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  • "Right now, it's so clearly insane, both sides, out to destroy the nation politically ... " -- Robt. Oak

    Who can make sense of it?

    Of course, I don't know what 'the plan' is anymore than you do! But trying to make 'sense' of it all, the only clear picture(s) I can get are to be found by doing a ...

    Google Images search on

     "north american union currency"

    I know this sounds like conspiracy nuttery, but this approach makes more sense than anything else, trying to dope out what on earth 'they' must be planning!

    Anybody have a better idea for how to understand the strange seemingly totally insane phenomena?

    What on earth can 'they' be planning?

    But shouldn't we be ssking ourselves:

    "What are WE (US) planning?"

    AMI presents an alternative.

    Reply to: Screwing America Under the Cover of Deficit Reductions   13 years 3 months ago
  • Labor movement often gets it wrong -- Teamsters supported Reagan in 1980, and Ronnie proved to be a union buster. Live and learn, or don't learn. Now unions feel betrayed because they don't really have a place at the table -- maybe that's because they've stopped being unions. They could learn from those (commie pinko) French workers and the Greeks (and the Polish shipyard workers). They'll be taken seriously when they get serious.

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • "In the current scheme of things it's our government that is truly screwing us at the moment."

    Congress is supposed to be comprised of our "representatives" and sworn to support the Constitution! (US Const., Art. 6)

    Reply to: Obama Touts Corporate Lobbyist Wish List Items as "Jobs" Program   13 years 3 months ago
  • LOL

    "Why not send him an email?"

    Yeah. Right. Of course.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.2% for June 2011 - Only 18,000 Jobs!   13 years 3 months ago
  • "That's why they built the super highway between Canada and Mexico, with a huge port somewhere in Kansas." -- hippiduck

    They haven't built it yet ... and it may never be built!

    I have it on solid information that construction union jobs were about to happen about four years ago, the multi-year contracts being to build a huge depot near the Canadian border that would be the major northern terminal of the North American super-highway (aka CanaMex Corridor). The CanaMex Corridor was to have connected central Canada through the heartland of the homeland (U.S.A.) and from there down to the Mexican "ports that China built." But the contracts were canceled even as workers were making their plans for temporary housing somewhere in nowhere-land in order to work themselves out of one last good-paying (union) job.

    Specifically, the plan was (or is!) for a huge corridor that would provide limited access to semi-trucks that were to haul as many as 16 trailers per tractor and perhaps other privileged vehicles (tanks and APCs?) with no border stops and no stoplights or localized speed limits anywhere -- something like the Kansas Turnpike (part of I-70). The Corridor was (or is?) designed to accommodate pipelines, railroads and fiber optic trunk lines as well as a limited access super highway built for railroad-train-like assemblies up to 16 trailers per tractor.

    This whole thing was a pet project of President George W. Bush -- see foto at this webpage

    Also from the same webpage


    Red China is investing heavily in developing deep-water ports in Mexico to bring an unprecedented volume of containers into the U.S. along the emerging NAFTA Super Highway. This move signals China’s emergence as the unexpected economic winner in the North American Union free market.

    Hutchinson Ports, a wholly owned subsidiary of China’s giant Hutchinson Whampoa Limited (HWL) is investing millions to expand the deep water ports the company manages at Lazaro Cardenas and Manzanillo on Mexico’s Pacific coast. Now Hutchinson Ports is pledging millions more to develop Punta Colonet, today a desolate Mexican bay in Baja California. Mexico plans over the next seven years to dredge and convert Punta Colonet into a 10 to 20 berth deep-water port facility capable of processing some 6 million standard 20-foot-long TEUs (industry terminology for the “Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit” that describes a single standard container).



    Not only are the Teamsters deeply involved in all this, but also the West Coast longshoremen (ILWU), because China's (Hutchinson Ports) plan clearly is to avoid the high costs of using ILWU-organized ports in the U.S.A.. Talk about pay-back for unions that have supported trade agreements! By the way, Hutchinson Ports, or something like it, pretty much controls the Panama Canal today.

