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  • I always look forward to your analysis of the latest job numbers. Appreciate the graphs.


    Reply to: ADP Employment Report - 176,000 Private Sector Jobs for June 2012   12 years 3 months ago
  • They have Spanish language channels, plus are bought and paid fors. The illegal immigration lobby has the MSM sewn up. That said, beyond labor economics or legal documents there is no real reason to use the term "alien". It distracts from the real argument and just adds fuel to the red herring fire.

    Reply to: Immigration Banter Leaves U.S. Workers in the Dust   12 years 3 months ago
  • So as the initial unemployment claims continue to print 370,000+ every week and MSM jumps up and down popping bubbly like firing that many people 4 years into this nightmare is fantastic news, MSM continues to not address any linkage between employers relying on foreign illegal and visa recipients in the USA. CNN now has its website blaring an opinion posing as news that even using "illegal alien" is a slur and might lead to abuse on illegal aliens while showing a man holding a sign stating fewer illegals = more jobs for those here legally. I guess that's why Jefferson said he avoided newspapers at all costs - they were worthless and actually made one dumber.
    Yes, using a term specifically defined in the USC and relied on as law is a "slur" and could lead to ethnic violence? The author interestingly fails to examine real violence committed by "illegal aliens" against other people (e.g., fellow illegal aliens and citizens). The people have clued in as the comments suggest. The author would certainly change his tune if he was in Mexico and other Hispanics would flooding his country from the south; simply trying to confuse clear language when one doesn't like a law is supremely Orwellian; etc. But this is what goes on now, no real analysis of unemployment picture and its causes outside of blogs, complete destruction of American citizens' livelihoods, but politicians and media continue to serve their real masters as cynical and craven tools against us.

    Reply to: Immigration Banter Leaves U.S. Workers in the Dust   12 years 3 months ago
  • Watch Bloomberg, CNBS, etc. to see these criminals lying through their teeth. Work hard + "The Golden Rule" + education + be ethical = a safe, secure, modest life where you can save for your future and family = BULLSH!!
    These criminals are never satisfied. They are still pulling the "mistakes were made, my bribed regulators and politicians said I was good to make money illegally and bribe them, I'm a job creator, I'm the best and brightest, I'm a leech and pulling a leech off hurts the whole body" nonsense in 2012! But I still get to resign with $20 million and never lose any money or go to prison ever and if you make me uncomfortable I'll go on TV and whine like a 2-year old punk.
    My God, when do these suckers pay for their crimes - and by pay I mean they go to a real prison with murderers and RICO criminals, they LOSE ALL THEIR MONEY, and their damn families get to scrounge for jobs at Walmart that haven't been outsourced.
    July 4th? God Bless the America Thomas Paine wrote about endlessly that ended workhouses, created Social Security, helped the disabled and old, fought exploitation of private property and idiot relatives building mega-wealth, etc. AMERICA, TAKE IT BACK, TAKE IT BACK NOW FROM THESE VERMIN WHILE FOX NEWS AND OTHER IDIOTS BLAME THE UNEMPLOYED IN ENDLESS SPECIALS ON JULY 4th. Despicable, specials attacking the unemployed on July 4th? When veterans compose one of the biggest groups of long-term unemployed that Dobbs and John "I'm a massive hypocrite" Stossel says are all lazy? And no, I'm not a fan of Democrats/MSNBC/etc. either, they all lie and steal.
    Not attacking Kochs for trading with Iran in the last decade, Stalin in the 30s or Murdoch interfering in child murder investigations a few years ago and bugging thousands of phones. But attacking the unemplyed on July 4th? I despise these fools, and our Founding Fathers would too.

    Reply to: Leapin' LIBOR - Banks Busted For Manipulating InterBank Interest Rates   12 years 3 months ago
  • It's not just CO2, but methane and water that heat the earth unnaturally. If the outgoing longwave radiation(refraction) of man-made heat effects the earth by reflection back to the earth. The earth will not heat up. But the earth is heating up for 200 hundred years, as CO2 levels have increased.
    So what is the control in this theory of warming?

    Science has models and controls. The control for the solar system in the earth's heating from CO2 and methane? Venus. Venus has an atmosphere of mostly CO2. It is hotter than Mercury (which has almost no CO2) and is much closer to the sun.

    CO2 heat refraction back to the earth has a model and a control. That is how science works.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • Bob, that 1.8 Million STEM workers out of jobs represents 65%
    of the 2.75 million STEM workers according to the USDOL. If you count the L1 and H1 Visa totals for the last 20 years, it is around 2.1 Million Visas. The displacement of STEM by Visa workers is obvious. Just go to any corporate or government office to see it first hand.

