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  • He was the only primary candidate who was even sane. The problem with the GOP is they have so many crazies running their party and that alienates the middle. I believe the polling on China is most of the country wants them labeled a currency manipulator. They do not want more NAFTA style trade agreements, they wanted CEO pay to be curtailed and the list goes on and on for 80% agreement per issues.

    Between corporate lobbyists and crazies, they are running the nation, instead of the 80% Populace.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • When playing a game with a stacked deck that big money provides us, we can't even opt out. It's brutal, we lose no matter what. It was going to get worse no matter what when the GOP went and chose to pick the ultimate model of family connections, getting rich through firing Americans, etc. When they did that, they screwed everyone in this country. If they just chose to go against their $ (which they couldn't do), we could have had a real reformer from somewhere that's a Republican (tens of millions of Americans are Republicans, sure the GOP could have found a great one to run) that gave us hope. But that's impossible and would make no sense to them. So we're screwed, Fox will go on the same script for 4 more years, Obama's MSNBC and other channels and papers will follow the same script. And we'll suffer. The President was reelected when everyone knows real unemployment is 20%+! That tells you how absolutely pathetic Romney was and how much the population didn't like or want him. Great choice GOP, nice work. Fire everyone in the GOP at all levels, when they serve a tiny # of people despite the screams for real help that people were desperate for before Obama and during Obama's 1st term) and serve us Romney, come on - pathetic. Wonder what Elizabeth Warren will do in the Senate. Hopefully she does something interesting.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • That win was guaranteed. That said, corporate Obama is more into globalization, migration and so on.

    The House went GOP again, which will block a lot. A Dem in Indiana won the Senate but he is a "Populist" Democrat, I question if he'll tow the corporate party line.

    I think I would have been sad no matter who won. What a waste of 18 months and $6 billion.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • 2012 donors to Obama and DNC for 2012 and expect to be rewarded ASAP for their cash infusions (this is all public at, no spin, no lies, just the facts).

    1) Obama (D)
    University of California $491,868
    Microsoft Corp $443,748
    Google Inc $357,382
    DLA Piper $331,715
    Harvard University $317,516
    US Government $299,923
    Deloitte LLP $283,606
    Sidley Austin LLP $283,269
    Stanford University $238,803
    Comcast Corp $234,037
    Time Warner $230,088
    Kaiser Permanente $197,087
    Columbia University $195,574
    Skadden, Arps et al $191,828
    US Dept of State $175,672
    Wells Fargo $170,448
    University of Chicago $168,238
    National Amusements Inc $167,342
    JPMorgan Chase & Co $152,990
    US Dept of Defense $149,116

    2) Top contributors to DNC 2012
    Blackstone Group
    Microsoft Corp
    Time Warner
    Comcast Corp
    Google Inc
    Skadden, Arps et al
    Goldman Sachs
    Nix, Patterson & Roach
    Harvard University
    Milbank, Tweed et al
    Henry Crown & Co
    National Amusements Inc
    Susman Godfrey LLP
    DreamWorks SKG
    DreamWorks Animation SKG
    Live Nation
    US Dept of State
    Stanford University
    UBS AG
    Capital Group Companies

    Not that GOP win would be any different, but Obama's donors can expect payback that much quicker. So Bill Gates is a happy boy (outsourcing full-steam still ahead and outsourcing of tech and jobs + visas), big law firms too, educational visas/green cards for universities yup, finance also protected so JP Morgan, Wells Fargo can be assured they won't be prosecuted for anything for the next 4 years and Dimon (JP Morgan) and Buffett's Wells Fargo investment won't be hurt. Big media and Internet companies also free to do as they will. $ talks, democracy walks. GOP had a chance to really buck the system, take on banksters (and their own $ men), punish crime wherever it was - corporate boardrooms, banks, TV studios, but they didn't dare bite the hand that fed them these days, but that message would have ruled the day and people would have gone against Obama because most Americans want middle class jobs for fair wages to raise middle class families on, and the return of rule of law (no one is above it, no matter who they know or how much they have in onshore and offshore banks), and a strong, fair USA for American citizens and those seeking citizenship legally. They didn't, so this is the result. More of the same. Sigh.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • He won Ohio and the battlegrounds were all amazingly close. Tis a shame in a lot of ways for now there is no message to the Democrats or Obama people want real change, not that Republicans were offering much.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • I picked some key issues economically and tried to weight their effects on local vs. national economies and dig out where candidates stood and voted correspondingly. When I was done and my ballot sat here to the last minute, since I know China is just a major drag on the U.S. economy yet enabling more tax advantages to offshore outsourcing is really bad as well (but Obama caved on even the most critical tax issue).

    I didn't know the Progressive party wants a State bank, similar to North Dakota, which is a very great idea to champion.

