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  • Every time I overview one of these hearings or reports, the statistics are beyond belief astounding. To me it shows just how traitorous our politicians really are. Yeah, if I was sitting on the China economic committee, I'd be laughing my head off at the Americans.

    Reply to: China's Indigenous Innovation Policy Bigger Threat to the U.S.. Economy Than Offshore Outsourcing   12 years 4 months ago
  • Those selling out the US were never patriots and never cared about what they were doing. They thought they could use the US as bargaining chips, but those at the table thought they were stupid. The Chinese are not stupid.

    Reply to: China's Indigenous Innovation Policy Bigger Threat to the U.S.. Economy Than Offshore Outsourcing   12 years 4 months ago
  • This has been going on for years now. Before our leaders sold us out, society would have labelled those that cooperate with RED CHINA and destroy our middle class as traitors. Now those same traitors that look to set up shop in Vietnam and Pakistan as China becomes too expensive are applauded by the media and govt. officials they own.
    Many, many Americans still know what's been going on for a few decades now, but when we stood up and tried to fight it, we were sh**canned and/or never hired in companies and the govt. positions where we could fight it. How long do you think someone can work in Commerce or the Treasury or DOJ or Applie if you see treachery every day and try to fight it? That person would never get past one online application before being weeded out.

    Therefore, the people in power are either cowards and/or okay with selling out the rest of us and further endangering our national security (as well as our economic future).
    The media wants the technology transfers to happen and labor arbitrage (just watch CNN applauding more illegals flooding our market - any dissent is labelled "racist" despite Econ. 101 about labor supply and price.)
    China sends tens of thousands of its "students" (many PLA members or related to PLA and other Party members) here. They learn what we have while displacing American students that cannot afford tuition anymore. The Chinese are applauded by our corporate govt. and say these "students"/PLA members need to stay here because if we send them back, they will just set up shop with our IP?! So if they stay, they steal our tech., take a job, and still help Red China. And if they go back, they steal our tech., take more jobs, and still help Red China. And corporate boardrooms are deemed "job creators" and "American"?!

    In what world is helping our enemy patriotic? Only in Orwellian wordplay is this even possible, but 1984 has already been with us for too long and those that cared are among the long-term unemployed and spit on by the clueless idiots or the traitors, so not much can be done.


    Reply to: China's Indigenous Innovation Policy Bigger Threat to the U.S.. Economy Than Offshore Outsourcing   12 years 4 months ago
  • Right now we have "various analysts" claiming the Fed will announce more operation twist on Wednesday. Yeah, yeah, they say that every time, almost trying to squeeze out of the Fed more crack cocaine for their soaring commodities habit.

    Still, it's not out of the question, unlike this post which is referring to QE3 and Bernanke's statements.

    That said, I don't see any statements coming from Bernanke that imply a twist is imminent.

    Reply to: Bernanke: No QE3 Wall Street, Congress Get it Together and We Need Jobs   12 years 4 months ago
  • U.S. Corporations have decided that they need to be International Corporations so they can convince the public that it's OK to offshore our jobs so they can please the almighty investors but, it is backfiring on them. IBM just lost the Disney Contract because of the low level of support received from the people in India. Many other companies will be doing the same thing when they realize they get what they pay for. Those companies that fired American workers and replaced them with those of India and China will be losing a lot of customers and those experienced I.T. Professional in the U.S. will not go back to work for the likes of IBM, HP or any other company that offshores. American's are the innovators and we will do just fine starting our own companies and taking their business away from them.

    Reply to: Headlines Blare Americans Lose 40% of Their Wealth Yet Income Decline is the Real Horror Story   12 years 4 months ago
  • I say, clearly, illegals are in large part, counted in the unemployment statistics. That said, there are businesses, corporations who want U.S. Citizens, legal workers and they do check, therefore many of these labor markets were not open to illegals. Therefore, this should still create a sudden influx of more workers.

    We'll see, but 800k, or the upper estimates of 3 million, if true should negatively impact opportunities for U.S. workers, impact the labor market, especially because the demographics of these work Visas are under the age of 30 and this demographic in the United States already is decimated for jobs, their labor participation rates beyond belief low.

    Politics aside and this side is not in the habit of endorsing political philosophies, labor economics are labor economics. We'll see this projection in the employment statistics 6 months to a year from now if these projections are correct or not.

