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  • Read this to find out more:

    Outsourcing Bill Shot Down in the Senate, by Rob Sanchez, Vdare, 10/2/2010

    Reply to: Benedict Arnold Senators Refuse to Vote for American Jobs   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • All of the votes or promotes/demotes were reset as I upgraded the voting mechanisms for posts and comments.

    I'm still working on this.

    I am making changes to the site, so any problems, just email me.

    Check out the tagadelic! I don't know how useful in reality it is, but I found it fun for some reason.

    Any requests, suggestions are appreciated for improving the site.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 3 weeks ago
  • Where a person strategically defaults and then another person buys the foreclosure property at auction, selling it back to the person who defaulted (which means they must completely ignore any credit ratings, all private sale, unsure of mortgages/loans involved).

    This way they get out of a very hefty mortgage and the auction buyer makes a good 10-20% on this transaction yet the person gets to keep their home.

    Something like a "do it yourself" principle reduction.

    I cannot blame them. If I had a mortgage for 50% more than a property was worth with little equity, well, considering corporations behavior and the foreclosure mills going on...

    Reply to: Show me the title! Strategic Defaults and the Homeowners Revenge   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • Anyone needing some investigative information regarding the following lenders, brokers, servicers, foreclosure mills, Title Companies, officers and notaries:

    Goldman Sachs
    Litton Loan Servicing
    Fremont Reorganizing
    LPS Title Company
    The Wolf Firm, A Law Corp
    Marti Noriega
    Debra Lyman
    John Crandall
    Brenda Mckinzy
    Leigh Blackwell
    Daniella Marie Garrett
    Melissa Bell

    Go to the link below:

    Reply to: Fraudulent Foreclosures Running Amok   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • I just tried the Google "automatic" system and it puked out garbage. That said, at least all clips which originally came from TV broadcast, I know for a fact those already have CC available, because it's required for regular TV broadcast.

    So, may I request you demand youtube put on their automated encoding, which is what happens when you "upload a video to youtube", to capture the CC stream and encode it automatically.

    There isn't much I can do, unless we find a tool available to create CC/transcripts after the fact, but it is pretty ridiculous they do not already automatically encode them when uploading anything prepared for TV/Satellite/Film and so on.

    It's already there.

    Also, almost all of the CSPAN web clips do have transcripts around.

    Thanks for reminding me of this. We do (and I really try to require this from other authors as much as it pisses them off!) to include the alt image tags and other accessibility formatting features...

    But it's pretty damn important and there is no reason to not include CC by youtube and other sites automatically frankly.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Big Squeeze, Nickled & Dimed   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • FORECLOSURES via deceptive and fraudulent proceedings enables repetitive, and illegal property flipping; it enables lenders to falsify IRS form 1099-A’’s; it enables unscrupulous foreclosure mill lawyers (especially because of judges who purposefully abet deceit) to deceptively hold auctions and make insider bids to acquire those properties; and blighted neighborhoods. Fraudulent foreclosures ensure the success of FABRICATED BANKRUPTCY COURT ‘Lift Stay motions’ and false ‘Proof of Claims’.

    Foreclosure via fraud is the reason for illegitimate homelessness and underhanded evictions, unjustified IRS tax bills due to false 1099-A's, and unfair “Deficiency Judgments.” Ironically, some people who express their anger at “deadbeats” appear to be more acceptable about the manifest fraud and criminal activity being carried out by people with credentials to practice law. Equally ironic is the reality that some people pretending to be annoyed about "deadbeats”are the actual people who are participating in real estate racketeering –fully sanctioned by the majority of courts, especially Bankruptcy Courts!

    Reply to: Fraudulent Foreclosures Running Amok   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • I found this video grabber and am looking for automatic transcript generation.

    I forget the name of regular TV captioning service but thank you for pointing out that every single video should have that enabled and available!

    Let me know if the above link can somehow automatically generate text from a video feed. It should be in the actual bitstream frankly.

    I haven't tried this but youtube just enabled automatic closed captioning, but I haven't tried it, so I'll let you be victim to see if it generates garbage instead of the actual transcript.

    If you double click on any of the videos, it should go to the origination site, where maybe there are more tools available that the embedded ones do not have available.

    I make a point to do it this way, only a few videos are locally hosted and this is more "EP picks" list.

    On UCTV, I don't know yet, they sure as hell should have captioning on their web videos, I mean it's the California university system here, but I don't see it. Maybe that first link works.

    If you are aware of accessibility automatic generation tools for media, social/web based media, let me know. This is a major issue, just like all technology, they originally believe only 25 year old males, with no disabilities and always between 5'8" and 5'11" use it. ;)

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Big Squeeze, Nickled & Dimed   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • I'd love to watch these videos but there are no captions or transcripts. If you could post a link to a transcript, I'd be really grateful.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - The Big Squeeze, Nickled & Dimed   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • It looks very strong, to the point GS has already priced in QE2, the big surprise would be the Federal Reserve does nothing.

    (also due to the weak factory report. I've read a slew of analysis on the ISM and frankly, the prices are just not that huge of a deal if one looks at the history, but new orders sure as hell are and so is unemployment, so manufacturing being in trouble ....what is new about that?)

    QE2 is going to happen, Bloomberg.