    It is a staggering human tragedy and the victims are everywhere. There is no recovery ever until STEM workers in this country get their jobs back.

    Reply to: Q1 2012 Corporate Profits   12 years 3 months ago
  • This sort of corruption should be rewarded. It's time to scrap the bankrupt program Social Security and make private 401k mandatory. Consider it a tax, paid to JpMorgan and collected by their Strong Arm Dept. (the federal corrections dept.) Hey it's working for healthcare, approved by the SCOTUS and it's the only way to maintain the obscene profits we've become accustom to.

    Reply to: Leapin' LIBOR - Banks Busted For Manipulating InterBank Interest Rates   12 years 3 months ago
  • Banksters at Barclays begin the same moronic defense again, law enforcement didn't do anything about our crimes before, so it's okay (despite basically owning those same cops).
    Let's see if this works. Joe Billionaire bribes most of local police force. He drives drunk, speeds 120 mph every day, and assaults his fellow citizens and robs them. 50% of the time cops turn a blind eye because they are bribed and want to work for wealthy criminal after they retire from force. Other cops are intimidated or are busy with other things. Finally law-abiding citizens can't take anymore after repeated deaths and massive thefts.

    Joe Billionaire: "Come on, all my bribed cops didn't do anything and knew all about it, so it couldn't be wrong. And my fellow billionaire scoundrels are doing the same thing too. Boo hoo, life's not fair, leave me alone!"

    Crowd: "We respectfully disagree. We follow the law and are screwed over by you day-after-day. Now let us show you how much we disagree."

    Again, banksters act like sociopaths, destroy societies, and then when people can tolerate no more lawbreaking, banksters act like juveniles with same "logic." Poor excuses for vermin.

    Reply to: Leapin' LIBOR - Banks Busted For Manipulating InterBank Interest Rates   12 years 3 months ago
  • American law grads for many years (decades now) were constantly informed in the media, law school publications, and elsewhere that grads were securing jobs at 95% 9 months after graduation and MEDIAN salaries were at $100,000 +. Prospective students did not have the truth prior to the blogs coming out on this issue in the last 5-10 years. Even as recently as 2010 these liars and criminals were still claiming $160,000 median and 95% placement in many, many publications and talks. Now before everyone goes bashing attorneys, the fact is many law grads went to school seeking DA positions which pay $50,000 to start, public defender positions, low-level corporate staff positions, etc. so yes, law school, like everything else, is cost-benefit analysis. And the scoundrels at the law schools and ABA kept talking about the usefulness of a law degree, never mentioning that a law degree makes most people "overqualified" in the eyes of non-legal employers.

    Law students had to go to college, take the LSAT, go for three years to law school, and then take a bar exam in every state they wanted to practice in. Mind you, some bar exams have 50% passage rates. The law schools don't prepare students for the bars, students have to take review courses for additional $.

    What happened was the ABA and law schools saw an ATM machine in students. They approved and approved more and more law schools, something the AMA never does with med schools to restrain the supply and ensure students have careers after graduation. So, saddled with debts and diminishing prospects based on ABA and law schools, the ABA and career offices kept churning out more schools and attorneys and lying to future students by maintaining the median salary and placement lies. And when students in recent years started getting more and more aggressive regarding their unemployment, the ABA, law schools, and other shills said students just had to "network, it's not our fault you can't find jobs." Of course! Network! Funny how a D- student with connections to some trust fund family has a network that works but A students from non-trust fund backgrounds just seem to struggle a little bit more forever.

    Then, in 2008-, the ABA and other bar associations that are controlled by big law firms and coddle law faculties and law schools' administrators approved outsourcing! If you examine disciplinary actions, you'll see big law firms have confidentiality breaches and conflicts of interest, but just like big banksters, they skate and maintain their firms. Small firms and solos can be driven out of business. So now a foreigner overseas who never went to law school or college in the US, never paid for seven years of total school, and never passed a bar exam, could take an American attorney's work. Again, this not only affects the vast oversupply of attorneys now, undercuts wages, but remember this, can you trust someone in a foreign country with IP documents, medical insurance documents, sensitive contracts, attorney-client privilege, SSNumbers? Because that's what they have access to now thanks to the ABA and everyone else involved. Once again, labor arbitrage. How and why did the ABA do this? Who was paid what and why to make this decision? Because no law student or unemployed attorney would ever approve that.

