Recent comments

  • It's just like Facebook - a good way to screen "troublemakers" before an interview. Regarding gigs, many sectors of this shite economy are royally f'd, there's no amount of $ they can command, it's all internships, or outsourcing, etc., quality has been boned and schools keep pumping grads for tuition/loan cash. Everything from graphic design to STEM to law to health to education to writing - it's all screwed. All gigs available will pay jack and demand 24/7 attention for the honor. Even in fields strictly controlled by "professional bodies," kids are graduating with debt that will take 20+ years to pay off. USA, USA.

    If I'm on Linkedin, it will be to connect with my betters and to secure a sweet assistant gig next to Dimon or Blankfein because they are doing "God's work." I'll use my real name - Mark "Screw The Gilded Age Redux, Bankster Scum, and Their Whore Politicians" Twain. Oops, that's not it, I meant Samuel "Screw The Gilded Age Redux, Bankster Scum, and Their Whore Politicians" Clemens. I'm curious, do the assistants throughout banksterdom and DC-puppetdom have relatives boned by the .1 or 1%? Do they have overqualified and long-term unemployed friends and relatives that outsmart their bosses and are becoming increasingly pissed off?

    Oh, for a real check on balls and integrity and doing "God's work," how would Sophie Scholl compare to every single politician globally? Every single bankster? Every single CEO and HR employee? Eh? How much did she earn in salary and bonuses? Food for thought.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Sequestration is stupid (quote for the DoD and they are right!) and Congress is simply going to implode the economy instead of doing their job and actually listen to economists and enact sane policy.

    Yet on the news, I saw "baby cam", "shark cam" horrifying video of disaster and people dying with almost a yawn afterthought Congress is imploding our economy and doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

    It's really hard to write about the economy, economic policy with events this stupid. Yet over and over again that's what we get from our politicians, absolute pure stupidity. Honestly how did most of them even get through school? So many cannot add two numbers together. Instead of even listening to people who can add two numbers together, they insist in manufacturing more crisis and other stupid agenda guaranteed to harm the nation.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 7 months ago
  • If you're really looking for a job, just forget whatever that is and join developer lists of whatever technology and projects you're interested in or field you're in. These are often older lists, hosted through universities or the project site and so on.

    I've thought of creating an account for The Economic Populist on linked in, just because people want to see some sort of page or site with an RSS into it.

    Seems in terms of real use and usefulness, twitter is the one which really shares and enables real discussion, at least that's what I see going on from the traffic to here.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Anyone that says they need help (e.g., unemployed) is blamed for their own situation and/or not helped in the endless useless groups and discussions. It's endless spam and tens of millions of "experts" that want to sell something or advice. Countless phony names and jobs. But it's a great tool for those questioning the status quo to verify The Matrix actually does exist - many of those in power in corporate and government positions really do not belong there and are hell-bent on keeping anyone that might question them out. It's fun for seeing who rises to the top and screens people out. But that's all free, like you said, no need to spend money.

    Also, Linkedin brass are huge fans of visa rules being eased for "skills gap." Probably because that will create more unemployed Americans, so that's good for more Linkedin users - see, that's a business plan in 2013, create misery and profit from it. Sort of like JPMorgan handling SNAP cards, they love unemployment because they profit from it.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Honestly, it's like high school. One gets an account on linked in because everybody else got an account on linked in. But what is it about that one must pay money to do a basic limited job search and so on? What service does linked in even provide besides some glorified brag sheet and photo collection? I've yet to find it. I sure haven't gotten a single job lead and so on from linked in. I track a few mailing lists simply because they are there, but honestly, the real developer lists hosted elsewhere are much more full of information that i can see.

    It's like a grandfalloon,to me and am waiting to figure out what I am doing wrong in using it, but ya know, any site trying to make money off of my professional status, right there I'm cynical and that includes professional Journals!

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Follow the CEOs' path to success, because with all this "uncertainty" that scares the self-proclaimed Muppet-bashing Masters of the Universe, people that want to keep their jobs need to stay dumb, kiss much ass, and not get too old. Also, if they want to get hired, they need to stay young and party with the right people at the right schools. They also need to make sure they were born into the right connections because that's what really counts. Now I'm going to sell this advice as a job coach or propagate it on Linkedin because it'll surely be helpful to the unemployed, especially those that haven't had an interview in 2, 3, or 4 years despite endless degrees and experience (green shoots - yeah!)/sarc.

