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  • SoS, Ohio. 68.02% overall, yet counties where there is a large black voter percentage are lower. This is far by me in terms of analysis, but let's hope all of those who pounced on 2000, 2004 looking for anomalies will do the same thing for 2012. Seems a little unfair to prove Bush stole an election yet not even look at these figures. I'm not saying anyone stole anything here, but noticed the above strangeness.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • Most know I'm a numbers person. I noticed something funky with Ohio, their population statistics versus registered voters. Then, I thought about this 90% vote of Blacks and 71% vote of Hispanics and thought, that's really odd, Hispanics are a very diverse group in the U.S., hard to believe these percentage breakdowns.

    So, I just dig out a few figures from the Ohio SoS and the Census and did some rough calculations.

    Ohio, black voter turnout as percentage of total vote: 15% from exit poll. 90% voted for Obama.

    Total vote: 5,276,481

    2,584,620 Romney

    2,691,861 Obama

    15% of total vote is 791,472

    90% for Obama = 712,324


    From the Census

    Ohio pop in 2011 11,544,951

    Pop growth Ohio 0.1% implies 2012 = 11,660,401

    2011 under age of 18 23.3% = 2,716,873

    Ohio population > 18 = 8,943,528

    Black 12.4% of total pop. = 1,445,890

    Black < 18 = 336,893 => Black people over the age of 18 in Ohio:

    In Ohio, you cannot vote while in prison and the prison population was 49,846, October 1st 2011. 52% of people in prison are black (which is outrageous). Let's low ball the percentage of blacks over the age of 18 in prison to be 21,000. That reduces the black population who can vote to 1,087,997

    90% for Obama gives a maximum pool of 979,198 black population.

    712,324/979,198 is 72.8%.

    That means of population, not the actual tally of registered voters, 72.8% of them would have had to show up to the polls.

    This seems really odd for registered voters as a percentage of the voting age population is usually 70% and of registered voters who actually vote in Presidential elections is about 60%.

    Getting 73% of a population group to vote for you seems hmmmm....

    From the Census, we have voting population, registrations and actually voted breakdowns.

    In 2008 the black vote nationally of the black population was 60.8.

    So, I go looking to see if there is anybody else noticing this and found 1 nonpartisan group, media trackers siting in September voter registrations exceeding 100% of the county population.

    But the above is the actual vote from the exit polls.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • A lot of people I talked to in Massachusetts was not voting for Romney. One lady I work with said he outsourced her job years ago so the hell with him. How do you think you can win with skeletons in your closet? Especially when it comes to the most important!

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • Another thing to read on how people were seriously manipulated into voting and I'm sorry, that's what this is, is ProPublica's piece here.

    Good God, and I think both sides did this but clearly the Obama campaign has this down to beyond Target's knowing you're pregnant before you do profiling on a finely tuned level, all to get you to cast a ballot in their favor.

    Nothing to do with issues, reality, all about "dates with George Clooney" or "Rock star x is giving a concert" or "if you don't vote for Obama your family will be deported next week" and so on.

    Talk about taking this to a whole new despicable level, this is it. Makes the infamous evangelical "God will damn you to hell if you do not vote GOP" look like amateur hour.

    For all of you potentially involved in any organization, campaigns, politics and so on. A good tip is to never give your real information and always use a disposable email and a temporary forwarding phone number.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - Both Campaigns Are Tracking You   11 years 11 months ago
  • So, while various analysts pick through the campaign bones, check out this fact, where campaigners put out emails offering a "chance to win dinner with George Clooney, seemingly skirting around the campaign finance laws?

    Ok, forget claims of "agenda", these guys were simply cross marketing micro targeting individuals using the latest technologies to do so.