    This has been covered in many, many, many blogs that have finally taken on the ABA, law schools, and the vastly overpaid faculties and career services in all the schools over the last few years. Ah yes, law professors, those people that maybe got a clerkship, worked in document production in a big law firm for a year or two, and then ran back to academia. So, global arbitrage again rears its ugly head in industries and sectors where a small percentage of self-appointed elites that have no problem stepping on others has made extremely difficult for everyone else. But remember this, the ABA's motto is "Defending Liberty, Pursuing Justice." They even go overseas and spread the word - they are scouting locations for more outsourcing. Bangladesh could work. Now hand over those patent docs ASAP!

    Reply to: Q1 2012 Corporate Profits   12 years 3 months ago
  • New Lawyers are suing their law schools due to running up > $100k in debt with no job. Add to that, illegal immigrants are suing trying to claim they should be allowed to practice law in the United States. Guess what kind of law....immigration law. Lovely.

    We have 1.8 million STEM (highly skilled labor) completely out of their chosen fields yet we have the never ending cheap labor lobbyists drum beat trying to claim there is a shortage. It's complete B.S., there is no shortage, in fact there is a glut of STEM PhDs.

    Why, specifically I mentioned worker squeeze is all of the increases in profits after tax are due to declining labor unit costs. That means corporations increased their profits by squeezing, laying off, low balling wages, salaries, benefits, of their staff.

    Reply to: Q1 2012 Corporate Profits   12 years 3 months ago
  • Folks, from what I can tell this site goes into more detail, with direct links to the ISM than any other news article. If we made a mistake, well, follow the links and go to the source, but unfortunately I do not think we did here.

    I've been overviewing this monthly report for years now and not since 2009 have I seen such a frightening, bad news report. This is NOT good!

    Reply to: Manufacturing Contracts - ISM PMI 49.7% for June 2012   12 years 3 months ago
  • No surprise here. Read the tens of thousands of ads for US labor now being asked to work for free in "internships" in the US for those jobs not outsourced in everything from medicine and law to publishing, manufacturing, and every other field. When companies can get free labor without paying for the education or skills of those slaves, oops, interns, not pay for the infrastructure they use, own the govt. to turn a blind eye or actively encourage these abuses, and then exploit the labor arbitrage overseas too (Foxconn also has mandatory internships too - China was too expensive I guess), piggies at the top say "Oink, oink! Job creators, we are job creators! Now get me my private banker and coke dealer on the phone."
    "Please, sir, I want more." I don't want any more.
    When people hold you in contempt, when they ensure you and your family and neighbors are headed to inevitable misery and death, and when they ignore the legitimate pleas for change and reform while they prosper, don't continue to go silently along. Treat them as they treat you - 100 fold, so that not only do they learn the lesson, but those who considered doing the same thing to you are persuaded to never tread down that path.

    Reply to: Q1 2012 Corporate Profits   12 years 3 months ago
  • I think this means you have to ensure everyone at Barclays is committing some type of financial crime in compliance with Barclays' criminal policies and procedures and the policies and procedures of fellow cartel members (e.g., JPMorgan, Govt. Sachs, UBS, Deutsche, etc.). If people aren't breaking the law daily, there will be repercussions for those law-abiders.

    Reply to: Leapin' LIBOR - Banks Busted For Manipulating InterBank Interest Rates   12 years 3 months ago
  • Barclay's again? Wow, I thought banksters clean themselves up after scandal/crime #1,2,3. . . or 99, but I guess nothing changes. And this fixing of international prices is so obviously criminal and screwed over anyone that relies on banking (so everyone from individuals to international businesses across the entire world). So, who's going to be arrested by Scotland Yard, the FBI, or anyone? US automatically has jurisdiction on this, international bank transfers obviously going through and affect everything in the US. US asserts jurisdiction on anything and everything when it's easily provable and they want to go after the person (like Iran's money going through banking system). Price fixing and fraud on a local level is a felony. On an international level by banksters, I guess it matters less when billions and trillions are involved and all the politicians and law enforcement don't want to piss off their future lobbying clients and risk their $1 million book deals and $300,000 dollar speech fees. Am I wrong? By the way, JP Morgan still US Govt.'s chief corporate "welfare queen," so don't expect them to be prosecuted either with Barclay's or anyone else.
    Pull this price fixing by the mob and the USAttorney for SDNY would fall over rushing to the microphone to claim he's fighting crime before he joins a bankster-defending law firm like the former USAttorney did and they all do(despite the fact the old-school Italian mob now has many, many other offshoots and competitors from other nations the USG is still clueless about and ignoring), but when banksters do it, the SDNY (bankster jurisdiction central for bankster crimes) seems oddly silent. Same with Scotland Yard. I hope some country that isn't owned by bankster scum indicts them, pulls a "legal kidnapping" like the US Marshals do for US wanted criminals, and then tries, convicts, and punishes them. There, I just laid out what should happen in Utopia. Now we'll wait while the USG closes its eyes, its ears, and keeps its hand out from the suffering 99% while giving the same money to the criminal banks.


