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  • Monday on Charlie Rose Pres. Obama said the collection of metadata should be a public discussion because it is not only useful to government, but also for commerce. Hard to depend on a Congress with approval ratings almost 0, but that is where the discussion should begin. We are late to the party especially if we want democracy and a public voice. We could add the system of checks and balances should not always be done in secret.

    Reply to: This Big Business of Big Brother   11 years 4 months ago
  • Honestly, why do assclowns go into politics? Because they loved working in the coalmines so much and were kicking ass down there but they thought politics would round out their resumes? Because they were such great bio and chem students and were working on the cure for cancer but hey, politics called so screw saving humanity? Because they really enjoyed teaching AP Calculus to high school kids and loved teaching so much, but after winning 20 greatest teacher awards, they thought lunches with the Kochs and Murdoch and Gates were a better use of their talents? Nope, nope, nope.

    They went into politics to serve their paymasters. They went into it because the thought of someone kissing their ass while in office was their dream. Most of them couldn't do a damn thing in the real world, other than pretend the world revolves around them. They were born into money most of the time or clawed their way over other people to get rich and powerful. Politics strokes their egos, makes them rich before, during, and after their time in office, and it helps them and their friends and families line up riches from here to eternity.

    Honest AMERICAN men and women are currently unemployed or busting their asses in fields, in mines, labs, classrooms, cubicles, warehouses, in trucks, in hospitals, on construction sites, in the military, etc., etc. everywhere. THEY AREN'T IN POLITICAL OFFICE. If a politician could line up riches and power for himself and cronies and family by saying China or Russia or Somalia should take over the NSA, run DHS, and fire every American and replace them with foreigners, what do you think they would do? And that's the state of the USA, because for one moment we actually have to think about what they'd do. That's how "loyal," "honest," "intelligent," and "patriotic" they are.

    They are okay with us being spied on, unable to find work in our own country, and getting poorer because of their actions and policies they create. Because hey, they are rich, narcissistic, and disloyal. Any questions? No? Good, because serving in elected office where people get rich is about as far from true "public service" as one can get. Gosh, can't wait until the next Clinton or Romney or Paul Ryan or Christie or Bloomberg takes over. Because then it will be different. I'm sure of it.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • I have not experienced this until recently working at the largest bank in the US. Not only am I middle-aged but formerly a manager at another bank until our operation site was closed and jobs moved elsewhere. The bullying that is occuring in our work place is writing names up on write boards of individuals that made errors and having the boards in view for the entire floor to see. Another is displaying that person's name and details up on overheads during team meetings. You are not welcomed to bring ideas that help improve processes. In this instance, you give an example; explain what the current process is and how to improve the process and it's benefits. I was told that I am not conforming to the direction of management and what direction we are being given is not from front-line management but from above. Any process that is introduced is not being tested by users. Once testing is completed, that's it. If you respond honestly about moral; they hold it against you and isolate you. You are labeled. Being a middle aged person, jobs are not being offered out to our demographic. While I agree that some things need to be done a specific way due to federal laws protecting the consumer. Some of you reading this may be asking why I did not take another position similar to what I held before. Well, being middle-aged and my gender does not work that way anymore either. I may be a threat to some because of my previous experience and work ethic. Appreciate everyone that you work with and help everyone grow. I see the American workforce being almost labor camp like enviroments. Not respected, dehumanized and berated. Yes, corporate America has managed to take the word human out of human services as well.

    Reply to: Employee Abuse Runs Rampant In America   11 years 4 months ago
  • It'd be one thing if they even had to write the lobbyists' wishlists. But ALEC, etc. has shown that these dudes and women don't even have to write laws to cater to the lobbyists and their masters. So I'm not even sure why lobbyist pay them, they should pay the legislative assistants or whoever that staple the lobbyist laws into the bills that are 10,000 pages that are passed without anyone representing American citizens.
    And those lobbyists can serve whoever, foreign allies, enemies, whoever. Ain't it great! USA 2013! I'm lovin' it! What a trainwreck of wanton and out-in-the-open corruption. But don't call it out, the NSA might send the Feds after you. Don't speak out, don't complain, just watch open treachery destroy us. F'ing joke.

    I wonder, does anyone in these political offices below the politicians actually have a crisis of conscience and puke daily in the office from the corruption? Does anyone in Holder's DOJ actually throw up when Holder and the WH and Treasury tell them specifically no TBTF banks will be prosecuted for $ laundering, aiding terrorists, aiding cartels, protecting forgers, mortgage fraudsters, etc.? Do they call their bosses out when their bosses wear flag lapel pins while protecting criminals and hurting citizens? Or do people with morals and patriotism automatically get dropped through a trapdoor at the entrance?

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • That's how bad it is. Corporations are trying to claim American workers suck. Unbelievable since U.S. workers have the least amount of vacation, work the longest, highest productivity, on and on.

    There is clearly an attitude out there, especially in tech, that U.S. citizenship is the new "Black", i.e. discrimination, brazen, against those with citizenship.

