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  • of the reports i covered last week, i picked this one to post here because because i thought you hadnt covered it; it wasnt until after this was up that i checked my reader and saw your post on it, ~3 hours earlier...

    Reply to: Core PCE inflation at an all time low in April; spending declines first time in 6 months   11 years 4 months ago
  • I overviewed PCE, personal income but you are pointing out the meat and where the changes are significant.

    Too early to guesstimate what Q2 GDP component will be but sure looking like Q4!

    This is great!

    Reply to: Core PCE inflation at an all time low in April; spending declines first time in 6 months   11 years 4 months ago
  • The power of marketing never ceases to amaze. Think about global empires on sugar water and flavored fat, worth billions. It's all marketing.

    The same is true with agendas and policy, which is why these corporate PR firms spend millions and millions planting phony articles, fake statistics, create "think tanks" which are simply front groups to advance their agendas...

    Simply one huge spin machine and while we're talking about the great sell out of the U.S. STEM, professional workers, probably a more recognized example of this is the Koch Brothers.

    Started an entire political "movement" on a lie, pretty astounding.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • The sad bit is that there are many Americans who support the corporatocracy for various reasons; though I think the largest reasons are ignorance or just plain willful ignorance. Really this shouldn't surprise anyone when most if not all the media sources are pro corporate agenda, pro globalism, and pro disposable worker. I don't want to get into the dream of globalists in this post, so I'll just stop. But really the more I read about not just our government but all governments, the angrier I get. Really as brleed said in his post, one can only hope enough people wake up to start a global revolution because at this point this is the only way to correct the course.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • It was clear and has been clear Obama is a corporate front guy and that is from the primaries. All candidates, McCain, Romney, Obama promised these corporate lobbyists our jobs and the issue for them is delivering to these corporate lobbyists who want payback for their campaign contributions.

    The U.S. worker be damned. Frankly, this is one of the main reasons the jobs crisis has gone on so long, corporate lobbyists and their cheap labor demands and a more than willing government to placate them.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • What raiders from Arkansas? This is coming mainly from Tech companies who can just walk into the Oval office and any Congressional Office and get whatever they want. They can even get phony Congressional hearings to read their lobbyists white paper fiction into the record, no problem.

    U.S. workers, statistics, employment statistics, wages, U.S. citizen graduation rates, the dearth of female STEM, of older STEM, of disabled STEM, of U.S. domestic diversity STEM inside these companies is ignored.

    Talk about enabling discrimination, the Senate Judiciary committee has no qualms from every supposed value they claim when corporations come knocking on their doors.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • They killed many more animals earlier as feed prices soared during the drought.

    Side note, the entire concept of raising animals to be eaten is disgusting, especially how they stuff animals into way too small areas, cages and then they way they kill them is often inhumane.

    I should be a vegetarian.

    Yes, anyone notice beyond this site how farm inventory fluctuations boosting up GDP is completely ignored by the financial press and even many economists?

    Reply to: GDP Revised Down Slightly to 2.4% for Q1 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • I'll check the CAPTCHA, lots of problems with spammers, but that particular one gets buggy sometimes and fails. Thx.

    Don't post addresses as harvesters will pick them up in 30ms.

    Will check the email, but you can just email directly, no need to use the content form once I had a conversation, also, if you're logged in there is no content form (or should not be) and one can email individuals via the system on the site.

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • you may want to use the longish paragraph i wrote on income and outlays...of course, it would have to be "edited for clarity"...

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • you figure that big jump in farm inventories was just a seasonal adjustment aberration due to drought in earlier quarters? you know they werent filling their silos with corn harvested in january...

    Reply to: GDP Revised Down Slightly to 2.4% for Q1 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • The next bill sent to the Senate by the US Commerce Comittee, we are slaves, we are dirt. Too much contempt is inexprssible. To the Senate,to Obama ( a former ally I supported), I say WAR.
    Believe only that that WAR begins from one who has lost all from the policies and legislation you support. My situiation starts from being replaced by an H1B Visa Worker. That is the start and end of your policy.