    Reply to: Leapin' LIBOR - Banks Busted For Manipulating InterBank Interest Rates   12 years 3 months ago
  • I too am big on accuracy. Next major "heat" event and you know there will be many, I'll dig out his research, do some reviews to see what other specifics I can overview here.

    The current "lobbyist" claim is that "regulation hurts business" and I believe the Exxon CEO just came out with some baloney recently. Solutions that actually work is of interest too.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • Thanks for clarifying and I understand and agree that it important to try to establish the relationship between climate change and economic loss. Have you interacted with Roger Pielke Jr. on the economic connections to climate change? He has done some ground breaking work on this and his work is very detailed and he is very up front on the caveats/weaknesses. I'm sure if you email Roger he will try to help you if he can.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • If you notice we covered the bogusness of carbon trading, not really doing much for climate change and instead creating a new derivatives market for Goldman Sachs, et. al.

    But your other link is just another bogus, spurious, non-scientific or baffle people with bullshit to deny global warming is happening.

    I just hope they pay you people to run around and try to deny global warming, those corporate lobbyists and I hope you get paid at least minimum wage to do so.

    Bottom line the scientific community has debunked links like you put over and over again.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • I did check her projections on actual temperature against the latest NOAA and NASA temperature rise projections, mean, global, to 2070-2100 and they do match from what I reviewed.

    The link above the maps for Hayhoe, "dire projections" goes to her slides, which is where I got these images from, so people can go through the entire presentation, which is long and see her error bars as well as projection ranges, assumptions.

    That said, you are right, strictly speaking from a more Scientific basis, nothing is certain and this is one model that I could not even find the exact date of, I suspect it is from 2005-2009.

    Please give me poetic license here for the real point is climate change will negatively impact the global economy. I think AGU agrees fundamentally temperatures are rising, so the GDP ratio to 2°C is really what I want to amplify, not the exact projections of > 100°F days. The maps are to show it's hotter and I do not believe one can refute the NASA time lapsed map that is put first to make this point. The NASA visual is recent, last May I believe.

    If you want economics sites like this one to cover temperature or extreme weather projections from your models, do us a favor.

    Either get NOAA/NASA to create some projection maps or enable their many databases to create custom historical data mapping as well as future projection mapping from models. They have it appears GIS(?) data and mapping scripts on their sites, just add some mapping, visual for the future, based on accepted modeling, from the Scientific community and enable mean, median, variance (error bars) too. One can create animated gifs even to show the variance via a map.

    Frankly, I wanted some clear cut maps, visuals which show we're going to see many more > 100°F days, which is clear from most of the models. Finding facts on extreme weather events, anomalies is really data death valley and those are the real economic killers. Why we have so little mapping, visuals on projected extreme weather mapping I do not know, but that's the real point I was after. Those extreme temperatures and I could have used more on precipitation, hurricanes, sea levels but finding anything about extreme temperatures was a hunt & peck from hell.

    For example, the GDP to °C is a fantastic economic research result, but the true economic killers are the extremes and why I list recent events and their costs. If one knows those weather projections, one can more finely tune an economic model as to how much it will cost, yearly, regional economies.

    We're all econ, that's what I'm after, to show, global warming is a major economic threat.

    I did hunt, high and low for multiple projections to get a convergence on models, but frankly I just could not image the data and I was on the NOAA/NASA data sites for hours, what can I say. Ya all, get visual, help us out here.

    My real point of this post, beyond it's gonna get hotter, is to show the correlation of GDP to temperature. It just never comes up that this is gonna hit the global economy.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • I agree, Mr. NAFTA there is bad news for the economy, but Bush clearly was worse. Don't worry, be happy, not promoting Al Gore here and his corporate corrupt economic agenda, especially trade, but on global warming, facts he has really pushed hard, tried, so in that area he's one of the good guys.

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
  • Did you hear the news? They found the Medieval Warming Period. It was a hell of lot warmer then (hint: why does Greenland have the name it does)?

    Here's another hint for research: how much money did the members of the U.N.'s IPCC make after publishing their carbon trading recommendations amidst their drummed-up warming hysteria?

    Reply to: Our Nation is Baking in the Heat and So Is Our Economy   12 years 3 months ago