    How disgusting, Obama wins by offering a hot single celebrity to a micro targeted demographic of over 40 white single women? Give me a break, I hope women are offended.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • I wonder, do people at FinCEN or OFAC ever check Karzai and his associates' bank accounts (declared and, well, "undeclared") because a reasonable person might think massive loot has been taken from US taxpayers and sent to Afghanistan and then wound up in his accounts and the accounts of family and friends and cronies. Treasury folks, earn those SES and GS-15 salaries. Don't worry, residents of upscale CT, when the Taliban takes over within 2 years, you'll see Karzai being driven around in CT. in a nice Benz, courtesy of all of us. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan apparently have real costs that we have to pay for, even if they are off the official books under Bush II. Again, ain't partisan, just reality. The bill comes due and we're stuck with it. Yippee. No jobs, big bills, and we borrow money from people taking our jobs to pay the bill while no money can be spent on the ever-desperate middle class American. Madness? Sure, but our reality too.
    As far as Europe, just freaking end the Euro already. Let the big banksters and ex-Goldman Sachs central banking cartel take the hit, it will save a physical war. PIIGS will suffer and in all likelihood turn to Nazi parties (as has already happened) if this goes on for too much longer. People are lighting themselves on fire, a la monks in South Vietnam in the 1950s and 1960s. It's going to get bad, very very bad.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • Surprise and there were some other things. Wall Street expected an Obama win, but the focus did switch on the fiscal cliff. I've written on the fiscal cliff and it's real, disposable income will contract and government spending will strongly decline very rapidly.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • Overnight hours post-win, futures were down, then up, then things moved down during the day. Talking heads on Bloomberg overnight were talking about what this win meant for Democrats and GOP 4 YEARS FROM NOW. Yes, these people can't predict what the weather will be tomorrow for their $500,000 - $1 billion, but 4 years from now, let's all listen in. Of course these overpaid blowhards came up with "I think it will depend on the economy" and they all nodded in agreement like Zeus laid it down for us mortals. Yawn, "Hey, emperor, you're naked, now STFU." Ignore daily blips up, down, all around. HFT plays a huge part, and so on. Blackrock was Obama's top donor and Dimon's personal moneylaundering/Corzine theft recipient piggybank of JP Morgan donated as well (hedging bets, they gave to Mitt as well), so Wall Street is fine. Forget the "fiscal cliff" stuff (which Fox and the rest of the media already started in on not 10 minutes post-election). Watch geopolitical events. That's what will drive the world in the next 6 months on. EU will implode as Germany simply can't support the entire EU by itself (especially when in a recession which always "shocks" experts in politics and financial offices), Israel lashes out against Iran, Sudan, Egypt to protect itself, Egypt allows flood of militants that threaten Israel and Suez Canal while still getting US money through an IMF loan of $4 billion + soon to be approved, oil will skyrocket (ignore the recent dips, just remember how badly/quickly fuel shortages occur in Sandy's wake, now expand that globally), China political transition, Japan vs. China, China vs. other nations in South China Sea and East China Sea, and so many other items of interest/concern. Now where do I collect my paycheck for $10 million + like the people that constantly drone on TV but get crap wrong endlessly. No, no $ for me? Damn, I could have used it. And then of course let's not forget the US media seems to ignore the complete economic collapse of major US cities and suburbs outside their studios in NYC, DC, and LA. How's Detroit? How's crime? Schools? Health? If they had balls, they'd visit a different city between NYC and LA for 52 straight weeks, spend an entire week there, and dig deep, looking at crime, education, health, jobs/outsourcing, etc in 2012 (it ain't good). And that will start any day now . . . And when some lazy producer happens upon this note and does a series as I described, I want my piece of his Emmy for "insightful coverage" and a seat next to my choice of actresses at the Emmys.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • There are some stocks, in particular anything to do with coal, oil that would crash for an Obama win.

    But the correction probably has much more to do with the fiscal cliff and the potential for capital gains to be raised.

    Obama has been very good to Wall street generally so don't expect that portion of the agenda to change beyond taxes.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • We tried to show there was spin going on over the auto bail out. I think we all need to remember this and watch the U.S. auto industry. I personally do not think Chrysler will shut down Jeep manufacturing in the U.S. in at least during Obama's term.

