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    Help make this the ballad of 2011. I'm doing all I can......

    Reply to: Most of the job loss is from offshoring, not the recession   13 years 10 months ago
  • I don't see a reference to this analysis in your post, so check out this one by Michael Linden. It's pretty astounding, although earlier I did an analysis showing tax cuts for the rich do not create jobs, tax cuts aren't creating jobs generally.

    I need to do one on multipliers, their assumptions and what the statistics end up telling us. They diverge, if one hasn't noticed and multipliers have gotten more than one policy maker in trouble (hint, globalization rears it's ugly head once more!).

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • The House just rejected the deal.

    Now, the question is will they fight for what would really do something to create jobs.

    Just yesterday they passed the Dream act, which I'm sorry, what a screwed up bill that is and it's about their illegal immigrant constituents. This is coming from someone who knows there are people who need to be legalized as their rhetoric proclaims, it's the actual bill I'm referring to.

    If they had any sense, they would fight to get that corporate tax incentive loophole to offshore outsource jobs closed, as an amendment. They already passed this once in the House. Hell tack on the China as currency manipulator bill on there, I believe almost every single Congress representative, both houses, has co-sponsored a version of that bill.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • While I didn't check your numbers, I'll just assume they are correct but we're seeing report after report that job creation is being down offshore, i.e. offshore outsourcing. It's not all of the job losses but it's significant, I believe quantified over 3 million (each study is one a few industry sectors).

    So, the fact this government will not address even the most basic elements to stop labor arbitrage is beyond me.

    I'm all for helping the unemployed but the reality is people want and need jobs. They should be spending only when they are sure that means job creation in America instead of this absurdity.

    Another point is they seem to refuse to recognize when people are employed, they pay taxes.

    Reply to: Fiscal Policy By Dummies: Looking at the Deficit Plans from a Progressive Standpoint   13 years 10 months ago
  • You lay out the key issues and factions regarding deficit reduction in a clear fashion. It starts with policy and values and proceeds to spending and debt. I would welcome a national debate on the merits of $700 bil in military spending that only detracts versus spending on education, health, and other social programs that have a measurable positive impact qualitatively and quantitatively.

    I was surprised that the hand picked debt commission tanked, unceremoniously. Then I saw the planned payroll tax cuts and realized that the attack on Social Security was much more direct. In one strange move, Obama the deficit hawk gave away $600 of revenue bil in order to spend $50 bil on unemployment. We're through the looking glass, officially.

    Reply to: Fiscal Policy By Dummies: Looking at the Deficit Plans from a Progressive Standpoint   13 years 10 months ago
  • Well, your money party theme sums it up. No matter how many voters move, what kind of "grassroots" activism, nothing seems to break the strangle hold special interests and multinational corporations have on the U.S. government. I think this was the same scenario in 1896 and I'm starting to think we need a new form of government to guarantee this corruption can never happen again.

    It appears a huge problem is Congress. You get these "leadership" cronyism hierarchy's plus "committee chairs" and that makes the pathetic idea of "representative" government really in the hands of even fewer.

    Revolving door but I'm wondering about the structure itself. It seems parliamentary structures have more balance.

    I'm sure this reads as revolutionary but the situation is more and more pathetic, the middle class destroyed.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • That was the moment any fantasies of a productive administration were squashed. #2 is the speech justifying the Afghanistan expansion claiming it was about the safety of our grandchildren and those of the Afghan people. But this was offensive in it's own way. It was a complex and comprehensive betrayal masked as a surrender. 'At long last, have they no shame?' Apparently not.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • "The compromise meme is just a charade to make it appear as if Obama isn't just brazenly doing what the plutocrats want." Plausible deniability, to use a DC neologism. He's fighting for us, (que laugh track).

    A sane tax policy would be a great starting point, incent innovation, job creation, repatriation of capital and assets, clean energy, etc. But time after time, they title bills that do just the opposite of the act the title indicates. These guys are one trick ponies and the trick is real old.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • I've fallen behind in overviewing and getting the St. Louis FRED graphs on some of the economic report releases. I'm playing catch up and going to hit the most important ones. We get googled all of the time on these, so I try very hard to be dead accurate as well as link first and foremost to the government site which has the original press release as well as plain link over to the St. Louis FRED database itself. That said, I personally find it irritating if I'm hunting for some information and come up with data that is a year old.

    Anyway, the press jumped on this report as fabulous news and that's frankly by me as to why they did.

    Reply to: Jobs JOLTS for October 2010   13 years 10 months ago
  • He's got a host of tables on his analysis.

    I haven't checked the validity of the numbers but Zandi is a number cruncher, as best as current models give.

    I wish he would throw together real proposals and show they could be doing a lot better vs. this "either/or" stuff.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • I think a real betrayal was in other taxes, such as the estate tax. That said, my understanding of the uber rich is they have already sheltered, trusted out their wealth so it doesn't get taxed anyway.

    How come we're not seeing the Democrats fight to put in the corporate offshore outsourcing loophole plug in? Ya know, all of those corporate tax incentives to offshore outsource your job...

