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  • Nice to see a post from you! There are some new rules on EP for posting and this has everything to do with page loads. Firstly, upload images and host them here locally. For some reason photobucket and imageshack especially cause the site to go to a crawl. I believe the reason is caching, which there is a lot of on this site due to it's heavy use of graphs and images, but for some reason it's just a crawl and it also could be due to my server configuration but if they are doing something beyond a simple link on their servers, too bad.....

    Anyway, bottom line this site can host images and insert them for you, just click on the "insert image" link when creating a post, below the body text.

    Then, on youtubes, youtube has the ability to modify the width, length and color of a video clip. A good choice is width of 550. I discovered we have readers on ipads and iphones and larger widths don't display for them.

    Then, if you want your post on the front page, remember to hit that up arrow next to it on the left. Only registered users can see the arrow or promote to the front page, but it helps if you do it on your own post!

    Everything else looks good and I went ahead and did the above adjustments for you, since you haven't been around since we moved to the new server.

    Reply to: Industrial Policy Can Work - Rethinking the Auto Bailout   13 years 11 months ago
  • It was the auto bail out that was most worth it. That said, they should have put more conditions on it for labor, now there is a two tier system going on and GM sells more cars in China, has production in China. They should have confronted China's tariffs on trucks instead.

    Reply to: Industrial Policy Can Work - Rethinking the Auto Bailout   13 years 11 months ago
  • Reply to: Industrial Policy Can Work - Rethinking the Auto Bailout   13 years 11 months ago
  • If you'd like to see more like this, you can help by voting for this piece, or following us on Facebook.

    Reply to: Industrial Policy Can Work - Rethinking the Auto Bailout   13 years 11 months ago
  • They are hiring. Just not in the US or Canada.

    Reply to: Are Corporate Profits Highest on Record and Why Are They Not Hiring?   13 years 11 months ago
  • You forgot to mention "Cyber Monday". Another faux holiday intended to separate consumers from their wallets.

    Reply to: Consumerist Christmas - Can it survive?   13 years 11 months ago
  • Last year I wrote up some sarcasm on Black Friday but this is ridiculous! That's our economy? Everyone run out and buy mass quantities to save the economy and call it a holiday?

    Interviewing psychos sitting in a tent for a week outside a store to save 400 bucks. Good God, they should have been working somewhere earning $400 bucks.

    Anyone else wondering why Target runs some creepy psycho lady 24/7 on ads, obsessed to the point you're working about one of "those" incidents... as if that's attractive?

    Reply to: Consumerist Christmas - Can it survive?   13 years 11 months ago
  • You have to cut somewhere and you have to start somewhere, if it saves only $2 Billion, so be it, but lets not belittle any savings small or large because that’s the kind of attitude that helped get the Federal Government into this mess in the first place. Every Billion matters and if they cut enough of those Billions, they add up.

    Reply to: Obama to Freeze Federal Employee's Pay for 2 Years   13 years 11 months ago
  • That China report, current overviewed on the front page, documents cyberattacks from China as well as industrial espionage and our government does NOTHING about this! Even worse, the U.S. China security and economic commission has been writing about similar events for YEARS! It's just incredible, they have Chinese nationals in American universities stealing R&D, tons of intellectual property stolen, magically showing up as cheaper Chinese technology...

    NOTHING happens! That's why I wrote up the China report overview with a "war" analogy and phrasing...because economic war is to me what China has been waging and there is real war as well.

    I think I just read today that China helped or didn't do something about N. Korea obtaining nuclear technology, it was really serious.

    But on the economic front it's just astounding how this government just is walked on and that's Bush/Clinton too.

    Reply to: The Irish People Take a Bath - Outrage Over the Ireland Bail Out   13 years 11 months ago
  • Deep in the WikiLeaks was a most damning revelation about Official Chinese perfidy. It seems that the Politburo is the hand behind all the cyber DDOS attacks on this Government's computers. Meanwhile Hillary and Obama are focused on leak control reminiscent of Nixon's dance with Ellsburg over the Pentagon Papers.