    My prediction is Chrysler will not expand in the U.S. and bits, pieces will be offshored of the manufacturing chain. This is all predicated on tax savings by globally sourcing and China's auto related tariffs, indigenous innovation policies are not challenged by the U.S.

    Reply to: The Romney Ad, the Auto Bail Out and China   11 years 11 months ago
  • Considering some of the vitriol coming from various GOP races I can understand that and probably a plus coming out of the election is maybe, finally, these Pro lifers will realize women don't want them trying to control them....

    I do think the "Pro Life" movement just took a huge hit, which is another group which throws a monkey wrench into the political landscape.

    But I also think the Obama campaign machine used this to snow the actual economic and labor statistics.

    The Obama campaign started in early on women and just railed the GOP about their positions towards women generally. It's not like the Obama campaign didn't have quite a bit of material to work with to bombast the women vote either.

    Women have really lost financially and job wise. I put up articles to this effect and to his credit Romney tried to bring this out in the second debate, yet the Obama machine used "binders" to bury the economic statistics, which are bleak, especially during Obama's term.

    So, I hope women start really raising hell about economics and finance for they are really getting shafted on a host of fronts.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • Women gave Obama 19% more votes than Romney. Obama better not put social security and medicare on the table or Uncle Joe will talk with him plus Aunt Hillary and Mother Pelosi.

    Reply to: Election Aftermath - Campaign Spending Could have Given Every Person $19 and Pot Wins!   11 years 11 months ago
  • I find Presidential politics depressing as well as most Congressional races, well, elections generally. It never matters what actual policies are, the specifics, it's just theater, identity politics, pockets of demographics with various large corporations being the ultimate puppet masters of it all. To get someone out of office, they have to have a sex scandal or say something so vile it acts as a GOTV effort for the other side.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • The auto bail out was really spun heavily by various groups, and the campaign. The thing which is amazing is how GM and Chrysler went through a managed bankruptcy, which is what Romney advocated for.

    It was pre-negotiated, the government stepped in which is also similar to what Romney was talking about.

    When Romney wrote his piece, GM & Chrysler were going to Congress asking for a bail out. It doesn't seem to be realized Obama declined a bail out and this is how GM entered Ch. 11 bankruptcy, as which point the government gave loans, warranties and negotiated restructuring terms in part.

    So, Romney made a huge mistake in not explaining his own position, although I wonder if Romney had been involved in these Ch. 11 bankruptcies if any pensions would have been saved...

    So, it's really a matter of the negotiated terms, not letting Detroit go bankrupt for Obama also let Detroit go bankrupt in order to do a managed restructuring with government loans, guarantees.

    Reply to: The Romney Ad, the Auto Bail Out and China   11 years 11 months ago
  • Tim Geithner took transaction taxes off of the table, in spite of Europe battering around a Tobin tax for some time.

    We're looking at team Obama joining forces with those crazy tea party people and cutting social security, Medicare and Medicaid.

    In other words, under the guise of the budget deficit and fiscal cliff, the agenda next on the table is to impose austerity measures against Americans.

    That's why the vote didn't matter since that's Ryan's big plan, seemingly endorsed by Romney and the GOP.

    Banks get the money, CEO pay soars and Americans are going to get what's left of their meager social safety net cut. Be better to simply let all of the Bush tax cuts expire and deal with the 6 months of recession than let that happen, but the word is dear President Obama's agenda is going to be to cut social security and Medicare (Medicaid).

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • You would flood the labor market doing that and it's pretty obvious with about 23 million people needing a job in this country, which includes the illegals already here, we don't need more workers and a $5k Visa plus the chance of citizenship would have a flood. There are billions of people in the world and I would imagine such a bargain would have maybe 100 million at the borders and ports? Anyway, we don't have jobs for the people already here so the last thing we need is more labor supply.

