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  • All because the "brilliant one" cannot grasp the basics of Capitalism.

    "So get ready to owe the FED for more unemployment checks. They’ll just monetize that too with foreign investment chips from the printing press to pump up the Wall Street bubble machine, and employ the rest of the world, while we rob the safety net of the dying American working class — to subsidize China’s workforce strategy — with more debt."

    Reply to: Prickly Fed on QEII   13 years 11 months ago
  • There are reports of $20 Billion to be paid back to the Treasury to "not paying now" on GM's IPO.

    huge success and that's after the fact with a bunch of naysayer's claiming the stock will tank in 5 days. I don't think so.

    That said, why do we consider so many multinational's "American" companies? If they employ here, there is a little bit to be said they are, but some are headquartered in the Caymans and have offshore outsourced so many jobs, they have more employees in other countries.

    Anyway, of all of the bail outs, this one looks like it was worth it.

    Reply to: U.S. Taxpayer bails out GM, now China Gets a Piece?   13 years 11 months ago
  • Thanks for sharing this story and may the force be with you to get anywhere. It seems generally, the entire civil code is for the super rich and attorneys and regular folk just get squished, no recourse.

    Reply to: Let the Homeowners Be Heard - Senate Hearing & COP Report on Foreclosures   13 years 11 months ago
  • I want to tell you all a little story. The story begins, as all American dreams do, with unfettered hope and belief, but has, over time, become a nightmare from the darkest recesses of our national psyche. This is not a fairy tale, and I beg you to see yourself in our heroine; for you could find yourself in her shoes very soon. And I promise you that that is not a place you want to be. But read on, and judge the veracity of my words for yourself.

    I have been in the mortgage industry for almost a decade, and have seen my share of the ugly side of lending: the foreclosures, the forgotten families, and the greedy, heartless, faceless “holder of the note” gone wild. I have experienced all of this more times than I care to admit, and have been ashamed of my industry more times than I care to count, but the borrower I wish to tell you of was the reason I broke into this business in the first place. People like her, hard-working, honest Americans, are the ones a broker like myself looks for day and night, and strives to take care of in whatever capacity we are capable of.

    Why you ask? What makes her so special? There are many answers to these questions, and the easy answer would be that she perfectly fit the mold we in the business look for. She had been employed for 22 years with the same corporation, and had managed to pay every liability on time for her entire adult life. No late payments, no missed payments, and nothing at all to indicate that she would ever change. Her credit score was 780, and she had owned a home for 10 years in Miami Beach (an expensive place to buy). This showed unequivocally that she understood liability, and knew how to get things done in the lending market. In short, she was a lender’s dream come true. A loan you approve and forget about because the payments are always in on time, and so, as a lender, you just count money for 30 years. What could be better from our point of view than that? Every lender in the world will tell you the answer to that question is nothing; absolutely nothing.

    This lady decided to move to Chicago to be closer to her corporate office, so she sold her home in Miami and took her dreams and possessions north to Chicago. This took place in 2006 while the housing bubble was still growing larger, and no one outside of the industry had any expectation that it may burst at any time. She did her due diligence while looking for a home in the Chicago area, and eventually settled on a brand new property in an area ripe for gentrification. Basically, she bought in an older neighborhood that was undergoing massive urban renewal projects that were projected to raise property values in her area significantly; as long as there was no unforeseen disaster looming. That is the danger of things unforeseen. They eventually come to pass, and no one is prepared to combat them.

    She started with an Interest-Only Loan as at that time it made more sense to use her principal money on personal investments rather than giving it to a lender to make decisions with. Even though interest rates were high at the time, IO rates slightly higher than fixed, she was able to get the property for almost $75K less than it initially appraised for, so she was already ahead of the game. She maintained her perfect history, 0x30 on her mortgage, and everything else for that matter, but that was before the wise and powerful bankers in America decided to play 3-Card Monty with America’s future.

    As the signs of the encroaching financial apocalypse began to show themselves, she attempted, through her lender, to pursue refinancing, but was told her case called for the loan modification process. The press was making a fuss about how these modifications were the way for borrowers to get the help they needed to stay afloat in the carnage that followed the bubble bursting, and as an intelligent and savvy borrower with a perfect history she expected the process to go smoothly for her. In that assumption, she would have been right if not for the new credit card laws passed that allowed the companies to raise their interest rates and reduce the line of credit available on any given card. These changes have had an enormous, unintended consequence in the lending world since loans are in large part based on debt-to-income (DTI) ratios.