    In approximately the same time frame (2007), friends who travel to and from Mexico, and live there part of the year, laughed at the suggestion that the super-highway could ever be completed in Mexico. I asked why, and they said "Because it's Mexico!"

    A part of the Mexican portion of CanaMex has been constructed as a limited-access super-highway designed specifically for truck traffic from Lazaro Cardenas and/or Manzanillo to the U.S.. It may be that Mexico Federal Highway 15 in the state of Sinaloa, from El Dorado to Mazatlán, is a limited-access highway that is more-or-less considered to be a completed portion of CanaMex Corridor.

    There have been reports that quasi-governmental organizations, contending with the official government of Mexico City, in particular La Familia Michoacana, have stopped trucks to demand something like a tariff, with their 'representatives' making statements to the effect that they never signed NAFTA.

    Mexican analysts believe that La Familia formed in the 1980s with the stated purpose of bringing order to Michoacán, emphasizing help and protection for the poor. ... La Familia cartel is sometimes described as quasi-religious ... and may have direct or indirect ties with devotees of the New Jerusalem religious movement, which is noted for its concern for justice issues.

    Some of the leaders of these movements are considered to be saints, at least, travelers sometimes find medals and votary candles in their honor.

    Meanwhile, China appears to be modifying the original plan to locate the major port(s) on the mainland of Mexico, instead shifting the focus to Baja California (not a state, but two federally-governed territories with little or no regional autonomy).

    It would be nice if I could give you some neat and clean sources, wouldn't it? But, for whatever reason, information about this North American Union has become tricky, difficult to find and murky ... to say the least. Could it be that information about the CanaMex project is classified Top Secret by the U.S. government? (About that, I have no information and no idea.)

    Input from anyone here at EP on these topics would be appreciated.

    Don't worry. This may all be 'conspiracy theory'. Maybe FAUX will tell us what's going on?

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • This is an important point. The government doesn't use 90,000, you don't, so why does he?

    Why not send him an email, tell him why you disagree and see what he says.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.2% for June 2011 - Only 18,000 Jobs!   13 years 3 months ago
  • So I too can be tracked and profiled better, down to when I enter the bathroom and have no security plus pay $10 for each GB of data I digest. Awesome!

    Reply to: Choreographed Budget Cave In - The Money Party Stabs Citizens in the Back   13 years 3 months ago
  • Why do I have the feeling that the presidential election is offering us a choice between Android A and Android B, C, D, E...Z, all programmed with the same agenda more or less?
    Now we know the chips implanted in our brains are made in China by multinational serfs.

    Reply to: Choreographed Budget Cave In - The Money Party Stabs Citizens in the Back   13 years 3 months ago
  • No doubt the housing bubble gave a faux pas "recovery" after they started offshore outsourcing jobs, labor arbitraging Americans like mad in 2001 start...but Bush administration pushed for that as well as Greenspan (who if one listens to any of this talks is really into the destruction of the U.S. middle class and has literally prompted agendas to repress wages repeatedly!)

    Regardless, right now, Bernanke is the least of your worries. Sorry, there is a popular mantra to hate the Fed but in the current scheme of things it's our government that is truly screwing us at the moment.

    Reply to: Obama Touts Corporate Lobbyist Wish List Items as "Jobs" Program   13 years 3 months ago
  • Not and accident, all by design.
    WAKE UP!!

    Reply to: Outsourcing the Pentagon   13 years 3 months ago
  • Yes Bernanke points to currency manipulation abroad, then continues on with being the world's largest currency manipulator himself.

    But worse than that, he is the greatest distorter of global markets ever, as he exports our inflation all across the globe.

