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  • Very good point! There are thousands of towns where small businesses were wiped out due to a Walmart moving in. Hardware stores, groceries, clothing, fabrics, list goes on and on.

    Talk about decimating small business, let's look at no benefits, women paid less, low wages, China goods Walmart.

    But the job losses the decimation of the area's manufacturing is real, although Walmart, demanding, through their monopoly status, wholesale prices where no one can survive, never mind make a profit, also has an indirect influence.

    (Ok everybody, go out and buy a $300 32" flat screen on your $7/hr part-time job!)

    Reply to: The American Economy On Purgatory Mountain   11 years 11 months ago
  • Asheboro is home to a Walmart Supercenter Store.

    In fact, there are currently 10 Walmart Supercenter Stores within 28 miles of Asheboro.

    Ramseur, the featured ghost town, is conveniently located midway between two Walmart Supercenter Stores: Asheboro #1132 and Siler City #2845.

    Altogether, there are 18 Walmart stores within 38 miles of Asheboro.

    Reply to: The American Economy On Purgatory Mountain   11 years 11 months ago
  • While the focus was on the financial crisis, shuttering plants and moving overseas was and still is happening. The struggle new businesses go through to get started is intense. Pickles are fine but there is no comparison to large industrial materials manufacturing. Making iPhone covers while iPhones are made overseas isn't going to get the economy back.

    After watching so many legislative sessions on C-Span, tracking bills in process and now Obama promising "comprehensive immigration reform" with ridiculous assumptions about the GOP "losing" therefore it will pass, I am sure we will see probably a year wasted with all sorts of guest worker increases and the flooding of U.S. markets generally with even more labor supply while existing jobs are shipped overseas.

    They won't address actual jobs, pass legislation where stimulus tax cuts are directly tied to hiring and retaining U.S. citizens,

    Congress and Obama have instead made it worse, with even more trade deals where the resulting trade deficits are increasing every month. Beyond labeling China a currency mannipulator, most of Romney's policies will also make it worse.

    They even bury the statistics and evidence, spin it, deny it while we see town after town empty out, decay, people thrown into poverty after yet another large employers shuts their doors and is dismantled or moves abroad.

    Reply to: The American Economy On Purgatory Mountain   11 years 11 months ago
  • At the end of the program, the people of Asheboro said they need to help themselves, but after losing thousands of jobs and replacing them with hundreds, it seems very difficult. When Congress begins to focus on the US, perhaps we will see the US we thought we knew. Hope it is not a cold day in hell.

    Reply to: The American Economy On Purgatory Mountain   11 years 11 months ago
  • Google the "$2.5 Trillion Oil Scam - slideshare" and google the "Global Oil Scam." The US is a victim of this scam. Plug your electric car into your household, solar power battery.

    Reply to: Book Review - The Fine Print   11 years 11 months ago
  • If one doesn't have high velocity, the supply doesn't matter. Also, the exchange rate is what has to do with China currency manipulation, not the money supply, which because US is safe haven, hasn't changed much.

    MV=PQ, V decrease, M increase = same C.

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • US money supply up what, 300% since 2008? Currency manipulators in China you say? Hmmm

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • I think the real story here is they had originally planned to shut down just physical trading but let electronic trading run, no human involved. I don't know the particulars but it sounded like a HFT vulnerability to me.

    This site's servers I imagine won't go down, but we are taking some time to work on site upgrades. Hope all don't lose their power for long.

    Reply to: What's Up in Bankster Land?   11 years 12 months ago
  • Everyone out there in EP land, ZH land, everywhere where dreams of iPads and iPhones and "American Idol" don't fill brains. Everyone that doesn't think wearing a flag lapel pin makes one a patriot, especially when criticizing those that express their First Amendment rights. Bill O' come on, even those that serve their country in public service here and abroad can disagree? Or are we all unworthy of your teleprompter-reading greatness? Bill O', by the way, you went to Marist undergrad, why do you never mention it? Are you ashamed? Did Marist screw you? Why affiliate yourself with liberal Harvard? Eh, Bill? Are you envious of Harvard's Kennedys in your core? Ha ha. Tragic.

    Who honestly believes hard work + being good/ethical/fair to others/"The Golden Rule" + education (degrees + natural curiositiy + continguing education) = a chance at success, or an income that could provide for a spouse or at least for one person (at a minimum)? Of course I must exclude Forbes, because from top to bottom, that craphole loves nepotism. But Steve, tell us all about how family connections don't matter. Daddy says what? Murdoch says what? James Murdoch was the most qualified of the thousands that applied to run the criminal syndicate known as News Corp.? Of course he was.

