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  • as the attorney general and I have to agree on this one. He doesn't do anything to enforce the laws of the land, or let's say "selective" attention.

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • It's a simple question, if so-called American politicians don't serve the majority of the electorate, and, in fact, serve foreign interests, what exactly are they? Yes, it's that simple. If an elected official serves those who didn't elect him, but rather foreign and domestic interests that merely fund his/her professional and personal bank accounts, help him/her family, employ him/her as a lobbyists before and after "public service" (ha ha ha!), what exactly are they? Let's be blunt, because we're far beyond the point of niceties and subtleties. We are looking at 1920s and 1930s Europe now, globally. Massive unemployment and massive inflation (disguised purposely as it may be by central bankers and pols). If someone in my country enjoys the freedoms and protections millions of fellow Americans fought and died for, takes my money through taxes, but serves 1% of domestic interests and openly serves foreign interests, what is he? What would Teddy Roosevelt call him? Washington? Truman (Democrat) or Eisenhower (Republican)? You see, those who served and made tough, brutal choices never sold out their country. Eisenhower warned us well of the dangers ahead and Truman risked it all in the artillery and was facing poverty even after being President (how different today's politicians are - and wealthier and lacking in integrity). The Founding Fathers? What is that person really? Is he a patriot? Is he my friend and someone I can rely on through thick and thin? Is he helping me and my neighbors in these dark days? Can I even trust him or her to watch out for me and my country? How much abuse does one have to take before the answer becomes obvious.

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • Seriously, if your job is to seek justice, you have mountains and mountains of evidence (emails, corporate records like minutes of meetings, etc.), thousands of witnesses across the globe (including many people who would love to burn their former employers), and civil admission after civil admission, you really have to work hard to turn a blind eye to all of these crimes completely laid out for you. Remember, the feds have laws locals would love to have, like lying to a federal agent, mail and wire fraud, etc. One lie to a fed and they always jack up charges - basically it's a lazy man's way of prosecuting a case if actual work is too hard. But yet, nothing, nothing, nothing. And all the local DAs and AGs, I'd be crazy pissed off and would expect to be bombarded by irate farmers and other customers that lost their $. Anyone with a farmer or other customer that got ripped by Corzine and Dimon has jurisdiction over the case, the feds never have and never will have exclusive jurisdiction because states and feds can go full force in their own criminal courts, the two don't preempt each other and have separate laws, rules of evidence, sentences, corrections, etc. So it's especially shocking, knowing full well the feds would protect federal corruption and the bagmen like Corzine/MFUGlobal, state AGs and county prosecutors wouldn't go after him criminally to show nobody screws with my local voters/victims. Pretty amazing, people look for work and these people have jobs to criminally prosecute people + organizations and they have yet to do it. Again, what the Hell are they paid for, why are they in jobs at GS-10-15 (and even Senior Executive Service), and why aren't they fired from top down because in these dark days, taxpayers don't need to fund people that apparently have no interest in even pretending to do their jobs, lest they piss off their future and/or past employers.

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • The original customer ripoff was $1.6 billion and there has been reached a deal for $500-$600 million.

    That's not even one third of the money. Criminal prosecutions? Nowhere to be seen.

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • Supposedly it is illegal for foreign nations and entities to influence Congress which is obviously ignored. Remember when Al Gore got into huge trouble for foreign campaign contributions from China? Yet India routinely contributes by going through those with naturalized citizenship and if one is a corporation as you point out, it's open season on American politics.

    HSBC and UBS have violation after violation as you point out, so a couple of traders getting the book thrown at them sure looks like the token employee sacrifice.

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • UBS AG is considered a "heavy hitter" by opensecrets because it is one of the 140 biggest donors to federal elections since the 1990 election cycle (despite it being a Swiss corporation). In 2012, it has donated over $450,000 thus far. Why should our politicians limit their money grabbing/taking from US corporations only? Isn't that unfair? Open borders and international trade of course apply to foreign corporations too, justice demands it.