    Reply to: Obama's Follies   12 years 4 months ago
  • You act as if those 800,000 people aren't here, as if they won't be looking for or getting jobs anyway. Those 800,000 are people that live here now, they exist, and they will not be deported in any numbers that will change that 800,000 significantly, you can pretend all you want. Thats not s sudden influx of people in the work force, they exist in our country, not all the 800,000 will be instantly looking, many are in grade school, high school, or college, they are just like anyone in those situations, they gradually come into the workforce.

    Reply to: Obama's Follies   12 years 4 months ago
  • I've been tracking on this since 2008 and frankly the issue that never came up was cancelling CDSes and forcing investors to take a hair cut, basically an orderly default.

    I just see this as a game of musical chairs, even with a "fiscal union" because there is simply too much debt.

    I feel for Greece.

    Reply to: More Austerity and Bail Outs for Greece as Conservative Party Wins Election   12 years 4 months ago
  • With Nazi forces (Golden Dawn) winning close to 7% of the election, and the anti-bailout party running a very close second, Greece is ungovernable by any coalition that will impose a Berlin-led austerity regime. It's that simple. The Greeks have proven they are willing to burn banks down to fight this, and they will do it again. Pro-bailout parties only make the claim they are "pro-bailout" so they can garner more votes, but they have no way of actually imposing austerity on a resistant population and no intention of doing it, it's just a delaying mechanism and means of delaying the inevitable - the Greek exit, the Spanish exit, the Italian exit, the French exit - and befuddled and pissed off banksters and puppets in Berlin, Paris, New York City, DC, and most likely in Beijing, Tokyo, and Singapore will say how unfair it is, and how lazy the 99%ers are in all those countries, and how this will ruin the banksters' and CEOs' vacation plans and trickle down economics will only work if the 99% would accept austerity for another decade. Oh well, maybe when Pericles (a plutocrat, but a just one) and Robespierre and Thomas Jefferson come back from the grave, these banksters will truly fear democracy in action - as well they should.

    Reply to: More Austerity and Bail Outs for Greece as Conservative Party Wins Election   12 years 4 months ago
  • We've written about this as well, but it appears, at least for Ohioans to see the administration is considering some tariffs WTO complaint on the flood of parts coming in from China.

    EP readers know this is pure B.S. since we've written miles documenting the Obama administration's refusal to do anything about trade, esp. China.

    Reply to: Obama's Follies   12 years 4 months ago
  • NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, as Ross Perot predicted, simply means jobs rushing out of the US. For those jobs still paying too much that cannot be outsourced, the USG/corporate masters allow visa after visa program. Then, those trained in those programs simply return overseas to set up show with stolen IP or they rise in ranks and hire fellow foreigners to flood entire formerly US corporations from top to bottom here. And for those really low-paying service jobs Bill Clinton, Bush, and Obama referred to as awesome "service jobs," they will allow tens of millions of people to flood the market and drive down wages even more and let them stay here legally while further burdening our tax structure.
    Now, it's pretty obvious even to a non-thinking Congressmen or President or corporate shill that a college grad that is told repeatedly to get a STEM degree or become a teacher or learn multiple languages all at his/her own expense in $ and time that they cannot compete in wage arbitrage when they have sunk costs of 16+ years of education and $100,000+ in schooling and are forced to legally pay sales, state, and federal income tax, + rent, + car loans + insurance if they live outside cities, etc.
    Are there enough gated compounds and armed guards willing to work for $10/hr. to enforce these Pakistani economic conditions in the US in the future? I think the 1% plan on it. The 99% left purposely out in the cold might disagree quite vehemently.

    Reply to: Obama's Follies   12 years 4 months ago
  • So far, I don't have enough data to create a solid graph but Public Citizen noticed the data:

    The U.S. trade deficit in goods with South Korea tripled during the first full month the U.S.-Korea free trade agreement was in force, amid a slight decrease in the overall U.S. goods and services deficit that month, according to April trade data released last week by the Commerce Department. The bilateral FTA went into effect on March 15.

    The U.S. goods trade deficit with South Korea grew to $1.8 billion in April, with imports totaling roughly $5.5 billion compared to exports of $3.7 billion. That was a larger bilateral deficit than the $0.6 billion recorded in March, where imports totaled $4.8 billion and exports were $4.2 billion. In April 2011, the U.S. goods deficit with Korea was $1 billion.

    On auto trade, the bilateral deficit with South Korea climbed to $1.65 billion in April from $1.45 billion the previous month. While U.S. exports of autos and auto parts stayed the same over both months at roughly $100 million, imports from Korea rose to $1.76 billion in April from $1.56 billion the previous month. The data were released June 8.