    Now vote carefully. Let us tally the votes. Oh my, it seems the tally is = The American Dream = BULLSH** in 2012. And for those blaming Obama, or Socialism, stop. Those same people that helped finance Obama in 2008 (Government Sachs, JP White Whale Dimon, etc.) now support Romney/Ayn Rand, so they supported a "Socialist" in 2008, so go ask them why. Were they Communists in 2008?! Goldman, JP Morgan in 2008 were Commies?! Damn, someone better tell Blankfein and Dimon at their Hamptons compounds. USA 2012, it'd be funny if it wasn't so freaking tragic. If only some people warned us about the corrupting power of corporations, political parties, foreign alliances, the military-industrial complex, etc. Gosh, history, history, if only the plutocrats would let us read history. Because then I might remember something some people might have said about those topics. Or even far longer in the past, something about absolute power corrupting absolutely. No worries, Murdoch is dictating visa policies along with fellow plutocrat/oligarch Bloomberg. They look trustworthy, plus they would never practice cronyism or nepotism. Just kidding. Hey, grads from 1980-2012, how you feeling? Got those degrees in hand and debt to prove it? Wanted to prove yourself? Wanted to learn new things and rise in the ranks just by hard work? Treated everyone fairly and wanted to be judged by work alone, not politics? Yeah, that used to work. But nowadays it's all cronyism and nepotism and stepping on everyone else to promote yourself. Plutocracy or treat!

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • actually, "we" have lost control of the essence of the kind and profound side ...of human mammals ...

    witness, for an instance, the hideous Singularity Institute, ... in Mountain View, California, neighboring: the “Googleplex;” NASA (historically lead by escaped and pardoned Nazis); the “AI” (Alien Intelligence ) branch of CMU (Pittsburgh PA’s, C Carnegie Mellon Institute”) and Gopper/”Paypal” founder, Peter Thiel’s office on subsidized Federal Property (despite Peter’s supposed ideal, where one does it all on their own with no assistance, versus via the citizen’s ‘dime’ (as in subsidized Federal property) where the Hope , and premise, is that human mammals become Machines.

    Most well meaning humans would not wish that on their cat and dog (etcetera) mammal companions, why has it been acquiesced to for human mammals, by supposed 'human mammals'?

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • Indeed, Martha (a ‘female’ minnow (with odd fangs for a female and/or minnow), in a shark tank) was easy prey (I note that, while still holding her in disdain), and certainly Madoff had to be slayed for ‘feeding on his own ilk’ ... his son, hanging himself by a dog leash (I do wonder, did he have help?), while his son (was his son (Madoff’s grandchild) less than a year old?) ‘slept’ ..close by.

    On the other hand,, “The Milken Institute” .... , talk about the united states of amnesia - where most, who snitch a cheap loaf of bread, to feed those they love, can never recover from that indictment, - there are those, like Milken (if you’re young, look up: “Den of Thieves”), who, like scum, always appear to ‘rise’ ....... to the top ........

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • It is unfortunate and does not have to be this way, but we've lost control of our country! So sad....

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • If you think about what she did in comparison to the many outrageous crimes which literally collapsed the global economy, it's peanuts. She answered the phone and sold some stock. No comparison to what this group did or Goldman Sachs stuffing a CDO with bad mortgages and hiding them. Selling them off to their unsuspecting Muppet clientèle.

    Think about Martha Stewart being a brand, just on the cusp of challenging major retailers and then think about how that prosecution destroyed her brand. Hmmm.

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • Nobody from the Brahmin class, like Gupta, no rich white lady like Martha Stewart will spend any amount of time in a real prison in the U.S. Martha got a real harsh sentence in Camp Cupcake. Gupta will never spend 2 years in jail. Real prisons are for non-whites or poor whites.

    For Martha and Gupta to be free, you need the chorus of piggies. We know the sweetest pig chorus is the 9 Henchmen of the Oligarchy. This chorus never gave legal standing to the suit by Immigration Reform and Programmer's Guild when they sued the government for violating the Homeland Security's own rules for H1B visas. The suit was never allowed standing, not in a single court. Evidence of ruined careers and destroyed lives fails to move the corrupt legal establishment. As I recall, it did not work out so well for the French Legal Establishment in 1793.

    Remember how Gordon Gecko mused about insider trading as a "victimless crime" in The Money Never Sleeps? Gupta and Gates see the world this way. Rules are for suckers. Those on top make rules for others, and do as they please. This is why only violent social upheaval will ever change anything. It's coming, sooner than they think.

