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  • I'd be willing to let them off the hook if they'd be willing to leave me and the rest of the America who's not rich off the hook for their future blunders.

    Reply to: Oh Those Burdensome Rules   13 years 5 months ago
  • Mexico wins the battle for off-shoring location among business leaders. The following article gives insight into the "why" we're in an unemployment crisis, and "why" we'll remain in a crisis.

    "Mexico Tops U.S. as Nearshoring Favorite" dated May 5, 2011 ( )
    (1) According to a recent survey from global business-advisory firm AlixPartners, 63 percent of senior manufacturing executives selected Mexico as the most attractive country for re-sourcing manufacturing operations closer to the U.S., with only 19 percent citing the U.S. itself as the best location for getting closer to the U.S. market.
    **** The survey results are based on responses from 80 C-level and other senior manufacturing executives across more than 15 industries earlier this year.

    (2) The survey also found that 9 percent of manufacturing executives have already taken steps to nearshore their company's operations, while 33 percent plan to do so within the next three years.

    (3) Mexico remains a popular destination for offshoring. According to AlixPartners, 37 percent of survey respondents have completed or are in the process of offshoring, while 27 percent plan to offshore some U.S. operations within the next three years. Mexico topped the list as an offshoring site among both groups, narrowly beating China and surpassing India, Brazil and Eastern Europe by wide margins.


    As anyone can see, we continue to support foreign economies at the expense of our own. As I've said many times, "Global Economy means equalization to the lowest level." Cheap foreign labor markets will continue to force our wages down, and eventually push us into third world status. Our workforce will continue to be supported by government assistance programs until our national debt reaches its' breaking point, which can't be too much longer.

    Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
  • To show just how bad the job market really is, the Associated Press reported in an article titled "Rate on 30-year fixed mortgage falls to 4.71 pct.", the service sector employs 90% of our workforce. Where did the manufacturing jobs go? Can we have an independent economy without adequate manufacturing jobs? Can we ensure enough service sector jobs to employ our rapidly growing workforce?

    Another article titled "Sleepwalking through America’s Unemployment Crisis" dated May 1,2011, gives us this information: The issue is the scope and composition of unemployment in America – a problem that is yet to be sufficiently recognized for its increasingly detrimental impact on the country’s social fabric, its economic potential, and its already-fragile fiscal position and debt dynamics.

    The article list these facts: (1) At 8.8% almost three years after the onset of the global financial crisis, America’s unemployment rate remains stubbornly (and unusually) high (2) Rather than reflecting job creation, much of the improvement in recent months (from 9.8% in November last year) is due to workers exiting the labor force, thus driving workforce participation to a multi-year low of 64.2% (3) If part-time workers eager to work full time are included, almost one in six workers in America are either under- or unemployed (4) More than six million workers have been unemployed for more than six months, and four million for over a year (5) Unemployment among 16-19 year olds is at a staggering 24%. ( source --> )

    The job market and employment outlook doesn't look good from where I stand. The bad news continues to flow daily, and The Washington Brotherhood seems unconcerned and out-of-touch with the reality of the situation and obvious crisis. While Washington is attempting to cut cost, they fail to see the connection between our astronomical debt and our shameful unemployment crisis. If they don't connect the dots soon, it'll be too late to reverse the "borrow and spend" cycle that has amassed over $$14Billion ( and rising ) in debt.

    Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
  • In America, we do NOT have a system of justice, rather one of injustice, on all fronts. Consider how many innocent citizens we send to jails and our prison system each year. Consider how courts are run by those of the legal profession that take bribes.

    Our judicial system is nothing more than a cruel joke played on those unlucky enough to fall prey to the power of money and influence.

    Reply to: Bankruptcy Hell - The Sequel to ForeclosureGate   13 years 5 months ago
  • *** This is a side note to your comment ***

    Unpaid and Exploited? Examining Interns in the US Labor Market
    Internships have become a principal point of entry for young people seeking white-collar careers, and it is estimated that half of all college students will do an internship before graduating. Between 1 and 2 million people overall will work as interns this year in the United States—saving firms $600 million dollars. The proliferation of the unpaid and low- paid intern workforce in cities like Washington has become so much the norm that rarely are the fairness, costs and benefits, or legality of this growing class of labor examined.
    In a recently published book, Intern Nation, Ross Perlin examines these issues in the most thorough analysis of the internship industry to date—exploring whether working for free violates labor laws, the extent to which internships exacerbate existing socio-economic inequalities and under what conditions do internships provide a useful path connecting people to the labor force.

    ( source ---> )

    Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
  • It's very obvious to most that Mr. Obama has no intention to put America back to work. Since Congress is controlled by Lobbyists and the power of Corporate America and Wall Street, we can't count on them for help either. Illegal immigrants ( slave labor ) will continue to get a free pass because the rich and influential are making untold $$$Millions from the cheap labor illegals provide. We don't have a pro-America government seated in Washington, and the proof to that statement fills the daily headlines and is obvious on Main Street America each and every day.

    To solve our economic crippling employment crisis would require adequate living wage opportunities that cover all education and skill levels across the board. This can only be accomplished by (1)demanding fair, equal, and balanced foreign trade, (2)severely penalize job out-sourcing, (3)severely penalize businesses that relocate out-side of our borders, and (4)sentence anyone that hires an illegal immigrant to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

    America no longer produces what America uses and consumes. We've become import dependent. Over the past half century, we've lost many industries to cheap foreign labor markets. This has caused the steady decline in living wage opportunities on American soil.