    I'll make a point to start monitoring deficits per FTAs and do a large overview for it. I'd like to get a few more months of data from S. Korea, but this looks bad, as pointed out and was projected to happen.

    Reply to: Trade Deficit for April 2012 - $50.06 Billion   12 years 4 months ago
  • Tens of millions of Americans, AMERICANS, your fellow citizens, that paid income, and sales, and income taxes, and worked alongside YOU at the PTA, are literally dying! Depression, suicide, no medical care for their kids with cerebral palsy, MS, juvenile diabetes, leukemia, etc. Their husbands have cancer. Their wives have cancer. They don't have jobs, you pay to help them for a bit until their unemployment insurance completely wipes out and then they die or disappear. And yet the folks that caused these NATIONAL DESTRUCTION AND MASS UNEMPLOYMENT AND DEPRESSION skate?! Really? So that they can buy yet another house? Another yacht?

    PISSED YET!! You should be! If you have a conscience, you really should be!!!!!!!
    Bogus foreclosures, like Wells Fargo, that just caused another suicide, everyone who signed off on that nightmare is PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE! Everyone from the bottom to the CEO who signed off on every single piece of paper or caused some BS delay is responsible.
    Bill Gates wants another H-1B visa while firing a Microsoft employee that paid $100,000 for a degree and has a wife with cancer? PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LYING TO CONGRESS.
    Every Congressman that lies while accepting bribes from banksters and corporate boards? Personally responsible!
    You kill or cause the deaths of thousands of your fellow citizens? You are RESPONSIBLE! Deal with it!
    An SS guard just minding the gates at Dachau? I didn't know, not my fault. Nope, not quite, DEAL WITH IT! 90%+ of America wake up! WAKE UP NOW!

    Reply to: Automated Job Rejection   12 years 4 months ago
  • "Unfortunately, markets and policy makers are so enamored by
    monetary policy solutions, they've forgotten how things are
    supposed to work," which should be based on innovation and
    productivity growth, Cecchini said.

    Trade imbalances sank the Euro and trade imbalances across the planet will sink the world economy.
    It Does Not Work.

    Reply to: Industrial Production Declines -0.1%, Capacity Utilization Drops for May 2012   12 years 4 months ago
  • In this age of blatant lies and corruption at the top of both business and govt., it's time CEOs and politicians actually face the consquences of their lies and despicable behavior. I'm not satisfied with them being harangued for only a few seconds by a brave protestor in a Congressional hearing before they are whisked away by privately security or protected by their bought-and-paid for NYPD units (oh yes, Dimon PAID FOR NYPD with corp. funds and apparently this is legal nowadays).

    Every single CEO and HR punk that claims they cannot find "skilled Americans" while firing hundreds of thousands of those very same skilled Americans with 20+ years of experience and multiple degrees in STEM and other fields at the same time (HP, Microsoft, IBM, etc.) should be forced to stand outside the offices as the people are being escorted out like they are trash. They should visit every single community that is decimated and stand on the unemployment line among those desperate people. Then, repeatedly, they must repeat their lie face-to-face with the unemployed and their families, "I CANNOT FIND ANY QUALIFIED AMERICANS AND NEED MORE FOREIGNERS ON H-1B VISAS AND EVERYONE WITHOUT A JOB IS UNEMPLOYABLE NOW."

    Now, I'm guessing this blatant lie won't go down so well when CEOs aren't surrounded by sycophants and asskissers in TV studios and Congressional secret chambers or on the front lawn of some Malibu compound.
    You want to lie and get rich off the lies and corruption while destroying millions of lives and causing actual deaths through suicide, destroyed health, lack of medical coverage, depression, then be a real man (or woman, whatever case applies) and face the consequences. I'm guessing the Wizard of Oz is too damn scared to step out from behind the curtain.

    Reply to: Jamie's Round Up   12 years 4 months ago
  • I couldn't help but notice Nokia just announced another 10k layoff. Seems anybody who gets in bed with Microsoft these days is doomed. Right, also not that the rest of the world isn't in trouble with severe poverty, starvation and so on...

    but I find it amazing considering Americans do not have health care, are in poverty, need desperate help, these same people never seem able to touch helping out these Americans. Never a fund raiser in sight, i.e. part of that agenda is pure political agendas.

