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  • This is exactly what I have been looking for ... although probably no one will be convinced by the facts ... as usual ...

    Reply to: Screwing America Under the Cover of Deficit Reductions   13 years 3 months ago
  • Jersey --

    Is that irony or sarcasm? ... whichever, it's beautiful ...

    LOL from me.

    Sometimes I think we should be able to ridicule the apologists of corporate 'globalism' out of Washington, but the dummies are too dense even to know when they have been exposed as a bunch of naked wannabe emperors thinking that their finery can hide what all can see ... and it ain't pretty ...

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets - Debt Ceiling Games are Evil   13 years 3 months ago
  • Why does just about everybody but us refuse to abide by the Gospel of Free Trade?

    Why can't we convince everybody to let all the other countries sell whatever they want in their country, for whatever price they please?

    Free trade has worked so well for us, why can't we export this wonderful idea?

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets - Debt Ceiling Games are Evil   13 years 3 months ago
  • The Ritholtz one is really worth watching for I'd say he's saying pretty much what the entire, not corrupt financial blogosphere has been saying for years now. It's cash money.

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets - Debt Ceiling Games are Evil   13 years 3 months ago
  • pulled from a pdf report which has many more graphs and figures. report pdf link.

    I don't often link directly to pdfs because they launch with plugins or are large downloads and so on.

    The link given is to their blog post ranting on their findings.

    I overview CPI (in the left hand column) but others had already analyzed chained so well, I just used their results, multiple sources. It's valid, what they are saying, using chained CPI will screw people over on social security.

    Reply to: Screwing America Under the Cover of Deficit Reductions   13 years 3 months ago
  • The link to "above chart" does not go to a source for that chart.

    Reply to: Screwing America Under the Cover of Deficit Reductions   13 years 3 months ago
  • While millions of US Citizens go unemployed the BLS counts undocumented aliens and visa program workers in our labor statistics which clouds the plight of unemployed American Citizens.

    They can begin to contemplate how to help US citizens until they deport and end employment for unneeded foreign nationals displacing the American Laborforce.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.2% for June 2011 - Only 18,000 Jobs!   13 years 3 months ago
  • That's not good. I just think of Peter King, a Fox favorite, turning on them. The UK actually has some relatively free major newspapers. We don't. So if it happens, it's an organized hit.

    A good while ago, when I was looking at the Citizens United case before it was decided, it seemed to me that the case represented a counter move to an pending attack by the Obama folks. The big guy said something about it being a political operation, not news. That meant that under the former FCC rules, Fox violated FCC guidelines every election since there was a 60 day ban prior to campaigns for corporate contributions. Fox, by it's very nature, is a Republican campaign tool, hence they violated the law and were vulnerable. Citizens United took that off the table. I think one faction of The Money Party is very pissed off at Murdoch and they're about to do him in. If that's the case, then it doesn't matter what the Fox viewers think. It's happening.

    They'll let the Genie out of the bottle if the pubic freaks out over tapping phones of 9/11 survivor families (if that proves to be the case). People will note that and think, well, what's next.

    Very interesting. If it's just the British, great too! They deserve to get rid of Murdoch.

    But they've already got News Corp for bribing foreign officials, the British police. Oops!

    Btw. as I recall, Pensito Review is quite good. I was sort-of banned there once;) and I still like them.

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • As we're behaving right now, yes. But unlike WalMart, the United States can turn things around. WalMart has no reserves. But our reserves will mean nothing if the fools who run things stay at the helm. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

    Here's one thing Costco does for its shoppers. They offer a very professional pharmacy that has a cost plus 10% markup on medicine. This was set up by the founder as a serice to the public. YOu do not need to be a member to benefit.

    We're on a roll, after being shoved, and it won't stop until the lies and deception stops and people can exercise their good judgment.

    Reply to: Wal-Mart the Latest Victim of Global Labor Arbitrage   13 years 3 months ago
  • I'll need to check with some Fox News 'true believers' before accepting that Fox News in the U.S.A. is approaching its demise, although it appears to be slowly and inexorably dying.

