Recent comments

  • Massive underground economy? No tax returns? Phony id's? Cash under the table?

    Does the IRS know about this or do they just harass people who pay taxes?

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • According to the BLS they do not take into account "immigration status" and that includes foreign guest workers. They will only write up "foreign born", which tells you nothing about illegal, green card, guest worker, which type of Visa and so on. That is pretty ridiculous for a domestic labor market metric, esp. with ~17 million "foreign born" in the labor force. This is something pretty ridiculous generally. Supposedly the U.S. is a melting pot, yet statistics are always broken down by males/females, white people, blacks & Hispanics. That's it too. It's like revisiting 1965 the way these stats are, regardless of what has changed in labor markets as well as hiring practices, in that time.

    That said, there is a massive underground economy where employees are not registered, it's all cash under the table or no tax returns, phony ids and so on. But obviously if the estimates are right w/ 11-22 M illegals in the U.S., which is probably about 5% of the overall labor force (about 7.8 million participating who are here illegally), that will skew the numbers. It really skews the numbers in occupational employment rates. In other words if a STEM is displaced by a H-1B, the unemployment rate still comes up very low and that displaced STEM is now counted as a Wal-mart worker, instead of a displaced technical worker.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • You know there is a concerted effort to make every stat into a positive by supporters of 'he who can do no wrong'

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • What committee? I missed this, so much stuff going on. Well, I have a funny feeling the green shooters will crash and burn when their portfolios do. ;)

    The rest of us, down on the ground are saying "what are the jobs man".

    On the increasing unemployment rate, well, gee, one can say people are getting registered because they are now looking for a job, but ya know, you can also look at U6 and that jumped, so uh, the worse number is that 27 weeks or longer count.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • Over at Bonddad, New Deal Democrat, following the financial media and congressional democrats says the increase in unemployment rate is a good thing, a good sign of an increasing strong economy. Surely this adds new meaning to Orwellian.

    While I don’t expect more from the financial news and Bonddad, it is sad to see today Democrats on the Joint Congressional Committee questioning the people responsible for producing the employment report using their time to argue that the President’s economic policies are successful. It is especially sad to see African American representatives using their time to support their President and oblivious to the pain of unemployment and marginal employment with their people.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • Take 188,000 from birth/death net and add about 120,000 from legal and illegal immigration and we come close to the 290,000 jobs.

    The difficulty with Birth Death is the seasonality. I understand the number if you mean the recent grads. But grads will not appear as stats until the May Stats come out.

    I think the real calculation is New Jobs = New Grads + Job Re-Entrants + Immigration. But something would be wrong with that formula because of 'dark matter' of job destruction.That number includes all the new layoffs and new 'discouraged workers'.

    BTW in 2008 5 Million small business failed. That number is also making the potential labor pool inflated.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • Although officially they do show a break in a trend. I'll get all happy talk when I see a report claiming 650k jobs have been created. I mean I got a slight buzz, "oh good" when I first laid eyes on the report, but after swimming around in all of the data for a few hours to write this post up, I'm like @&*)$&@ our stupid government is so in bed with the banksters, Wall Street.

    Also, I believe we're going to have a significant "double dip" at minimum, at least by the end of 2010 if not now. My reasons are: Europe/contagion, gulf oil spill est. costs already in over $1 trillion, "stimulus" high point is Q2 2010, what kind of crap really is on the Fed Books, Fannie/Freddie never ending bail out, interest on the debt, failure of Congress to make significant financial reforms.

    Stock market is probably going to be extremely volatile until Greece is resolved and they believe it's contained (which I don't).

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • The market is in the midst of a crash right now so any possible positives from these numbers is being ignored in favor of bigger issues.

    Citi Sees Up to 20% Selloff

    "They can't continue to bail everyone out. You just move money from one balance sheet to another...that is simply not a solution, and markets realize this."

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • This is the problem with D.C. generally. They completely (IMHO) discount, ignore, belittle, send to the basement, the backroom, STEM people, i.e. the geeks, the engineers, the system administrators, the very ones who could design monitoring systems to monitor the rise in the machines. Over and over again, we see engineering systems, HFT, CDOs, CDSes, structured finance, derivatives, software, etc. being used by the 6 megas for a variety of things, including causing massive immediate contagion and financial meltdown. I'm going to bet money this comes down to institutional trading platforms with a host of algorithmic triggering rules, built in, automatically which caused an immediate plunge cascade, i.e. financial contagion build right into the software. many hearings has Congress even had on the technology, the theory, the algorithms and mathematical end? I think we got one, fairly vague in the House Science committee, dutifully ignored as they do a lot of those hearings.

    They don't get it. If one uses geeks to build financial systems, one needs geeks to tell you how to build system safe fails or problems therein, plus really financial regulatory cybercops, automatic algorithmic cybercops. I know they have some, but obviously not enough prevention (pre-crime anyone?)

    It's like high school, but Goldman Sachs sure knows how to use a geek. Except for Fabulous Fab who couldn't keep his mouth shut, I noted one cannot even prove anything due to the structures of CDOs.

    Nice gig at Goldman, wish I had applied frankly! While high tech is busy firing the most accomplished engineers in the world, there was the financial sector, snapping 'em up. Let's see, a Physics PhD might pay $43k if very lucky, hmmm, GS is paying $180k base never mind options and bonuses? HP guts it's research lab, engineers on food stamps. BTW: Citigroup offshore outsourced it's entire IT dept.., but it's unclear if they labor arbitraged their geeks. It's not like the financial sector respects the geeks either here but GS sure did pay handsomely to design derivatives and platforms.