    Unemployment checks and government assistance programs have replaced "living wage checks" from employers. We've steadly created a society dependent on government assistance for its' survival. As our population grows and living wage opportunities decline, this situation can only get worse.

    Where will the tax revenue come from to support a workforce unemployed and dependent on government assistance ???

    Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
  • It may not make sense but it sure covers a lot of health needs for those who lack the means, which is a good portion of the elderly. But we probably agree that there should be a single payer system for all citizens, funded through the government and (we may not agree on this) managed through the Medicare administration.

    Look at the savings right out of the block: no insurance billing costs for providers; no insurance personnel inside hospitals and doctor's offices haggling with the run around from insurance companies all the time; limited review of doctor procedures (like Medicare); and, the big ones - elimination of the 15% insurance administrative fees to be replaced by Medicare's 3% and elimination of the 15%-20% profit that insurance soaks out of the self-employed and small businesses that can only buy from them. It would spur business and competitiveness. If you really want to make sense out of it, nationalize the useless drug companies that add zero value and slash prices. More medical schools and stop fooling ourselves that we can dictate ridiculously low doctor fees, that's insane.

    Back to bankruptcy, I'm so sorry I posted this on the day of reckoning or whatever with the gone but not forgotten guy. I think bankruptcy court is an exemplar of the way our society runs - a fake representation of justice that's really just a pass through for the cash demands and citizen beat down by the financial institutions.

    My point about Honda doing mass recalls and bankruptcy courts doing none was not trivial. The justice system is not about people or the application of the law. It's all about getting money from the masses and giving it to the perpetrators of the financial collapse.

    Reply to: Bankruptcy Hell - The Sequel to ForeclosureGate   13 years 5 months ago
  • Smoke and mirrors.

    Frank's proposal is going nowhere, and he was probably targeting inflation "hawks" rather than Lockhart.

    It's just that I've noticed Lockhart's remarks, and I like someone who tells it like it is. Lockhart, I believe, has been stating facts, rather than advocating policy in public.

    My opinion (all 2¢ worth) is that rates will go up in 2012. The big question in my mind is COLAs.

    "Hawks" story by Greg Robb of MarketWatch

    Reply to: Barney Frank Wants to Take Away Voting Rights of 12 Regional Federal Reserve Presidents   13 years 5 months ago
  • It's one thing to skim EP and express myself here and there, but to provide a story with details and assurance of accuracy and impartiality is something else again. It would have to be a serious commitment, and I guess I would lose my anonymity.

    Even though I steal an hour now and then for EP, I have commitments for my time through November.

    I really appreciate the width and the depth of EP content. It's my global reality check for impressions I gather locally.

    So, thank you.

    Reply to: Barney Frank Wants to Take Away Voting Rights of 12 Regional Federal Reserve Presidents   13 years 5 months ago
  • Would you like to try writing? You seem to find great little pieces. It takes a lot of work, especially any original material but you come up with stuff in comments I sure didn't catch and I know EP readers, lurkers, others would want to read more details.

    Reply to: Barney Frank Wants to Take Away Voting Rights of 12 Regional Federal Reserve Presidents   13 years 5 months ago
  • Look to your left, first "box" in the column, scroll down and I made a point to quote the Treasury. There is supposedly a 30 day "comment period" on this proposal, but Goldman Sachs is heavily lobbying against the "Volcker rule", which is a joke! It's Swiss cheese loopholes as it is.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago
  • ... to successfully organize medical care in a modern nation-state, but they mostly seem to require a functioning democracy.


    "There are many ways to drown, only the most obvious wave their arms as they're going under." — Nick Flynn (Another Bullshit Night in Suck City)

    Reply to: Healthcare Reform - Abandoning the Self Employed   13 years 5 months ago
  • Reply to: Barney Frank Wants to Take Away Voting Rights of 12 Regional Federal Reserve Presidents   13 years 5 months ago
  • Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
  • Looking forward to the review.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago
  • Thank you!

    Btw: $30Trillion ?????

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago
  • Reply to: Low Prices at High Costs: On Wal-Mart's Destruction of the American Economy   13 years 5 months ago
  • Just a statement, let's move this over to the political blogs. We are now inundated via the White House, Press, with the Boogie Man here and primarily EP is a "no economic fiction" economics, finance and labor site.

    If someone has a "follow the money trail" on the topic feel free but I'm getting concerned we're going to jettison off too much into politics vs. economics.

    and i mean, come on Goldman Sachs is lobbying hard against any derivatives regulation and Geithner just exempted a $30 trillion FX derivatives market.

    What was that about derivatives being weapons of mass financial destruction?

    Not saying this isn't a great article, more for future.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago
  • I've got to grab a copy of this book and review it on EP, but for now, here's the link. It's all about international transactions, tax havens and manipulation of national boundaries for the purposes of looting and stashing the corporations.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago
  • all about labor arbitraging more Americans, technology transfer to India, China, EEs as well as the illegal alien lobby. Guess it's time to write up some labor economics reality posts.

    My understanding is MNC, tech is now lobbying intensely for more offshore outsourcing/corporate controlled migration/guest worker Visas.

    They use these people to technology transfer offshore, as well as labor arbitrage, they especially like to target STEM.

    Reply to: ADP Says 179,000 Private Sector Jobs Added in April 2011   13 years 5 months ago
