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  • How many trillions on two wars? $3.5 trillion, $4 trillion? The government is over $540 billion each year in just contractor costs. reference. The DoD wastes about $100 billion each year.

    Now what with the great military-industrial complex, when patience, the CIA, persistence, 24 highly specialized SEALS, a lot of intelligence, surveillance, is what finally got Bin Laden?

    We never hear about the DoD budget being reduced in these budget games.

    As far as Al Qaeda goes, the money has never been explained. I would hope Mr. 13th Century Misogynist would be revealed as a hypocrite, living in luxury with technology all around him.

    But the money and protection? I suspect we will never "know" because the U.S. has deals with Saudi Arabia for oil and military contracts/orders and Pakistan has Nuclear Weapons.

    But all of this said, one thing is fact, Geithner is trying to exempt a $30 trillion derivatives market from regulation and oversight.

    Now, which has caused more harm, the physical bombs, terrorism, mayhem of 9/11, terrorism, wars...

    or a fictional poker, gambling game run by a few financial institutions which brought the world to it's economic knees? Worse, it's an inside job.

    We focus in on the bad guy because one can comprehend the bad guy, but what about our financial institutions, going on as if nothing has happened, making sure there really is no change, getting outrageous bonuses while eating up the U.S. and the global economy?

    It's more abstract, it has numbers in it, financial bombs do not light up the night sky, but they are bombs just the same.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden: Sui Generis?   13 years 5 months ago

    Reply to: 25 companies responsible for 700,000 lost jobs   13 years 5 months ago

    Reply to: Low Prices at High Costs: On Wal-Mart's Destruction of the American Economy   13 years 5 months ago
  • No matter what premiums I would pay, what deductable, if a major illness, like Cancer happens, I'm screwed. The policy only covers 80% and a host of exclusions, so 80% of $1 million is I'm stuck with $200k...

    that's the numbers game I see, so even with the best insurance one can find of the individual policies, you get sick, you're still screwed, or should I saw "I" in that story.

    Reply to: Bankruptcy Hell - The Sequel to ForeclosureGate   13 years 5 months ago
  • Great way to start the week.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Correspondent's Dinner Edition   13 years 5 months ago
  • I don't see why the U.S. should pay attention to burial codes of Islam, after all, I don't think Osama Bin Laden paid much attention to honor while he was alive here.

    Reply to: bin Laden Buried at Sea U.S. Decides   13 years 5 months ago
  • Obama already is trying to blast the oil companies on gas prices so why not whip out the terrorism playbook from Bush II?

    That said, I mean this guy is real, but where he was, ya gotta be kidding me! Whoever hid him, and a compound implies some serious money, should be brought to justice as well.

    Right, Obama from what I can tell, across the board, although this site's focus is on economics, finance, labor....

    he seems to be following Bush II. Same bail outs, same no regulation, same offshore outsourcing, same bad trade deals ....

    But on this one guy, let's give a feather at least.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Breaking   13 years 6 months ago
  • Since 9/11, the two major terrorist acts were the shoe bomber and the underpants bomber. That was a weak rationale for trillions on the terror effort and the loss of constitutional liberties, never to be restored. Now CBS is quoting administration sources saying, they won't back off of the war on terror despite fears of retaliation.

    Let's see the body, have it examined, and wrap this up in the fashion of criminal investigation.

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Breaking   13 years 6 months ago
  • Osama Bin Laden that was a name I heard alot while in elementary school. Glad this nightmare has come to an end

    Reply to: Osama Bin Laden Is Dead - Breaking   13 years 6 months ago
  • 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner

    I too stay away from the propaganda machine.This is remarkable 18:54 of video.  I'm not a fan of Obama's.  However, the personal attacks on him have been simply outrageous. They put him at danger from the lunatics who actually believe the nonsense. This clip shows Obama totally demolish that fake stories and Trump in particular. This is the comedic equivalent of the moments that Joseph Welch put an end to Sen Joseph McCarthy's career. And it's extremely funny.

    Reply to: Low Prices at High Costs: On Wal-Mart's Destruction of the American Economy   13 years 6 months ago
  • Assuring the 300,000,000 million proletarians get their franchise? Any links?

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • $800,000 salary for city manager - Bell, CA

    If this was the crime and people didn't vote, that's a great illustration of what the cicizen beat down is all about.  They steal so much, so often, corruptoin becomes the norm and people don't get riled up any moro.

    I agree entirely - the closer to home the politics are, the greater the chance of getting something done.  But people have to show up.   I guess the people couldn't unring that Bell.


    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • Just arguments supported by reasonable evidence. Of course, other people may not find it reasonable. Since I'm not a joiner and don't belong to any political group, omissions and errors are strictly my own. I don't pull any intentionally, although there's always more evidence or a better argument.

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • In Iran, all candidates must pass a written test and interview with a special council. Then they're allowed to run.

    In the United States, all candidates must pass another test - enough money to enter the campaign.

    There's a difference in style but not substance. The ruling class in the United States determines every candidate, except those doomed to lose.

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • A case study - Election 2004: The Urban Legend. Bush won 2004 in the big cities. Remarkable, isn't it?

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • Thanks for noting HR 589.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 23, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • We are stuck and not doing anything to get ourselves moving.

    The president and Democratic leadership are ignoring unemployment. Republicans bring it up only to beat the Democrats about it, not to do anything themselves.

    HR 589 (which would grant an additional 14 weeks of unemployment benefits to those who have used up the current maximum) is stalled -- and most unemployed people don't even know such a bill was introduced. much less the general public.

    In May 2008 I never would have believed what's taken place over the past three years -- or how little has been done to get the country back to normal. But actually I shouldn't be surprised, because the same do-nothingness that allowed the liars (both big and small) and speculators to almost bring down our financial markets without punishment is still going on today with unemployment and many other issues.

    Our politicians continue to offer little besides irrational and unjustifiable hope and willful blindness.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 23, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • Speaking for myself, I can only say that it's a tough question. However, what comes to mind are two ancient principle of conduct: honor and integrity.

    I like Budddy Roemer's approach of refusing all corporate donations and no donations greater than $100 from any one person. But Roemer is studiously ignored both by corporate media and by RNC and company.

    After admitting that we are dependent on non-tangibles, we really need to promote close auditing of elections, ballot reform, and, (in some areas more than others), reform of vote-counting technology (wherever there is no auditable paper trail and voting machines are in use).

    Audits of random samples to check accuracy of machine counts need to be mandatory in all states. This has to be a state-by-state effort, because of the way the Constitution set up a federal system. Meanwhile, we should avoid the gimmick of "direct presidential elections" -- I don't want my vote in California to be offset by imaginary votes created by some hacker working on the Georgia results.

    Finally, there are all the problems brought about by the 'Citizens United' case. In the long run, the only solution will be public funding of campaigns and, probably, some kind of return to the Fairness Doctrine of old for media subject to communications law.

    We need to study the way other countries manage their elections -- especially Canada and Australia.

    We have to work state by state, because any reforms by way of amendments to the Constitution are out of the question, considering the entrenched power of the duopoly and apparent polarization of voters and of the Congress.

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
  • Excellent and concise review of current stats. Thank you.

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets - Thar's Gold In Them Thar...Well Somewhere   13 years 6 months ago
  • We have a representative democracy.

    We can get rid of people with recalls but it's rarely done.

    How can the common people hold represntatives accountable if, as you say, they sell themselves to the highest bidder?

    Reply to: The Bipartisan Citizen Beat Down and the End of Democracy   13 years 6 months ago
