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  • > 66% of Americans do not have a BS degree, so Economist's View focused in on these retraining programs vs. the breakdown of the unemployed without a college degree.

    Now I think he's not recognizing that people with BS degrees are forced to take jobs which do not require a college degree, thus are counted as employed instead of displaced, and also they count guest workers, so breaking up employment numbers can get some very skewed results...

    That said, he is right! You've got this bogus retraining stuff going on when we need jobs. Also hits on my point which is people already have the skills or should simply be trained for the new job, by the company. If they want to give some tax credits for training, great idea, but bottom line is corporations used to train people routinely and expecting people to pay for their own job training is just another corporate welfare dump onto the taxpayer/person program.

    Anyway, retraining is so bogus, so smelly, if they really want to retrain people, simply offer full free rides to college, complete with real living expenses and increase, dramatically, all graduate school stipends to at least a real living wage.

    Seriously, they can take some of the Vocational Rehabilitation experience, success/failures and adjust, modify, to make a new program, but this one based on economic need.

    Also make it a requirement to have U.S. citizenship to obtain these opportunities.

    Reply to: Trade & Stupid Pet Tricks   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Yes, you can ask your bank to produce the title. They may not get back to you (especially if they do not have it), so it's hard to know where the green light is. Certainly, if the show you a clear chain of title, then you need to pay. However, just because they can't produce it now doesn't mean they wont find it when you default.

    Reply to: Show me the title! Strategic Defaults and the Homeowners Revenge   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • While this post is a week old, looks like it's happening, all believe the Fed will buy more debt, start QE2.

    I think this is all ridiculous, we need direct jobs, income to stimulate the economy. They already pumped absurd amounts of money into the system and you can see velocity and that's due to all of that money not translating into production, i.e. GDP, i.e. growth.

    Reply to: There Goes the Dollar   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Overall it has been gutted, offshore outsourced. It's last way down to 9-12% of the total U.S. economy. That said, what we need is a new manufacturing policy which promotes, projects, increases the U.S. manufacturing base and this report, buried under the total numbers at least shows signs of life.

    PCE, which I didn't get to, also increased 0.2%, which will increase Q3 GDP.

    Reply to: Factory Orders for August 2010 - New Orders down, -0.5%, Core Capital Goods up 5.1%   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • This report is limited to the (can you believe how low this number is?) 50,000 or so U.S. manufacturers. So, while I think there are serious problems with partial offshore outsourcing, i.e. parts are made offshore, engines are made offshore, and so on, the tally of this means these goods came from U.S. manufacturers.

    These numbers would imply future jobs, for they are the means of production, but that's a very good question on something like an ipod.

    As far as I know, but I will check this, the goods must be domestically sourced, at least partial.

    But I do not know if things like ipods/ipads are counted and I do not think they should. Only the R&D was done onshore for Apple as far as I know, the manufacturing is done offshore.

    Reply to: Factory Orders for August 2010 - New Orders down, -0.5%, Core Capital Goods up 5.1%   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • The laws on mortgage default vary by state. My neighbors just went through this, w/o the help of an attorney. NOT a good idea. They're in worse shape financially now than they were before they walked away from their home and mortgage.

    Reply to: Show me the title! Strategic Defaults and the Homeowners Revenge   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • This report presents a lot of positive result for home demand. Basically, my assessment of durable goods rises 5.6 percent. Durable goods are creating a new possibilities for manufacturer. I think that these positive numbers can rate as a economic prognosis.

    Reply to: Factory Orders for August 2010 - New Orders down, -0.5%, Core Capital Goods up 5.1%   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • So who's buying these capital goods? Given all the other statistics on the economy, it seems reasonable to conclude they are being exported. Also, where are the goods being manufactured? a large percentage of computer and communication equipment are manufactured in China. Does Apple's China made i-pads, pods, etc. show up in this report because Apple is a domestic company? If not, what companies are manufacturing computers at such a prodigious rate?
    Intuitively, these numbers don't seem to correlate with jobs, consumption, etc. numbers.

    Reply to: Factory Orders for August 2010 - New Orders down, -0.5%, Core Capital Goods up 5.1%   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • To who ever invented this. Just because you have a monetary pention for the rest of your life and don't have to worry about loosing your job. Does not mean the rest of the Americans, Tax Payers, the ones that pay your check have to sufer because your STUPID idea. And the ones who aproved are worst than you. I pray that you or one off yours see them salf in the same situation we see our self because your breleant idea.

    Reply to: Rejecting a Job Applicant based on their Credit Score - Discrimination?   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Can someone answer this question -

    Is it possible to know in advance whether you'd be free and clear if you defaulted? Can you ask your bank if they can produce the title, and if they cannot, is this a green light to go ahead and default?

    Reply to: Show me the title! Strategic Defaults and the Homeowners Revenge   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • I don't have a database of U.S. companies but that surely does sound suspicious and wrong. Additionally we have seen repeatedly, U.S. gov. contracts going abroad and that's absurd. Is it just corruption or "who you know", but how does that happen?

    I don't think China is necessarily, the best "bang for the buck", seriously, for example, India the cost savings did not materialize.

    Reply to: Trade & Stupid Pet Tricks   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • The US Government offshore outsources jobs all the time. Consider a highly specialized, highly technical and rapidly evolving area like Next Generation DNA sequencing. One of the more recent sequencing contracts posted on Fed Biz Ops was given to BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute). I'm sure there was an explanation somewhere as to why they were the only qualified company, but you've got to be suspicious. There are several qualified businesses offering those services in the US, but local wage and benefit cost structures are not competitive with China. So the US Gov contracts the job to China. I can't help but believe this is a "monkey see, monkey do" tragedy, where the line between government and corporations has largely evaporated and they are now both engaged in the very same game of labor arbitrage. So what's the purpose of advocating a government program to invest in high technology jobs that the government will turn right around and offshore? That's a snake eating its tail issue and until the cycle is broken, it's not going to happen. The people giving out these contracts just see it as getting the best value for their money.

