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  • Hello Outsourcer.

    This is what I am referring to in the article comments. Offshore outsourcers will stop at nothing to try to claim their failure rate isn't what it is or their cost savings are great.

    Sorry, there are U.S. engineers not working or forced out of their careers all over the U.S. Secondly, Boeing did offshore outsource to low cost countries, the article mentions the list, so it is about labor costs as well as production costs.

    You outsourcers plan screwed up and I think most Americans couldn't be happier. Unfortunately the screw ups never make it to the press.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • Trust me, U.S. engineers know the metric system. They even know how to convert from inches to centimeters.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • Boeing was always conservative with their new airplane programs in the past and made small increments from program to program because they risk a tremendous amount of money on each airplane. The 767 which was certified in 1982 only had composite ailerons and rudder. The 777 designed in the 90's only had a composite vertical tail. For some reason Boeing leapt to an all composite design and a huge increase in outsourcing. The outsourcing was based on the assumption that if the suppliers were risk sharing partners, Boeing executives could put them on the honor system to keep their work on schedule. That assumption failed.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • Hey, this is the same sermon thats been preached for decades now. No joke, are we really in bad shape, and spiraling to the depths of economic ruin? Just in case anyone has slept through the past half century, this is the path that the Washington Brotherhood has had us on since the end of WWII. Sure, things are rotten, and getting worse by the minute. In the first place, Main Street America doesn't need a bunch of charts and graphs to indicate just how bad the situation is. Folks are, and have been , hurting for a long long time now. And secondly, as I've found out over the years, it doesn't matter how many times we preach the message, stupid ignorant voters continue to re-elect the anti-America egotistical self-serving greedy power hungry professional politicians to office. As long as the voters willingly give The Washington Brotherhood "Carte Blanche" to exert their will, and not the will of the people, we can expect nothing more than what we're getting now.

    Yes, we've been sold out by the very ones entrusted with the well-being of this once great nation. But, exactly where does the real blame rest? Remember, politicians don't just waltz into Washington and take a seat, we elect them to office. They couldn't do the damage unless we allow it by handing over the keys to the economic doors. What does anyone expect to happen, when handing the keys to the vault to a bunch of thieves, then turning out the lights and leaving the front door wide open?

    We can rant and rave until the proverbial cows come home, but to what end? Nothing is going to change until voters awaken to the cold hard facts. The Washington Brotherhood has become an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Remember, John Q. Public didn't vote on the floors of Congress to send this nation down the path of economic ruin and misery.

    The root article is not news, but rather an affirmation of what's being felt by citizens all across this nation. We can add many items to the list of miseries and economic pains. But, the bottom line remains one of "blind patriotism" on the part of voters each election cycle. Once the voting public realizes that the only thing The Washington Brotherhood offers is "taxation without representation", then, and only then, we might see positive changes in government and our economic well-being. As long as we have a Lobbyists' controlled U.S. Congress, and an executive branch dancing to the tunes played by big business and Wall Street, don't expect to see prosperity and self-supporting opportunities where the general public is concerned. To The Washington Brotherhood, the well-being of the general public is nothing more than mere "collateral damage" in their quest for wealth and power. The proof to that statement fills the daily headlines, and is felt by citizens all across this once great nation.

    If anyone disagrees with the statements and opinions expressed in this comment, please explain the following:
    (1) Extremely high unemployment
    (2) Growing poverty and homelessness
    (3) The lack of affordable health care
    (4) The astronomical and rapidly growing national debt
    (5) The growing gap between real wages and the cost of living
    (6) The growing cost of higher education
    (7) The deficits
    (8) Our shameful import and energy dependency
    (9) The two senseless deadly costly wars
    (10) Lost industries via cheap foreign labor
    (11) Infrastructure in disrepair and out-dated
    (12) The shameful number of home foreclosures and bankruptcies
    (13) Unpenalized job out-sourcing
    (14) The continued economic damge caused by illegal immigration
    (15) Wasteful monetary foreign aid
    (16) Subsidies (freebies) to big oil and wealthy farmers
    (17) Economically devastating decline of the Middle Class
    (18) Corruption and fraud associated with government no-bid contracts ( military )
    (19) Troubled pension funds
    (20) The troubled Social Security Fund ( basically consist of government issued I.O.U.'s )

    The above is just a partial list, but gives an idea of what we presently face, and will face in the future. Future generations will be paying for mistakes being made now. As our population grows, and self-supporting opportunities decline, we'll be forced to greatly lower our living standards. Unless our government acts now to preserve what's left of centuries of economic progress, future generations of Americans may find themselves labeled "third world". As the "real" value of our currency becomes questioned in world markets, it's a real possibility that our enormous debt will become too much to bear. This may lead to economic damage of a magnitude not seen in the world as we know it.