    And Bernanke had the biggest role of all in outsourcing and job destruction. If not for him, and Greenspan before him, the pain of shipping away 46,000 factories would have been felt as soon as it got started. But Americans didn't feel this pain, because they were able to replace lost wages with credit. Why work 8 hours a day on an assembly line when you can just use your house as an ATM?

    Bernanke blew the bubble that provided the illusion that we were getting richer, even as we were in fact getting poorer. It is no accident we just so happened to have a huge housing bubble at the same time our production was being offshored. Providing this credit narcotic to the masses was Bernanke's special job as member of the council of ruling global elite.

    His job was to keep the masses happy in bubble-land while production got offshored under their nose. Keep it so the time they figured out what was going on it would be all over.

    Ben Bernanke is a criminal of the highest order, and no soft soaping of that private banking cabal, that criminal cartel dedicated to funneling the world's resources into the pockets of the elites will work any more.

    Not buying it. For the good of the world that criminal banking cabal needs to be disbanded. Because sooner or later the people are going to rise up and tear it down with their bare hands.

    Reply to: Obama Touts Corporate Lobbyist Wish List Items as "Jobs" Program   13 years 3 months ago
  • That's because multinational corporations demanded this. We have no choice, both are owned by big money, multinational corporations.

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • There would be no vacuum to fill since the other corporate media are like PR shops for those at the very top of the pyramid. However, Murdoch's properties are a special brand, approaching evil. Their drumbeat in support of Iraq included pinning 9/11 on Saddam Hussein, completely false and they knew it. There are still about 40% of the people in this country who share that belief. That 40% constitutes the majority of Fox viewers. Just one of several devastating notions promoted by Murdoch. This in no way recommends the alternatives, particularly allowing Geithner to gain access again and again promoting his voodoo economics. It's not much of a choice but, as an object lesson and to eliminate the serious damage Murdoch does on wars of aggression, he needs to go soon.

    Reply to: Dow Jones-Wall Street Journal Head Drawn Into Murdoch UK Phone Jacking Scandal   13 years 3 months ago
  • "One can also imagine what Teamsters are thinking now considering they worked very hard to get Obama elected."

    Need one say more? Should we take another chance with a hope-n-change amateur?

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • Checked out wheresamericasjobs and found a link for "How do you bring industry back to America?"

    I find there, at #5, a remarkable circumlocution apparently desperately seeking to avoid use of the term "tariff"!

    How do you bring industry back to America? #1 Cut the highest corporate tax in the world, which is Americas. #2 eliminate excessive and frivolous rules and regulations. #3 Stop atrocious taxes, and penalties. #4 Make business loans available to the American people. #5 if you want your products made in a foreign country and you condone cheap labor and take employment from the American people, you need to pay a tax before your products enter back into America. Same goes for foreign countries who what to sell their products in America; they must pay a tax before their products enter America, and guess what would happen? America would be sovereign and independent once again.

    I propose:

    #1. Eliminate tax loopholes -- that, in itself, could probably balance the budget.

    #2. Certainly, let's get rid of rules and regulations that are "excessive and frivolous
    #3. Certainly, let's get rid of taxes that are "atrocious, and penalties.

    #4. YES, seriously, we need credit available to small businesses, regardless of preferences and set-asides
    #5. Immediate imposition of 15% across-the-board tariff, and let the WTO chips fall where they may!

    Why is the word "tariff" so difficult these days for Americans to say?
    To be aligned with the Constitution, we could call it a 15% "duty" or "impost," but most people understand the word "tariff" to mean a tax levied on a product at entry into the United States. Isn't that what wheresamericasjobs is talking about?

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • If you can believe this, FAUX was busy claiming Cantor (who is insane) and others are not raising the debt ceiling due to 2012 elections.

    Every single cable noise just doesn't cover the issues in full. They all have these inane "panels" of "guest contributors" who add more noise, without content.

    On the other hand, Geithner was on Face the Nation and it's just a joke. Pushing more bad trade deals.