    So, we are hearing this garbage echoed by our elected officials who are simply corporate puppets.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • Unbelievable, even the Senator is claiming American workers can't cut it.

    Let's see, U.S.workers sent a man to the moon, invented the Internets, the transistor, the PC and the cell phone.

    Now, due to corporations hating to hire U.S. workers Americans magically suck.

    There ya have it!

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • This is a failure of capitalism. We have elected officials who are beholden to corporate cronyism. If we love our country the students, especially their leaders need to start a revolution until they are heard. After all, it is their future which is at stake.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • USA today is covering the lie of the immigration bill as being a lobbyist pig fest on cheap labor, foreign labor and host of "buy a Visa" by propping up the U.S. real estate market. It's appalling and every corporation is represented but workers are not and that includes the illegal workers. This is a bad joke and it is expected to pass!

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • The best page load is to upload your images here, make them the right size and of type JPEG. Also, in FRED, it's best to resize the graph via the FRED system first, the dimensions here are 525px width, 315px height.

    Very glad you reviewed this, generally speaking now that I look at the data, there is nothing to write home about here and why Wall Street would be happy with this is beyond me.

    We'll c with real and there is a correlation to this report and consumer spending. Ran those results a while ago.

    Reply to: May Retail Sales Up 0.6% Over April, 4.3% Above Year Ago Sales   11 years 4 months ago
  • all the data i used was from the seasonally adjusted side of the was only in the opening paragraph where i gave unadjusted sales, to contrast the difference...

    pdfs open in in the same window as the post theyre linked in with both browsers that i'm using; internet explorer and chrome; i never realized there might be a problem...

    Reply to: May Retail Sales Up 0.6% Over April, 4.3% Above Year Ago Sales   11 years 4 months ago
  • Good God that's small for a survey. I would suggest a few things here, first use the seasonally adjusted figures. For May, the increase is 0.6%, for April, 0.1%. Second, do not hotlink pdfs. Your page won't load, it's not a good idea for blogs.

    Reply to: May Retail Sales Up 0.6% Over April, 4.3% Above Year Ago Sales   11 years 4 months ago
  • I've never checked the history of this survey against the employment report. They are separate surveys though, taken at different times, with different sampling amounts.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows Jobs Static - 3.1 Unemployed Per Opening in April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • hires minus separations should equal the revised April payroll number of 149,000 we saw last week, but it's 3,000 less

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows Jobs Static - 3.1 Unemployed Per Opening in April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • This guy is so irritating. He probably got stuck with a big plumbing bill and now wants to punish plumbers. Because only big bankstas and politicians can make $, no one else is allowed. At first these guys claimed we were uneducated and needed to go to college and we'd have jobs. Problem was many of us already had many degrees at many levels in many fields (e.g., EE, Chem. E., physics, psych., computer sci., chemistry, etc.). Then we were all "lazy" despite military service, job histories of 30+ years. Then there weren't "enough STEM folks" (despite millions and millions of people in Silicon Valley and the rest of the US that had STEM degrees who were unemployed). Now it's "screw college, become a plumber"? Really?! If you listen to people like Bloomberg, you will just jump all around, waste time and $ and not gain any time in any field that you enjoy and have aptitude for, and in the end, per Bloomberg, you'll just blame yourself when the economic situation is the fault of people making policies and enforcing them (e.g., Bloomberg, Murdoch, DC, etc.).

    People need to ask what advice Bloomberg gives to people close to him. Is he telling fellow plutocrats and their kids to forget college and become plumbers? Hmmm, because that's what's the most telling - it's all a lie, double standards, and hypocrisy. Is he telling all his friends and their kids to go work in the North Dakota oil fields (even if they have physical limitations, houses underwater, can't move their families, etc.), become plumbers, or if they have no aptitude in math or science to go STEM?

    Why should anyone take any advice from a guy that made his $ from creating a desktop device that banksters, media folks, etc. use? Really? He made $ from it, but did it really help humanity one iota? Nope. So he needs to just concentrate on running NYC (he doesn't even do that or do it well) and stop with his labor arbitrage BS world tour with phone hacking/cop bribing/child murder investigation tampering Murdoch. The two of them together = sickening sight that represents everything wrong with the USA. But hey, they have $, Murdoch will never be prosecuted for obvious FCPA/RICO violations and Bloomberg can change the rules of the game to remain in power for perpetuity.

    I'm sure plumbers are thrilled with him trying to flood the market to lower their wages. Same with truckers. Same with attorneys, doctors, nurses, etc.
    Bloomberg, the man that now runs ads bashing soda because bashing $ laundering banksters and cartel/terrorist aiding financial organizations would hurt his friends. Bloomberg, the man that is okay with crushing 1st Amendment protests but can't talk about how his banking buddies failed, still have trillions of dollars in derivatives, and have settled and/or pled to many, many cases of bribery, violations of $ laundering laws, etc. He has $, that's all. Now he needs to be quiet already, $ doesn't mean anything regarding intelligence, ethics, or patriotism. It just means he has $.