    75% of Hispanic women voted for Obama and 63% Hispanic men. Our lovely Medusa lobbyist of Univision, La Raza, Microsoft, Oracle, U.S. Chamber of Commerce have tried to make the Hispanic vote a 1 issue pony, "amnesty or no".

    That said, I think it's looking really bad for the infamous "comprehensive immigration reform". Why is this bad? Because they won't do anything based on labor economics, i.e. how many people can the U.S. labor market absorb yet not displace workers already here and not lower wages (yes folks, it does repress wages!)

    Or seal the border or doing a graduated system because literally the U.S. cannot process and cannot afford to process 20 million people or do anything on a case by case basis...

    but the worse thing about this agenda are guest worker Visas and targeting certain occupations, in particular STEM occupations, with labor arbitrage, displacement and more offshore outsourcing. there is a huge connection between immigration and outsourcing.

    The problem is you will flood the labor market and there is already huge evidence illegals and generally immigration is repressing wages and displacing U.S. workers. I mean extreme evidence as the trashing of hundreds of thousands of American's careers, pushing them into underemployment. So, offering up a Visa for $5k solves the smuggling problem but would put flooding the U.S. labor market on steroids.

    I think they need a law which requires all employers to put those with U.S. citizen first for all jobs in the United States. Let those employers prove they cannot find a citizen as well as make it illegal to discriminate against workers who have U.S. citizenship. Believe me, they are thousands of ads saying "H-1B Visa holders only need apply" or "looking for OPT" students (another Visa) or even "must speak Hindi" in job postings.

    There was just a couple of studies, which I will basically "redo" by the data since I see a couple of problems, but for now, 75% of jobs went to immigrants since 2009, not U.S. citizens. That's a problem since the people already here need a stable livelihood.

    In terms of smugglers, be nice is they first stopped sex slavery going on. The figures of young girls being slaves and smuggled in for sex trafficking are horrific and these girls are basically teenagers and younger.

    I think to really stop migration flows they need some harsh penalties, plus conditions in other nations need real opportunity. It's a very complex problem, but so are labor markets, and they are also dynamic.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • I understand it's very costly to get smuggled into the country.

    Why not allow a 5 year Visa for $5,000? During that time the immigrant has an opportunity to become a citizen. I believe that would instill some sense of pride in being an American rather than what will eventually lead to separation movements a la Quebec.

    I think we have the worst of all worlds now. It's probably costing us a fortune to stop illegal immigration while big money goes to the smugglers and we aren't stopping the flow.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • I'm hoping that not having to worry about re election this time around he goes bananas on the Banks and Wall Street.

    I'd love to see a transaction tax enacted by the NY Fed.

    The Gridlock will be worse this time around so I see some constitutional challenges after this admin bends some rules.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • I feel badly for Mitt Romney. Now I don't think this election matters, we still have offshore outsourcing, bad trade deals, more foreign guest workers, massive underemployment and the never ending D.C. battle that is not even based in mathematical reality and that's both sides.

    That said, beyond trying to defeat an incumbent is tough. But watching the campaign and digging into some of the history and issue nuances, I think he got the real short end of the stick and also got the ghost of George Bush hung around his neck.

    I'm not saying Romney wouldn't have made the banks bigger and given even more power to corporate America and on and on...but so will Obama.

    Also, Obama is going to cut social security and Medicare on this grand bargain, so no difference there either.

    But as a person, I feel Romney really got smeared, badly and it's not real or fair.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
  • This is one good news and every season we get a few who seem like they will represent the people and frankly, most of 'em fade out within 6 months to be just another corporate lobbyist and leadership puppet. But having Elizabeth Warren get a Senate seat has to be mostly good, although I fear she is yet another voe for more guest worker Visas and that entire agenda aka Microsoft, Oracle, et. al. But for trying to get some real financial reform, break up the banks, that's a real win and she fought very hard when involved in TARP monitoring, put together the CFPB.

    Reply to: An Abbreviated Reading List for Undecided Economic Voters   11 years 11 months ago
