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  • Proof positive that the system is fixed. These huge banks/traders (I will NOT call GS a "bank" because that would be a lie) are simply extensions of the fascist US government - or maybe its the other way around - the fascist US government is an extension of these banks/traders.

    Reply to: 'Perfect Quarter' for four Wall Street banks   14 years 5 months ago
  • two of them had zero losses on trades for 3 months. What a joke!

    Reply to: 'Perfect Quarter' for four Wall Street banks   14 years 5 months ago
  • Over at the New York Times.

    Reply to: Europe Does a TARP Redux of almost $1 trillion dollars   14 years 5 months ago
  • Warren Buffett said at a board meeting for Berkshire Hathaway that derivitives were bad for the country despite the fact that he owned Moody's he purchased it in 2000 for 100 million. During the time that he owned Moody's, he gave more AAA ratings than ever. Corporations were paying 3 times the going rate supposedly for Consulting fees in loan default-swaps that wraped up sub prime mortgages with credit card debt then tiered them as CDO'S. After the bubble burst, these corporations were downgraded. But the downgrading came after he sold Moody's for 2 billion and change.

    Reply to: Audit the Fed Under Attack   14 years 5 months ago
  • Beating the GOP doesn't mean anything.

    Reply to: Derivatives Reform is Under Siege!   14 years 5 months ago
  • keep the pressure up. Maybe it would force these investment firms to make real ones if derivatives were curtailed.

    Reply to: Derivatives Reform is Under Siege!   14 years 5 months ago
  • This was a GOP amendment, defeated. Of course there are plenty of Democrats, including the Obama administration, trying to water down Lincoln's amendment.

    Reply to: Derivatives Reform is Under Siege!   14 years 5 months ago
  • This post is simply brilliant. I've read it several times over the last few days and keep thinking about it. The serf/neofeudalism concept finally puts our country into an understandable, if sad, framework. I've always been baffled when somebody that's barely getting by complains about those union teachers or government employeees instead of the elites. Thanks for introducing me, and I'm sure others, to the concept.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • I believe that Fannie and Freddie are off-book.

    Reply to: Federal deficit in April nearly three times larger than expected   14 years 5 months ago
  • The Senate vote was 96-0 to approve the Bernie Sanders (I-vermont) amendment. The amendment calls for the GAO to audit the special lending facilities put in place to support the financial systems created in 2008 and 2009. In the House the bill was co-sponsored by Represenative Ron Paul and Alan Grayson. This review will audit all the facilities created in december 2007-2009. At these facilities the FED loaned more than 2 trillion dollars
    Now the Senate version differs from the House's version in that the House version would call for an annual audit of the FED instead of a one-time audit of the special facilities. However the Sanders amendment makes it mandatory for the terms of the loans to be made public. It is typical of the Senate to "dilute" what comes from the House. I believe that an annual audit would go further in terms of transparency and act as a deterrent to--excuse the usage of Penal Code nomenclature--to any Malfeasance or misappropriation or even political considerations in their activities. The findings of this audit will be available one year from now. The FED has always resisted this type of transparency,so much so that they have taken it to court and even to theAppellate courts before.

    Reply to: Audit the Fed Under Attack   14 years 5 months ago
  • the deficit? This is weird, well, I guess the tax revenues increases were from payrolls in the unemployment report vs. tax returns.

    That said, it is everything? i.e. backdoor bail outs?

    Reply to: Federal deficit in April nearly three times larger than expected   14 years 5 months ago
  • because this is a huge deal and also so I can make sure the promote/demote system is working. ;)

    Reply to: Fannie Mae Loses $11.5 Billion in Q1 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • It's interesting to hear it said out loud what I've been guessing for so long.

    Reply to: Fannie Mae Loses $11.5 Billion in Q1 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • The jump up in Gold is unreal. I'm wondering if it's a temp. spike or a long term direction. Panic usually implies a short term spike up.

    Reply to: Gold hits new record on Euro fallout   14 years 5 months ago
  • They are claiming 1 in 8, by my calculations it's more like 13%.

    Reply to: Nearly 40 million on food stamps   14 years 5 months ago
  • The continent that has seen multiple cases of hyperinflation over the last century, is worried again.

    (Bloomberg) -- Muenze Oesterreich AG, the Austrian mint that makes the best-selling gold coin in Europe and Japan, said sales have spiked in the last three weeks on fears that Greece’s debt problems will hurt the euro.
    “We sold more than in the first quarter of the year,” Vienna-based Marketing Director Kerry Tattersall said in a telephone interview. “It represents panic buying.”
    The mint sold 243,500 ounces since April 26 compared with 205,300 in the first quarter, according to Tattersall.

    Reply to: Gold hits new record on Euro fallout   14 years 5 months ago
  • Some of them are a scream. They will just do it all digitally and threaten each person with a lower credit score.

    Reply to: Bank protesters storm Irish Parliament   14 years 5 months ago
  • Naked Capitalism says it all, which is these are ones where the SEC finds evidence and as written about in great detail previously. It's easy to rig a CDO where there is zero evidence and one cannot prove anything...of the de facto rigging.

    Reply to: Derivatives Reform is Under Siege!   14 years 5 months ago
  • that's my point. We had plenty of people with education whose careers and financial livelihood have been destroyed. Thinking it's just blue collar or manufacturing isn't accurate. When I referenced that study on 2.4 million jobs being lost to China, the surprise was most were advanced tech jobs. Those are degree requiring jobs. It's the technical areas which have been hit hardest. But overall, there are a host of jobs which require a college degree that are paying maybe a couple of dollars an hour more than pumping gas, if that.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - College, Inc.   14 years 5 months ago
  • We are staring at a tube right? That means no Bunker Hill, Bastille, Winter Palace or Leinster Hall.

    At some point, they just might take over. In 1917, Irish took McConnell Street Post Office. Black and Tans were sent in to stop them.

    The great Winston Churchill, war minister sent the gunboats up the Liffey to shell most of Dublin when the Irish refused the Peace Treaty in 1923 with the UK.

    Get ready for the Iron Fist, from Brussels.

    Reply to: Bank protesters storm Irish Parliament   14 years 5 months ago