    What kills me on local races is often candidates don't say anything about any issue, be in dog poop in the park or local levies. Kind of like our national election. ;)

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Fox and the rest, it's so boring/predictable. Elections they have Karl Rove and his counterparts on other channels droning on using some board playing with numbers. Who gives a crap, just release the final results, even discussing exit polls should be banned because it plays with turnout in states with polls closing late/later than East Coast. Plus, true exit polls would show "We're f*cked, I just voted for the one I thought would hurt me less while f*cking me over."
    Watch Fox and the others spin spin spin, no stories about anything outside NYC or the Beltway, nothing about life in 99.9% of the rest of the world, and the few topics they cover (e.g., abortion, Iran, etc.) are covered solely with partisan opinions. Watch "The Five" and see 5 people spewing garbage with the necessary woman in a short skirt nearest to the camera - yes, this is American media in 2012. Anyone covering Karzai and Taliban in the places outside Kabul? The endless war in the DRCongo? Israel airstrikes in Sudan because Sudan arms Israel's enemies and it's a prelude of a Iran-Israel war? Nigeria's oil resources and massive corruption/environmental disaster in Niger River Delta? Mali and UN approval of intervention there which will no doubt bring US $ and aid into the fight against Islamists there? Any 2 hour long documentaries on banks that finance our politicians that aid terrorists? Documentaries on the real life of the long-term unemployed, unemployed vets, and how large corporations are exploiting lies about the skills gap? Any coverage of visas scams and lies with reporters here and abroad digging deep into lobbying, DHS visa applications for work visas, Infosys and who benefits from its activities, etc.? No, "real life" shows in the US are solely celebrity/scripted noise that sell us lifestyles of the rich and idiotic or poor and idiotic. Documentaries that simply follow people in real life in real situations with no comment or script are apparently too difficult for us to watch? Any Hollywood movies about the 10,000 stories in real life that beat the Hell out of Transformers 23 or GI Joe 5 or Star Wars Part 35? 10,000 stories out there, almost all that might involve us or affect us. But we in the US are deprived of all of this unless we seek it out ourselves. They treat us like fools, and if we let them, we deserve what we get.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Ok, exit polls are dribbling in and various media "brands" are cherry picking, only reporting numbers that favor whatever agenda they want to promote or candidate they want to win.

    So, you have to dig around at the different political flavors to see them all. Sweet isn't it, exit polls have a 3 hour window of usefulness, yet they are being spun like mad.

    Early one says 60% voted on the economy. From this CBS exit polls, one I just had to laugh.

    Only 10 percent say Mr. Obama favors the rich. Forty-three percent say he favors the middle class, while 31 percent say he favors the poor.

    Gez, somebody sure wasn't paying attention to what Obama did for the banks and the financial sector! ha ha! I guess they missed how team Obama did nothing about foreclosures in reality and also gave the banks a free pass on fraud.

    OMG, it's just a game, marketing, public relations, divorced from actual policy, scary.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Well, Romney is certainly right to quote the outrageous increase in health insurance premiums and the cut in benefits.

    I find it interesting that the Obama administration is the one trying to deny Americans access to legitimate Canadian pharmacies, which has been a major issue for years. Big pharma lobbies and uses the FDA not for America's safety, lord knows 1st world country drug manufacturing has just as high, if not higher standards, as well as many drugs sold in the United States are manufactured all over the world...

    it's the retail prices where Americans are being legally locked out, it's illegal to buy your drugs from Canada or Mexico and now our government is trying to block legitimate pharmacies websites which sell to Americans.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • It's a brilliant plan. Politicians make our lives brutally hard through destroying our livelihoods after we pay for education + housing + food + everything else while they and their masters prosper directly from this misery. Then, they keep crushing us through making sure any hope of jobs are given to those from overseas or sent overseas. Alcohol + other outlets are strictly controlled and taxed heavily. Even big bad sodas and fatty goodies will be banned (and already are prime targets for Bankster "I Love Money Laundering Banks" Bloomberg). So, life is hard and getting harder, the media doesn't identify with your plight and blames you for all that's wrong in the world. Trying to escape for just a little bit through drinking, or smoking, or feasting on some lovely fatty treats is becoming harder. What's left to do? Well, if you're not feeling all that happy, it surely can't be a reasonable response to getting pissed on by politicians and big corporations. No, it must be a "mental disease" like depression. Big pharma will provide you with the solution at a reasonable cost. Take the blue pill, my little friends, take it and pay that doctor's bill and prescription bill. If you're still feeling down, perhaps your iPiece of Crap 3.0 is simply not filling your needs, thank goodness interns slaving away at Foxconn in China for free have the new iPiece of Crap 4.0. Now go buy it because it will only bring you happiness until the iPiece of Crap 5.0 comes out and the CEO dances on stage at its big reveal like some damn fool. Yippee, pills and iCrap, happy days are here again, whatever you do, DON'T THINK, then you might get sad and mad and the government says that's bad. Now vote for one of the corporate puppets, because not voting or choosing someone else is also a sign of thought, and that's not good, not good at all.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Honorable mention to this post on Zerohedge. Yes it's another "both candidates" and lists a host of policies which are really bad for America which both parties will do.

    Remember, Congress is claiming they will not compromise on the fiscal cliff.

    If you think the U.S. isn't already censoring the Internet, think again. They are out there trying to block Canadian drug websites under some bogus excuse involving counterfeit cancer drugs (just two batches) getting into the U.S.