    Reply to: Outrageous Economic Shorts - Labor Be Damned   11 years 4 months ago
  • I am watching Turkey right now, and thinking this is what it would look like today if we did "revolt". And I just can't see many in our domesticated, schooled population rising to that level.

    I wonder why the CNN reporter is lying about the Pres of Turkey? The current president is moving them further away from a secular state, away from the very things that brought them success.

    Now she seems to be trying to make out like the protestors are the bad "guys", when nearly every thoughtful thing that has come out of that mess today says they are not, that they are now protesting against the elimination of rights that they previously enjoyed.

    We will see what happens when a modern government attempts to push governing from a more extreme religious position than the people are used to, or desire.

    Reply to: Outrageous Economic Shorts - Labor Be Damned   11 years 4 months ago
  • I think they would have to intercept at the router and data mine directly since we own our own servers. But yeah, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and your ISP (thanks!) sound like they are handing over network traffic at least no problem and this site uses ads to pay for it, so there ya go in terms of privacy, although I will not and have repeatdly refused to sell this site's accounts, logs, emails and on and on.

    Unbelievable it is asked and even more unbelievable is how quickly others will sell it!

    Unreal isn't it. I think this one is finally making those Obama supporters wake up to what he really is and that's clearly not a "Progressive", as much as that term has been corporatized.

    Reply to: Outrageous Economic Shorts - Labor Be Damned   11 years 4 months ago
  • First, let's just give a shout out to all those monitoring any Americans expressing their 1st Amendment rights on blogs and in emails and on street corners. Because nothing says democracy and a shining beacon on the hill like taking taxpayer $ and enriching the dumb bastards that make billions through fraud and idiocy, but spying on anyone that dares voice dissent or anything at all regarding society, the government, evil banksters + big CEOs like Gates and Dimon and Zuckerberg is okay?! Here's to ya! Keep spending that tax $ to crush free speech. Way to go and be a model for everyone around the world.

    Second, the sky is blue, water is wet, and Senators and all politicians love $ and their egos above all, including the people they are purportedly supposed to represent according to their oaths. In other news, politicians and the big CEOs will do whatever it takes to get as much money and power before they are in office, during, and after - news at 10. Which channel though? MSNBC etc will praise Obama listening to people dissenting and Murdoch will just listen to my phone calls. Damn! We're screwed either way. Bye bye USA, it was a good run. Sure hope all that immigrant labor enjoys being spied on. You want to be treated like us, well, have it. Thank the government and NSA. That's the price of a visa and the race to the bottom post-NAFTA and globalization - enjoy it.

    Reply to: Outrageous Economic Shorts - Labor Be Damned   11 years 4 months ago
  • Here are the votes, 85 to 15. That is almost all of the Senate, perfectly willing to destroy American jobs.

    This also makes the bill easier to pass. Folks, you need to flood your Senators offices for the AFL-CIO, IFPTE, Black engineers, black businesses, a huge list of other unions, everyone whose jobs will be at further risk is against this bill and the Senate could care less.

    Reply to: Outrageous Economic Shorts - Labor Be Damned   11 years 4 months ago
  • Foreclosures are going to mostly corporate buyers in both coasts. Those corporations are mostly fronts. The froth in real estate is partly foreign buying in the most expansive markets.

    Reply to: April LPS Mortgage Monitor shows delinquencies down, foreclosures up, & a record 843 average days to foreclose   11 years 4 months ago
  • The Big Squeeze this time around, is on labor. The MNCs in the US, Australia, China and the rest of the World Economy are growing (except Europe which loves self inflicted pain). America too would accept self inflicted pain if we listen to the Siren Song of economic contraction through Budget Contraction.

    The pain of the Big Squeeze derives from a perceived belief in a huge economic boom happening late in 2013. That economic boom is unsure.
    Nonetheless, the business lobby is pressing the Senate to add 33 Million citizens over the next 10 years. 11 million through what is denied to be Amnesty and 20 Million Visa Workers. If continued for 100 years, the US population. All these numbers are within the bowels of S 744.

    The 20 Million Visa workers added through S 744, over 10 years will augment the natural growth (births minus deaths) of 20 million more native born souls, excepting changes in contraception,abortion and immigration law. 20 Million net births has held constant for 23 years, back to 1990.

    U.S. population is set to grow at 40 million in the next decade under S 744. Over 100 years the same growth is exponential, but at least 400 million should be added to U.S. population, arithmetically. This yields a population of at least 700 million within a 100 years. An expanded population of 40 million and it's workforce consequences is far more immediately relevant. For example, what should happen to the appaling low rate of Workforce Participation? That rate must drop dramatically, approaching the 50% rate of underveloped nations. This is not theory, but necessity arising from demographics of S 744.

    Business lobbies will claim a squeeze on labor availabilty. How can demographics justify a squeeze? Or how could stuctural high unemployement justify any immigration at any level?

    Reply to: Productivity & Costs for Q1 2013 Shows Biggest Wage Decline on Record   11 years 4 months ago
