Recent comments

  • Job well-done.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - The Private Socialist Corporate Network Edition   13 years 9 months ago
  • If there be any doubt, any question, as to the reality on "Main Street America", listen to those that have lost everything due to no fault of their own. You cannot "spin" tragic reality, even if you are a professional politician with a focus on climbing the political ladder. It's very difficult to put a spin on growing poverty and homelessness, banks going under, record home foreclosures, over 43 million on food stamps, proper health care unaffordable to most citizens, two "never ending" wars, import and energy dependency, the shameful astronomical national debt, and the promise of "Change" that never comes, except for non-beneficial and negative "Change".

    The "math", facts and figures on Main Street America, greatly differ from biased "math" used by the Washington Spin Machine. Without including all factors which do, and can, influence the results, professional politicians often use "doctored math" to spin informmation towards their benefit. Also, information compiled by the government, for the government, is not the same as information researched and compiled by independent private sources and agencies.

    Without looking at the numbers, Main Street America is fully aware of the economically devastating affects associated with NAFTA, CAFTA, and individual corporate agreements that send American jobs outside of our boarders. Again, you cannot "spin" the pain being felt by John Q. Public. And, how can anyone put a spin on tent cities popping up across this country during 2009 and 2010, the empty shelves in community food pantries, and entire families living in shelters, many for the first time ever.

    Very often we hear Republicans blaming Democrats, and Democrats blaming Republicans, but neither side stands for the people, and stands against the other side. In reality, the name of the game in Washington is "politics as usual", and has been for many decades now. Basically, both parties are anti-America, and the proof to that statement is being felt all across this nation, and appears in the daily headlines.

    The bottom line amounts to "taxation without representation". We elect representatives on election day, then basically give them Carte Blanche for the next four years to exert their will, and not the will of the people.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - The Private Socialist Corporate Network Edition   13 years 9 months ago
  • But it's another dimension to communicate what is really going on with the U.S. economy.

    This past week was so outrageous and every week is outrageous. Regardless of what the people want, even what they vote for, we get corruption at the Presidency to do whatever corporations and their lobbyists want.

    It's screamingly clear the American people did not vote for more jobs going off to China, more "NAFTA" style bad trade deals, more offshore outsourcing.

    But this week, we get a very clear message, and on top of it, the State of the Union is going to try to spin this global labor arbitrage as "creating jobs"...

    that is the intent.

    Which is precisely what Bush claimed, "offshore outsourcing is good for America".

    It is NOT good for America. You have some fairly corrupt (cough) economists who will bias the theory to make it seem like it could be...

    but the real theory and the statistical reality show clearly it is not.

    So, here we go, the exact same song and dance from Obama as we saw from Bush...

    all based on a bold faced lie and that lie literally is coming from some biased economics papers....

    and the only way one will see that lie is if they have an undergrad economics degree or a mathematics degree and took the time to read these ridiculous papers.

    Frankly, to me this is the biggest crime of all. Academic research should not be biased, spinning to reach some predetermined conclusion.

    If this was a harder science, say Nuclear physics, that author would be drummed out of Academia, their career destroyed, their credibility ruined.

    But in economics, oh gee, such nonsense might get them a job in the White House or at NBER.


    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - The Private Socialist Corporate Network Edition   13 years 9 months ago
  • I've tried to go back through all of the user accounts and past writers/contributors to the site, give them an Author account.

    Still, I might have missed some people, so if you don't see it and want an Author account, don't forget to let me know. It's a huge list of people on EP, so odds on I missed some.

    Also, again, before writing, make sure one knows how to format their posts for professional level publication, isn't committing copyright violations, citing their posts and the worse formatting sacrilege, know how to format a URL.

    There are buttloads of tools on EP to help with this, and if worse comes to worse, you can email for help.

    There are a few people who had their authoring privileges removed. Those people were not following the rules, not making sure their post was original, unique to them and backed up by statistical facts, references, theory, citations or anything based in reality.

    Remember, opinions are everywhere, data is buried.

    Reply to: Some Changes to The Economic Populist   13 years 9 months ago
  • Yes, reading them bring laughter ( at the least, smiles ). Then reality sets in, and tears replace the laughs. Just thinking about how much we borrow each and every day, just to keep the government running, and to fund the two senseless deadly costly wars, is enough to bring on tears.

    When it comes to "job killing legislation", no more need be said than to mention "unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies". It's certainly not by accident, or chance misfortune, that we've lost the textile, steel, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, appliance, and automotive industries.

    The bottom line is even less comical when considering what lead to our dependency on government assistance programs and unemployment checks for our economic survival.