    Reply to: Jamie's Round Up   12 years 4 months ago
  • More and more we're seeing these "hearings"/PR stunts as a nice ploy and kabuki theater whereby both the Congressional paymaster/puppetmaster/CEO can appear before his puppets. The whole show is finely choreographed before word-one is uttered. That's what lobbyists and staffers and PR people are paid for. Then, the theater begins. The doofuses, sorry, politicians, may say they are "shocked" more than once, ask questions that last 10 minutes to show how "tough" they are so some gullible constituent that thinks these 1%er politicians give a crap about them at home, Dimon, or Corzine, or Murdoch (still waiting on him, I guess owning the press + people's secrets buys LOTS OF PROTECTION from the law) feigns ignorance or a really bad memory for "the best and brightest" control freaks who laud themselves for how they know and remember everything (unless it gets them in trouble). And then . . . nothing. Not a word from DOJ, no AG or local DA has any interest in enforcing the law or conducting a quick and thorough investigation. All for a few pieces of silver. Murdoch's hacking happened years ago and yet still no criminal prosecutions in the US for a US corporation that bribes police in a foreign country? And hacked tens of thousands of messages and accounts? Really? THE RULE OF LAW IN AMERICA IS DEAD!

    Bill Gates, yeah, he's a prize. Steals other people's IP, makes billions off it, and then sets up a charity to make himself feel better while simultaneously selling out American workers and making personal appeals for tens of 1,000s more H-1B visas to undercut Americans and destroy the middle class. All the while hiding out in his private retreat bought and paid for on the backs of others.

    Surest sign of a traitor - someone that destroys the American middle class, donates to politicians and their families (if they aren't politicians themselves like Clintons), and then sets up a charity in their name (narcissism, after all, is everything to these scoundrels)to make themselves feel better and to impress fellow criminals at Davos meetings and at Hamptons BBQ away from the hoi polloi they helped impoverish.

    Reply to: Jamie's Round Up   12 years 4 months ago
  • This isn't the first time the Senate has held a "hearing" for a 1 man show. That's the question how one guy gets his own hearing. Bill Gates got one just lying through his teeth, demanding more foreign guest workers and all of the Senators were kissing the hem of his gown.

    How much money does it cost to give the uber-rich their one person show? The actual hearing, clearly the Senators were not getting to the bottom of credit default swaps and how unstable they really are, or any other derivative, they already didn't pass derivatives reform that is so necessary.

    So, why these shows and this one was clearly supposed to be some admonishment, but to me, it looks like a nice PR stunt for JPMorgan Chase.

    Reply to: Jamie's Round Up   12 years 4 months ago
  • Why would any "public servant" (aka self-enriching criminal posing as such) scold the industries and people that enable them to get fat and richer at the expense of the true public and 99% struggling to get by? Indeed, why even make such paymasters uncomfortable for one second?

    Doesn't Jamie "F Everyone But Me and Mine" Dimon and every CEO, corporate boardroom, and HR puppet enforcing their will as "gatekeepers against the ethically inclined" buy such protection when they "donate" funds from corporate treasuries (and isn't that what shareholders/pensions/m.funds allow nowadays, Dimon etc. to use funds to protect them personally)? Why have quid pro quo if you cannot use corporate $ to buy protection for those at the top. Sure, such payments might be deemed despicable in a moral society and by moral people (even two-year olds understand these concepts), but hey, they are the "best and brightest" because the rules of society simply don't apply to them anymore.

    Circular reasoning par excellence by these morons: "I buy the law makers and buy protection, and don't get punished for obviously criminal and despicable acts; if what I was doing was immoral and illegal, wouldn't I be punished by now?"

    A citizen with an IQ over 80 and an ethical four-year old: "That makes no sense. You are a criminal and wrong."

    Moronic retort: "HOW DARE YOU! I'm a bankster and defy all rules! Senator, come scold these naysayers!"


    Reply to: Jamie's Round Up   12 years 4 months ago
  • But yes, cable noise will pick a "non-story" story and hammer it, at least for a 24 hour cycle, drowning out all else.

    On politics, those so called "news" shows simply get the party pundits, who are professionals, do this for a living, to parrot their pontificating noise of empty nothingness.

    If you're talking about tech lobbyists plus India lining politicians pockets for more foreign guest worker visas in spite of a doubling of the unemployment rate for tech people and a decline in overall raw number of jobs (last I checked), no surprise there either.

    Those are not reporters, they are paid operatives, glorified front people for lobbyists, who are in turn front people for various MNCs and special interests.

    Why we call it cable noise, it's just a stream of bullshit and distraction techniques.

    One of the reasons this site exists to boot, get the real data out there as best we can.

    Reply to: Headlines Blare Americans Lose 40% of Their Wealth Yet Income Decline is the Real Horror Story   12 years 4 months ago