    Anyway, just to show UBS doesn't limit itself to LIBOR rigging and is not a recent criminal, sorry, non-compliance corporation, here are just two stories from many. The first is from 2006. UBS was violating sanctions again Iran, Iraq, Libya, and Cuba. UBS settled for $100 million back then and had no problem continuing to do business here and abroad, and lobbying and renting our politicians despite its violations and fine.

    And to show UBS is still active globally breaking laws/rules across the globe, here's an article saying Swiss prosecutors are investigating UBS for helping a Malaysian politician launder money from illegal logging.

    That article also mentions UBS helping clients evade taxes in the US and Germany.
    The crimes continue, the lobbying continues, the bankster payrolls and outrageous fortune continues. Average global citizen, if you laundered money or broke sanctions against declared terrorist sponsors, could you continue doing business the very same day and the next? Could you avoid spending any time in jail? Could you still meet regularly with your own politicians and politicians across the globe to get what you wanted? Try writing to a Congressman outside your district, their system automatically prevents you from emailing them with your concerns as an American. But if you are a foreign bank, you have more access and power over a US politician than a law-abiding citizen? That's just one symptom of how ridiculous the situation has become. Why should we obey laws when foreign corporations can break them year-after-year and get richer for it? Why should we listen to politicians that openly and readily accept money from criminal organizations? All of this information is readily available to a 5 year old through the Internet, so the politicians could know everything about UBS if they cared - they don't. They want that $ at all costs and UBS and other criminal organizations will give it to them (and pass the cost on to customers).

    Reply to: Business as Usual and Prosecution of Financial Crime   11 years 10 months ago
  • Conservatives, take heart! The Republicans may as well go the way of the Whigs while the conservative Democrats take their place. Oh, they huff and they puff and they produce a pea in the form of support for THE most conservative Democratic president since Grover Cleveland.

    IT'S TIME FOR THE NEW SOCIALLY LIBERAL MAJORITY TO LEAVE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY EN MASSE, AND GIVE YOUR VOTES TO THE GREENS INSTEAD---WHO ELSE?! Keep putting the RepubloDems back in? Just how much do you want them to leep tearing you a new one? Can't get enough of that Republicanesque screwing by the betrayers YOU voted for? Is liberal just another word for masochist??

    It's up to you, now, Liberals. The Republicans are receding under a barrage of sheer hatred by the majority of Americans. Now's your chance to stick it back to these jerks who run for office like your daddy's Democrats, but act in office like your granddaddy's Republicans.

    KILL THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEM. Vote in numbers greater than you ever have for the Greens in 2014. Put THEM in, give THEM a mandate, and watch em bring back honesty in government.


    Reply to: Chained CPI Will Reduce Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 10 months ago
  • to imply they could not separate out the two and most interesting that NJ's payroll losses were so much less than NY as stated, but clearly we see payroll losses in the states hit by the storm. So, I'd say they simply couldn't isolate out the storm's effects.

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • analysis suggests that Hurricane Sandy did not substantively impact the national employment and unemployment estimates for November

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • We have such a corrupt government the real solutions are not on the table, both parties. This suffering is generated by them.

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • Sad, several years ago I would have said this analysis was overly pessimistic. However, I think you're right on the money.

    Oh well, at least we can smoke pot in Colorado and Washington to numb the pain. Right?

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • as well as this administration is just outright dangerous at this point. They are literally destroying the nation.

    We'll get new 2012 averages on labor participation rates and civilian to employment population but I expect to be even worse than 2011 averages.

    There are two million about to lose their meager unemployment benefits and the press doesn't even mention this.

    That's two friggin' million people. That's more people than were employed over an entire year.

