Recent comments

  • It's amazing.

    The numbers drop for a few weeks and then go back up. That corner that we keep turning keeps turning. How many times have we turned the corner over the past year?

    Of course I'm glad things are better than two years ago.

    But where are the jobs?

    And what are we going to do with all the unemployed reaching their maximum unemployment?

    How can no one in government have an action plan?

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 9, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • Go Fight System Stop Logo MERS and Foreclosure Attorneys Robo Signer Connection

    Go Fight Foreclosure Blog


    There is a strong connection between Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc (MERS) and foreclosure mills. Beyond the fact that they fabricated mortgage assignment transfers and fraudulently foreclosed on homeowners. That paper trail is easy to detect. Guess what? Many of the foreclosure attorneys also signed the mortgage assignments as officers of MERS! I repeat!!!!

    Many of the foreclosure attorneys also signed the mortgage assignments as officers of MERS!!! If you ask ANY of these FAKE “Vice Presidents” of MERS for their hiring contracts and W-2s or attendance record for MERS corporate meetings they would NEVER be able to produce! They will only produce a Corporate Resolution from MERS but no real documents to show that they are operating as a TRUE employee with a salary PAID to them by MERS! Attending corporate meetings as REAL Vice Presidents do.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • EPI has a new estimate from Ryan's budget that it will cost 2.2 million jobs in 2 years.

    Obama came out swinging to repeal the highest tax bracket Bush tax cuts, duh, no revenues, massive deficit, but that said, he caved like a Marshmellow last December so I don't believe a word of what he says.

    There are some Democrats coming out swinging on this, with Bernie Sanders leading the charge, but while Sanders is common sense, he so often loses the battle against the corporate lobbyist representatives in Congress, unfortunately.

    I suggest you start writing your Congress reps. and show support for Sen. Sanders, and those in the house pipping up on the poor, middle class attack/screw job going on here.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • I'm glad they're doing this. Evidence has popped up indicating something really wrong. The carry trade is bad enough.

    We're at a unique place in our history - all of the institutions are failing and there's no option for a feedback loop because those who profit from the status quo are a) afraid of losing money and b) terrified of the wrath of the people if this all gets out.

    They won't go lightly into the night.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • A read of a new Rolling Stones article will show how the Federal Reserve has been the personal piggy bank of the rich - 22,000 or so unaccounted transactions. Read and weep.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • That's spectacularly bad news. South Korea has some serious industrialists. Maybe the deal with them is intended as the final blow to any domestic manufacturing. The Money Party can bring in Colombian specialists to take care of any residual union resistance and the corporations can claim diplomatic immunity because Panama makes the officers all registered corporations diplomats. It all fits;)

    Reply to: Obama Brings You More Bad Trade Deals   13 years 6 months ago
  • Hello One and All,

    Some sales people from NY NY offered me this mortgage principal reduction program when I returned from Afghanistan last fall. At the time, another mortgage company had bought my mortgage and did not automatically take the mortgage out of my checking account and sent the papers to the house which was being rented out. So, my credit rating suffered, and these people thought that I was a great candidate for this Obama House Mortgage Principal Reduction Program, which I had never heard about, nor could find it plausible that the banks would like it. They told me that the U.S. banks wanted to reduce their questionable loans on their balance sheets, and it was good now that I was current on my bank mortgage payments. I still find it hard to believe that the banks would give away money, even if it is problematic that the loan will be paid. More important, the NY NY proponents of my buying into this program wanted me to put up $1,500 to $2,000 first and see if it worked out for me. So, I hesitated, and went to work overseas again, but would love to buy down my mortgage principal if I could do it with a reputable group that would stand up to the light of some due diligence and checking out their operations about their being legitimate.


    Reply to: WSJ Reporting $20 Billion Mortgage Principle Reduction or Be Fined White House Plan   13 years 6 months ago
  • The owners may not know how to run a country but they are surely quite capable at pilfering the citizens. They pick every apple in the orchard and move on to cause more devastation, all the time banking whatever value they can find. I agree.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • There are too many leaks in the bucket and none of them are being repaired. In fact, they can't. Those leaks were paid for and promised to endure.

    That's it precisely. When people talk about changing Obama's [fill in other ruler name], I have to wonder what history they're viewing. Obama and his cohort are doing exactly what they are paid to do, just as Bush, Clinton, etc. before him did. We've been sold down the river. And the rulers and their patrons simply cannot stop their compulsive behaviors (like the scorpion and the ox).

    I'm slightly more optimistic than you but it's hard to maintain that position given events.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • There should be editorials in every paper across the country. Talk about a disrespect for law and order, this is it. And it just drifts along with no attention except among the rabble rousers. Enough is enough. Time to call for indictments and trials. Where's the justice?

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • I was born in Sacramento and I've followed the troubles there and the in the central valley as a whole. What's the point of delivering a 15% premium to the federal government which California does and get nothing in return, not even an aggressive Justice Department to protect citizens rights.