    According to Pensito Review, citing the Nielsen organization's publication, Hollywood Reporter  (August 10, 2010) --

    Fox News has the oldest audience among fully distributed cable networks. The network’s average viewer last season was 65 years old, according to Nielsen. Heck, it’s viewers are even older than viewers of Hallmark Channel, Military Channel and Golf Channel.

    Pensito Review cites other supporting sources besides Hollywood Reporter and examines the case of the formerly influential Rush Limbaugh radio show.

    My local sources on Fox News are in their 80s, and they'd rather die than quit.

    On the other hand, I believe that quite a few relatively younger folk do sometimes watch the regular Fox Network's evening news, appreciating especially the extensive coverage of fires and drive-by shootings in the nearest metropolitan area. That seems to fit nicely with the ever popular Fox Network cartoon shows for adults (popular when first showings, much less attentively viewed when re-runs).

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • Wonderful. I'll help with a pic in a minute. This covers the main bases. Nice connection to the slow roll (for now) collapse of the financial elites. Had Greece, not Iceland, rejected the assumptions of the gigantic rip-off, we would be further down the road. But that day is coming. Maybe Turkey can put a bailout package together for us. They seem to be the one solid economy in Europe...oops, Europe doesn't think that Turkey is good enough for the EU.

    There are so many alalogies for the Murdoch tale.  He's Lear.  HIs brillian son warned him, no doubt, and was disipatched to Australia.  Replaced by a puppet younger brother, Murdoch's fate was sealed.  Wonder how that one happened.  Richard the III is the current phase.  Alas, no hope left as the empire crumbles. The independent talks of Murdoch 'abanoning his UK media holdings.'  Well it's true.  And the trap has been laid here.  Fox is finished whenever the semi-same faction of the Money Party chooses. News Corp is a US corporation and it is on record as having bribed London police.  In fact, Rebeckah says so right here.

    But the real analogy is Antigone.  The Greek audience of the time would have found Creon's refusal to bury Polyneices. an unforgivable act.  Just so, Murdoch refuses to allow the 12 year old to rest in peace and the family of that young girl and, perhaps, the families of US based 9/11 victims.  God can't help Murdoch if that's true.   It's loking like it with Rep Peter King (R-NY) abandoning the ship and the 9/11 families revving up.  

    He is an affront to civilization, a nihilist to expoits the fallen and their survivors, a monster of our time and all time.

    As for pictures, surely, this is tasteful enough.  In fact, after one sees this, who would bother with NOTW:)


    Reply to: Dead White Girl Destroys Octogenarian's Criminal Empire! (Details Inside, Nudie Pics on Page 3!)   13 years 3 months ago
  • First, that's peanuts, second it's for investors and third home prices are still not affordable. The fact they are going for 20% down plus 31% ratio to gross income for mortgage payments says prices must drop for real people to buy the homes to live in. Notice wages are repressed and their is a jobs crisis?

    Or is BoA hiring some people to go comment on blogs to try to spin their pathetic deal.

    Reply to: Bank of America's "Settlement" Will Cause More People to Lose Their Homes   13 years 3 months ago
  • The Guardian:  "Worst o"f all for News Corp, the FBI has launched an investigation into accusations that NoW journalists asked a former New York police officer for the phone records of relatives of 9/11 victims. If that toxic allegation is shown to have been true, one thing is certain: Fox News is finished. The emotional supercharge of 9/11 in the US is many times greater than Milly Dowler in the UK – and look what happened here. In the US, even Republicans would join the clamour for News Corp to be stripped of the 27 federal licences it holds under the banner of the Fox Broadcasting Company network."  Guardian 7/14

    There must be some truth to this since the radical Republican Rep.  Peter King of NY has jumped off the Fox ship and is now attacking them.  What's that about little creatures deserting the ship.

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • :)

    The fact that you write all of the really complex stuff at EP is no excuse to be late, now, is it;)

    Excellent piece.