    So we have media all sew up not even talking about policies that would actually work to turn the economy around and both parties pushing corporate agendas or economic insanity.

    In other words, let's say FAUX goes down, they will just get a replacement of more of the same.

    Reply to: Dow Jones-Wall Street Journal Head Drawn Into Murdoch UK Phone Jacking Scandal   13 years 3 months ago
  • Reply to: Dow Jones-Wall Street Journal Head Drawn Into Murdoch UK Phone Jacking Scandal   13 years 3 months ago
  • We as American citizens can make a difference.
    Just spread the word....

    Reply to: Obama Signs Deal to Allow Mexican Truckers Onto U.S. Highways   13 years 3 months ago
  • This is an exceptional commentary on the moral dimension of all of this, the most salient issue. Please put it up as an original post. It will save those still pondering the association with Murdoch any trouble. The issues are outlined clearly and the moral choice is easy even for those who can't quite see that they're associated with a ghoul in the News Corporation.

    Ghoul is a strong word but the Milly Fowler case can best be understood with this information. News of the World did not just hack into the kidnapped girl's voice mail to jack information. In doing so, they made it appear that additional messages were added, thus giving Fowler's parents the false hope that their daughter was still alive. It is difficult to believe that a news organization would hack a voice mail under these circumstances. It is beyond the pale that the acdt would result in the false hope of life for terrified and traumatized parents.

    The business model comments have a sequel. You said, "To obtain power without wealth is, in the long run, a business model sure to fail, and Murdoch's problem is he has a love affair with print media, which is a dying business." That's the set up. The bad news for Murdoch is already in. His venture into internet/electronic media failed, miserably. News Corp bought "My Space" (sounds vaguely familiar but I can't quite place it;) for $0.5 bil. It took off:

    "It looks like the best acquisition we've made in a long, long time," Peter Chernin, the second-in-command at News Corp., said in an interview with FORTUNE. "MySpace is the single biggest growth opportunity this company has." CNN Money

    And then it did what anyone in the internet business would have predicted. It tanked. People don't go there even to cancel their old accounts.

    But worse, Murdoch's key roll out, his "future" - 'The Daily', has a certain 'My Space' look to it. First, it is an iPad specific electronic newspaper. The world is larger than iPad, much. Reports of key staff defections are interesting. Are the ground floor options useless? There are harsh reviews galore.

    I heard Murdoch address a press group a few years ago on the new media. C-Span carried it and I was stuck in traffic. As I listened, it occurred to me that he was just mouthing platitudes that have been around since the first public data network, Telenet, took off in the early 1980s. There were many dynamic and useful applications of the original internet. Then there were investors who lived in their own fantasy world, usually based on the shedding of costs for this or that.

    Murdoch and his crew are exposed as morally repellant in the extreme. I would bet that few who read this site even known one person who might know people as disgusting as the Murdoch organization.

    Murdoch's business model is, as you noted, predicted on harvesting old technology though any means available. That's backfired. His venture into net based distribution and publishing is a flop as evidenced by 'My Space' and 'The Daily'.

    But he should sick around. He's our new Scrooge, albeit without the possibility or potential for reform.

    Reply to: Dow Jones-Wall Street Journal Head Drawn Into Murdoch UK Phone Jacking Scandal   13 years 3 months ago
  • Just to note that the GOP is just as bad, telling bold faced lies to the American people forever on what creates jobs in this country. Right, if tax cuts for the rich and corporations favorite loopholes helped when we have a massive labor shortage (not that corporations do not claim there is a labor shortage, which they are right now! What BS!)

    I'm so sick of these bold faced lies on what policies do what.

    I mean the link to Bernanke, as much as everyone blasts the Fed, at least he's pointing to currency manipulation being a major problem, which is truth.

    Reply to: Obama Touts Corporate Lobbyist Wish List Items as "Jobs" Program   13 years 3 months ago
