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  • First, just to show this is happening as of today and the DOJ is doing it, here's a link to a DOJ UNCOMPENSATED attorney position in California, requiring a law degree, admission to a state bar, and one year of experience:

    And to show how prevalent it is just within the DOJ, look at this link (find "uncompensated" or "special" to jump to the relevant jobs):

    There are unpaid attorney positions in districts in Illinois, Missouri, Virginia, the DOJ HQ in DC, and elsewhere. The DOJ has posted jobs like these across the country for at least a couple of years now so don't expect any enforcement because that would be slightly hypocritical of the government. I sure hope the landlords for those unpaid folks don't want actual money, the unpaid employees can buy groceries with a smile, and their cars and heat run on pixie dust. Or perhaps the people able to take these jobs and not become homeless are well-connected politically/wealthy and just want a new title on their resume before working for a big firm?

    One book on the subject is Intern Nation, plus there are "interns" (i.e., college grads working for free) that have their own sites.
    Another link:

    Finally, just to show you how Fox News and Koch-funded Reason claim not paying labor is all good, here's a typical response:

    The Kochs fund Reason and one of boys sits or sat on the board of Trustees.

    See, unpaid labor is good for Americans and is "libertarian" and "patriotic." Apparently according to the people in this same camp, so is breaking sanctions against Iran. dumping toxic waste, etc. as Bloomberg revealed in its article on them. Now, if only Stossel or the Kochs or Bill O' would just stop working, for free or not.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • Or even point me to them and I will write it up, or you could write an Instapopulist. Unpaid labor is really outrageous and it does happen every day, so obtaining deep statistics would help expose the pattern. I can look as well.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • Seriously, what society tolerates this? There was one show where some 60 year old woman was in a cake shop baking and she was an "intern." And the owner/boss had no problem calling her that. I wonder, 40 years after college, what was the internship giving her? Would she get credits in Heaven when she keeled over? It's everywhere. Same with "fellowships" that pay sub-market wages because, you know, it's a fellowship. All ploys meant to bone the US worker.
    These proliferated over the years (especially in the post-NAFTA era). And a study will show NGOs, philanthropies, anyone that might have protested or given a crap all suck at the teats of big $ banks, law firms, and corporations and participate in the same nonsense, so don't look to this "Justice Center" or that "Foundation" to care about the struggling American citizen. An examination of any of their boards shows big CEOs or other $ players that love exploitation. Along with the US Government, they all collect big $ from corrupt corporations and individuals and all exploit the same cost-saving scams, so they all love the status quo. In sum, we can't look to them for help, we must help ourselves.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • The abuse going on and here you have attorneys with 6 figure law school debt to boot is outrageous. Yeah, they also use 1009-misc "contractors" to get around minimum wage laws and paying people.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • I've written about this before - the minimum wage is ignored by both the private and public sectors in the guise of "internships." The Department of Justice hires Special Assistant US Attorneys that must work for FREE, have law degrees, be admitted to state bars, and promise they will work for FREE for an entire year. Same goes for State Attorneys General. This is absolutely true, visit the USDOJ job site, they post ads all the time. Same with State Attorneys General. Same goes for jobs in the media, retail, health, architecture, law, corporations of all sorts. Do a search in or craigslist in any market any day of the week. This country's labor force is being boned hard and it's been going on in plain sight and with scams for years now that aren't even derided as scams anymore because they are the new normal.

    So if that's the government demanding free labor and forcing a drop in wages through its own actions, does it really care about raising the wages of the work force? Yeah, sure, just as flooding the labor market with more workers is sure to benefit workers with American citizenship. Meanwhile, in the rarefied world of bull and crap that is meant to distract everyone that doesn't have a clue, Petty Midget Tyrant Mikey "I love money laundering banksters because I'm one of them" Bloomberg declared war on styrofoam - because that will be sure to improve the lives of the 99%. Ringmaster, continue on with the show and distractions. Minimum wage? Irrelevant. PhDs working for free - that's the USA in 2013 and the bankster government approves and participates itself.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • Its very sad when someone of modest means borrows thousands and thousands of dollars to get a technical degree and then are spit on by their own elected officials. Its out of control.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • Minimum wage has two arguments, one is labor is more expensive so businesses hire less, but another is the increased disposable income boosts overall the economy in increased consumer spending, thus allowing businesses to hire more.

    Bottom line is morality. We have millions of people, something like 26% working more than 40 hours a week and not being able to make rent. That's just wrong.

    Should I write up a SOTU/agenda post so we can chat about all of it? There were a few good ideas overshadowed by disaster. The great tech shortage lie and agenda will absolutely decimate college degreed professional labor if these corrupt politicians get their way.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • Do corporations with foreign holdings benefit from a strong dollar? Is the strong dollar better for Google with tons of cash over seas?

    Also Robert what do you think of Obama's minimum wage proposals? Maybe a chance to involve corporate America in some stimulus? More money equals more demand right?