    Imagine this borrower has a credit line of $10K on a card with only a $2K balance, but is then targeted by the credit card company for a reduced credit line of say $2500, so her 20% balance has now become 80% without her actually doing anything irresponsible. Yet, when lenders looked at her DTI they would see that she is nearly maxed out on her card, and in this industry that is a major red flag. She understood DTI, and how it could affect her ability to qualify for extra money (even though she did nothing untoward or rash in terms of spending), but why should that hamper her from getting a reduced rate? It is asinine to ask a person to re-qualify for something they already have, or to tell them they must qualify to save money, but this is what is happening in America today. She signed no agreement stating she could not refinance in the future with the help of her lender, so all she is left with are questions. Questions that for her and the millions like her, unfortunately, have no good answers. The American Dream, for this model American, is quickly becoming the American Nightmare.

    There are so many questions our borrower wants to ask, but there are no phone lines to call or government offices to visit with any answer other than, “talk to the lender”. This is just endless runaround from the lender, and more and more frustration for her and her family. How is it possible to be locked into a loan, with bankruptcy laws so much tougher, and have absolutely no way to refinance? More transparency in the industry is great, but how can our borrowers appease the credit companies interest hikes while losing equity in their property due to the housing catastrophe and still meet the necessary financial obligations they agreed to prior to this meltdown? This is a recipe for mass bankruptcy and foreclosure; two things that hurt us all in the long run.

    It was March of 2009 when our borrower started the conversation about refinancing with her current mortgage company, Indy Mac, from the 7.625% IO-Loan to a 4.5% fixed rate. They explained to her that she would need to print out a new financial packet, and send it, along with all other pertinent information, in to be reviewed before they could proceed; she did just that. After an entire month had passed, she called in to check the status of her application, and was told that the servicing company, Indy Mac, was changing hands, but she would still be taken care of by the new investor, One West.

    Just like that, she and thousands of other customers were being sold to the highest bidder, and after some research she discovered that One West actually only paid up to far less than full value for these notes. It gets better. One West actually had the federal government guarantee them anything lost over a certain percentage. What does this mean you ask? All the numbers are there in black and white on the internet for anyone to see; but no one looks. You do not have to be a rocket scientist to see that it would be more profitable to foreclose quickly and collect the guaranteed funds than to refinance the borrower’s note at a current market rate.

    The changing of the servicer of her note, as unsettling as it was, would have been fine if not for the dramatic change in guidelines and customer service she experienced. This often happens after a change of this magnitude in any business field, but these differences were downright ridiculous. She was informed that the financial packet she had sent was no longer valid, so she would have to assemble another one before any process could begin. So, once again she followed procedure in hopes of capturing that elusive lower interest rate.

    She waited and waited for a call to inform her of the status of her newest application, and finally tried calling herself to enquire; but to no avail. Her calls were treated as a joke. They repetitiously asked for the same documents, and even claimed after three business days that they had never received her fax, and that it took all that time to verify whether or not they had received her documentation. They have done this over 50 times from March of 2009 to the present day! That is preposterous, shameful, and ought to be criminal! But it gets better; or worse for our heroine.

    After calling repeatedly for three months she finally got them to look at her application. They told our borrower that the check stubs submitted were out of date according to Fannie Mae guidelines (must be less than 90 days old), but when she remedied that they told our borrower that her check stubs were fraudulent. Check stubs from one of the three largest airlines in the world which she has worked with for more than 20 years by the way. They focused on some minutiae that they knew to be nothing, but she was forced to get a complete employment record from her employer to along with a Letter of Explanation (LOX) from her Human Resources department. This process has stretched into years with no results. She was even told that the best way to get help is to be late on her mortgage payments! Imagine that. It has become so bad that when she follows up on any fax or correspondence they claim she has never talked to anyone about her issue, and when she asked about recording the conversation she was told it was against their policy. I am not making this up. Every word is true and to the point, and the point is that One West and Indy Mac, Fannie Mae and the federal government are fleecing, and failing we the people.

    This is dangerous and uncontrolled corporate behavior, and it cannot be allowed to continue. One West has become the poster child for what is wrong with this industry; what is wrong with America in fact. In my humble opinion (and that of thousands of other Americans…not to mention all the honest lenders in the industry), they have pulled out all the stops when it comes to delaying and deceiving their customers in order to get a government handout and make a dishonest buck. This must not be allowed to stand.

