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  • It's a copyright violation to repost entire articles, which can get this site into trouble. You can quote a section of an article and then link to the original article. (in the user guide is information on how to format a URL).

    On the topic, yeah, there are a host of activities which go on where they raise money in some other country and China? Come on, they are about to exceed the U.S. as the world's largest economy so somehow I don't think they need help here in funding education in comparison to the United States. Not saying there isn't major global poverty and so on, but the thing that bothers me is how they completely ignore the poverty and needs right here in the United States. You've got funds helping a child in some other country, ok, obviously abject poverty, but that ignores the fact you can find a similar child sitting in the U.S. in some slum. We have massive hunger going on in the U.S., schools are not educating these kids, they do not have clothes or access to educational materials, list goes on and on, but the biggest things are food, clothing, shelter at the moment.

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
  • Billary and their foundation have given us the sweet picture of Chinese children getting a school uplift by
    Corporate America. The same companies who have shifted our jobs to China now want to help China vault further over the next generation of U.S. kids.

    You say that the ruling class is increasing its power. Fine. I say that they lose their grip on a daily basis.
    This is the stuff of which revolutions are made. All of this is in a backdrop of American school districts
    struggling to avoid teacher layoffs and high taxes.

    Clinton Sees House She Helped Build at China Expo
    New York Times:
    SHANGHAI — By all accounts, the United States would have been a no-show at the Shanghai Expo had Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton not opened her Rolodex and raised about $60 million in private cash to finance a pavilion here. So it seemed fair that Mrs. Clinton got a rousing cheer from a group of Chinese children when she visited the building on Saturday.

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at the U.S. Pavilion of the World Expo in Shanghai. More Photos »
    But the house that Hillary built is unmistakably the house that corporate America paid for.

    After touring the pavilion — with its Citibank- and Pfizer-sponsored theaters, gauzy eight-minute videos featuring representatives from Chevron, General Electric, and Johnson & Johnson, environmentally friendly features sponsored by Alcoa, and a gift shop with licensed merchandise from Disney — Mrs. Clinton seemed less inspired than relieved that the project was done.

    “It’s fine,” she said to a reporter asking her what she thought of the pavilion. “Can you imagine if we had not been here?”

    With its gunmetal-gray walls and convention-center aesthetics, the pavilion hardly stands out in a fairground studded by beguiling structures like Britain’s Seed Cathedral, a cube with 60,000 sprouting transparent rods that make it look like a dandelion ready to be scattered to the winds.

    Still, the American organizers say the pavilion has drawn long lines and 700,000 visitors since the Expo opened May 1, which attests either to the enduring attraction of the United States or the wisdom of Woody Allen’s observation that 80 percent of success is showing up.

    For Mrs. Clinton, scratching together the money for the project was a simple matter of avoiding a diplomatic snub. The Chinese government spent $45 billion buffing up this glamorous but gritty metropolis to play host to a world’s fair, and it is treating the six-month-long event with almost the same importance it attached to the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

    America’s participation was in jeopardy because Congress restricts the spending of public money on world’s fairs, and under the Bush administration, the project had virtually no private financing. On Mrs. Clinton’s first visit as secretary of state last year, Chinese officials implored her to do something.

    “It’s like a coming-out party for countries and cities,” Mrs. Clinton said, referring to world’s fairs of the last century in Chicago and St. Louis. “There’s a real historical significance to this.”

    To avoid violating federal rules, Mrs. Clinton assigned most of the one-on-one fund-raising to two longtime Clinton fund-raisers: Elizabeth F. Bagley and Jose H. Villarreal, both of whom were on hand.

    As she walked in this morning, Mrs. Clinton greeted Indra K. Nooyi, the chief executive of PepsiCo, and senior executives from Chevron, Johnson & Johnson, and General Electric, each of which kicked in $5 million. She met major sponsors again at a dinner on Saturday night.

    Mrs. Clinton also toured China’s pavilion, a monumental deep-red building with a traditional Chinese inverted roof. “It would have to be very big to fit all the provinces of China in it,” she told Shanghai’s mayor, Han Zheng, who thanked her for making sure the United States had a presence.

    Nearly 200 countries are represented at the Expo, which stretches along both banks of the Huangpu River. Two countries branded as rogue nations, Iran and North Korea, are conveniently located next to each other.

