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  • Can someone elaborate on why the US Government can't default on its bonds because they're paid for with US currency? I don't understand that.

    Reply to: An Economy Destroyed -- The Enemy Is Washington   13 years 3 months ago
  • Has he been invited to any of their debates since Iowa? Is he included in any of their polls (released to the public)? Has he gotten even a mention on the official GOP news channel? I don't think so.

    My Republican FOX News-addicted friends ask me which of the possibles I like among the Republican contenders and I reply, "Buddy Roemer." And they say, "Who?"

    Does the Republican establishment want to hear anything about limiting contributions to be from individuals only and then to a maximum of $100?

    NO. Not just 'NO', but 'HELL NO!'

    Could Roemer beat Obama in 2012?

    YES. Not just 'YES', but 'HELL YES!'

    The RNC would sooner lose to Obama than have Roemer in the White House.

    Reply to: Why Some People Are Just Fine With the Collapse of the Debt Ceiling Negotiations   13 years 3 months ago
  • I was thinking of putting up a post over it but frankly I just don't know what to say! It's our corrupt government in action, full court press as well. Lies and spin, although I had to say the GOP has won this round as the most corrupt insane.

    The polls say this as well. What is frightening is how we really do not have a government. We have some sort of reality show that is none too funny.

    Reply to: Why Some People Are Just Fine With the Collapse of the Debt Ceiling Negotiations   13 years 3 months ago
  • Look who picks up the entertainment expenses for No. 10. What does this evidence indicate? What are they putting in the food and drink;)

    Almost a quarter of entertainment enjoyed by Downing Street advisers was hosted by News International

    The full extent of the close relationship between David Cameron's inner circle of Downing Street advisers and News International has been revealed.

    An investigation has shown that almost a quarter of all lunches, dinners and other hospitality enjoyed by special advisers came from Rupert Murdoch's company.

    In the first seven months of the current Government, News International treated Downing Street advisers to hospitality on 26 occasions out of 111 events listed on an official hospitality register.

    Reply to: Concentration of Power is The Real Crime   13 years 3 months ago
  • Couldn't have said it better (and I didn't;)

    This should be mandatory reading for the members toiling away at destroying a great nation and people. Then they'd know that there are many of us who are onto their game, their little show, the insults to our intelligence and humanity that are ubiquitous in the halls of power.

    It's time to hammer this message home, again and again.

    Fine essay!

    Reply to: Why Some People Are Just Fine With the Collapse of the Debt Ceiling Negotiations   13 years 3 months ago
  • The concentation of power is the main point of the Murdoch episode. He moves in, tells whomever he wants in power that he will support them and, in return, he gets a blank check, the keys to the country. Challenging Murdoch is considered lèse majesté.

    Well, guess what, Murdoch has been challenged by the most awesome enemy imaginable, a truly outraged and focused public. There message is like the message of Tahrir Square, Murdoch must leave the country. But that's not the only departure they want. The popinjay PM Cameron is falling like a rock in public approval, from 55% to 39% in just a few days and the hole is only getting deeper.

    Those in power need to read this essay and repent;) But they won't. The departure will be smooth or rocky, but the "wealth concentrators" must be stopped.

    After Murdoch, the UK is ripe for a truth and reconciliation commission. Like here, absent some truth from the perpetrators on the Iraq invasion, there should be trials. Invading a mail box for cheap headlines is not acceptable. Invading a country for whatever deluded reasons is a crime against humanity.

    Reply to: Concentration of Power is The Real Crime   13 years 3 months ago
  • She's trying like hell to do something but like most bills trying to do something, they get buried in committee.

    Even though this report was released last week, why I wanted to amplify this. As we can see from this complete "debt ceiling" as well as pretty much any bill in Congress, we simply cannot get decent legislation at all.

    It's corporate lobbyist wish lists at best.

    Reply to: Those Who Need a Job Need Not Apply   13 years 3 months ago
  • This could be corrected in a nanosecond if Congress wanted but that won't happen. They should tack on a prohibition for running credit reports. That's humiliating to the unemployed. They're often stuck and delayed in payments. What do these idiot employers want, a "clean" candidate, somebody who hasn't struggled or been knocked down for no reason of their own. It is time for mass action against firms that do this. I'm sure there's some way to get the info. There should also be a list of companies that screwed the people and those who helped during this period of grave troubles. I'll mention one that helped, They knocked down then off shipping fees, period. They've also done donw wel with pricing in many areas. Im sure there are others. Then there are the Koch industries folks who ruined Wisconsin's school system and labor unions with their bought and paid for governor. They make, among other things, Brawny paper towels. We'll track this bill, see how it comes out.


    H.R. 2501: Fair Employment Opportunity Act of 2011  (You can review and track the legislation here, Just introduced on the 12th)

    112th Congress: 2011-2012


    To prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of an individual's status or history of unemployment.

    Status: This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Explanation: Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Jul 25, 2011 6:13AM]

    Reply to: Those Who Need a Job Need Not Apply   13 years 3 months ago
  • Welcome to The Economic Populist Dr. Gomory. Thank you for testifying before Congress on trade policy and labor issues. We need more people like you. If only Gomory was on Obama's jobs panel instead of G.E.

