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  • What you say is true and since I know construction business, State rules more often apply.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • Yes, if they had to do a stimulus then giving all that money to the people would have worked. Of course, you will still have had those who would have squandered it but the majority would have done the right thing, like pay off their mortgages, oh but wait, that benefits the people and not special interests.

    Reply to: HUH? or Help for Underwater Homeowners in the U.S.   14 years 1 month ago
  • Folks, I just checked Google page rank. You MUST "fake out" Google and put an "originally posted on" line in the article piece subheading.

    In other words, changing the title or the content of the first two paragraphs is key.

    We have a page rank of zero, which is very bad news, that means Google has deemed us content copy. That's hardly the truth but why I have been asking people to put clearly where a post was originally on.

    I make a point to only write on EP, in part because I'm so vested in the site, but also to make sure it's known this site has original content.

    I'm all for cross posting, it's clear people read different sites and economics is usually mixed in, and misunderstood on many.

    My hope is EP grows, after all it is the only community economics site where anyone can write and have their own blog.

    Please help out and modify your posts.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • We've covered this in the unemployment reports but the implications that people are dropping out, they simply cannot find a job and are falling off of the cliff is amplified in this new Roosevelt Institute blog post with study.

    I don't know about anyone else here but these reports are so damn depressing, I'd just like to scream. More I'm wondering what can we write to simply raise hell and demand that a good job is a God Given, American Apple Pie Right.

    Reply to: IMF - Global Employment Crisis   14 years 1 month ago
  • Of course Obama thinks Geithner/Summers are doing a "fabulous" job, yet for the President to mention China is deliberately undervaluing their currency usually implies something.

    Bloomberg has the story.

    We can only hope. This never ending inane labor arbitrage going on in the U.S. is in part caused by the never ending access to cheap labor.

    Also, corporations do not have to do the right thing and realize part of their responsibility is provide Americans jobs....because it is not enacted into law, or if it is, it's not enforced.

    Reply to: Geithner Hearts China with Tough Love?   14 years 1 month ago
  • I've been doing "admin" web stuff all week, so I'm really behind and this report is 167 pages long. You raise an excellent point though because accounting should be the same across groups and it would not surprise me at all to find out it is not.

    I hope you look into it and write up what you find.

    Reply to: Fed Flow of Funds Report - It's Official, We're   14 years 1 month ago
  • If household net worth has declined so much, how much is due to lost home equity? And should not the banks/ the Fed mark to market? The net worth should be a real number, and decline shoud mirror actual value. So how much of the debt the Fed is carrying is actual value and how much is sham? Are we being lied to by this venerable institution?

    Reply to: Fed Flow of Funds Report - It's Official, We're   14 years 1 month ago
  • I don't know the details in Oregon, but I can safely say the entire state is controlled by Democrats. But Bush is the one who did the water thing, on federal law.

    So, it might be a conflict between state and federal laws and who is controlling them, vs. a "partisan" thing across state and fed.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • The largest developer of undeveloped land in my area, north of the(Washington / Baltimore) beltway is a Democrat. So I really don't understand this "the Republican base keeps coming and coming for undeveloped land".

    I never knew that only Republicans were developers. Maybe you should ask people that live in Hawaii about the Democrat Party and land development.

    Good to see partisan views don't change on the EP. It is almost like reading the text of someone's somniloquence.

    Since we have become a world of comfort, our need to feed the family is not closely tied to the land or hunting. "When humans are hunting for their survival, pretty ideas like environmentalism etc rapidly get moved to the back burner as concerns about the next meal become more pressing.

    Dr John Alroy of the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, California, 2001"

    As it has been through history, when push comes to shove the one on the higher rung of the food chain will take what it needs to survive.

    People have some pie in the sky idea that the Native American was some ecology major.

    "The general public probably buys into the 'Pocahontas version' that Native Americans were inherently different and more in tune with nature," said University of Utah archaeologist Jack Broughton. "The evidence says otherwise.

    After studying thousands of animal bones found in a garbage heap on the shores of San Francisco Bay, Broughton concluded that Native Americans living in an area where Emeryville is now located hunted several species to local extinction from 600 B.C. to A.D. 1300"

    In 1974 I was fishing the Klamath (or was it the Trinity can't remember)in the Trinity Wilderness. About 50 feet away a big brown bear came to the waters edge to fish. Guess who won the rights to fish in the spot.

    I don't think I ever moved up a river bank so fast in my entire life. Aren't those brown bears in that area grizzly bears. I think the Brown Bear is more north.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • CBO

    is the Congressional Budget Office. That is the "independent" branch of Congress for the purposes of financial/budget reporting.

    Geithner is head of U.S. Treasury, he is Obama's treasury secretary, a position of the cabinet.

    Warren is now a "Czar", and it's unclear if she is still reporting to Geithner.

    Czars are a nebulous reporting position in the Obama administration, but they have been using this to avoid Congressional confirmations.