    There is little chance that the requirements at the end of the article will even be approximated in federal or state settlements. But there a reference for the future when justice must be done on this matter, which is just as important as the bailouts.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • the banks get richer everytime cause the equity is lost from the former owners.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • This is just a reflection of where we are at in the cycle. Wealth and power has eviscerated the laws of the land in the pursuit of more wealth and power. This is a simple progression and to be expected. Now they will use their wealth and power to cover up and distract "The Tea Party" while the looting continues. These "corporate fused with state" powers will do everything they can to maintain the current system they are feeding off of. Expect this massively influencial group to hold the system together, as it continues to degrade for 7-10 more years. They are very powerful and have many tricks up their sleeves. But, the system will eventually collapse. There are too many leaks in the bucket and none of them are being repaired. In fact, they can't. Those leaks were paid for and promised to endure. They will remain until there is no more water. When hoards of the weak, the poor, and the elderly are living under bridges we will be reaching very near the point of the cathartic cleansing of the system that we need. The parasitic ultra wealthy will be extricated from the system through an unstoppable and violent collapse. But don't expect it tomorrow. They will throw everything they have at putting off the day of reckoning. It's gonna be a while.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • It is economic theory. On this site, we try to get specific. The Stimulus shows because they refused to have conditions of "Buy American, Hire America" on funds, especially "green job" funds went overseas, went to foreign corporations for workers in their home countries and purchases were made to foreign countries.

    As a result, China, not the United States, is #1 for solar panels and recently a "green jobs" company, received large grants, U.S. taxpayer funds and then moved to China, completely and claimed "we need to compete"...

    That's U.S. funds, enabling a start of a business and that business did not pay back a dime and instead, after they were started, set up, on Uncle Sam's dime, moved to China.

    That's a direct hit, a direct loss of U.S. taxpayers funds flowing freely, to other nations.

    You cannot have a GDP multiplier have strong stimulative effect by offshore outsourcing, jobs, production, capital goods, or insourcing workers (this means hiring foreign guest workers, importing workers, illegals).

    So, another strong case for "fiction" is when a study either tries to manipulate economic equations, theory, statistics or ignores them completely.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 2, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • Folks, click on the New York Times link. Banks get to hire consultants who in turn will investigate them and banks get to decide what, if anything, to pay anyone, if their consultant finds any wrong doing.

    What a sham. Just like help for homeowners is a sham.

    Why is the New York Times calling this an editorial? Beyond listing the slap on the wrist details, if one doesn't call this an outrage to go on the Bankster executive pay, AIG 100% payout, HAMP, fictionalized bank profits through taxpayer funds...

    anything else would be fiction.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • Best article yet on foreclosure, MERS and the response or lack of response by the government and DOJ. 12 million foreclosures expected by 2012 and 1 million per year. I have lived on my street 31 years with no foreclosures and now half the street is vacant from foreclosure. Sacramento is very hard hit. Not helpful that half the homes are underwater in terms of value.

    Reply to: ForeclosureGate Deal - The Mandatory Cover Up   13 years 6 months ago
  • Robert - I apologize if my post seemed like self promotion. I am happy to drop the links in the future. I really just wanted to hear what you all think is missing from the current debate and wanted to provide some valuable context for that question. It's clear, from your comments at least, that what you think is missing is economic development that requires "buy american" conditions.

    If you look closely at some of the examples of projects I link to, like those by Green for All and the Democracy Collective, these are green jobs projects that squarely focus on not just building jobs in the U.S. but building jobs in local communities that have long suffered joblessness. These are in many sense economic justice projects, not corporate PR.

    On an editorial note, we do consider the source for every white paper that we host but we leave it up to our readers (whose intelligence we trust) to sort out which projects and approaches they support and which they have criticisms of. The fact, and this is far from economic fiction, is that nonprofits across the U.S. are working hard to build jobs here in the U.S. with mixed success. Evaluating and exploring their approaches is not lobbying, its looking for solutions to a real and urgent problem.

    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 2, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • employers are being too absurd. I could find systems integration in 2 seconds without even trying. Probably is you're just trying to justify offshore outsourcing and feel quickly about it.

    This crap about "immigrants" is faulty data. It's people who came here at age 2, that isn't exactly an "immigrant", as claimed. It's propaganda for more offshore outsourcing and more foreign guest workers and other desired cheap labor devices.

    Give me a break, we have a JOBS crisis, not a worker crisis in this country.

    Reply to: Obama, Say What? India Creates American Jobs, Are you Kiddin' Me?   13 years 6 months ago
  • Though it is true that there are millions of college graduates working as waiters and waitresses (my sister being one of them), most have degrees and experience which are not valuable to current employers. Further, has reported that there are 3 to 4 million job postings which are not getting filled. These corporations are going to have to go overseas to offshore the work. They have no choice. I own a company which does does highly skilled systems integration, and I've explored those options myself. But that's only part of the story. The other part of the story is that Americans have this idea in their head that someone will give them a job doing what "they" want to do. For Americans, it's all about "us" and not the value that we need to bring to corporations. Further, immigrants are 4 times more likely to start successful businesses. They are just hungrier and more entrepreneurial than Americans. The data bares this out. Until this changes, underemployment of these individuals will continue, until the pain becomes so great that people, like my sister, decide, "you know what, I'm not cut out to be a child psychologist, I'm going to have to settle for a corporate job in HR (a job that I COULD have gotten her if she would have taken it instead of the waitress job). Anyways, I digress. But there are many, many more angles to this problem.

    Reply to: Obama, Say What? India Creates American Jobs, Are you Kiddin' Me?   13 years 6 months ago
  • How do you file for "Quite Title"

    Reply to: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Hold $24 Billion in Foreclosed Properties   13 years 6 months ago