    Reply to: Dow Goes Nuts!   14 years 5 months ago
  • It's in this report, although I've been adding to the post after the original publication date.

    You cannot subtract directly SA data from not seasonally adjusted data.

    That said.....

    Birth/Death Adj. Totals
    04/09 126
    05/09 186
    06/09 133
    07/09 -10
    08/09 98
    09/09 0
    10/09 50
    11/09 -23
    12/09 25
    1/10 -427
    2/10 97
    3/10 81
    4/10 188

    My problem with these estimates is I simply do not believe there were that many "New businesses" created uncounted jobs to make this primarily a "plus" and that's from 2007 onward. No way in hell. Small business loans dried up and they are still dried up. I guess we can look at the total number of starts and dissolution in businesses over this time period (remind me to check that out), but off the top of my head, I am like no way were there new businesses which magically generated all of these uncounted jobs. (unproved with data at the moment).

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • The problem is the whole system itself. The fact is that the stock market doing these weird and unstable things is the stock market functioning exactly the way it is intended.

    “While our policy is not to comment on individual participation in our markets, in light of volatile market conditions, CME Group confirmed that activity by Citigroup Global Markets Inc. in CME Group stock index futures markets does not appear to be irregular or unusual in light of market activity today.”

    So relax. Take it easy. And don't forget to send more of your money into your 401k so Wall Street can continue playing games with it.

    Reply to: Dow Goes Nuts!   14 years 5 months ago
  • The BLS Birth/Death model added 188,000 of those 290,000 jobs.
    That's 62,000 more than April of last year.

    Reply to: Unemployment 9.9% for April 2010   14 years 5 months ago
  • Buying a car is discretionary spending. Getting an operation is necessary spending. Also, being able to drive a car implies one is healthy and thus can earn income. Needing an operation implies one is sick and cannot earn income. They are not the same thing by a long shot. Health care is like food and water, in many instances without them you will die before your time.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • They use it as an online discussion, chat, the comments are possible to do that (and hopefully will be greatly improved on the major upgrade on this site!).

    It's true, the troll hunters will pop up on a diary within 10 seconds of it's publication, no way they can read it and if you're talking about something they don't like, damn the facts.

    But midtowng is well known there (I was for a time but I am investing all of my time on The Economic Populist now), and he does get recognition of his good posts. So did I, but the comments still to me were a cess pool a lot of the time.

    But bottom line is we are an economics site for lay people. As one can see, by our lovely bills in Congress, no financial reform, the scorecard is Wall Street - batting 1000, American people, batting 0. For the most part, that's the situation, when it comes to enacting something that could really help and change the U.S. economy in favor of the U.S. middle class, we are losing and losing big time and that's with the theory, facts, statistics on our side.

    So, the goal is to increase focus on the facts and let's face it, the middle class at large has no power, no real representation in Congress, is more of just something to consider public opinion manipulation on, a few Populist speeches here and there, but change the system from skewed towards Wall Street, MNCs, executives to the U.S. labor force? Obviously no way in hell these players intend on doing that. We're the proletariat to them.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • Their site is very addicted to a given political side. Even if you are showing facts, theories, etc. if it doesn't fit the political view of are labeled. Yep, normally labeled troll.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • I have asked this question to people, normally people with those $20,000 car loans.

    With your loan to buy a car, you have exhibited the ability to do so and willingly went into debt. You purchase makes you happy. What if you needed a $20,000 operation to save your life, would you so willingly take out a loan to pay for it. Would you be so happy of the medical purchase.

    People don't like that question because it is based on a different responsibility. It is not based on consumption but is based on individual responsibility. All around we are bombarded with the rights of consumption, to consume and never stop. But to pay for something that isn't part of the consumption equation is very foreign to modern man.

    It was different when my 87 year old mother was in her young years. They were a generation that responsibility was not based on never ending consumption.

    There are true real needs such as taking care of your health but more false needs are foisted upon us. Since I started driving in the 1960's I have only owned one new vehicle. That was purchased because I had to have a van with special hauling needs, the engine was going to be abused, etc. and a used vehicle would not fit the bill. Believe me I tried and they all quickly died. Why do so many people feel the need to go into debt for new cars?

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • I do question what the definition of conservative. The premise is that wealthy by definition means conservative. What then were the wealthy in Communist Russia or those in Russia's upper government that all those benefits (can't remember the Russian word). I guess they were conservative communists.

    So if a Progressive society was in force, those not wanting change, they would be conservative.

    Is that how I am to interpret what you say?

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • Fantastic description. This over-consumption, this obsession and mania for consumption for its own sake, this lack of any mature self-discipline in spending, this confusion of wants and needs, this willing assumption of enormous debt, all this has been one factor in the economic meltdown. I do not wish to minimize or excuse the guilt of big finance, etc., but we consumers, as a group, have played right into their hands. Each gainfully employed individual can make the choice to live well within his means. Yes, I am aware that the unemployed have very few choices, but I am just saying that the causes of our current malaise are multiple and mutually reinforcing.

    Reply to: Slouching towards neofeudalism   14 years 5 months ago
  • The hot topic is Wall Street. This is what Larry Summers was using at one point in reference to the economy was improving.

    Reply to: The Information that was Missing from Last Friday's GDP Report   14 years 5 months ago
  • as usual the middle class gets squeezed.

    Reply to: Productivity & Costs Q1 2010   14 years 5 months ago