    It is my plain purpose to help this Administriation to define the word Enemy. This Adminstration has gone far. This administration has alieneated friends who have helped them. Enemies like myself are the worst and most implacable kind. Chris Mattews cannot save you from my rath.

    That rath concerns how you betray the U.S worker. We know how S 744 buys votes. Everyone understands what moving 31 Million into the US labor market means : lower wages, fear, and abject obedience to reactionary policies you create.

    Understand. as one whose ancestors have fought in all US wars, the risk you face. We have less and less to lose to see your polical demise, in whatever form it takes. In the past few years, I have shown in the most clear and historical terms, how your terms are so clearly numbered.

    Yet, in spite of the risks, the Oligarcy prevails. No one is suprised, but everyone is increasingly furious. Fury, one day is currency for Revolution,

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • To fight the new raiders from Arkansas is not fun. We intenf to win. A new action is raised against the Global Outsourcers using their connections, replade me with an H1B. Threee months before, the same happened. This time,. a line in the sand. That line may not be so clear if the billionares club, aka, U.S. Senate changes the rules.


    To this pourpose, a significant action is enjoined aganst a major offshore outshore outsource, using the USDOL The Billionaires Club wiill oppose this with new law. When we win, I promise an action against the oligarchy destroying our jobs.

    There is hope.

    Reply to: The Great U.S. Worker Sell Out Through Comprehensive Immigration Reform   11 years 4 months ago
  • All cash buyers is still high but on NAR stats they claim first time home buyers are at 33% or so, which is very hard to believe.

    But Las Vegas is magically "on fire" again when their unemployment rate is still very high and it was such a housing bubble, way overbuilt area, highly suspect for their recently gains in prices.

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • yves smith has an excellent post on "investors" buying up houses this morning:

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • i learned to write from beatnik poets, so i understand that most readers are likely unconfortable with my natural style...but i can, with some effort, edit myself to make what i've written comform to a modest version of American prose; something i've done in the past for guest posts on environmental topics on angry bear....

    if i have something that i think might be suitable for use here, i will let you know...if you then decide you'd want to use it, i will then edit what i have for readability, & send the edited version to you for final approval..

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • The graph shows a great sign of recovery and that's good for the industry to recover.

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • We've had people come and go and between the site redesign and a "hot project" that I was working on 24/7, the traffic has died down. We need a 100% no corporate media financial/economics site, which this has been known for. But it's tough to write quality articles solo.

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • marketwatch 666 is a team blog i set up september 2009 for a dozen friends who were posting their work on the censored forums at rupert murdoch's marketwatch...most have either since set up their own blogs or quit posting, but i kept using it to keep all my writing in the same place...

    what i'm doing there now is primarily a once a week summary of highlights of the topics i cover (economics, energy, & the environment) - generally i write it on saturdays, email it sunday morning, & by sunday evening add clarifying links & post it online...most of my time during the week is still spent on my weekly aggregator, the globalglassonion ( ) which is where most of the links i use on my sunday summary are sourced from..

    i've always been willing to let anyone republish anything i've written - copyright rejected...most probably would reject my syntax, lack of capitalization, & run on sentences...dan at angry bear has used paragraphs of what i've written several times, and each time he's done so he's "edited for clarity" are free to do the same; if you want, although many of the topics i cover on the weekend are those you've already covered earlier in the week...

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • That's your site?

    If so, you know we do cross posts if you're interested, although you need some paragraph separators, ;)

    834 days, unbelievable, so between that and the Fed QE we have a very nice bubble blowing I think.

    Bill, generally is data driven, rationale (most of the time).

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
  • bill mcbride covered the most recent FDIC report, which has data on dollar value of REOs, which look to be going down, but are still well above normal...

    i continue to watch the monthly LPS Mortgage Monitor...earlier this month, its release coincided with the release of the MBA mortgage delinquency survey, so i covered the same data from two sources; we still have 1 in 10 homeowners not paying on their mortgages, and the banks are not taking the foreclosed homes back anymore; the average length of time for those in the foreclosure process has lengthened to 834 days nationally; that makes for a large shadow inventory...

    Reply to: New Home Sales Increase 2.3%, Prices Skyrocket for April 2013   11 years 4 months ago