    Reply to: Retail Sales - June 2011   13 years 3 months ago
  • Good article. It is prophetic that the company that promoted the movement of large chunks of the US supply chain overseas (and paying poverty wages) should now experience the consequence of their 'enlightened' approach. I guess it did not occur to them that eliminating manufacturing in the US would eliminate incomes in the US and consumer spending and debt would only go so far to fill the gap - we have now reached this point.

    As a procurement professional I used to read all the macho sourcing stuff (bullcrap) coming from Walmart about how they were 'telling' US suppliers to off shore all of their production to China and close down their operations in the US - massive destruction of jobs and manufacturing capacity - jobs lost by the people that would buy Walmart's 'stuff'. You reap what you sown. This will come back to haunt a number of US transnationals whose principle market is in the US.

    Reply to: Wal-Mart the Latest Victim of Global Labor Arbitrage   13 years 3 months ago
  • playing catch up. Basically this report implies for the last two months retail sales were flat, but this isn't adjusted for inflation, GDP is. Another indicator that Q2 GDP will be in the one's percentage area.

    Reply to: Retail Sales - June 2011   13 years 3 months ago
  • ... of a people with enough basic moral strength to know when they've been affronted."

    Thank you, Michael Collins!

    About the Olde Countrye and democracy, I always think of the quote something like this:

    "The virtue of the throne lies not in the power in wields but in the power it denies to those who would greatly abuse it."

    (I think that's been attributed to G.K. Chesterton, but I can never fix it for certain.)

    So, you know, we might all be better off if George Washington had accepted a crown ...

    Instead, we have our presidential system, which has never operated as was intended, with the possible exception of the presidency of George Washington.

    Recently, John Boehner has attempted a kind of charades where he pretends to be Sir Winston Churchill, and in that effort, some speech writer has come up with: "The value of the majority lies not in the opportunity to wield great power, but in the chance to use power to do great things."

    Yah, yah sure. The money is nothing, it's what you buy with it, right? The sentence construction echoes some classical grandeur, but it turns out to be nothing but a gray balloon full of ordinary politicians' flatulence.

    Boehner's sentence is about a majority in the House, so it should have been: "The truth of the majority lies not in the pleasing platitudes it professes but in the ugly lies that it cannot hide."

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • The last line of the article says permission to reprint entirely or in part. I'm glad it's at 9/11 Truth or any other site that wants to post it, including all of the 9/11 sites.   By your logic, Rockefeler adhere's to some 9/11 theory since it was his mention 9/11 that caused me to mention it. My hope is that there will be a more serious investigation than we have had to date. What's your point?

    The theory related to 9/11 that I do subscribe to is the one advanced by Gen Wesley Clark. He said that the Iraq invasion was primarily motivated as a coverup for the "command failure" surrounding 9/11. I think that is a big part of it. But that doesn't explain 9/11. I think this resource,Congressional Report: Joint Inquiry ... 9/11, supports Clark's assertion.

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • ...One of the Rockefellers is ordering the FBI to investigate a right-wing news megacorporation? Aren't they all supposed to be "in on it," so to speak, in terms of 9/11? This was cross-posted at so I assume you adhere to at least one of the reamining conspiracy theories, which require the complicity of all three of these players.

    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
  • 7/14 FBI launches investigation into allegations that 9/11 victims' phones were targeted

    Even if the information contained in the Mirror article could be verified, there might be a problem with moving forward with an investigation because the events were so long ago. Several legal experts, including a former top lawyer for the FBI, said that prosecution under federal wiretapping laws is subject to a five-year statute of limitations.

    While the FBI inquiry gets under way, News Corporation also faces the prospect of possible prosecution under other US laws. Several Congress members have called for the company to be held accountable under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a federal law that punishes firms based in the US that engage in bribery abroad.

    It has emerged that News of the World staff paid police officers in the UK in the course of their phone-hacking activities.


    Reply to: Is News Corp Finished - Senator Rockefeller Tells Feds to Investigate Fox Hacking of 9/11 Victims   13 years 3 months ago
