Recent comments

  • Robert:

    Thanks for the analysis! Whether we interpret these numbers as promising or disappointing, there are still more than 8 million people receiving unemployment and many many more still seeking work! The debate about how to start creating jobs seems to always swing between market remedies and government subsidies, when we know the reality falls somewhere in between.

    I encourage you and your readers to learn more about how folks in the nonprofit sector are bridging this divide in their approach to the issue of job creation. They are hopeful and relentless about on-the-ground efforts to create jobs but are also honestly frustrated with the tone of the current debate. We recently asked a bunch of leaders in the third sector to tell us what they think is missing from the debate and we got some pretty interesting answers.

    I'd love to hear what you (and your readers) think is missing from the debate on job creation? What aren't we doing that we should be to bring unemployment numbers down?


    Reply to: Initial weekly unemployment claims for April 2, 2011   13 years 6 months ago
  • It shows that budgets don't matter to Republicans. They'd rather interfere in a woman's right to control her reproductive health and have us all suck dirty air than balance a budget. For the Democrats, they just adore the Tea Party. It makes their half baked proposals look very appealing. "It's either us or the crazies? Who do you want in there?" Not them.

    How about some intelligent, patriotic citizens who will problem solve and get things turned around?

    Your budget analysis showed one real mind blower. The Republicans state outright that they want to privatize Medicare. That's something that would upset even AARP's executives. It's the great horror. I think that the so called "genius" of the budget (self proclaimed by Republicans) has written a love letter to Democratic campaign ad writers. That's stupid beyond belief, seriously.

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • If you can believe that! It's not about spending, it's about defunding their favorite targets. As far as I know planned parenthood provides low cost exams, might provide birth control but they are not abortion clinics as claimed.

    So, we have the crazies going to screw military, soldiers, workers and the economy because they cannot stand giving anything to help women's health.

    Unbelievable. These people should be locked up and let's just throw away the key.

    Anyone reading this, make no mistake, neither side is tackling the actual deficit and that's because the biggest cost is the department of Defense.

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • Well said.
    The only thing that might change this unconscionable game is to somehow take
    money out of elections (public campaign financing) and slush funds (campaign funds and jobs on their campaign committees).
    But with the money at stake overall, good luck to us with that!

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • Last December. It's amazing how revenues never pop up.

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • or more likely the gop watched a movie with the allusion, "no country for old men" or women, yeats should have written had he been thinking about the united states senior population under the proposed budget. i caution the repubs to look at another poem, "ozymandias". imagine a vast empty desert with a crumbling statue of a tea bag.

    if the center cannot hold, what of the rest of us?


    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • Nope, they get paid, the scallywags. They never miss a chance to proclaim their "exceptionalism" and entitlement. They pick every apple in the orchard and move on. They are the knights of the conference table, eating Henry VIII style and they never miss a meal. I could go on but they're not worth it. Those who don't vote and say, what's the point, they're all crooks, are right with very few exceptions.

    Other than that, it's all good.

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • This is so disgusting at this point, is there any law that says when the government is shut down all of these politicians simply lose their jobs and we get a new crop?

    Reply to: The Crazies versus the Sleepwalkers - Big Budget Showdown   13 years 6 months ago
  • I would not buy Cisco stock. It's an Indian company. 95% of the work is outsourced to Wipro. Think of Tata cars. that's the quality behind Cisco now. Pay 5 cents on the dollar for 95% of your employees/contractors, and you get shit.

    John Chambers should be hung for treason. He should be forced to live in a shanty in Calcutta.

    Reply to: Indian Offshore Outsourcers Start Propaganda Campaign, Funding Elections to Get Your Job   13 years 6 months ago
  • If there is a shut down, this would affect major economic statistical reports coming from the BEA, BLS and the Chamber of Commerce.

    But the Fed will still run.

    No surprise here since our politicians love to operate in the dark, ignoring any statistics in policy "decisions".