    Warren is putting together the CFPA, which is under the Federal Reserve (cough, cough). That means she has nothing to do with social security or policy in this regard and probably not macro economic policy.

    The idea is to create protection on financial products, such as credit cards, home mortgages, auto loans and so on. That's the CFPA's charter.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Warren is a real thorn in the side of Geithner/Obama at CBO. Next year big deals will be made with the New Majority on Social Security, Trade, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. Warren cannot stay at CBO in the eyes of this Administration. Put her where she can do the least amount of exposure of the Fraud of the Money Party.

    Many of the same players of the Contract with America are directing the Puppet Show with the Tea Party. Next year, Newt and the whole crowd will become much more vocal in shredding the remnants of the Net protecting ordinary Americans. Bet that Obama, Geithner and the Money Party will behave like Clinton and Gingrich did in 1994-1996.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • We just don't know what, if anything she can get done. But bottom line, she's not working on the macro economic side to create jobs.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • I'm thinking they are using this as a bribe to keep her mouth shut. It doesn't make sense otherwise. She grills Gaither and now he is one of her bosses? I wonder what scams is going through her mind right now.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Each president, no matter how good or bad, does their share to harm something in the economy. In fact, it is pretty interesting to me how this continues to happen on a more frequent basis.

    Reply to: The Economics of Ecology   14 years 1 month ago
  • Hey folks, I'm playing some games with domains, so you might run into problems with suddenly being logged off. Just re-login and let me know about any problems.

    The issue is I want to move the site as functioning on two different domains, and

    There are a lot of tricks to do this, but some slow down the site and reduce Google page rank, which is very bad, because most people find us via de Google.

    So, I'm trying different stuff to make this work. I tried one thing which added a 2 seconds of page load time and screwed up Google finding our posts for their news.

    Now I switched back to keep the .org as the top level to not break aggregators and am trying to enable session cookies, which tells the site where your blog is, where your comments are and so on, to work across both the .com and the .org domains.

    What a hassle.

    Sorry this is geeking out on you but bottom line if you are logged on, just relog in and let me know about problems.

    Reply to: Major Site Administration News   14 years 1 month ago
  • I've seen in a long time, probably since they wrote there book on U.S. politics.

    So, we must cover it. What is going on in America right now is plain bizarre. We cannot get the right legislation, the right policies, because government is too corporate corrupt, too special interest corrupted....

    so instead they want to make things worse and promote economic fiction as something that would actually create jobs?

    It's insane, so more than appropriate Stewart/Colbert take it all on.

    Reply to: Sunday Morning Comics - Bubble Dreams Edition   14 years 1 month ago
  • Link is here.

    One thing is certain, she's pretty new communications media savvy. She seems to be going for it, so odds are this was the best she could get.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • is going to try to do whatever she can regardless but considering Geithner, Summers and especially TARP, especially the Fed., the reappointment of Bernanke and all of the rest, I have a very hard time believing the Obama administration is interested in anything remotely close to the reforms we need.

    I think we'll see, I find it more interesting that Warren is going to do it.

    Also, getting one good one in that administration, well, it's one person. the entire team is front loaded with "the money party" as we've documented here many times.

    Even worse, economists who speak truth to power, even in Academia are outsiders in many ways.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • Her confirmation would be a political fight but Obama would have a huge advantage. Take Warren to the public in a really big way, show her videos, get her on the talk shows...MAKE them vote against real financial reform. He'd win outright, I think. But when they say confirmation is a problem, they silently assume (I bet) that they'd make about as much effort for her as they did for foreclosure relief.

    It is clear that they're pulling a fast one on the reasons for dropping her to a "adviser" role. They claim it's a confirmation problem. Well, over the past few weeks, they've let it be known that they were submitting her name in nomination, then planning and interim appointment instead of that. Then we got the "special adviser" deal.

    When the whole process started with the claim of nomination through the Senate, the "opposition" was there in the same form it was on Sept 16th. One might conclude that, all along, they'd planned to give her the adviser job but figured they'd get a little credit for "trying" to nominate her (even thought the Senate votes would have been the same at the start or end of the process).

    If I'm right on this point or any part of the cynical interpretation, she's not going to be given a chance. I think that would be a mistake because she handled Congress pretty good and, if they mess with her, she can just resign, which would be a political disaster.

    They waste endless time scheming while they should be working with defined goals and procedures.

    Reply to: Triumph of the Money Party!!! Warren's role downgraded, reports to Geithner   14 years 1 month ago
  • to me ..the selling of all the natl parks ...the dubai ports ..and now your retirement money ...this is just telling you how broke and desperate the govt is ...i mean if taxing you to the high heavens isnt enuf ...and bailing out banks on fiat currency (not backed by a piece of s***)..the fed res isnt a branch of govt in case you didnt know know what fascism is ? i smell a revolution ...but with that never know what youll get after ....a restoration of the constitution is whats needed .. oust these treasonist entities like the fed and cfr ..trilats dont know whos controlling you

    Reply to: House discusses 401k/IRA confiscation   14 years 1 month ago
