum' rhetoric.

    I am going to re-watch 'I WAS A COMMUNIST FOR THE FBI'.
    In the late forties, this was a serious flick taken quite seriously.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global   12 years 12 months ago
  • We could just lower the prices of everything to third world levels too.

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   12 years 12 months ago
  • But watch out for age discrimination on NCG jobs. I'm sorry to warn but it's true, especially in CS. That's positively disgusting, but be aware, there are CEs with 20 yrs. experience, being offered even less hourly rates for design, programming.

    That said, my best advice is to look "high and low" and if you can, apply to DoD types of jobs which still require U.S. citizenship too. Just keep looking and avoid those trying to pay a BS CS less than the wage to flip burgers, pump gas or pick corn.

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   12 years 12 months ago
  • I wrote up this piece knowing they would try to tear this movement to pieces and/or take it over via special interests, so we'll see.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global   12 years 12 months ago
  • This is the oldest trick ever from the McCarthy era. You get the stooge to sign the register at the Communist Party meeting. You then can get the stooge who signed the register book to rat out every one else. Naming names so it was called. In this version, just having the plant there works. Jon Kest does not own OWS. New York does not own OWS anymore.

    This is a known trick from police and intelligence circles. This was done by government operatives and is an obvious conspiracy. Jon Kest is a plant. Whatever and whoever he works for needs to discredit OWS.

    Just like Oswald.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global   12 years 12 months ago
  • I will soon graduate with a BS in Computer Science and a pretty good GPA of 3.8. The rate of pay for the internships I have been offered are a joke. One actually insisted on more than the part time I was looking for, and wanted to pay me 9.00 an hour! Not only did the guy make this offer with a straight face but, he acted like he was doing me a favor. Even in my chosen field where the unemployment rate is not high, this attitude of less employee investment comes to roost.

    I conisder myself to be one of the lucky ones. I am 40 and decided to go back to school before all the financial mess hit. I was capable of doing well in a pretty tough program. I cannot even imagine my prospects otherwise.

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   13 years 1 hour ago
  • I'm not surprised but FOX news will pound this into the ground.

    The former director of New York ACORN, Jon Kest, and his top aides are now busy working at protest events for New York Communities for Change (NYCC). That organization was created in late 2009 when some ACORN offices disbanded and reorganized under new names after undercover video exposes prompted Congress to cut off federal funds.

    The minute a movement is perceived to be connected with either special interest "unlimited migration/amnesty/immigration" or taxpayer funds for "political" groups like ACORN's the kiss of death.

    Great message, great cause and this is how it will be all discounted. Expect FOX to turn into the "ACORN channel" now, 24/7 slam of this organization and past agendas.

    Reply to: Occupy Wall Street Goes Global   13 years 15 hours ago
  • I hear what you're saying on $250k a year. That isn't rich. I think they should increase the tax, graduated to get those few super rich people and put the tax at more like $600k a year, make sure they are not getting small business people, although sole prop. LLC, have tax pass through, although while they changed the law for 5, 20 years on loss carry forward/backward, I'm not sure exactly how the accounting works for spreading the losses, gains over past one fiscal year.

    But taxing hedge fund managers or anyone living from investment, which are taxed at capital gains rates is a great idea IMHO.

    Reply to: Tax The Rich!   13 years 16 hours ago
  • makes a lot of sense to me. Instead of laying anyone off he just moved his sales guy to carpentry where the training time is less because he already has some of the skills.

    I wouldn't call $400k in orders "big bucks" and each person is probably $80k or so, accounting for benefits and this is skilled labor too.

    I see your point, he wants "ready made" workers with extreme, specialized skill sets that he can just can after the order rush is over.

    This is called contracting, temps and unfortunately is controlled by a host of 3rd parties who jack up rates, take money away from the person doing the actual work. Tons of these "temp help" companies out there and they do this with advanced skills all of the time. Its the IRS and laws when enable these "middlemen" who frankly don't provide much but finding said temp and then taking anywhere from 20-80% of their actual hourly gross pay.

    Seems generally any job which actually produces, makes something is pooped on in America.

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   13 years 17 hours ago
  • He's coming back and he wants to be a candidate in the Republican primary. He said that most of the others would never notice any difference between what he intends to say and the other candidates.

    Reply to: Stimulus Money Used to Employ Foreign Guest Workers Instead of Americans   13 years 19 hours ago
  • Just read an NYT article this morning which almost made me spit coffee all over my monitor. Essentially, business is booming for a premium conference table manufacturer, but he decided to demote his right-hand man to manufacturing rather than making any new hires. The article also touches upon the "skill" issue and his unwillingness to train new specialists, though this employer at least doesn't outsource. Hopefully the link will get through; if not, the article is entitled "Layoffs? Suddenly we have a different problem."

    Reply to: Corporations Want Instant Ready Disposable Workers, Not Employees   13 years 21 hours ago
  • tax

    Why should a person that makes 251K a year be placed in to the same group as the group making 2.5M?..for example. also, is that 250K household income?

    Reply to: Tax The Rich!   13 years 22 hours ago
  • We try to calculate from first principles here, actually read the gov. stats and interpret. I see you're doing that as well and getting some focus on the horrific numbers is good.

    Reply to: What's the Real Unemployment Rate?   13 years 1 day ago
  • I just came upon this post with your discussion of alternate unemployment rates, and I am so happy that you are discussing one of the same alternate unemployment rate calculations that I have also been using. I came up with 18.08% vs. your 18.09% for July. I'm certainly not going to quibble about one hundredth of a percent.

    And I'm also glad that you are questioning Shadow Stat's alternate calculation for basically the same reasons that I am. It seems to me that one can't count people as unemployed unless they are answering the "want a job" question in the positive.

    Anyway, I started really digging into unemployment numbers about a year ago because I knew that so much that people were saying about unemployment was just plain wrong.. and there was so much misinformation out there.

    Thanks for your careful work! I bookmarked this site a while back, but I hadn't seen this post until today.

    Reply to: What's the Real Unemployment Rate?   13 years 1 day ago
