Recent comments

  • Thats why I apologized. I felt so dumb I could only laugh at myself. I apologized to Kurtz and now you. It was me entirely. I don't want your blog to look like the OK Corral.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • and this might be my bad on how the comments work. I've been so busy with major server bugs I haven't gotten back to the comments and how they work.

    Kurtz was blasting "business man" and you I think meant to blast "business man" but the way the comments are you instead blasted Kurtz and then confuses "business man" with Kurtz, who agrees with what you are saying "generally" as well as calling out "business man".

    We want your input so I will try to fix these so it's more clear. The reply toggle will still be there and these are threaded, so to see replies you have to click that toggle.

    The entire reason the comments are this accordion type of display is due to mobile and space. Without it, reading articles and comments becomes impossible on small screens.

    I'd be laughing except this is like a bad gunfight at the OK corral where people are getting hit with friendly fire due to me changing the signs on the barn!


    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Thats just he way it is, nothings gonna stop it increasing more, humans are breeding faster than anything at atm.

    Nothings gonna change until you see what happens in 20 -25 yrs..... The world needs to reset from scum like us.

    Reply to: How Many Jobs Are Needed to Keep Up with Population Growth?   11 years 8 months ago
  • I'm an idiot. I cannot stop laughing. You'll probably never see me here again so its been fun.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • @Salunga, why are you writing to me? My post is in response to "Business owner." The text of my response and the actual positioning of the post show it's a response to "Business owner," not you.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Damn, it's sad, but once again, it proves why so many great people struggle and why so many in positions of power didn't do anything involving brains, skill, or integrity to get there (and they sure as Hell will do everything in their power to make sure those that deserve to be there never get in).

    I'm helpdesk and I'm not blocking anyone you pompous jerk. Your logic is out there isn't it? You extrapolate a lot. Do you live in some dream world? Is that why illiterate dunces have to lecture you? My boss is a bit out of touch also so don't feel bad. If thats possible.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Hey

    So I don't get to work for you? Shucks.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Amazing, I simply love being lectured by someone with the grammatical and logical skills of a dunce. Fantastic! So which boardroom are you in? How many HR employees do you employ to ensure people that might exceed your IQ and writing skills are never hired because they would put you to shame? Sir (or Madam), you prove our point with every word. Given this little blurb, it's fair to say most Americans are absolutely overqualified and will never get hired by folks like this. The more degrees we obtain, the greater our experience and skills, the more we would simply outshine this cadre of mediocrity. Damn, it's sad, but once again, it proves why so many great people struggle and why so many in positions of power didn't do anything involving brains, skill, or integrity to get there (and they sure as Hell will do everything in their power to make sure those that deserve to be there never get in).

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Please move to Asia. Obviously you are an incompetent business man. We need good management so maybe you should set up shop over there.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • When your congressional representative runs on a platform of hate for the government. Thats a clue he is not interested in economics, foreign policy or any policy for that matter. They don't care about anything except corporate cash.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago
  • That's just pure b.s. and if you hired 5 bad apples, that's on you for whatever ridiculous, wrong hiring and recruiting you're doing in the first place.

    Good god, you justify your guilt by discriminating against Americans? You should be sued, and often.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Then perhaps 23% of America needs to stop doing the following:

    - Reading email and the internet on the job
    - Showing up to work late if at all
    - Listening to iPod while on the clock
    - Demanding more and higher pay while doing less
    - Starting office gossip
    - Undermining and attacking the good employees
    - Lying to employers
    - Stealing company property
    - Exhibiting overt insubordination
    - Threatening to sue when one does not have a case
    - Bringing guns and tasers to work

    And other offense for which I fired five fellow Americans in 2012.

    I am an employer, I am a small business owner, I am in my 40s, I am American, and I will never hire other Americans or persons under the age of 35 again. From now on I want Asian-Americans and workers over age 35. Asians perform the job with less drama, and Generation Y is unhireable.