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • These people are unbelievable and on this one, especially the Republicans, simply because these guys tout the worst economics, policy that will truly hurt the nation with a straight face.

    At best, they are the ultimate example of the U.S. educational system needing better mathematics and science skills. But I think it's just their lobbyist commander wish list, who in turn go out and buy people to run for office who cannot add 2 numbers together to save their souls.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • A pox upon both parties but the most earned pox is upon the Republicans for sending up this sort of trash. Although, I'm not being culturally sensitive because they actually believe in this nonsense. They can't stand those who suffer and struggle. They can't stand those who belong to unions. They don't much like people in the cities and they are opponents of real capitalism, preferring the crony kind. What a pathetic excuse for a political party they are.

    Excellent invective Robert.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it." 
    Quote by Upton Sinclair
    I offer that there is a group think process. The "we can do it" minds have that belief system in play. Bias prevents some nuclear "believers" from achieving clarity of mind. Opponent suffer the same. Watch as soon the politicians will realign based on the way the wind blows.
    For myself, risk in nuclear far outweigh consequences. Reality does not lie. Apologies after the fact don't mitigate the disasters that await.
    Japan's outcome is nothing compared to what would happen at a landlocked plant in USA given in japan the winds were toward the ocean primarily. Also, in USA we might not have an ocean to dump into.
    The NRC should be questioned and held accountable to provide the services expected. They are operating in virtual secrecy since after 911 the pertinent safety analyses are now classified. Battery backup capability is inadequate.
    Written procedures are expected to be performed when needed to compensate for hardware that is inadequate
    Well meaning people at nuclear plants have been sold a lie.

    Reply to: Power Corrupts, Nuclear Power Corrupts Absolutely   13 years 6 months ago
  • ... remove corporate "person-hood" - we need to amend the constitution to get the corruption of corporate money out of politics. See

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • That's really the problem. The Democrats didn't do real financial reform, put up a bogus plan to "help homeowners" and literally Obama is enabling more offshore outsourcing through more bad trade deals.

    Then, I guess there must be some major lobbyist groups, they insist on trying to pass more favors for illegal the middle of the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression.

    Just like the Stimulus, there were a host of political favors in it, as we know many companies who have received "green job" funds offshore outsourced to China....

    And neither party will touch this absurd defense budget, of course.

    I'll never forget watching a mark up on CSPAN in the Senate Judiciary committee. I'm not kidding Phil Spector and Diane Feinstein, literally could not add two numbers together and were randomly picking quotas to put in a bill.

    That says it all, these people, supposedly in charge of fiscal management, seemingly cannot even add.

    There is our problem.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • I will still vote for the lesser of two evils, so I will hold my nose and vote for Obama again. But I will not be donating, knocking on doors, or calling up strangers like I did last time. As numerian said,

    Liberals are definitely out in force, but in places like Madison, Wisconsin, and Columbus, Ohio, where attacks are being waged at the state level against unions and collective bargaining.

    This is as it should be. Let Obama spend some of his Wall Street money to pay working class people to work for his re-election. All of our donations and volunteering should go to people who are actually on our side. Wall Street should have to foot the bill for their guy.

    Reply to: Quelle Surprise! Democrats Have a Candidate for the Presidency!   13 years 6 months ago
  • Good piece!

    Also I think it was Rachel Maddow that put it in perspective -
    It's not a budget, it's an agenda / a cause

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • Economist Dean Baker is pointing out Ryan's plan basically forces Seniors to pay for their own health care, i.e. pretty much all of their income.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • Minor so far but he's showing that Ryan's budget is all about financing more tax breaks to the rich and corporations. Surprise, surprise.

    post here.

    Reply to: Ridiculous Budget Games   13 years 6 months ago
  • Such a devastating tragedy, hopefully they get the radioactive water issue under control.

    Reply to: High Resolution Photos of Fukushima, Japan from Cryptome   13 years 6 months ago