    And why does the media always go to Jim Bob's diner to interview him about how hes going to cut the throats of a couple employees if they raise the minimum. Why not do stories on McDonalds, Burger King, IHOP and the rest of the service industry? An industry that employs millions of American workers. Many of those workers make the minimum or close to it.

    Reply to: It's the Trade Deficit, Stupid!   11 years 8 months ago
  • flying colors. All about the tax code reform, focus corporate tax code and with this government, I fear the worst rigging in history to be passed. We'll see.

    Reply to: Who Knew Jack Lew?   11 years 8 months ago
  • No society, none, can keep destroying so many people's lives. It simply can't happen. No society can be sustained that allows a tiny minority (in effect, less than 1%) to rule and get all the riches, safety, security, health benefits, protection of laws, handcrafted laws, etc. History is replete with fallen governments that thought they could keep pushing and pushing and pushing. At a certain point, everyone outside the super-minority realizes they are being screwed. Tax base gets whittled down. Schools collapse. People's health goes down the crapper and more inmates in prisons - greater burden on those paying taxes, but the super-minority are exempt from real taxes and no one else has jobs = no tax base.

    One relative gets fired/long-term unemployed, okay, maybe tolerable. Two? Three? Entire families long-term unemployed? How pissed is that family and are they going to be lavishing praise on anyone connected to the regime?
    And if the super-minority think they can keep going at it, they are wrong. Cops, prosecutors, corrections, teachers, everyone sees their pensions being stolen from, they see hedge fund managers making billions (literally, billions for managers) just for sitting on the money or losing to the market and being born into the right circles in the first place. Private security? Those folks get paid pathetic sums of money.
    So, no jobs, no tax base, public servants that might be pro-regime see they are just another expendable line in the ledger. And so it crumbles. Toss in the rampant corruption, kids to people in their 90s getting screwed, no jobs, destined for a life of unemployment and crushing debt and only a delusional PR shill or politician thinks that could last.

    Egypt, Tunisia. EU. Africa. China - as corrupt and oppressive as they come. USA. Look around the globe - no one is immune. And if banksters and the top levels of bureaucracy that do nothing but make money from having money or destroying people think there's some paradise where servants and peasants would love to serve them we'd like to know where that country is because everywhere they are hated. Delusional people think that somehow because they vacation in Bora Bora or have $50 billion in the bank that they are immune from caring. 25,000 miles around - it's a small world with an ever growing population of really, really disenchanted people. Things don't have to be this way, if only the majority of people actually had a voice in the system instead of being purposely ignored and crushed at every turn.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Good point. A true sign of a worker shortage is wages rise. It's Economics 101, the law of supply and demand.

    Wages, especially STEM, have not risen and this might make for another good analysis post by occupation.

    We're getting bombarded with B.S. on "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" and both parties are doing lobbyists' bidding on this one. They want to flood the U.S. labor market so they can continue to commit labor arbitrage, technology transfer out of the U.S. through people and force workers to bob about the globe in order to have a job. This is just deja vu, same as 2006, 2007 or every year they try to flood the U.S. labor market with foreign workers and U.S. workers, U.S. domestic labor supply be damned.

    Reply to: JOLTS - For Every Job There Were 3.4 Unempoyed in December 2012   11 years 8 months ago
  • Corporate profits are and have been at record highs. the U.S. worker, from no high school to PhDs are treated as an expense instead of the key components to make a business profits and successful. Beyond that, there is no sense of responsibility, of loyalty of purpose to employees at businesses. They fire people almost like they are taking target practice at the gun range and instead of even recognizing the devastation that brings, hire PR and HR hatchet men (women) to make sure no one causes a scene or sues them.

    People are perceived only as consumers, not producers and especially not as citizens with bills to pay and mouths to feed.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Many companies have disappeared. Time counts. Unemployed and out-of-touch. Soon the wall is hit with no more credit and no way to stay in place. Optimistic for Wall Street/DC to play partisan games while so many suffer like saying "let them eat cake".

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • The lie is dispelled with the simple labor shortage = wage increase. In every single sector they claim there is a "shortage" or "skills gap," you won't find any corresponding wage increase. Truck driver shortage? Sure, ask American truck drivers if their wages/payouts per mile are increasing, better benefits, more training for free. Not happening. But the business press claims the driver shortage so that they can flood American roads with foreign drivers, driving down transportation/driver costs (another consequence of NAFTA + CAFTA). College grads in STEM and every other major aren't seeing wage increases, in fact, as studies posted here and elsewhere, wages are flat or decreasing, benefits are going bye-bye, and people are working for free despite minimum wage laws. Wages and jobs for Americans in tech, manufacturing, etc.? Every sector the press claims a "shortage," immediately just substitute "we need to claim a shortage to import more foreign workers and drive down wages."
    Shortage = wage increase, and that's not happening. But why bother with Econ. for Simpletons, facts suck, spin and screwing over Americans is awesome. Facts shouldn't get in the way of payouts and bribes, ooops, "lobbying fees" and "speech fees."