    In a case of supreme irony, a foreign scientist who had been working for the NIH on an H1 visa (as a "contractor"), lost his job when they outsourced it to Germany. It's a bizarre world we live in.

    Reply to: Trade & Stupid Pet Tricks   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • on WaPo. Great article and it's completely true, investing in U.S. public works/infrastructure is a grand bargain plus it's a jobs program in so many words so government assuredly should spend more here.

    Reply to: Trade & Stupid Pet Tricks   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • That is one hell of a point and I wonder how many STEM/I.T. people have a similar downward income projection. Seems to me, as a general rule, tech people got slammed in the 2000/2002 "recession", aka offshore outsource their jobs agenda and have never recovered. Add this latest recession and it's being kicked to the curb while down.

    The problem with gov. stats (of many) is the minute someone isn't working in their career position, regardless of education, training and job history, they are then counted in the new occupation. So, instead of showing the dramatic displacement and income decline of extremely educated professionals, the BLS data shows that person working at home depot in sales. In other words the the displacement and lose income statistics are buried by the way the BLS tabulates occupational employment data.

    They count temporary foreign guest workers in their occupational stats too.

    Reply to: Benedict Arnold Senators Refuse to Vote for American Jobs   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • That is example of political corruption at it's best.
    Not properly legislating fiscal accounting is the primary reality of our demise. Most of Us have one thing in common, our stomachs are getting empty and it is getting worse, not better. Politicians can't just be "busy" in times of crisis, they must PRODUCE RESULTS.
    Unemployed US IT worker, (first time my 34 year career).
    1995 to 2005 - 110k to 115K per year
    2006 to 2007 - 85K per year
    2008 25K - per year
    2009 5K - per year (unsustainable at current cost of living)

    Reply to: Benedict Arnold Senators Refuse to Vote for American Jobs   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • The stimulus contained about $55 billion for funding for state governments to keep teachers on the payroll and other educational expenses. I'm expecting the Republicans to win the House and thus there will be no more extensions of any parts of the stimulus, so how many layoffs do you think there will be on the state level if the the stimulus funds start to run out by the end of this year?

    - Slon

    Reply to: Four Stimulus Breaks Due To Run Out At End Of Year   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • We the WalMart shoppers would actually like to go shopping with our dollars that aren't being devalued daily. Read Taxed. Just so we can practice so called Free Trade. Free Trade is pure BS. Wake up and look around. We are subsidizing the Chinese and Indians for cheap goods until they take over the lead. Free Trade my ass.

    Reply to: Free Trade Doesn't Work - Ian Fletcher's Book   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Our country is an experiment in cultural globalization that is not capable of providing jobs for its own people. The past 20 year period is not about some grand plan to pull the world up by the economic help of a global economy interacting for the common good. It is about looking the other way, on environmental destruction, compromising our core values to finance agendas, create personal prestige, and direction of revenue to political origins, all while portraying globalization as a noble vision for the common good. Economic globalization by a free market society that all people can benefit from can not be achieved by interlacing our countries economy with a communist country that controls the size of their middle class workers to benefit their currency valuation, while controlling the distribution of wealth to the privileged few. In other words they control the amount of have and have not's in their population, so the crooks can get rich. Our country has become dependent on imports for our largest employers. We can not even act, with legislation to keep our water and air clean from foreign ships bringing in foreign manufactured goods, all at the expense of American jobs, because we are not economically free. Ballast water laws affecting mostly foreign ships and the price of foreign manufactured goods would rise according to a 2009 report for congress,-- but this would hurt the plan for economic globalization which will carry our country on the coat tails of a communist country until the next global crisis. Nobel winners call for tariffs to help create jobs,-- report for congress says national ballast legislation to cause cost of imports to rise. It just might have same effect as tariffs without a trade war, what dose this administration do??? It offers incentives to foreign ships bringing foreign goods into our country, if they decide to volunteer to install technology to protect our water. Sadly the time has come for our country to face this piper.

    Reply to: American Capitalism Has Failed: A New Manifesto - Part 1   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • I'm recommending his book, if you didn't realize it. I simply disagree with some of his analysis, and solutions due to my own understanding of trade theory, esp. on Gomory and Baumol.

    If you read this site you will see hundreds of posts and articles for trade reform, articles on how U.S. agreements are not "free trade", overviews on solutions, including VATs, pulling out of the WTO, and yes tariffs.

    So I think you are just doing some friendly fire here.

    Reply to: Free Trade Doesn't Work - Ian Fletcher's Book   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Ian Fletcher makes much more sense than your polemical, bumper sticker analysis of his book. Slogans are propagandist and Orwellian. Do you really want to defy George Orwell's warnings, as your neighbors are foreclosed and empty industrial and commercial space grow by orders of magnitudes (you know, facts that fly in the face of your monopolist FoxTV regressive political economy?

    Adam Smith had no conception of David Richardo's "comparative advantage", so it's insulting to suggest to an audience of American voters, as has been done by Reagan's apologists that Adam Smith makes a good poster boy for the vast corporate corruption, profiteering, NAFTA's sucking sound, and the Ronnie Donnie Reagan Regan-Bush/Clinton Express that's has brought us decades of America decline.

    Milton Friedman doesn't work for your Joy Division either, since he lamented how all nations need to play fair for free trade to work, which they clearly do not, and it does not.

    No, if you think about it, you're a weak dollar short and 5 years late. So wake up Jackass!

    Reply to: Free Trade Doesn't Work - Ian Fletcher's Book   14 years 3 weeks ago