    Help her. She has asked again and again, and researched every option. She can’t refinance due to not having value. She can’t modify because it’s not profitable to the lender to do so, and she can’t walk away as her state won’t allow this. Why I ask myself? Is it considered walking away if you have no more options? Why is it easier to profit from bad deals than good ones? There is no hope for this borrower that she can see. The only hope I can think of is a Federal Reserve for primary borrowers in America. By that, I mean the feds open the vaults to primary homeowners at a specific rate, and work directly with the borrowers from a federal standpoint. Cut the banks out. Let them focus on commercial deals and second homes where the rates are higher and people know what they are getting into from day one. I do not think these customers’ closing paperwork said anything about having to stay in one rate for thirty years. Do you know anyone on record in today’s environment that can say they stayed in their home for thirty years at the same rate? I don’t think that is even possible. Please share…

    Here are some sites that clearly have people in the same situation, read, educate, follow and post, let’s start the revolt against One West/ Indy Mac and Fannie Mae.

    Go to Google, You-tube or any engine for that matter and type class action Indy Mac, Type Complaints Indy Mac/ One West; you will see firsthand what we are all up against.

    Reply to: Let the Homeowners Be Heard - Senate Hearing & COP Report on Foreclosures   13 years 11 months ago
  • No surprise, they are borrowing here and investing overseas to of course....create jobs.

    Reply to: Prickly Fed on QEII   13 years 11 months ago
  • I think many, myself included, are thinking just to get the incumbent who betrayed the American people out. I'd like to know what happened with Alan Grayson's race. I think he ran a terrible campaign, with some really bad ads, but on the other hand, he fought like hell for some real financial reform. In other words, he was trying and he got booted.

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • This year's election was a punishment of Democrats for failing to act despite two overwhelming endorsements by the people in 2006 and 2008. They failed and the response is, we won't vote for you. Bean's style of corporate Democratic politics is right in the mainstream of inaction while the people struggle.

    The winner, Republican Joe Walsh is a goof ball. Look at his principles:

    Principle 1 - The only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations is Natural Law.
    Principle 2 – A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.
    Principle 3 – The most promising method of securing a virtuous people is to elect virtuous leaders.
    Principle 4 – Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained.

    He obviously hasn't read the history of the American Revolution and is totally ignorant of the founders views on religion and the state (they would have been appalled at #4).

    Walsh will vote the line for corporate fat cats too and he'll feel the lash next time out.

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • It's referenced to the person who posted it here, in response to Numerian's previous post on this subject. It's from "Anonymous". That's less credit than I'd like to give but the most I can.

    Reply to: Prickly Fed on QEII   13 years 11 months ago
  • I couldn't be more thrilled, she was the vote that allowed CAFTA to pass and is just a classic corporate Democrat (a good example of why they are losing power).

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • I forget the ratio but it's beyond belief high (72%?) of trades are flash, or automated trades.

    Hedge funds, again, making a killing by paying only 15% instead of the real income tax.

    I think they should up capital gains to Clinton levels (obviously it didn't hurt speculation, think Dot Con), add a transaction tax but turn around and offer up a tax rebate for anyone hiring U.S. citizens, and also tax deferments, shelters, zero taxes, for anyone who invests in the real production economy.

    i.e. instead of running flash trades, dark pools, or derivatives, instead make it almost tax free if instead, this money is used to say hire 300 out of work engineers to do R&D or start a company.

    100 people to start a small manufacturing facility, anything like that so it could be abused as a tax shelter but hopefully make it a real investment vehicle for expanding growth in the real economy.

    I don't know exactly how to form policy to do that, but I do know the real economy, the production one, the one that makes goods, services and employs people, need a major shot in the arm....

    even something like "if you manage to build a business and make it profitable in 5 years, you get a bonus to not pay all, for say 10 years", something really intense to pour money into U.S. citizens, people, ideas, innovation, production.

    Reply to: Tax Cuts for the Rich Do Not Generate Jobs   13 years 11 months ago
  • I have to read the post in more detail but I saw that iceberg titanic image and whoever made it....they deserve some credit. Glad you put it up.

    Reply to: Prickly Fed on QEII   13 years 11 months ago
  • You know, the Big Casino guy in Las Vegas who is such a downer, he just has to hang around a hot gambler to kill the gambler's luck. I don't know of Vegas has real "coolers", but The Money Party sure does.