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • Not going into any analysis on anything, just mighty tired of the same bull distractions going on in DC and in the media about foreign affairs or fiscal cliffs or some fantastic war on Christmas (which I'm sure defense contractors somehow make money on) while tens of millions of fellow Americans can't catch a break. Christmas time, another new year coming, and no relief and people in power prove once again they only care about themselves. These dangerous clowns still making millions while we see no relief in sight. Why exactly are we paying them anything when we can't find paying work ourselves? They couldn't care less about what not finding a job for 2 or 3 or 5 years does to a man or woman with a family. If they thought about it and cared, they might worry just a little more about what that does to their piggybank aka American society. But that's the good thing about narcissism, it means you don't think about other people for a second. College kids, high school grads, STEM grads, law grads, teachers, small business employees, veterans, we're all screwed, and to those who think they are somehow special and have magical skills that will protect them forever, guess again - you are replaceable and will find that out as soon as you think you aren't. We should think of these politicians and oligarchs as much as they think of us, see them as much as they see us, and hold them with the same contempt they all hold us. 2013 coming, and this nightmare started in 2007 (officially). Besides UE, inflation also taking a toll. ZH had a great story a couple of days ago fully detailing the shenanigans masking true inflation that Clinton and others created to reduce the true rate years ago. Sure, you can't afford gas or food, but that's because you prefer cat food to human food and you're not really unemployed, because you don't collect unemployment and have given up looking for work because there is none. What a train wreck, and unfortunately the conductors are still alive and kicking raking in huge cash while all the passengers are dead or dying. USA 2013 - can't wait, more good times I'm sure.

    Reply to: State Unemployment and Payrolls for November 2012   11 years 10 months ago
  • He did a fairly detailed analysis the claim chained CPI is valid (not).

    See here.

    Reply to: Chained CPI Will Reduce Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 10 months ago
  • What's going on shows the theater involved with Congress and while Obama should be slammed for putting up retirement benefits and benefits generally to the people to be cut, it appears the GOP is even more insane. There is no mention on the negative impact to GDP cutting benefits will be, none. There also are a host of very practical cuts they could make which are not even being mentioned.

    Just another glaring example of what a gerrymandering corporate purchased government brings to the nation.

    Reply to: The Corporations versus the American People Battleground is the Fiscal Cliff   11 years 10 months ago
  • The privatization, corporate takeover on things like Dentistry is just symptomatic of what is wrong generally. Lawyers now cannot get a job, with 6 figure student debt. Law school is ridiculously expensive. The whole system is imploding where Americans are put last even when they have the education and skills.

    Reply to: Corporation Nation   11 years 10 months ago
  • It's madness, a simple search will reveal labor arbitrage, corporate/private equity control in corners you never thought to look into. Any industry, sector, it's all around. Looking for immigration games, and Aspen Dental comes up for a "Part-time Immigration Coordinator." Now, a search of dental assistants on and other sites shows that they are just another job that is suffering from decreasing wages, despite all the schools claiming that it and other jobs are kicking ass with demand, demand, and more demand (all that matters to most of them is tuition and loan money, not the students)! But behind the scenes, oh, apparently the same industry is looking for foreigners to come in to take some jobs in the field, dentists, dental assistants. Why else would Aspen Dental need people from outside our borders? Not enough Americans available? Come on, it's a profession, it's regulated, so obviously approved labor arbitrage is on in full force. The private equity group that owns Aspen Dental is Leonard Green and Partners. A search reveals those private equity boys have had to face legal cases in Pennsylvania and other states. And despite the suits, they still conduct business as if nothing happened, whereas one or two lawsuits would cripple a small town dentist's or other person's practice, thus the inequity. Here's some of the information they posted regarding the part-time Immigration Admin Job ad:

    "1. Assist attorney with determining case issues and planning case strategy for each individual;
    2. Prepare appropriate forms regarding each individual’s immigration matter before the Departments of Homeland Security, State, Justice and Labor.
    3. Review file on a regular basis, consult with attorney and prepare regular status reports to individual;
    4. Assemble and organize all forms and supporting documents for attorney review and filing with USCIS;
    5. Follow up with immigration seeking individual to ensure receipt of immigrant documentation and prepare information on maintaining lawful permanent residence and the responsibilities of having such status.