    I mean what are these people thinkin' both sides? They simply are not focused on what is good for the nation, what will get people back to work.

    WSJ here.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • if I can get to it, I'll try to find data on the new jobs and their wages vs. average wage. Average wage overall, is beyond belief flat, but there is more to that story, firstly in the median wage and then to the new jobs as well as by occupational sector wages. I promise to write it up if I can locate that breakdown of the data.

    Reply to: Where are the Jobs? Offshore Outsourced of Course!   13 years 10 months ago
  • wow

    What's amazing of all of the betrayals to date by the Obama administration, this one bothers me the least. Yes, it's true. The one that bothered me the most was financial reform. But we have....on one hand, a group of insane, I mean completely absurd, insane stupidity on tax, economic issues, coming from GOP leadership and on the other hand....continually Democrats are busy with their special interests, which actually will hurt the economy, yes that's true too.

    The minute Obama put Diana Farrell in his administration, she worked for the ultimate offshore outsourcer/lobbyist group, McKinsey, I knew we were in big trouble.

    Did they do anything to ban Federal Contracts from being offshore outsourced, the banks offshore outsourcing, bringing in H-1Bs even? All we got was a token amendment from Bernie Sanders (because this was all he could get) on H-1B.

    Confront China on currency manipulation beyond words? No. Even do anything to streamline the SBA and make it easier so small businesses could get grants, contracts? No, it's a real hydra to figure out that system and the delays are so huge, by the time you land anything, you're foreclosed and homeless.

    What bothers me the most is the insane rhetoric coming from GOP leadership. It's so psycho and they don't bat an eyelid while they spew complete lies on what really effects the economy. Like tax cuts for the rich, this is such bullshit. income is taxed NET, not GROSS receipts! Gross receipts come in on schedule C, this is for sole prop, which is when someone is self-employed, owns their own business. Then one writes off their expenses, which INCLUDES employees, their wages one is paying income tax on someone else's wages that they hired.

    Just an amazing lie the GOP keep spinning and it never gets fronted. Of all business taxes, I'd say sole proprietorship is the easiest to understand, yet not once on cable noise or in the press have I seen it explained that income comes from NET, not GROSS on a self-employed person.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • We need to talk about wages, not jobs, even though they amount to the same thing. Trade, immigration, and automation all cause unemployment, which, in turn, require wages to fall in order to restore the total volume of employment. Sink wages low enough and we can start employing children again -- families will be forced to if they want food and shelter.

    Reply to: Where are the Jobs? Offshore Outsourced of Course!   13 years 10 months ago
  • Nice summary. The whole "compromise" thing is just politics as theater. Obama and the Senate leadership could have (and still can) just pass a sane tax policy using the reconciliation process which requires only 50 votes, bypassing any filibuster. That's how the original Bush tax cuts (and Obama's health care plan) were passed in the first place. There was never any need to compromise beyond getting 50 Senators to agree to something. The compromise meme is just a charade to make it appear as if Obama isn't just brazenly doing what the plutocrats want.

    Reply to: Obama's Grand Betrayal   13 years 10 months ago
  • I don't know where to put this so consider the SMC an open thread.

    Elizabeth Edwards to me is a tragedy. She should have been the one running for President and you could tell that just listening to one town hall. She had better policy positions, a better grasp on the issues, on economics and to me, it's a reflection of the attitudes towards women as leaders.

    She was the one, not her husband. What a loss.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Even a Child Can Do It Edition   13 years 10 months ago
  • I guess were going to have to wait to hit rock bottom; 20%, 30%, 40% unemployment for you dummies to want the Tariff back.

    Reply to: The Final Stage in the Deindustrialization of America   13 years 10 months ago
  • You might notice that civilian population is below the civilian population minus those not in the labor force subtracted. The scale on the left is civilian population, the scale on the right is civilian population minus those not in the labor force.

    The cap is identical though. Notice the same amount, 25 million, is the scale for post.

    The scale is thousands.

    The point is to show these two lines have crossed and that's where the missing unemployed, ages 20-64 are. The unemployment rate for those 16-20 is much higher and we know, due to the never ending robbing of retirement funds, a lot of people over the age of 65 are working.

    Reply to: Where are the Jobs? Offshore Outsourced of Course!   13 years 10 months ago
  • Right, that's the only reason I'm for it, as an export/import price control, used as EU and especially China do...against the U.S. and for their own domestic economies but regressivity is bad, bad, bad.

    Reply to: Fiscal Policy By Dummies: Looking at the Deficit Plans from a Progressive Standpoint   13 years 10 months ago
  • Was on Naked Capitalism, here.

    What I see, in all seriousness, is about an 80 agenda to destroy whatever social safety nets were put into place during the New Deal. These cats love a crisis because it enables them to take it on.

    It makes me sick their raw agenda to attack the U.S. middle class and labor force, but it's coming on all fronts.

    Reply to: Fiscal Policy By Dummies: Looking at the Deficit Plans from a Progressive Standpoint   13 years 10 months ago