    What's really going on is U.S. pharmaceutical companies are demanding these pharmacies be blocked because they don't want Americans to be able to buy drugs at affordable prices.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • This site is focused on the United States economics, domestic economic and labor issues. Undocumented and unauthorized entry into the United States is currently more coming from Asia, which in terms of overall GDP is not "crushing poverty that we caused", especially if one notices the trade deficit with the Asian Pacific region. Team Obama signed a trade treaty with Panama, are you ready for some real crushing poverty in that country?

    I'd love to throw these people who name call over someone daring to write the word "illegal" into a labor economics Academic conference and watch them go ballistic when the term native is used in presentation. In Economics, native means to be born within the U.S. borders.

    Alternatively, a legislative body deliberating immigration law as they write the legal term alien. Or how about the halls of the USCIS.

    We don't use the term undocumented on this site for it's ridiculous. Most people here illegally have plenty of documents from the country of origin.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • illegals <-


    They are "people who are in the country illegally" (catch the "people" part, oh holier than thou "populist"?), trying to escape crushing poverty, part of which we inflicted.

    Or maybe the use of the word tells us more about the philosophy here than we can glean from the chart porn...

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Flat out, I respect the fact that by using the analysis of policies and economic impacts you have bluntly avoided endorsing any candidate. Saying that neither are good enough is what we really need in a democratic society.

    Acknowledging that swing states shouldn't vote 3rd party due to the impact their vote will have. I agree, swing states should vote for the candidate that won't push them over the cliff faster.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Oh too funny, they took some sort of poll in China on Obama vs. Romney and it's a

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • People who really know Obama threw universal single payer health care under the bus and well, pick an issue thrown under the bus, are coming out of the closest so to speak about how they cannot vote for Obama and making their case.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • NJ temperatures dropping sub-freezing this evening, looting still a concern, people without power in hundreds of thousands in most developed part of our Nation, schools closed for 7+ days now, etc. And yet the media loves covering the horse race crap, there's no integrity there in the US, none. Watch, Day 1 post-win if it's Romney, bankster-lover in red wins, FOX will never criticize the Presidency ever until the Dems take over. The Presidency will be seen by Fox as the savior of America no matter what, Romney is the second coming, and on and on. Everything that sucks will be Obama's, Dems' fault. MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, and on will switch immediately and Presidency can't do anything right, GOP to blame since in White House, and on and on. And if Obama wins (also bankster $ beneficiary and protector of Dimon, Corzine, Blankfein, and on and on), Fox will keep following same script, so will MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, NYT, and so forth. They will switch 180 degrees like that and if they are called out ever (which they don't allow in their pages or on their airwaves) - they would be exposed by any freethinking person with the brain of a two-year old or older as complete fools. That's the state of our media. Fantastic, I'm duly unimpressed because it's so predictable, so laughable, and so preventable. And Day 1 after the election, Karl Rove and the Bush White House in exile will be plotting and talking 24/7 about taking over the next election in the press and on Fox until the Congressional elections and primaries and 2016 if they lose, same with Dems, and if they win, they will talk about keeping power until 2014 and 2016. The endless horse race coverage that sickens people with a clue serves both parties and puppetmasters in boardrooms here and abroad because it distracts from real, complex issues and real solutions, real death, real poverty, real outsourcing, real national security being compromised by outsourcing and the quest for quarterly profits, international matters that extend far beyond Iran, or Afghanistan, or PRC, and on, and on, and on. We're allowing people that can't find Iran or Afghanistan or Bolivia or Botswana on a map to talk to us like we need their advice? Seriously? Scripted puppet races and charades? No thanks. Some books in print are calling my name. TV shows and talking idiots that dropped out of college in the name of the almighty $ at the expense of integrity? No thanks, the pen I use for my write-in votes has a higher IQ and more ethics than those asswipes.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Romney = Corporate Agenda - Illegals + Tax havens - China - Choice

    Obama = Corporate Agenda + Illegals + Tax havens + China + Choice


    I do think if Obama wins 2016 is doomed for Democrats, but considering we get two sides on the same sandwich election after election, eh.

    I call these choices worse and worser. But regardless, right now Congress is claiming they won't do anything about the fiscal cliff, throwing us into another recession. Lovely.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Obama has done very little in the last for years from his campaign promises in 08.

    Still in Afghanistan, still a Gitmo, Corporations still getting tax breaks for sending jobs overseas (he is actually using that one again), Banks and Wall Street still too big to fail & still paying low taxes, and on top of everything else some people will be taxed for not buying health insurance from a private company.

    Romney won't do those things either but I believe he will crack down on illegal immigration.

    They are both liars so the choice is the lessor evils.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • One of the most ridiculous things are the hundreds of people, not just predicting this election, but getting damn mad about it too. WaPo lists them in order to make all of those completely wrong eat a lot of crow.

    It's incredible, instead of the issues or future, the airwaves have been filled with people arguing about their prediction.

    Another thing, Hurricane Sandy is turning into a real disaster in New Jersey. If more people die from hypothermia, remind me to put up a new article on events. Unbelievable the lack of coverage considering the deaths and lack of power over a week out.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