    Education and Experience:
    1. Associates degree or certificate program in paralegal studies;
    2. 2-5 years of experience;
    3. Experience with of immigration procedures, principles and practices;
    4. Comprehension of legal communication principles and practices;
    5. Awareness of local, state and federal laws and immigration regulations."

    Private equity, working to get inside your mouth. Private equity involved in everything from health to finance, consumer goods, defense, etc. So, if all they care about is cutting costs and making $ for themselves, what fool would expect them to care about your teeth, health, or safeguarding our borders, jobs, or finances? Only suckers.

    Reply to: Corporation Nation   11 years 10 months ago
  • I noticed that the "choices" for deficit reduction are missing about 98% of the good ideas and proposals out there in the CBO scoring. Seems they have been pushing chained CPI since 2010.

    You're right it's just corporations demanding to cut what is left for most of America to live on.

    So unreal like watching a slow motion implosion.

    Reply to: Chained CPI Will Reduce Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 10 months ago
  • Check out BlackRock's contributions on other sites - they cover all bases on both the Democratic and Republican sides. In addition, BlackRock CEO Fink is arguing the "fiscal cliff" can only be fixed by cutting spending, and of course, he's not talking about cutting his fellow corporate welfare recipient Honeywell's or another's government handout, no, he wants to cut Social Security and Medicare and other entitlements. But why oh why? Well, if Social Security is cut, obviously people from their 20s on through their 80s and 90 will be screwed hard. After all, companies no longer have pensions, and BlackRock and others love marketing their financial products to people to make up the shortfall. It's sweet, they argue for cuts (looking out for us, of course, they seem so trustworthy) in the halls of power and on the airwaves in our "Nation's interests," cuts are made, people look for returns anywhere, and big banks and financial snakeoil salesman are all too willing to sell their crap products to us for fees of 1% to 2 and 20 for hedge funds that can't beat market indexes. And with that loot, they then turn around and pump it right back into their own personal bank accounts and a small slice into their favorite whore politicians' accounts.

    So, struggling to hold onto that Social Security or pension you literally crippled yourself over while working in a shipyard, or in a field, or on a factory floor, or as a teacher in a class with 30 kids for 30 years? No worries, Larry Fink wants to cut it down to nothing so you have to invest with him (these folks also lobby in state capitals hard, so state pensions are also forced into these money-losing funds that lose to market indexes before they even pay out outrageous fees). So, Larry Fink and other folks spouting on the airwaves merely want to cut "entitlements" so they can get their mitts on our money. Sure, they didn't work for it, they have no clue about real sacrifice, but they want it, and they will get it, because they own "our" representatives.

    Here's an article talking about these clowns.

    It's funny, there's a reference to "shared pain" by business leaders talking about politicians. Huh? What about us? So, as you struggle with a broken hip or handicap from working for 30 years, ask at your neighborhood bar or PTA meeting if Larry Fink has been around lately to share your pain. Larry Fink and other banksters, they don't think too highly of us commoners, but they sure do want our money.

    Reply to: Chained CPI Will Reduce Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 10 months ago
  • I have a link to contact your representatives. What I didn't realize is this has been presented for over two years to "reduce federal spending" and it's beyond belief! This is not federal spending, it's people's earned benefits, held under government trust.

    There are many other ways to fund social security so this is completely unnecessary and also has nothing to do with the budget deficit.

    Anyway, write, call, fax and often, multiple times. I fear the only way to stop this is to go over the fiscal cliff but that said, to protect social security and federal pensions I think just going over the fiscal cliff would be worth it.

    Reply to: Chained CPI Will Reduce Your Social Security Benefits   11 years 10 months ago