    A functional government would be angry and outraged over attacks on its cyber assets. There would be calls for huge tariffs and even an embargo. Not this government. But the trade with China goes on for the same set of reasons that Portugual, Ireland, Spain and Greece are suffering under the heel of the International Bankers and the rest of their corporate allies.

    Just as Standard Oil supplied aviation fuel to the Luftwaffe, and Watson sold Hitler the Hollerith Card readers used to imprison the Dutch Jews, so Corporate America deals with Chinese with the blessing of a govenrment that is corrupt beyond anyone's imagination.


    Let's be sure about this. The Administration has known that the Chinese DDOS attacks for months, and the dance goes on.


    NY Times 11/29/2010.


    ¶ A global computer hacking effort: China’s Politburo directed the intrusion into Google’s computer systems in that country, a Chinese contact told the American Embassy in Beijing in January, one cable reported. The Google hacking was part of a coordinated campaign of computer sabotage carried out by government operatives, private security experts and Internet outlaws recruited by the Chinese government. They have broken into American government computers and those of Western allies, the Dalai Lama and American businesses since 2002, cables said.





    Reply to: The Irish People Take a Bath - Outrage Over the Ireland Bail Out   13 years 11 months ago
  • Our 18 year old business is capitalized by commercial and person property. As most, recent appraisals place the value below loan amounts. While our business has sagged mostly due to working capital going to debt reduction, we have an investor ready to inject $2,000,000 with a plan to grow our business. All we need to close is for the bank to agree to some very reasonable renewal terms. The bank, who just took over my old bank with FDIC as their partner, likes the deal. They claim it is now up to FDIC to approve. I think what they mean is that the FDIC agrees to continue the five year loss/share arrangement (80%) under the terms of our deal structure. If FDIC says no, the bank could still say okay but without the FDIC parachute. Actually, I think the bank, since they bought my loans at a discount, could make money if we chapter 7 or 11. In the end, FDIC holds nine lives and a viable business in the balance not to mention millions in more foreclosures that do not need to happen. Any suggestions out there?

    Reply to: FDIC Quarterly Report - Highest Number of Problem Banks Since 1993   13 years 11 months ago
  • This post is about a hearing. A hearing is not a fact, a bill, a law. Someone picked up on this post as fact and it is just a Congressional hearing.

    Cashing out 401ks, IRAs and running to the hills is insane frankly.

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   13 years 11 months ago
  • Gentlemen and (women)Our government is out of IOU's that anyone will take. In recent years, the Chinese were buying up to 2/3 of treasury auctions and we can't feed them any more junk - they laugh in our face. Now our government is looking to force feed them to our retirement accounts and cook our goose! If they take over 401(k)s and IRA's they can set "guidelines" for investments that put most of this money into our very own worthless treasury bonds. "Bonds" are safe. Most banks and insurance companies had requirements to keep a percentage of investments in gov't and private bonds until Wall Street Banksters got creative. Used to be for widows' and orphans' funds until derivatives packaged junk and called it "bonds" The entire pension system in America is the only place that has enough cash to gobble these Treasuries up. The gov't can refinance our debt to ourselves and future generations by making pension funds buy this junk. They want to pay 3% because everyone else on the planet would charge alot more. The risk is the country risk of the solvency of the USA. As long as oil is denominated in dollars we're OK. Alot of talk to change that, which would change Everything. I can't tell you where to put your money. I might cash in my IRA and buy a farm. Any comments?

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   13 years 11 months ago
  • I have a host of references where each post is going into great detail. The photo is lifted from a 50 photo spread from AP/Morrison photographer, covering the protests, first link I thought the masses protesting to a statue of a long dead political leader was so symbolic! Awesome photo and he has many many more on the first link.

    I'm linking to the blog you list and covering this is obviously the Irish press (two links) and then Naked Capitalism is really following on this, as in digging out nitty gritty the MSM misses.

    The WSJ seems to have an insider journalist track, so in terms of nitty gritty before it gets out there, they seem to be on the scene.