    If you are concerned about how many Americans have been fired, and not concerned by why, you're part of the problem. Americans are being fired because Americans have become demanding, insubordinate and lazy. Improve the work ethic, less chance of being fired. It's not rocket science.

    Improve ourselves, America, and get back to work.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • I agree but cable is ignoring what's going on here and I, for one, a sick to death of the GOP holding the economy hostage. America is getting so ripped off on medical costs and that doesn't even get lip service in the "budget debate". That is the debt killer.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago
  • No sympathy here, Obama (along with every other pol in both parties) control/partners with the press. If the press does or doesn't do something, it's only because the political bosses have told them to. If ABC or Fox ran a story on a cat dialing a phone and saving someone's life while being videotaped, most assuredly either Dems or Republicans approved it beforehand because there was some advantage or distraction they sought while the story ran.

    If the press was anymore in the bag for the false blue vs. red chicanery, it would actually be in a circle of Hell. If the press was so scary, wouldn't Chris Matthews actually ask a tough question of Obama regarding drone killings, unemployment levels at 20%+, banksters escaping justice, or playing golf during wars (like Bush II was subject to)? Or why Murdoch hasn't been subject to FCPA? Why Holder is still running the DOJ? Why Blankfein still meets with the WH? And on and on? Press? The press? And on the other side, the same issues regarding unemployment, loss of civil rights, etc. could also be asked. Will Fox News dare ask a tough question of a GOP member ever? No, instead they do the Party's bidding and have pols on as "guests" and "experts" when required - it's all scripted and according to plan.

    Owned, owned, owned. Isn't it a little odd the way both D-controlled stations like CNN and R-controlled stations like Fox both seem to ignore bankster crimes and focus on crimes by the "little people"? When was the last time Cavuto or Nancy Grace spent an entire week, or 10 hours, or 2 hours solely on banks laundering money or the long-term unemployed or political corruption? GE, Microsoft, etc. literally own the press (MSNBC after all). Watch CNN or MSNBC and feel the nausea swell as Dems and Obama are hailed as saviors no matter what daily. So no sympathy if Bill Gates owned MSNBC or outsourcing GE/NBC don't get tough with Obama or cover issues - it's slightly predictable - this message brought to you by people that don't believe in nations, only profits for boardrooms. And when the GOP has the guy in the WH, the same will occur on Fox and elsewhere. The press is an organ of the state/political parties, not an objective observer, and certainly not a critic. Ailes runs Fox like its an arm of the GOP and Maddow etc. do what the WH tells them (or listens closely to what they want before deciding) so they are all in it together, no one acts alone or without the blessing of the respective party/donor/boss.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago
  • This is disgusting. The U.S. has 8 days until they tank the economy again, affecting millions and all of the headlines are about some murder that isn't even in the United States. Good god, with a press corp. like that can anyone blame the Obama administration for bypassing them and using social media to craft their message?

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago
  • I'd stop the Clinton administration from repealing Glass-Stegall, signing NAFTA and especially the China PNTR. Some Democrats eh?

    Reply to: Thanks Banksters - You Cost the Economy $22 Trillion   11 years 8 months ago
  • Courtesy of "The Thin Red Line" - because it's apt:

    "Everything's a lie. Everything you hear, everything you see. So much to spew out. They just keep coming, one after another. You're in a box. A moving box. They want you dead, or in their lie... There's only one thing a man can do - find something that's his, and make an island for himself."

    So keep on believing working hard, getting an education, and treating others well (the Golden Rule) will result in anything but sheer misery. Nepotism, cronyism, and crime from the top on down rule the day. But it's all disguised in "networking" and "the best and brightest" trying to protect this country against the "lazy, idiotic unemployed" and "unqualified Americans." Because with 6 official applicants per opening, networking makes sense (to the mathematically challenged) despite the obvious truth that there aren't enough jobs in America for American citizens (thanks to big business and the puppets in both parties).