    These things are certain - corporate America loves sycophants and people that don't question the system or those at the top. It also can count on people in boardrooms getting outrageous bonuses and being assured of job security in their current jobs or getting a new job within minutes of destroying their old companies. Job insecurity, fear, despair, age discrimination, being overqualified, that's all for the commoners, Versailles has its own rules. And we all know Versailles' rules always work out for the best of the Nation (yes, more sarc).

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • They also pay more to CEOs than in taxes, see this post. Notice how executive compensation is just another major public outrage that has gone by the wayside?

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Always a fan of the big banksters and the way they run things. Apparently all is well at JP Morgan according to Dimon, but they still have to fire 4,000 people according to headlines. A rational human in another country would ask why Dimon continues to be safe in his gig and earn tens of millions in salary and bonuses yet things are going so poorly they need to fire 4,000 people? Simple, it's rule by banksters and boardrooms. Dimon still unaccountable for bribes in Jefferson County, still not held accountable for "The White Whale," derivatives still threatening the world, manipulating the energy market, for JP Morgan's part in Corzine's still unpunished MF Global crimes, money laundering, etc.
    This is America - everyone outside the boardroom and the government elite are expendable - everyone inside is "the best and brightest" no matter how much they lose, who they hurt, or how many companies they run into the ground. Someone only needs to watch Senators gushing over Dimon aka "their paymaster" aka "the only constituency that matters" to see why this continues to go on.

    In 2011 JP Morgan donated resources valued at $4.6 million to the NYPD. How many jobs could have been saved if that money wasn't donated? How many customer fees could have been eliminated or reduced? But apparently that donation was very important for some reason. Occupy happened shortly afterwards.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 7 months ago
  • Seems it's just blame and Congress isn't moving to stop this, what a surprise. They play their never ending game of economic chicken instead of what is in the best interest of the nation.

    Latest is this will stop financial reform because the cuts will impact the SEC and other regulatory bodies, the SEC is the most active trying to implement rules for Dodd-Frank.


    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 7 months ago
  • Just like the U.S., they have been taken on a ride so many times, they are exhausted, like us. Thatcherism comes to mind.

    Reply to: The Never Ending Shrinking European Economy   11 years 8 months ago
  • Surprising the Brits have been so passive. They could cause the elites some problems.

    Reply to: The Never Ending Shrinking European Economy   11 years 8 months ago
  • As Bob Woodward has made clear, the sequester was Lew/Obama's idea. he's had over a year and a half to come up with a solution with Congress, but his laziness and intransigence is the reason we're where we're at. It's all about leadership. If the President doesn't want to have all these last minute crises, then he should set an example by at least meeting his legally required deadlines for submitting information to the public and budget proposals to Congress. His record on all these items has been so poor that no one should find his whining about the opposition party credible.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago

    Clip - If anything, we have too many high-tech workers: more than nine million people have degrees in a science, technology, engineering or math field, but only about three million have a job in one. That’s largely because pay levels don’t reward their skills.

    Salaries in computer- and math-related fields for workers with a college degree rose only 4.5 percent between 2000 and 2011. If these skills are so valuable and in such short supply, salaries should at least keep pace with the tech companies’ profits, which have exploded.

    Reply to: The Never Ending Shrinking European Economy   11 years 8 months ago
  • Right and our Government is busy selling out U.S. STEM professionals as much as they possibly can in "Comprehensive immigration reform".

    These lobbyists and offshore outsourcing companies out to steal jobs will say there is a "skills" shortage when people have to go abroad to get a job (with PhDs in STEM) and the unemployment rate is 25%. (Spain).

    Reply to: The Never Ending Shrinking European Economy   11 years 8 months ago
  • Read The Guardian, The Telegraph, and other papers of all leanings - Brits are tired of the EU experiment, massive unemployment, and governments that serve Wall Street (and The City over there). Labor and Conservatives both doing nothing to protect their own citizens against labor arbitrage and unemployment that causes deficits that Wall Street and The City then seek to remedy through austerity (huh?) on the 99%. The EU experiment isn't working out and resentment can't be contained. It's a dismal state of affairs that is being repeated across high wage nations, and the newspaper articles could literally be the same across the globe.