    Unrestricted and unbridled corporate greed knows no boundaries. Couple that obvious greed with a Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress, and you have what we're seeing today "deflate" a once economically powerful and independent nation.

    In some cases, comic pieces speak more to reality than to humor.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - The Private Socialist Corporate Network Edition   13 years 9 months ago
  • Hey folks, The Economic Populist is ranked #13 in the top 49 economics sites for visual aids, otherwise known as charts, graphs, tables, equations and even further known as eye candy.

    Thank you online MBA and even more thanks goes to the St. Louis Federal Reserve FRED tools. Without them, we would have to create all graphs by hand.

    We do create graphs by hand, by running the raw data in a spreadsheet, that said, it takes much longer than using the FRED system.

    So far, "web technologies" graphing tools to automatically graph up data in blogs leaves much to be desired. If someone knows of an API or system that works, is easy to use and is fast, creates optimized images (graphs), please let me know.

    I'd like to add more visual aid/multimedia to the site as I find them, which actually works consistently.

    Online MBA has put together a great list, although they missed EconomPicData (see the left glorified blog roll).

    I agree with them, I'm right brain and a visual, really gives the big picture quickly on a sheet of numbers. One can write equations all day long, description text all day long but if those numbers and equations are not explained in plain English, your audience just shrunk to those with an economics or math degree (as well as right brain, which is about 10% of the U.S. population last I checked).

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - The Private Socialist Corporate Network Edition   13 years 9 months ago
  • If you're not aware, there is a Comment RSS feed, for those who want to see whatever the latest comment is on the site.

    I'm looking for suggestions to improve the comment, discussion of the site as well, so any whines, bitches, suggestions, let me know.

    Reply to: Some Changes to The Economic Populist   13 years 9 months ago
  • Folks, just a reminder, the series, that's the SMC, the FMN and the Saturday around the Internets are all open threads. Whatever you want to talk about, or use it to quote some outrage, or fact you want others to see.

    This is an FYI, and the pattern could make one dynamite post. i.e. poison our dogs, poison toothpaste, drywall that poisons the home, the list goes on and on...

    so now we have toxic fish being imported. No inspections, no home country regulations.

    You're eating that 6 eyed Wally. Just came out in the last couple of weeks that fish and you cannot even tell where it came from, much of it is loaded with toxins, chemicals, mercury.

    We have a lot of people on this site and most don't want to write full bore articles (understood, it's a LOT of work!), That said, most everyone has great things to say and be aware of.

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • The little mortgage broker is now regulated while the bank loan officers have an easy way to license. More capture of the real estate industry and meantime blame the little guy for the problems.

    Reply to: Saturday Reads Around The Internets for January 22, 2011   13 years 9 months ago
  • Of those who haven't bought the farm by now (how much of a farm could be bought today with those $10,000 life insurance policies? -- I still have mine, though I can't explain whjy) -- how many are subsisting on cat food and waiting for SS check to arrive? I guess the joke is on them, and on us too -- the Greatest Generation put their lives on the line to defend our way of life, and we followed them ready to defend our industrial democracy -- our system -- only to see it raped by corporate and financial oligarchs. Kind of reminds you of the Russians stripping Germany of industrial plants during the post WWII occupation. Substitute American jobs for factories and the comparison is apt -- rape by any other name. But then, multinational corporations have no loyalty -- kind of makes you nostalgic for Huey Long and Eugene Debs.

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • I link to the India overview, read that and notice we have almost identical comments trying to claim India isn't stealing American jobs.

    Reply to: The American People Are Not At The Table, China Is   13 years 9 months ago
  • Well, if this doesn't send a message to the American people then I don't know what will. Obama simply proved by these statements and by supporting Hu's statements that he is all for more industry leaving this country. Of course China's president welcomes American businesses and industries. Have they ever not?

    Die Casino-Spiele in diesem online casino lohnen die Zeit und Mühe, erst mal ein bisschen zu spielen oder das Spielen zu üben.

    Reply to: The American People Are Not At The Table, China Is   13 years 9 months ago
  • I think this is all about more "NAFTA" style offshore outsourcing deals, pure and simple. The spin is worse than Bush who was worse than Clinton. It's just unbelievable, they have hollowed out America and left the American people in the dust.

    Which is pretty much what I wrote in the post, it's no accident that the U.S. largest offshore outsourcing destinations are getting state dinners on U.S. China. (pun intended).

    And to your point, these revolving door CEOs, i.e. they fail at one company and magically pop up at another, not even by corporate performance and shareholder standards are many actually competent, are literally in charge of the country, giving themselves fat bonuses as they fire every American who isn't in their Friday night poker game and offshore outsource, now the most advanced technology transfer in foreign nations. Right o, just give what is left away and oh yeah, give free/cheap money too so banks will ship that also right out of the country as "investment".