    Reply to: The Irish People Take a Bath - Outrage Over the Ireland Bail Out   13 years 11 months ago
  • Here's a lively blog on the Irish crisis. They make some excellent points, including the disparity of wealth betweeen the bond holders and Ireland.

    From the blog Golem XIV-Thoughts - The scam behind the Irish "crisis" is exposed. This is a very valuable analysis.
    Who are the bond holders we are bailing out?

    The citizens of Ireland have been forced over the last two years to give the bond holders of Anglo Irish bank 20 billion euros. WHY? The Irish government recently told its people the 20 billion was not enough and they MUST give the same bond holders another 10 to 20 billion euros. WHO are these special people called Bond Holders that they must be so carefully protected even at the cost of despoiling a nation?...

    SO.... on one side we have Ireland whose bond holders, its people, have between them a total GDP wealth of 0.207 trillion euros. Who are being FORCED, against their will, to pay Anglo Irish bank's debts to its bond holders, who between them hold 20.8 Trillion euros . The people of Ireland are paying to, and protecting the wealth and power of, people who have 100 times more wealth!

    Reply to: The Irish People Take a Bath - Outrage Over the Ireland Bail Out   13 years 11 months ago
  • It seems these insider trading arrests are token arrests, on the fringe, more your classic insider trading game, targeting tech and no big fish.

    It's astounding we had a near economic collapse and not a single criminal charge seems to be forthcoming from it. Not even a civil charge that I'm aware of.

    Reply to: Decline and fall (maybe) … Nov 27, 2010   13 years 11 months ago
  • Firstly on what planet did you get the metric that those of Jewish ethnicity after WWI in Germany "had all of the money and wouldn't get it back"? That's just some serious fiction. Read your history!

    Secondly, the USSR is not socialist, it was a totalitarian state that was communism. The two are not the same.

    People stop listening to some whatever it is, go to the library and crack a book on pre-war Germany.

    You're also nuts if you think that's what Obama is doing. His track record to date is he is doing what the corporate lobbyists want him to do for the most part, same as Bush.

    You want to know how one reason Hitler came to power? Ignorance of the people. Another was their economy collapsed and it had everything to do with the treaty of Versailles, where the war repayments broke their economy as well as economic mismanagement. Jews were a scapegoat, like they have been throughout history, they did not cause these things are "have all of the money".

    Reply to: 14% of Americans are on Food Stamps   13 years 11 months ago
  • The 3 hedge funds in questions manage somewhat less than $15B in assets.

    For a $1.7T industry, this amounts to less than 1%.

    More importantly, these hedge funds are pikers.

    The top 23 hedge funds comprise $438B in assets - the 3 in question could safely be characterized as weak hands being thrown to the wolves.

    Besides which the 800 lb gorilla of fraud in the room is still the entire mortgage/securitization black hole from which no indictments have even come through.

    Reply to: Decline and fall (maybe) … Nov 27, 2010   13 years 11 months ago
  • The reason Socialism is such a dirty word in the United States is because Socialism is a "spread the wealth" system. In a decent world economy, socialism works ok, but let the world economy break down and suddenly you lose everything you manufacture to the government and get no pay for it while even if you DO get at least some recognition for your hard work in the form of ration easements, there are no products to ration, there's just not enough to go around. This was proven many times during the life of the U.S.S.R. Even worse is Barack Obama and the cronies pulling his strings that are trying to force the world to the SAME GOVERNMENT MODEL THAT GERMANY USED PRIOR TO WORLD WAR II, the nationalist agenda. This too was socialism but, according to history, the Jewish people were so good at business until there was no more wealth in the country, they had earned it all and would not spend it back into the circle of wealth. This is what sparked Germany into their conquest phase. Unfortunately, when this new attempt at world government fails, there will be no other worlds to invade.

    Reply to: 14% of Americans are on Food Stamps   13 years 11 months ago
  • $2.5 million in my division for jobs in India.

    Reply to: Are Corporate Profits Highest on Record and Why Are They Not Hiring?   13 years 11 months ago