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • Yes, it does appear that females are, still, not even on the ‘totem pole,’ ...particularly those who are raising the ‘new’ generation themselves.

    But it is not about wanting to be Meg Whitman or Carley Fiorina (both of whom, as a female myself, I consider a disgusting disgrace on the face of the profound side of Humanity (which isn’t a fable), it is about being able to survive when one’s efforts are benign and, for the most part, well meaning and productive of a beneficent way of living.

    And just to clarify, Robert, as I’m not totally clear on how you deciphered it, when I mentioned Racism. I was referring to those born here, by parents who were: force shipped here in the 1800’s; already here before Europeans; tempted/coerced here, in the 1800’s and early 1900’s - to either live “illegally” or as virtual slaves needed to run rail for the choo choo, etcetera (which did, of course, also include “White Trash”).... - sans Visa; versus the A through Z (A1 through Z-3) VISA!!! categories that reside on that “US” State Department website (if one takes the very necessary time it requires, to dive beneath the surface .and realize that historic bipartisan affair of importing both: ‘third world’ workers who are used to acting like slaves (who are used as a weapon against the workers in the Land of the Free ... , and therefore replacing those totally deceived, Liberty/Freedom raised ; and those of the upper echelons of those third world communities with plenty money, who may prefer to run over pedestrians in their Mercedes and Teslas, in that Mediterranean climate of Cali, versus the (more humid?) climates of China and India, etcetera... ...and realize ..that a stunningly teeny group of insatiable beings (not to be confused with the millions of ‘sheeple,’ who lick their asses) control the well being of those in the us ...every bit as much as they control the well being of those in other countries.

    (Thank you again, for bringing the “feline” subject up, Robert.)

    Reply to: Binders, Stapling Things, Offshore Outsourcing and Women's Work   11 years 12 months ago
  • It's true, when connections/nepotism/cronyism, etc. trump knowledge, all the worst things in our society trump the very best. Over in the UK, Murdoch's Rebekkah (sp?) Brooks made it a point to ingratiate herself with possible bosses, pretended to have an interest in things they did, hung out where they hung out. She wasn't looking out for her subordinates, or learning some cutting edge new ways to boost readership legally and convince others of her ideas' worth. Instead, she was spending her time learning how to get promoted. Obviously some bosses (and hopefully the ethical, honest ones) would frown on that crap because someone without a fragile ego would view that as sickening and look to everyone in their ranks, to their ideas, to the people busting ass honestly while still spending time with their families. But we see that's becoming rarer. Now it seems kissing ass and spending 100% of the time looking good at others' expense is the key to getting hired and promoted. That means taking credit for other people's work, calling endless meetings where people with nothing to say get to speak out the loudest, endless group projects where dimwits can piggyback on others' work. That's why we see this endless hype on "networking." If there aren't enough jobs, networking helps get those playing sick games get hired and promoted, with huge numbers of hard workers left locked out. But if idiots can get their friends and relatives to hire them, or payoffs results in jobs, then "networking" of course will be pushed as a viable means of hiring. Who doesn't benefit? Well, the worker bees that just want to work hard, share credit when it's due, get their degrees, and put them to use without asskissing (aka the honest, quiet necessary workers). Add to that "Survivor," "Trump's Apprentice," "Big Brother," etc., etc. where everything is a competition, only one winner can be chosen, and cooperation or honesty is actually punished, and we see how twisted the workplace and American society have become and will become if there aren't massive changes. You've also mentioned this. Go back and watch shows from the 1950-1980s. The way families and work and ethics were treated vs. TV in the last 20 years. Now it's all about self-promotion and competition from youth on up.

    By the way, notice how our natural resources are seen as critical to our future (vs. our American labor pool), how foreigners can come here and manage the projects despite Americans skills and need for jobs, how politicians now serve those foreign interests, and the plutocrats and politicians enjoy special protections and priviliges while hard work and education mean nothing if you are an average citizen? That is absolutely how "Third World" nations used to be. Ironic, planned of course by plutocrats, but ironic nonetheless.

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • I'm in process of doing an update on all thing in Banksterdom and this is one of them. Bill Gates comes to the rescue, who cares this guy gave insider information at the height of the crisis on Goldman Sachs, right?