    And those who believe in the values of the past are crushed underfoot. During the Great Depression (Part I), were the unemployed blamed? Were newspapers and officials praising plutocrats that had lower IQs, no ethics, but had family connections that made having a brain and morals unnecessary? And yet we still see hundreds of millions of poor and unemployed globally being blamed for things that had nothing to do with them but they had to deal with as a terrible consequence? And the balls of the people laying blame (e.g., in the R camp, Gingrich that can't pay private jet and Tiffany's bills and the WH that cares more about playing golf with Tiger Woods than identifying with Joe Average that is near death because he's overqualified and long-term unemployed) only get that big because they aren't down here in the trenches, because down here in the trenches, they just wouldn't last because nobody coddles their asses.

    Unbelievable. Damn, hopefully someone from overseas on a visa can write better than me, because as corrupt politicians claim, I simply can't piece this English language together, it's beyond me. Maybe I'll check the freelancing elance site and replace myself with someone that will work for $.00001 per word. Maybe then the politicians will understand the message - it will be dumbed-down for their benefit.


    Reply to: Equal Opportunity is Dead   11 years 8 months ago
  • Sorry about the continuing server problems. Shopping now for a new server. Big pain to migrate to new servers but seems Servint has just completely flaked on us. (: Probably let it go on way too long as it is.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 8 months ago
  • If I had a time machine and the ability to perform a Jedi mind trick, I would travel back in time and prevent Clinton from instructing Robert Rubin, his Treasury Secretary, to rewrite the charters of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    The original charters of those two GSEs allowed them to purchase only prime loans from banks. Bankers themselves - evil, greedy subhumans though they are - must sell their mortgages in order to get new capital and - before the Clinton/Rubin rewrite of Fannie and Freddie's charters - there was no one to sell bad loans to. The Clinton/Rubin rewrite quite literally created a new (taxpayer subsidized) secondary market to sell bad loans to.

    When the rewrite itself didn't trigger the greed response in sufficient numbers of bankers, Clinton used a blunt force instrument - his Attorney General, Janet Reno - to demand compliance. She warned the banking industry that not making their quota of bad loans would not be tolerated: "No loan is exempt (from CRA requirements), no bank is immune. For those who thumb their nose at us, I promise vigorous enforcement". ("Social Justice" was at stake - the Ends certainly justified the Means!)

    Greed, like gravity, is always with us, but creating and facilitating it with official public policy can really mess with an economy.

    Reply to: Thanks Banksters - You Cost the Economy $22 Trillion   11 years 8 months ago
  • Isn't it always amazing though? If an average person tried to claim he was confused, the quick response from the officer/agent and prosecutor would obviously be: "ignorance of the law is no excuse." And rightfully so. But when it comes to the people that actually control the lawmaking process, they demand laws and regulations be written so that they simply can't be understood. And when the IRS or Congress is confused, why the lobbyists and big money will provide law firms and consultants to explain the very same laws. And then, when the same people that literally have laws written for them get caught because someone has had enough of the sham, they claim ignorance and get away with it.

    That's how empty the "rule of law" has become. When they can write the laws (but we can't) and they escape any enforcement when it goes against them (but we can't), the law should carry no weight because it is form without substance.

    The government should be concerned also because this just smacks of an incredible way to launder money. Besides tax evasion or fraud (transactions and businesses whose primary purpose are shams and are likely to avoid taxes pending the evidence), this massive movement of $ offshore and back again is a money launderer's dream. It's unbelievable that following 9/11 and the whole "follow the money/stop terrorist and drug cartel financing" these people still move billions of dollars around without being stopped or even questioned about it. Tax evasion + money laundering in 2013 - now who among the 99% can get away with that and still be called upstanding and avoid a few decades in prison?

    Reply to: Hedge funds using Bermuda and reinsurance to avoid taxes   11 years 8 months ago