    Among the North Korean attractions is a video of a rocket launching intercut with pictures of children in a classroom.

    Iran has gathered examples of its technology, including a primitive satellite and a stuffed goat, which was identified as the country’s first cloned goat. “Only a few countries such as the U.S., U.K., Canada, and China have a cloned goat in their list of achievements,” a placard said.

    Neither country made any mention of its nuclear program, which in both cases is fueling tension with their neighbors and the United States. But then, the U.S.A. Pavilion does not mention the American political system, the Constitution or the founding fathers.

    Instead, visitors are treated to a video of Americans struggling to speak Chinese, testimonials about sustainable energy, water conservation, and family values — each presented by a corporate sponsor with interest in those areas — followed by a video about a young girl planting a garden in a garbage-strewn lot. At one point, the seats shake and the audience is sprayed with mist.

    The highlight at the pavilion is 70 student ambassadors, drawn from universities around the United States, who speak fluent Mandarin, and entertain the long lines of visitors.

    Franklin L. Lavin, a former American ambassador to Singapore who is the chairman of the pavilion’s steering committee, said the organizers stayed clear of messages about free speech or democratic institutions in favor of the simple virtues of civic-mindedness.

    “We wanted to talk about what works in American society, not what doesn’t work in other societies,” Mr. Lavin said.
    A version of this article appeared in print on May 23, 2010, on page A10 of the New York edition.

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
  • I believe that's because the Banksters were using private funds to gamble and thus LOSING those retirement funds. This has been a huge problem in that private retirement (i.e. 401ks) are losing money due to stock market fluctuations and for profit, private interests gambling with it. We had a major problem in the U.S. with many pension funds short, much of it due to losses in the stock market.

    When you see "government" you distrust, but perhaps one needs to see "Banksters" and have a similar distrust. Not saying that our current government is too trustworthy, but assuredly the Banksters are not!

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
  • If the news media reported the Argentina seizure of private funds last October it didn't get much bang.

    BUENOS AIRES, Oct 21 (Reuters) - Argentina's center-left President Cristina Fernandez on Tuesday signed a bill for a government takeover of the $30 billion private pension system in a daring and unexpected move that rocked domestic markets.

    Labor leaders and lawmakers from the ruling Peronist party and some opposition groups applauded the nationalization as a way to guarantee pensions at a time of global market turmoil.

    But the surprise move unnerved investors and sent Argentine stock and bond prices into freefall."

    From a UK paper.........

    "It is a foretaste of what may happen across the world as governments discover that tax revenue, and discover that the bond markets are unwilling to plug the gap. The G7 states are already acquiring an unhealthy taste for the arbitrary seizure of private property, I notice.

    Here is a link from La Nacion and another from El Pais for Spanish speakers"

    I wonder, is the USA far behind? Maybe it is time to cash in my private stuff and hide it in my mattress.


    In February, the White House released its “Annual Report on the Middle Class” containing new regulations favored a bailout of critically underfunded union pension plans through “retirement security” options.

    The radical solution is the seizure of private 401(k) plans for government disbursement.

    Vice President Joe Biden floated the idea, called “Guaranteed Retirement Accounts” (GRAs), in the February “Middle Class” report.

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
  • Thank you for your time and effort to help all of us understand.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • A well written, clear thinking article of where we really are today. I hope you all forward it on to your friends. It deserves more distribution.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • One key factor factor indicates US employment is leveling off.


    Reply to: State Unemployment Maps for April 2010 - Unemployment decreases in 34 States   14 years 5 months ago
  • I cannot cite specifics, because you have to do this paper by paper, paragraph by paragraph, equation by equation, statistic by statistic, but it seems to me Peterson Institute, has some research work that is fairly valid (and yes I know the infamous attack on SS, social safety nets and so on agenda), vs. AEI.

    So, I don't know who these cats are, but I'd claim that just a blanket dismissal may not be in order, at least from Peterson. I cannot recall reading something from AEI that didn't have theoretical or statistical spin in it.

    On the other hand, I've seen papers from Harvard with some brazen, god awful, as in how do you even have a job awful, statistical spin, bias. My favorite spin machine papers are when some of these cats get into "immigration" related topics. OMG! I've literally seen entire variables set to zero to make their philosophy work. Not good. (yes Virginia, there is always some element of substitution, you cannot set that variable to zero because you want it to be so!).