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
    Each fraud count he was convicted of exposed him to up to 20 years and conspiracy up to 5 years. But that's not the way bankster law works, thus, 2 years total. Plus he didn't admit his guilt and took it to trial, costing a lot of time and money, and that is supposed to work against defendants under federal sentencing guidelines (the non-bankster edition) once convicted. Just confirming the fact that the rule of law is dead in the US. If a non-Goldman, non-bankster pulled a fraud of this financial magnitude, or grand larceny over a period of two years, he might be facing a very long time in prison in many states (at least 10-20 years, with a minimum of at least 10 in a real prison with high walls and violent criminals as neighbors because the length of the sentence determines the facility in many states, unlike the federal system), depending on the number of victims, total theft, etc. And the judge spoke for 30 minutes about this guy's philanthropy and other matters during sentencing? What the Hell is going on in federal court that a judge can drone on in an insider trading case for 30 minutes? Does the US Attorney bring one case per month because it appears the federal judge presiding over this sham needs more work to earn his bloated salary and lifetime tenure, much more work. 30 minutes talking about philanthropy? Come on, who cares. Plenty of criminals try to say they were angels, guess what, it almost never works (I speak of non-banksters, non-1%ers of course, because different rules apply). Philanthropy? What philanthropy? He made loot at a bankster organization and then gave a minute amount of it to philanthropies, that's why Gates and Annan spoke for him - payback. If someone steals $500 million working for a criminal organization, or sells drugs and makes $1 billion, and then donates 1% or 5% or 50% of it to philanthropies, will the judge kiss his ass before giving him a joke of a sentence? Or does that only work for banksters and their colleagues?

    Rule of law, fair treatment, equal before the law . . . Exhibit 1 (or is it Exhibit 50,000 by this time) - it's a joke. Because guess what, get busted possessing forged bills you had no idea were forged, or not pay exactly what the IRS demands you pay despite your honest belief you paid the amount owed, or caught bringing back prescription pills for your relatives from Mexico because they can't afford them in the US, you might actually be eligible to serve more time than this guy. Fantastic, quite the mockery we have going on nowadays. Hopefully you have Bill "I love visas and outsourcing, but I don't like American citizens" Gates and Kofi "UN sanctions shouldn't affect my family's activities" Annan as friends and beneficiaries of your activities. If not, see you on the inside. Maybe Gupta can join Milken after "paying his debt to society" and start another philanthropy and make even more money. They always seem to find jobs (and jobs that pay millions) no matter how many laws they break or people they harm, unlike the average law-abiding American that can't find jobs, let alone good ones, and still gets blamed for everything despite following all the rules and regulations.

    Reply to: As Our Economy is Outsourced to China the Obama Administration Once Again Does Nothing   11 years 12 months ago
  • The point of this post is how there is massive discrimination and what few realize is most foreign guest workers are male and Americans generally are being displaced. I have no idea on the gay community for their economic demographics, I've never actually seen. I would imagine Lesbians are the bottom of the economic pile, just going off of discriminatory behavior in the U.S.

    But frankly while it's ridiculous, one can go buy a packet of birth control pills out of pocket and what is that? $150 for the clinic to get the subscription and then ?? $30 to get it filled...

    that's no comparison to throwing millions of women into poverty, acting like their careers and economic livelihoods can be answered by "getting a man" and especially the brazen discrimination against single mothers is a topic untouched, obviously.

    In other words, the $$$ trumps funding for planned parenthood in terms of efforts women need from the government. Liberals can talk a great game, but do they HIRE women as employers AND put them in the highest, most powerful positions? That's the real test.

    Reply to: Binders, Stapling Things, Offshore Outsourcing and Women's Work   11 years 12 months ago
  • Thank you for this post. As is evidenced by the lack of comments since you posted it on the 20th, Those commenting the most on the internet, are not familiar with (or choose to ignore) the fact that women, particularly those nearing and over 30ish, have never been close to equal standing, economically, with males. Nor do most internet commenters appear to be concerned with the reality that "post racism" is a also a blatant lie.

    And, truth be told (witnessed first hand in the San Francisco Bay area), most of the "successful" gay rights movement was all about worshipping the ‘male topper’ (whether that ‘topper’ was biologically male or female, the media absolutley focused on those biological males though) and economic savings (for those who make plenty money: for married filing jointly to have a significant savings effect) aspect of it, 'just folks' (and their millions) like Gopper, Peter Thiel, and the right to drone and goose step into 'third world' countries,....and save money on those 1040s; nothing equated with nurture, ....or any other positive aspect historically equated with a feminine slant, let alone there being no connection with those positive qualities associated historically with a masculine slant.

    Thank you for your effort though, it is very admirable.

    Reply to: Binders, Stapling Things, Offshore Outsourcing and Women's Work   11 years 12 months ago