    That all said, so what, I will update money velocity after the effects of the Fed have sunk in, and note, it's a ratio, velocity, increase money supply, have more uberrich sit on it, buy commodities or whatever, the ratio can actually decrease.

    If they handed the money to the poor on the other hand....

    Reply to: There Goes the Dollar   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • The dollar is falling again, big news on China buying even more U.S. Treasuries, Fannie/Freddie holdings, plus dollar falling.

    Can you tell currency trading is loaded with men with a statement like the above? How about the self-absorbed boy at the dance being the last picked?

    Reply to: There Goes the Dollar   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • I'm seeing some folks have problems registering and signing in. Every time I look into it, they have cookies disabled for the domain

    That's in your firefox and ie privacy settings. I'll help you get on the site, just use the contact form under the "About" section in the menu for help.

    Also, new menus and features are slowly but surely being added.

    Now that we have this big honkin' server, I can add more features that are resource hogs.

    I get little feedback on the site in terms of problems, technologies, features, so if something is broke, I must be made aware of it to fix it.

    Thanks for using EP. It seems the site has become more of an article/newspaper, but the reality is we have powerful tools on the site for sane discussion too.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • Has some good statistics on how many jobs were lost due to what bad trade deal with a separate section for manufacturing.


    Reply to: China's Currency Manipulation Makes America See Red   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • In America, anyone who plays by the rules is just perceived to be a sucker.

    Reply to: Fraudulent Foreclosures Running Amok   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • What is QE2 going to do but inflate gold prices? You can lead a horse to water, but when capital is free flowing and the well is deeper elsewhere, that horse just bolts.

    Reply to: Who Could Forget AIG? The U.S. Treasury Sure Wants To   14 years 4 weeks ago
  • Frankly when it comes to bonds, money theory and so on, I'm much more weak, but I spent a lot of time on that post and concluded the Fed will "print more money", but not for the reasons people are thinking. I see never ending see posts on EP being read and linked to, referenced, and since we moved to the new server, the traffic has increased, but in terms of comments, it's really slacked off.

    Gotta figure out a web method to stop all spam yet enable and encourage easier discussion I think is part of the problem.

    But I'd like to see some feedback because when it comes to global money supplies and those topics, it is so easy to make an analytical mistake...

    but on the other hand, we have all sorts of idiots out there making their claims and Glenn Beck has become a multimillionaire spewing nonsense, so how could anything I write be worse?

    On AIG, this is just one of those things that stinks strongly on slight of hand, but then again, the bail outs, much of it has been just that. At this point, it's all so corrupt, I just almost do not care with the general public being oblivious, focusing in on "smaller government" and turning around demanding policies which create jobs, which really implies "bigger government". (How about efficient and not corrupt government?)

    I also think we're seeing a host of last minute moves by the administration and Democrats, all in an attempt to not lose their rear ends in this election.

    Reply to: Who Could Forget AIG? The U.S. Treasury Sure Wants To   14 years 1 month ago
  • Uncle Ben should invole the Jean Shepherd rule: "In God we trust, all others pay cash." If funny money does the job, have I got a deal for the Fed and the Treasury. I can print certificates in mt basement, if they will give me cash for them.

    Reply to: Who Could Forget AIG? The U.S. Treasury Sure Wants To   14 years 1 month ago
  • It's no wonder so many call government statistics the agency of lies...

    But I made a mistake. Q1 2010 GPD is 3.7%, but it was revised, dramatically from it's 3rd revision of 2.7%.

    I'm continually running down numbers in GDP reports and honestly, especially when price indexes or seasonal adjustments are's very difficult to see how the BEA comes up with their numbers.

    Frankly I believe they should have data/spreadsheets that anyone with high school mathematics can follow, but such is job security or something.

    The post is now corrected. I try to be accurate on these overviews so if there are any other errors or errors on this site generally, I would appreciate an email through the contact form in order to make corrections.

    Reply to: Q2 2010 3rd Revision GDP - 1.7%   14 years 1 month ago
  • AIG deal. What's interesting is through the common stock conversion the U.S. will own more of AIG than it does now.

    Claims the Fed will be paid off first.

    Reply to: Who Could Forget AIG? The U.S. Treasury Sure Wants To   14 years 1 month ago
  • although it amplifies the power China has, to control supply of rare Earth minerals.

    Reply to: China's Currency Manipulation Makes America See Red   14 years 1 month ago
  • Rare Earth is used in semi-conductors, wind turbines magnets, LiPo batteries and a host of cutting edge stuff. It is a composite of 7 rare elements on the atomic chart. China cut off all trade with the Japanese on this stuff.

    China Inc. controls over 90 percent of world-wide production. In 2007, Chinese Overseas Investment Company tried to buy the last major mine in the U.S. during the Chevron take-over attempt. Thank Lou.

    MolyCorp is the sole domestic mine owner but not producing just looking for help at this time. China Inc. bankrupted RE producers in the 90s. Around the time of the WTO application by China. Australia also has some production. As policy, the U.S. should be standing shoulder to shoulder with the Pacific Alliance but sadly it is not. This one does not take legislation, it takes some Executive action.

    This story is just a repeat of the Software Encryption key piracy, steel, semi-conductors and the rest. So to repeat the historical maxim: show me the volumes of trade on a map, I will show you where the next conflicts occur.

    Reply to: China's Currency Manipulation Makes America See Red   14 years 1 month ago