    I think Angry Bear did an entire series on the social security statistical spin machine. But Medicare/Medicaid, ya know, the elephant in the room are for profits costs which of course are not to date addressed. I think the CBO just increased the cost of "health care reform" a couple of hundred billion?

    Reply to: Hedge Funds, LBOs and Banksters, oh my!   14 years 5 months ago
  • The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission:

    Bill Thomas, Commission Vice Chairman.

    Commissioner Douglas Holtz-Eakin.

    Commissioner Peter J. Wallison.

    And I'm not too thrilled with Murren, Hennessey and Graham, either.

    Reply to: Hedge Funds, LBOs and Banksters, oh my!   14 years 5 months ago
  • Not saying it's not true but what is that about?

    Reply to: Hedge Funds, LBOs and Banksters, oh my!   14 years 5 months ago
  • I saw that, so they didn't get any training or HAZMAT suits? Right, that tourism grant was beyond the pale. It's like complete denial generally that this spill will turn the entire gulf coast region into a dead zone, toxic waste area.

    The above unemployment is just the overall economy, but I believe the oil spill will cause a double dip recession. That along with the European/Greece crisis.

    Reply to: We are the endangered species   14 years 5 months ago
  • the rodent crossing the podium during his speech claiming we have financial reform is surely going to be used as well.

    It's just unreal and so far the press is ignoring that. what I want to know is did they outsource so much of their responsibilities, expertise, to big business, the government plain doesn't have the knowledge/skills/equipment to stop the oil leak?

    Why do they not pull in foreign governments, to help?

    Reply to: We are the endangered species   14 years 5 months ago
  • But then I've been tracking on this since the beginning. But for Obama to claim this this will stop the next financial crisis, that's simply not true.

    But the ruling class isn't failing from power, they just got more of it.

    Reply to: During the Financial Meltdown, Where Were the Regulators? Jerkin' Off?   14 years 5 months ago
  • There are over 30K Rigs in the Gulf. One of these had to fail. The root cause of this was Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force which created and tolerated this atrocity.

    It took a Supreme Court filled with the henchmen of the Oligarchy to keep the proceedings of the ETF secret as Executive Privilege, and a corrupt Minerals Management Agency which gave away leases, deregulated drilling, and
    put Big Oil in charge.
    In other words, Cheney
    gave Big Oil everything it wanted. No species can foul its habitat and survive.

    Turn to Manufacturing and witness an an economy whose employment base was half the workforce in the 1950's and now is 5 percent of the workforce.

    Witness the pathetic attempt to 'reform' banking. Too-Big-Too-Fail
    was excluded, along with derivative transparency, any no restoration of Glass Steagall.

    History shows that when a ruling class carries on with this degree of ineptness and brutality, the ruling class falls from power.

    Reply to: During the Financial Meltdown, Where Were the Regulators? Jerkin' Off?   14 years 5 months ago

    The grants for tourism story came out at the samt time it was reported that fishermen who've had contact with the spill were coming in sick from the toxicity. Maybe BP should give Dr. Kevorkian, MD, a grant for guided tours.

    Reply to: We are the endangered species   14 years 5 months ago
  • There's a very crisp sound byte of Obama endorsing deep water drilling by these 'competent guys' or something equally ridiculous.  The video is fair game and his failure to take over the crisis management will be far more damaging.  After a month of failure, broken promises, and concealment most reasonable people would say, 'Take it away from them.  They're incompetent.'  But we've got a very bright cabinet member who is allowed to be nothing more than a "life coach" for BP and the Coast Guard helping censor the news.   This is one lousy performance.  But I was glad to hear Janet Napoletano say how much she's "learned" about oil spils.  Great on the job training, eh;)

    Reply to: We are the endangered species   14 years 5 months ago
  • That is heart breaking.  It's so unnecessary and so avoidable.  BP set up an aparatus that was marginally maintained and poorly designed.  They created a process that could not be managed in a crisis state and then made bad decisions in the midst of the crisis that they told regulators was "highly unlikely."

    Like the Wall Street scams, there will be no one held accountable.  They'll blame it all on the head of Mining and Minerals Service who resigned a few days ago.  Then it will happen again.  We're ruled by fools, dangerous ones at that.