    But check it out - Tata Consulting claims a "skills gap" and more immigration and visas needed in the UK! Sound familiar? Skills gap everywhere, everywhere but the points of origin from where immigrants come. And where do these pearls of wisdom come from? Why Davos of course - awesome! I'd be in Davos, but the dbag factor over there is too great for the common man to tolerate. Plus armed goons simply won't let the great unwashed masses get to close to our "betters" as they plot our demise. No average citizens of the UK or USA allowed to contradict outsourcing companies or heads of state as they screw us.

    Reply to: The Never Ending Shrinking European Economy   11 years 8 months ago
  • 28 million of our fellow Americans purposely locked out of working and contributing to our Nation, that's despicable. Other countries too. But some people say karma will get those who don't hire the unemployed, or lock people out because they are too young, too old, or some other crap reason. All of this coming from people that make six or seven or eight figures that have no problem with the status quo, not hiring vets and people with experience in all fields because they might outshine the dimwits in charge. Well, screw karma. When people without jobs and that faced crushing daily defeats or daily soul-crushing non-responses from 1,000+ job submissions lose hope, families, homes, and lives, we should never forget what happened. What, should we buy the products from companies that bar the unemployed from getting hired? Buy products from companies that bribe foreign officials while claiming the unemployed are lazy? That pay CEOs $20 million while laundering money for Al-Qaeda? Why should it be forgotten? Who benefits? The abusers do and their puppets in government. So screw that, never forget the politicians, the HR folks, the corporate masters, the kleptocrats that take tax-dollars but treat the unemployed taxpayers as scum. Karma? Nope, justice, in this world. Forget it? 28 million+ people are going through Hell, how will they forgive and forget that experience?

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • I have a bad feeling we are not far away. Kurtz I think you have a good grasp of the near future. We had a chance to turn this around and the corporate prostitutes in the Republican party (among others) fought it tooth and nail. Resulting in this sequester disaster. With the European employment nightmare, that you described, we cannot afford to screw around. As you said "The fireworks will be arriving soon". It may will be in the form of social unrest that will make the riots in Greece look like a picnic. We need stimulus to create revenue so badly. I like the idea of the minimum wage hike. Its pure populist and gets McDonalds, Burger King, Walmart and the like involved in some direct stimulus of our economy. So maybe we can see some money stay here in the states.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • Eurozone collapsing, Germany can no longer "save" itself (it shrank .6% last quarter), let alone Europe. Meanwhile, unemployment here still out of control with no hope.

    For real amusement, every unemployed person in the US should check Linkedin - start with big banks and other corporations to see who's getting hired. For example, check the banks implicated in money laundering and other crimes or tech giants that endlessly claim a lack of qualified Americans - it's a real treat to see who's hired. Then check HR positions to see who's ensuring the unemployed and overqualified wind up destitute and homeless at every age. Now maybe they are only "following orders," but that excuse never really flies.

    Good people locked out, criminals getting rich and hiring only those that won't stand up to them. Let's see how this plays out because when the developed world has 20%-50% unemployment figures and central banks can no longer print and print and print, the fireworks will be arriving very soon. And to realize how little the governments really care about us, just think while austerity is being rammed down our throats and the unemployed are kicked to the curb, the US Government is opening up new "wars on terror" in many different countries in Africa. Because as long as there are perpetual enemies in some corner of the globe, the Government can spend billions and trillions overseas, just don't expect to see a dime of it if you are a hurting American.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • The entire point of this site is because "we do math" and "we do economic theory" and so much of what is out in the press does not.

    The other point of this site is to talk about the real economy, not this never ending super rich and powerful worship that goes on in most press.

    Take it to heart that I'm paying attention in terms of fixing the comments. The point is they should be much easier to read and reply on all devices. Working on it.

    Reply to: Fired America   11 years 8 months ago
  • In an economy of $3.54 trillion in expenses, an $85 billion (2.4%) cut in spending will do all that. Why cant they cut fraud and waste instead? Everyone agrees there's too much fraud and waste in the Govt, why not cut that out? Who's stupid idea was this sequestration anyway? Oh - Obama's. OOPS, your honor, strike that comment from the record. If $85 billion is that necessary to the economy, how did we survive just 10 years ago when we only spent $2.46 trillion or 10 years before that when we only spent $2 trillion? If a 2.5% cut will do all that, then what do we get with the other $3.15 trillion? Hey, the Fed is printing $85 billion a month into Banks to buy bonds and Mortgage backed securities, just have them cut another check. They are good for it, i think. All is good in Washington DC when you control the printing press and the media press.

    Reply to: Sequestration Suicide   11 years 8 months ago