    Jefferson used to deliver his State of the Union in writing only because he thought it was too much like a monarch to deliver it; that practice lasted into the 20th Century - I'm all for ending the speech delivery. No need to watch a circus when the media and politicians already receive a copy of the script long before we're subjected to it (or purposely avoid certain channels because it's on).

    Reply to: JOLTS - For Every Job There Were 3.4 Unempoyed in December 2012   11 years 8 months ago
  • There's one more trick left - a Bank of the United States.  That would be interesting if it meant something to Main Street and boosted small business that thrived and grew into medium sized businesses, the heart of a real economy.  But instead, we have the status quo preservation project.  The super wealthy don't have to worry, they've got more than enough money.  Unfortunately, the rest of us do have that worry and we're not participants in the rule making or governance of the political processes that prop up the status quo.

    Reply to: Financial Market Outlook for 2013   11 years 8 months ago
  • I need to read the transcript but business and politicians are out to flood the U.S. labor market with foreign workers under the great lies that we have a worker shortage or that they stimulate the economy.  Uh, no they do not, when one is doing worker substitution, which is what is going on, in particular with H-1B.

    So, I was thrilled with this particular set of lies was given a paragraph or two instead of longer and it sounded like some good ideas for manufacturing and advanced state-private partnership of high tech hubs.

    I agree, the entire thing is a political advertisement and should not be given prime time airspace.  

    Reply to: JOLTS - For Every Job There Were 3.4 Unempoyed in December 2012   11 years 8 months ago
  • I missed the scripted charade where one party stands up every 5 words, claps like seals, and the other party sits there all bitter because their dude isn't in the White House. Because if their guy was in the WH, they could also clap like seals every 5 words. But I'm guessing the conservative 14% unemployment rate, with some (shadowstats - 22.5%) wasn't mentioned by either party's representative for the corporate puppetmasters. Can the unemployed print out these stats and slam them in the face of politicians and business leaders everytime they call the unemployed lazy or unwilling to take jobs on TV? Once again, despite "green shoots" and "welfare-addicted hobos that prefer losing friends, family, and homes" because that's so much fun, there are NOT ENOUGH JOBS, ignoring the quality of crap jobs that do exist here.

    Reply to: JOLTS - For Every Job There Were 3.4 Unempoyed in December 2012   11 years 8 months ago
  • These problems were preventable, so given the numbers, we're looking at tens of millions of people who have been adverseley affected. Everything from paying too much on loans, getting denied loans, losing out on jobs, and many other negative consequences. That's ignoring the ID theft that this allows, the ID theft that also affects credit ratings, and everything else these companies allow. The AGs and every politician that didn't accept $ from those with interests in credit reporting agencies, banks, loan companies, etc. could have said running credit reports for anything except high-risk/high-security jobs (e.g., military, national security, top cash handling positions, law enforcement positions) would be illegal. In addition, they could have said all credit agencies and employees must be based in the US and all inquiries and responses must be within the borders of the US, all documents must be stored in the US. Did they? No. And now after people are ruined or have been screwed long enough and hard enough, the AGs and other publicity seekers smell microphones and press conferences and easy cases to make their names in (because apparently going after the big banks, $ laundering, etc. was even too much for the one AG for NY to pursue). Congrats, easy pickings for people that get paid by us, to serve and protect us, but simply refuse to see and do what the average American understands and knows. Complete lack of faith in politicians and the govt. once again - seems to be a running theme for decades now.

    Reply to: Corrupt Consumer Credit Scoring Exposed   11 years 8 months ago
  • The reason there are so many state attorney general offices involved is because the the credit report industry refuses to remove anything from individuals.  So then one is involved in reporting the unscrupulous creditor who is falsely reporting to the credit report companies.  There are three majors but over 30 minors, which means one is dealing with all of those separate companies and then dealing with the bad creditor falsely reporting.

    When it is not a bad creditor, but something the credit reporting industry has done themselves, such as a wrong name, social security number, people cannot get it off their reports. 

    Reply to: Corrupt Consumer Credit Scoring Exposed   11 years 8 months ago
  • Our data and Social Security Numbers are outsourced to India and elsewhere, so along with complete inaccuracies (or dare I say purposeful fraud a possibility - $/bribes to raise rates on Americans), we also have the fact that these companies enable ID theft through their flagrant disregard of our privacy and the security of our personal info.
    So, inaccuracies, ID theft, and this causes the loss of money to Americans, being fired or losing out on jobs because of the ridiculous mandatory credit checks for working anywhere in this idiocracy, etc.? So, which CEO and outsourcing proponents in the Chamber and DC should we sue? Which politician is going to take the blame or be forced to? Which sellout is going to be personally liable? Which company will be sued into oblivion here or in Mumbai? Because only then when that happens can we expect change.

    Reply to: Corrupt Consumer Credit Scoring Exposed   11 years 8 months ago