    Reply to: Concentration of Power is The Real Crime   13 years 3 months ago
  • This site is trying to put focus on facts, policy, statistics that actually matter while the MSM takes some issue, that often is a non-issue, often wrongly characterizes it, or it's literally a distraction and rarely talks about policy, cause-effect, that can be verified.

    Take trade as one example, it's rare that makes it onto the MSM at all, or if at all, is given either misinformation and not enough coverage.

    NAFTA still makes it as an election issue, yet in terms of enacting any policy at all, from an infrastructure projects bill to a manufacturing policy to tying tax incentives to actual hires of Americans....nothing at all happens.

    We, all of us concerned about the national interest, are drowned out with the rancor and rhetoric.

    Reply to: Concentration of Power is The Real Crime   13 years 3 months ago
  • I don't know enough about Roemer tho he appears to have a somewhat weak record. BUT someone like a progressive Repub (mutually exclusive terms?) would be the BIGGEST threat and wake-up to Obama (and the many phony Demos) – progressives leave Obama (and that alone cripples his chances) and team with Repubs that don’t recognize their party / despise Tea Party and Plutocrats. And so Obama no doubt realizes Progressives will not cave in to “other choices are worse than Obama”
    PLUS if someone like that could win Repub nomination, they would have the structure to beat Obama

    BUT that's probably all wishful thinking but just giving some minor momentum to Roemer's concept might encourage some improved behavior?

    Republican Buddy Roemer Launches Presidential Campaign Based On Battling Corporate Power
    By Zaid Jilani ThinkProgress Jul 23, 2011

    Reply to: Why Some People Are Just Fine With the Collapse of the Debt Ceiling Negotiations   13 years 3 months ago
  • Roberts, along with Dylan Ratigan are quoting shadow stats. I have to go check how this is calculated at shadow stats but I believe some long term subset from "not in the labor force" is being added to U-6.

    there is a huge segment of the population categorized as not in the labor force. This can be retired, stay at home moms, super rich not needing to work and also has hidden unemployed who have fallen off of the count.

    Reply to: An Economy Destroyed -- The Enemy Is Washington   13 years 3 months ago
  • The 20+% U6 number may refer to subsets of the U6 population. I have see and hear journalistic reports the African-American U6 number is over 20%. Also teen numbers.

    Perhaps the writer ment to say "as high as 22%".

    Reply to: An Economy Destroyed -- The Enemy Is Washington   13 years 3 months ago
  • A movement to get out is a movement for human rights over corporate power. There is no sovereignty for any while they are in it. And out of it, "free" trade agreements have no enforcement.

    Reply to: Obama's Budget Betrayal - Questions and Answers   13 years 3 months ago
  • Surprise, surprise. Bloomberg:

    “The announced EU program along with the Institute of International Finance’s statement representing major financial institutions implies that the probability of a distressed exchange, and hence a default, on Greek government bonds is virtually 100 percent,” Moody’s said.

    Reply to: Greece Gets New Bail Out   13 years 3 months ago

    This coming Tuesday, July 26th from 10:00am to 11:30am in the Cannon House Office Building, Room 402, Washington, DC, Congressman Dennis Kucinich will host Dr. Kaoru Yamaguchi to give a presentation of his paper that concludes how HR 6550 will solve the national debt problem and function far better than our current debt-based money system.

    "This briefing is intended specifically for Congresspeople and their aides.  We ask you to strongly encourage your Congresspeople to attend."

    Please consider and give expression to the American Monetary Institute approach to monetary reform, preparing the way for an honest evaluation of the costs of perpetual warfare in the 21st Century.

    "Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the nation."

    American Monetary Institute

    Reply to: Reads Around The Internets - America Boils In Anger and Disgust   13 years 3 months ago
  • How many of these characters are, either directly or through hidden partnerships, playing the gold market?

    What? Profiteering on insider information by our self-righteous 'leaders' in Congress?

    What? Tea Party people posing as ideologues but actually just more of the same old greedy crooks?



    Reply to: Reads Around The Internets - America Boils In Anger and Disgust   13 years 3 months ago
  • Sorry, this is an economics site and in particular we only cover topics which we can document and we know what we're talking about.

    The great conspiracy theory on Vaccines is one of those who do not cover. Sorry. Also, religious views are not welcome on EP for we are an economics blog exclusively.

    Reply to: Obama's Budget Betrayal - Questions and Answers   13 years 3 months ago
  • Vaccines couldn't be more about economic populism.

    Very good point that to go after them is to go after power/funding of those harming us. A great means to overcome helplessness because the problems for the bankers and corporations caused by exposing the vaccines would be quite significant. That's they're incredibly dangerous or harmful is large truth they've done everything to hide even having built whole agencies around them.

    If this isn't about economics, don't know what is.

    Reply to: Obama's Budget Betrayal - Questions and Answers   13 years 3 months ago
  • I think, for the first time, Corporations, Wall Street, other nations are contemplating a U.S. default is actually possible. Up until Friday almost everyone thought surely someone will pull the car out of the middle lane in this game of chicken.

    Not our economic kamikaze Tea Party people. Nope, crazy people don't care about dying in a head on.

    Reply to: Reads Around The Internets - America Boils In Anger and Disgust   13 years 3 months ago