    Reply to: We are the endangered species   14 years 5 months ago
  • Sssshh.. President Obama and Congress do not want you to know this because they are all International Globalist. They are the ones who were paid to push NAFTA and the WTO into law and it has been a dismal failure.

    They want American workers to work for $2/day slave labor just like China and that is exactly where we are headed come HELL or HIGH WATER.

    Whenever you find yourself in a hole: “STOP DIGGING”.

    It seems Harry Dingey and Paul Krugman (an American economist and Nobel Prize Winner) are the only two people in America to understand we have a Trade Problem with China?

    Make no mistake about it the International Trade Deficit must be balanced one way or another if America is to SURVIVE as a Nation.

    The Federal Government cannot continue sending Good High Paying jobs offshore to China and FORCE American Workers to sleep in the street and eat in Soup Lines.


    There are only three ways to correct this humongous Trade Imbalance.

    1. Increase the American Exports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year. We been trying to do this since 1993 and this is absolutely impossible.

    2. Decrease the American Imports by $450.6 Billion Dollars per year, then manufacture the merchandise in America. Paul Krugman wants to add a 25 percent Tax on all Imports and hopes this will reduce Chinese Imports over time.

    3. Pull out of NAFTA and the WTO. Then close the Largest Consumer Market in the World to all Imports. Do not worry about Exports and this will create well over 15.02 million Jobs instantly and probably even more.

    I am suggesting we do number three. This can be done by the American President and Congress and will automatically bring the large American Manufactured Goods Trade Deficit into BALANCE almost over night.

    But, they would rather keep borrowing and printing money to support the Chinese Economy and hope things get better. They are pushing on a string because you cannot have a meaningful recovery without good high paying manufacturing and construction jobs.

    There is NO substitute for good High Paying Jobs.

    The real question is do we want to create Good High Paying Jobs in America again or continue letting the International Companies make large Profits from cheap Chinese Slave Labor?

    I CAN CREATE 15 MILLION JOBS ALMOST OVER NIGHT right here in America !!!

    Here is my Job creation Computations:


    Total USA Imports in 2006:
    $ 2,211.7 billion ----- Total Imports.
    $ - 309.4 billion ----- (Money spent on Imported Crude Oil)
    $ 1,902.3 billion / 30 billion=63.41 million jobs lost from Imports.


    Total USA Exports in 2006:
    $ 1,451.7 Billion / 30 billion=48.39 million jobs America Created from Exports.

    If USA Pulls out of NAFTA and WTO right now:
    USA would absolutely gain a total of 63.41 million Jobs by Manufacturing all IMPORTS right here in the USA.

    So, 63.41 minus 48.39 = 15.02 million NET JOBS GAIN. But, a lot of Exports must be purchased in the USA. That would mean an even larger number of jobs created in America than I have estimated.

    Also, I should note that I have subtracted out the $309.4 billion dollars that America spent on Import Crude Oil in 2006. This is another problem that must be solved later.

    My calculation means an ABSOLUTE 15.02 million Jobs gained if the rest of the world did not buy even one penny of USA EXPORTS.

    SO MOTE IT BE. . . . .

    Do you truly want to help straighten out the United States Government now? Then, copy and post this article everyplace on the Internet you can post.

    BY: Harry Dingey

    Have a good day my friends.

    If you want know how America got into this Financial Mess and Jobs Problem, listen to the following videos:

    Have a great day.. ENJOY..

    Reply to: GM offshore outsourcing U.S. jobs   14 years 5 months ago
  • I haven't tallied up the number of Senators who wanted to actually reform Wall Street genuinely, but I'll blame the committee/seniority system as well as Dem leadership.

    I noticed Cantwell/Feingold voted no on the bill.

    But Dodd, why was he even allowed to chair the Senate finance committee with his ties to Wall Street so well known there was no way he could even win an election?

    Why did Harry Reid ram through yet another bill so they can go home during the weekend? This is the biggest thing to hit the economy since the great depression and now the U.S. is under crippling debt, the middle class even more screwed and that's what they do?

    To me, I have to take actions by Congressional reps. amendment by amendment, bill by bill, vote by vote. It never ceases to amaze me the rhetoric vs. what they actually do, so often just not based in sound economics/statistics either.

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
  • Probably the two most honest elected officials in the Senate.

    The House is much more representative of voters but they have their own issues.

    Reply to: An Update on Financial Reform Legislative Shenanigans   14 years 5 months ago