    The lack of "adequate cash flow" WITHIN our economy has already adversely affected tax revenue, and may soon adversely effect the ability of many to acquire the basic necessities of food, water, shelter, clothing, and proper health care. With state governments already basically bankrupt, government funded services will continue to decline. This will push many further into poverty, and create a new class of poor. This will only serve to extend the time-table for any economic recovery, and make the path to recovery more painful and harsh.

    In reality, we've become a dependent nation, deeply in debt, at war, and with little or no light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

    Reply to: The Money Party on the Road to Ruin   13 years 8 months ago
  • I'm surprised by the number of articles that associate the delays and cost over-runs of the 787 program to outsourcing to "low cost countries"...guys, please check the suppliers of the 787 yourself: are mostly US, European and Japanese suppliers and not low cost!

    The true issues were Bad planning and control of outsourcing activities. This article should really be talking about how Boeing squeezed its suppliers so much that they had to cut corners at its expense!

    Totally sympathise with anybody loosing his/her job due to outsourcing/restructuring or down-sizing, but good people can move easily and there's always demand on engineering skills (to suppliers e.g.) but a greater loss would happen if Boeing losses its credibility and long term profitability

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • All managers of public listed businesses aer ruled by the Stock Market. The Share Price is everything.

    I bet when this NEW model was created by the bean-counters in Boeing it was primarily targeted at the men and women of Wall Street. I also bet that Share Prices soared and the people who managed made a lot of money on their shares.

    The people who run the USA are primarily Financiers, Bankers, Lawyers and Accountants. They don't respect any one who makes their living in any other way(except possibly doctors?)because to them it's the cost which is important - not the value.
    An experienced Engineering Team at Boeing is expensive - for good reason - they combine Skill with Knowhow peppered with experience and a Love of the business.

    That means nothing to an accountant. He and the rest of the financial world are looking for low costs and a quick profit. Much better to get the work done by people who cost less - whatever their skill and wherever they are.

    What they don't realise and probably wouldn't care about if they did is that they have drilled some big holes in the hull of USS Industry for a quick profit. They can walk away from the wreckage with a few millions and not look back.
    For those who do a days work to earn their dime this is not an option and they CARE for their Industry and their Neighborhood.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • This is an outline for them in big print to they know he results of their idiocy, including bring high tech workers in to drive down salaries and exploiting manual laborers desperate to get away from the political and economic nightmare we've helped create in Mexico.

    Their greed and short sightedness knows no limits. Regrettably, there are depths to their incompetence that they have not yet reached.

    Reply to: The Money Party on the Road to Ruin   13 years 8 months ago
  • Re excerpt: Economic populist.
    "The drawbacks of this approach emerged early. Some of the pieces manufactured by far-flung suppliers didn't fit together. Some subcontractors couldn't meet their output quotas, creating huge production logjams when critical parts weren't available in the necessary sequence".

    In all this hand wringing about Boeing’s outsourcing debacle the metrication elephant in the room is conveniently ignored. Isn’t it so much easier to blame everybody else for mistakes made, but the company that still uses medieval inches and expects metric trained engineers to use that cumbersome anachronism without hitches? Airbus outsourcers a lot of work and seems to do fine because almost everybody else, except Americans, speak the same measurement language. Parts sourced in the US are easily made mm and keep some Americans employed.
    Maybe it is time for the States to push once again for metrication so they can sell their goods to a metric world. That doesn't look too promising right now with the navel gazing and gun toting lot in ascendancy. All this yesteryear mob does is creating another cheap pool of labour for the wealthy lot to exploit.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • is we have politicians promoting policies that will simply destroy, not create, jobs. From "let's wipe out Federal workes" to "innovation and technology", which is really about campaign contributions, more offshore outsourcing and getting unlimited guest worker visas, it's the exact same song and dance.

    Obama visited Intel, and ya know, great thing Intel is building FABS in the U.S. That said, Intel is notorious to labor arbitrage and has assuredly fired more people in the last decade than they employ in the U.S. They could easily find "workers" if they would simply rehire all of the Americans they have fired.

    Reply to: The Money Party on the Road to Ruin   13 years 8 months ago
  • It is amazing to watch USA and Europe’s Companies giving away intellectual property and expertise for cheap short term gain it will bite you on the arse eventually.
    But what is even more amazing is that there politicians don’t see it either. Be sure everyone else does.

    Reply to: Boeing Discovers You Get What You Pay For   13 years 8 months ago
  • Of course this is true because the slaughter was in private sector. That said, for 2010, every month, government has lost jobs, alot in local and state.