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • There isn't anything wrong with that is there? That would be real change and not the fiction of change we get from the Dems and Reps. Would it not be an odd thing, a real change, to see an audit done on the FRB. Instead of the usual hide the (who got the bailout money) football routine we get --- would be a change. Ending wasteful government policies would be a change would it not? Bringing troops back from around the world would be a change right? Closing useless government agencies would be a change and could allow us to see what does and doesn't work.

    Or do you believe in the hit job that the Dems and Reps did on him last election?

    Yep it would be a change but one that we will never see in this country least not in my lifetime.

    Reply to: Obama, Say What? India Creates American Jobs, Are you Kiddin' Me?   13 years 11 months ago
  • You seem like a smart guy! Let me pose a question. Do you have an opinion as to whether the vast disparity in the rates applicable to capital gains versus the rates applicable to ordinary income is based upon: (1) the idea that low capital gains tax rates act as an incentive to invest and such investments supposedly create jobs and growth; or, (2) the power of the truly wealthy to manipulate the system to their advantage by allowing the majority of their income to be taxed at a rate lower than the Oracle of Omaha's secretary? You remember Leona Helmsley, 'taxes are for the little people Dahling.' The way I have presented it may be a false choice but it seems to me like the right question to ask. If your opinion is that the low rate is to create an incentive to invest, wouldn't the formation of capital also be an important idea to consider when considering raising tax rates on high earners? And, as far as measurement of the effect of lower rates on high earners over time, wouldn't there necessarily be a considerable time lag between capital formation achieved in this way and job creation or economic growth? If, on the other hand, the disparity is based upon the power of the truly wealthy to manipulate the system, shouldn't the president's first priority be to eliminate that ultimate tax dodge? I actually think he talked about it while he was campaigning for president but I just haven't heard much about it since.
    Thanks Robert,

    Reply to: Tax Cuts for the Rich Do Not Generate Jobs   13 years 11 months ago
  • Yeah, that needs to be expanded, verified in a blog post, even with such a series of quotes with formatted link references. I was like "what"? O-Reilly?

    For anyone else, it's video #5 above, or the last one, in this Sunday Morning Comics and that "funny" made CNBC this morning.

    People are truly outraged over QE2, whether they understand it or not, the outrage is on maximum high.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Quantitative Easin' Edition   13 years 11 months ago
  • If you watch it in its entirety you will get to the part of the circular association of Goldman and the FRB.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Quantitative Easin' Edition   13 years 11 months ago
  • Unbelievable, but not surprise, Harry Reid retains Senate Chair. That means no real bills that are not watered down to nothing have a prayer's chance of getting through.

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • You are too kind!  Yes, the primaries were like a choice between two debilitating illnesses, each a little different or, maybe more like choosing a punch in the mouth versus a knee to the stomach. They both had their charming features. But we only got one. Imagine what it would be like if McCain had been (s)elected? We'd be out of the recession since McCain would certainly have taken the dean of the DC press corps,David Broder's advice on the economy - start a war with Iran and it will be all good.

    It's more than just the economy that's bankrupt.  There is some virus among the elite that is destroying brain cells in the most obvious ways.

    Reply to: Obama to Change Party   13 years 11 months ago
  • but that's said, it's clear, from Germany to Finland to just the U.S. history, they simply are not the "be all, end all" that is proclaimed.

    Somewhere we need to get these people off of more corruption of the U.S. tax code.

    I get it, completely that people don't want their taxes to increase, esp. to pay for a host of policies no one agrees with, including paying for jobs offshore outsourced...

    but this is getting ridiculous! in the 90's, taxes went up, yet huge economic growth occurred.

    I confess to using the low end GDP multiplier but where is the evidence of any growth for these? Not at these rates....I think we have to go all the way back to the 1950's when the top tax bracket was 90% to see some effect...

    So, I find even the multipliers questionable. (I find all of them questionable, but taxes are particularly, I don't see the historical evidence to these claims).

    Reply to: Tax Cuts for the Rich Do Not Generate Jobs   13 years 11 months ago
  • Thank you for showing what can be done with a sensible look at one of the worst entitlement programs around; taxes for the very wealthiest citizens.  I like, in particular, your point about the Deutsche claim that equates a recovery with maintaining Bush tax cuts.  As you point out, they're not specific.  In addition, if tax cuts were such a push in stimulating jobs, we wouldn't be here right now.  




    Reply to: Tax Cuts for the Rich Do Not Generate Jobs   13 years 11 months ago