    I feel all of those WWII vets, the great generation who built up this country just rolling in their graves.

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • Immelt? Was he the guy who said there was ""no downside" to GE stock price when it was at $33? Wasn't he CEO of GE when he said the $1.60 dividend was safe, then cut it to 40 cents a share? My (now 96 year old) mother had 4,000 shares in her retirement portfolio -- She sold a thousand of them at 38, then she still saw the rest plummet. I wouldn't trust this guy to wax my car!

    Now the question is "Should we trust a president who would name this guy to advise him on matters financial?"

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • Boy, to me, this just completes the betrayal. This is simply a complete multinational corporate takeover of the United States at this point and Americans be damned, workers be damned.

    The idea that G.E. could create jobs is such a joke! They offshore outsource jobs...

    same deal with IBM and many other multinational corporations. If I had seen Andy Grove in there, who "gets it" in terms of needing to manufacture in the U.S., but seems anyone who points out some facts and statistics which go against the team offshore outsourcing's religion can't even get on the white house lawn, never mind through the door.

    Reply to: The GE Deal   13 years 9 months ago
  • They plan to allow Mexican truckers into the U.S., which will displace a host of U.S. citizen truckers.

    The plan is to expand and go through Mexican ports, upon which to use NAFTA for further tariff reductions and ease of getting into the U.S. plus labor arbitrage.

    So, he's got it right except that missing piece of Mexico.

    Thanks for the heads up on this piece. Consider getting an account so you can post stuff like this without moderation.

    I believe we just had a corporate takeover of the United States no one noticed a single gun was not fired in the process.

    BTW: In case anyone believes this agenda is based in some sort of economic theory, it is NOT, beyond multinational short term agendas.

    Literally I've seen "papers" spinning assumptions, equations, statistics and the theory to get it to conclude what they want it to conclude.

    This to me is another frightening series of events....the destruction of objectivity and any scientific methods in order to claim "pre-determined desired result".

    Very frightening.

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • Keep up the great writing addressing this economic destruction.

    I just saw an interesting piece that adds additional insight (and irritation) on offshore outsourcing -

    It's by Matt Stoller, the former Senior Policy Advisor for Rep. Alan Grayson.

    "The Federal Open Market Committee releases its transcripts on a five year time lag. Last week, we learned what they were saying in 2005. Dylan Ratigan blogged an interesting catch: Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher expressed his frustration about Chinese imports. Not, of course, that there were too many imports, but that our ports weren’t big enough to allow all the outsourcing American CEOs wanted."

    It gets worse as we read on. Probably the only jobs GE Immelt and Osellout will create - expansion of our ports

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • This is Chinn's mathematical regression analysis, here. I'd claim he is missing some variables in his analysis, but the bottom line, the guy uses regression analysis in the first place vs. just spews up whatever philosophy is handy.

    What's good about this analysis is the point, and I think it gets lost in so many trying to get anywhere on stopping China's currency manipulation, is there are a lot of other factors creating the trade deficit with China.

    If you can follow any mathematics, you should try to parse this, plus the above research paper.

    Reply to: Get Ready for an Increased Trade Deficit   13 years 9 months ago
  • I think we can safely call him the Outsourcing President at this point. He put, first thing on his team, Diana Farrell, who is the "offshore outsourcing" queen.

    There are a bunch of (cough) Academic "papers", which declare "outsourcing is good for America".

    Contained within them are statistical flaws, major, equation manipulation, data manipulation and absurd assumptions from not on this planet.

    These go up all the way to NBER. I think it's debunking time. It's very difficult to point these out, but we have LaTex (mathematical display language) on this site for a reason.

    I'll work on this but on the political end, the political lies to the American people are coming think and heavy.

    Now we've seen three major state dinners, touting offshore outsourcing agreements de facto as "creating jobs", and Mr. offshore outsource to China put in the White house, Goldman Sachs in the white house...
    we have the entire ponzi finance plus only invest in emerging markets globalization labor arbitrage team running the white house at this point.

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
  • Exactly. GE is notorious for using its deep pockets to buy firms on the cheap, and follow a scorched earth policy of layoffs and outsourcing to help short-term profits.
    GE’s share price is down more than half since Immelt took over as CEO. The company’s financial results (including look at any in depth analysis of today's GE earnings headline) show he would do better spending more time in the office (which would, in turn, spare us his economic “vision”).

    Reply to: Obama Sweetens The Pot Just Don't Look for a Chicken In It   13 years 9 months ago