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
  • Nationwide Government worker unemployment is at 5% while Construction lingers at 22.5%, this despite heavy government intervention which is clear now was useless.

    I'm betting U-6 shows a far wider gap than that however I can't find it broken down that way by employment sector.

    Labour and the left

    Public sector unions were illegal prior to Kennedy and the reasoning why that was is coming to fruition.

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
  • "...than we can conclude malfeasance and corruption have taken firm root on Wall Street."

    That is very much a foregone conclusion, and it appears that within this current political climate or moment, no one in government leadership (except the usual handful of ineffectual reformers) have any plans to rock anyones boat. Although, the little people will be allowed to suffer the inevitable consequences...nothing new about this story.

    Reply to: MERS Leaves the Field   13 years 8 months ago
  • This would be the ultimate in the protest movement happening around the globe.


    Chinese authorities detained dozens of political activists after an anonymous online call for people to start a "Jasmine Revolution" in China by protesting in 13 cities—just a day after President Hu Jintao called for tighter Internet controls to help prevent social unrest.

    The Chinese government has a tight lockdown on the people, and their censorship and shut down of the Internet is well known.

    Still, China has over 1.3 billion people, so if those people, especially demand worker/labor rights...

    Good for them and also very good for workers around the globe. This entire global labor arbitrage agenda is by corporations and for corporations. Playing workers against each other to erode working rights, labor law, working standards, wages.

    *That* is a huge chunk of the problems....wealth inequality, income inequality, treating people so badly they are killing themselves, destroying the middle classes.

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
  • In order for America to turn itself around, just do what is right for the people...not the banksters!!

    Charge the Wall Street boys and gals all the back mortgage filings in every County in every State...that should keep our teachers teaching, our police policing and firefighters putting out fires!

    Every time a CEO of the Wall Street Banks receives their outrageous bonuses, that is the amount of money taken away from all the county recorders....that money is to be re paid to the "people" operate our society!!

    It may just be time for the American people to " WALK LIKE THE EGYPTIANS" and get this country back to where we should be. Save money by charging Countries like South Korea for our military power...Our government just gives it away!!

    I'm beyond disgusted with what we people are allowing to happen!!

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
  • MERS is the creation of the big banks and Wall Street to suit their needs. It had nothing to do with anything but selling Mortgage Backed Securities. You can be sure that they knew it was illegal. But they didn't care. And now a huge percent of the mortgages can be challenged. That could work out quite well with come creative leadership (oops, we have no leadership).

    I hope the people of Wisconsin realize what a creep this Walker is. We can't recall members of Congress but we can governors and state officials. Time for Walker to pack his bags.

    Reply to: MERS Leaves the Field   13 years 8 months ago
  • Anon, you would not like his alternative. My alternative is Jobs for Americans, and holding American corporations accountable for labor practices. Whether you would like that I cannot say, but that would be real "Americanism." I hope that's acceptable.

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
  • The powers that be are afraid to prosecute them. First, it might lead to loss of political contributions. Second, it might raise inconvenient questions. Kind of reminds you of "graymail" -- this time against the financial system and the Fed. Prosecution? Goodness no, chums -- this will all pass and the ruling class will get richer.

    Reply to: Everything's #@%*ed Up and Nobody Goes to Jail   13 years 8 months ago
  • To see the picketing in Wisconsin is just the beginning. Every State is bankrupt because MERS never paid the filing fees, resulting in every County Recorder being without funds which pay for teachers,police, firefighters and county workers.

    And No News is covering the question..."WHY" ....WHY are all the States out of money? Why isn't the news asking that question??? Because the MEDIA is owned by the banks and the banks are what started MERS....

    The illusion of knowing the truth is like finding out SANTA Clause wasn't real!!

    I pray for some hot shot investigative reporter to dig and report!!

    God Help America....

    Reply to: MERS Leaves the Field   13 years 8 months ago
  • It's right. Here's the difference. Firstly, that's nationwide, the above is just for the state of Wisconsin, so your graph has CA, NYC, DC, VA and so on in it...
    Then, your graph is just for 2009, when you see a slaughter going on in the private sector on jobs, and really hours went down (or were flat I think), and wages have declined, or been flat. So, 2009, most of all, "gov" vs. private diverged...

    but since that time, government jobs have overall declined.

    But in just looking at Wisconsin, Chinn is right, he's just running the numbers for the residents of Wisconsin and it's up to date, I think it's 2010 numbers, possibly 2009.

    Reply to: Battle in the Cheese Head State   13 years 8 months ago
