Recent comments

  • This is a scary statement.

    Hungary’s bonds fell after a spokesman for Prime Minister Viktor Orban said talk of a default is “not an exaggeration” because a previous administration “manipulated” figures. The country was bailed out with a 20 billion-euro ($24 billion) aid package from the European Union and International Monetary Fund in 2008.
    “The comments out of Hungary have really spooked the market,” said Rajeev Shah, a credit strategist at BNP Paribas SA in London. “Investors are interpreting it as bad sign for trying to tackle Europe’s debt crisis.”

    Reply to: Here Comes Hungary   14 years 4 months ago
  • that's what i read, it was supposed to do an automatic shut off but didn't.

    and that included disengaging the riser pipe.

    I just turned on spill cam and things look the same to me, but it's hard to say. Anyone see any piping or values shut down?

    Reply to: Abiding Ado About Oil   14 years 4 months ago
  • As I read the BP testimony, the electronic controls on an BOP depend on the rig and platform and its command and control being intact. Set fire to the rig and platform and you lose control of the BOP, and turn the BOP OFF.

    This vulnerability was known to the Oil and Gas Offshore platform industry since at least 2000. In that time frame, I became aware of North Sea platform whose controls had to be re-initialized with different date routines to 'fix' the Y2K bugs.

    These fixes created future year routines to allow for 6 character
    dates. There is no removing a BOP as we can see.

    Reply to: Abiding Ado About Oil   14 years 4 months ago
  • Here are some BP presentation documents about what went wrong leading up to the disaster. There is quite a bit of information with assuredly a heart wrenching hearing tomorrow on the environmental impact.

    I personally cannot look at those photos of animals drowning in oil and dying.

    The above link has some good diagrams for more details on what we're looking at.

    I guess we're really geeking out here, but considering the entire disaster impact is dependent on stopping the flow plus clean up, I guess that's ok.

    Reply to: Abiding Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • Since unfortunately there is no running engineering commentary on what is going on in the most addictive spillcam, again, click here to watch them all in one page, here's the latest visuals.

    I've seen a cap #3 being hoisted up from the sea floor. The cap currently on (I believe) is #4.

    At the same time, we see some chaining going on seemingly to a pipe, but that might be cap #3.

    At this time, it's clear the pipe is not attached and earlier we saw a lack of stabilization in the cap #4 position on the top of the BOP (the sliced off pipe or leak point).

    So, my guess is they are switching to cap #3, which looks of a smaller diameter and a narrower pipe at the top (go figure on that one).

    Why they gave up on #4 so fast who knows, except it didn't seem seated and stable on top of the BOP from watching spillcam.

    The above animation in the post does show they have to let things stablize, take some readings, make sure it's not forming hydrates and clogging, get the gas out of the pipe, attach it, shut off additional values on the cap and so on.

    So, I don't think anyone should reach any conclusions by watching a video snapshot yet.

    Reply to: Abiding Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • moved it here since this one is filling up.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • When Victorville lost the Roy Rogers Museum it lost its Soul!

    Reply to: U.S. Mint runs out   14 years 5 months ago
  • I'm on my 2nd coffee and the Dunkin opens at 5am right near me so I'm watching this straight through.

    Someone will buy out BP soon and mitigate the BP name being bad news. Their stock is going to really nose dive when this fails. I hate to say it but at some point because they will be bought up the stock will be a good buy just need to know the bottom of the tank so to speak.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • The cap isn't quite into position yet and what we're seeing is the cap, which explains a lot.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • Well, I'd say take the entire thing off but it's 5 stories and after watching the hell they had making a cut across about an 18" in (??) diameter pipe I hope the ROV operator just has the shakes. I see that too I don't buy 9000 PSI after watching this for awhile.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • I thought maybe they were recalibrating, taking measurements and looking for damage and and maybe quitting for the night but now I see them grabbing some white looking hose or tubing (not the dispersant sprayer) and then looking up at a pipe descending.

    I hope they have high end military GPS and with computers who can do automatic positioning....cause seeing though that oil looks "not happening" or maybe they have "touch" sensors or something on those robotic arms.

    Spillcam is completely addictive!

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • They could use the link you supplied. Its frustrating to watch them asking what the blue lines are about when obviously they did not even go to BP's website.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • Explosive underwater welding is experimental at some fairly low depths but the welds probably wouldn't be strong enough.

    I'm betting there is some type of compression fitting in that cap structure and that they will turn the cap and drive that fitting tight then attach the riser.

    It does look like the entire BOP is swinging a whole lot. The top of a 60 foot structure swaying several feet back and forth would mean the structure is in trouble imo 'IF' thats what we are seeing but it sure looks like that because I haven't seen that 'effect' before and I have been watching this for some time tonight.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • getting an engineer making audio commentary who isn't affiliated with BP as part of the stream ain't a bad idea.

    But who isn't affiliated with CNN and so on either.

    I'm very surprised to not see engineers in some real time forums or even twitter doing blow by blows.

    I've actually hunted around and the group that seems to understand the most technically and they have also made mistakes is the oil drum.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • Beyond the fact they repeatedly get economic and finance events dead wrong, seemingly reguritating press releases instead of reading bills or even talking to experts....

    these guys have no idea what they are looking at.

    Like right now they think they have "Hurricane" when they have increased velocity due to a reduction of surface area plus redirection. They don't understand flows, rates, velocity...they just see shit and make some "assessment" that isn't accurate.

    I mean you're looking at cameras on ROVs in the water at 2600 cannot just eye ball this and freak out.

    I'm waiting for the spill flow rate team to estimate the new rates. I saw it too and frankly to me it just looked concentrated instead of popping out over different holes in the riser pipe. i.e. one huge plume instead of 3 identified.

    This is what I see going on. The Obama administration had their heads up their ass for a good 30 days and now it seems they gathered some real engineers into a larger team and as a result we're seeing better architected solutions to stop this.

    Obviously things go wrong upon deployment, but the are sure better than the insanity, which I didn't even write up, that went on for 30 days after the platform sunk.

    I mean seriously, just putting a "cap" on it, or "putting a pipe in it" or "golf balls"...all of this is not very well architected utilizing all of the elements and knowledge available.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • seriously? underwater? with a 2600 PSI? I see them with lock pins, which is amazing of itself.

    I also see "rocking" of the 5 story BOP! That's scary.

    Silly Anderson Cooper finally got a clue and said they are going to have some engineers come on.

    These people, I swear, they are railing on BP when they cannot get the technical story even close to right most of the time.

    Hello, if you do not understand it, there are only a good 5000 people in the U.S. who do, you could like uh ask.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • Keeping the cap ice free looks like a nightmare on its own. This is riveting stuff. Anderson Cooper said BP could have helped its image more to narrate the spillcam instead of running a 50 million dollar commercial.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • I am amazed there is not a single news feed of the multiple views with someone explaining what they are and what they are doing. They are showing these because they have been told to but they don't want to even offer some info?

    I see a cap has been lowered over the cut pipe and another view that shows a smaller pipe with oil under a lot of pressure.

    Looks like that have attached the cap and they have a fitted end they will attach to after they seal the cap as much as possible. I wonder if the robots can weld it shut at this depth? By having a relief opening they give themselves a way to seal the bad part as much as possible.

    Well see.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • You must watch this one.


    So, we need to wait, they are NOT done at all, I see a robot arm moving to put a latch in place and ya know watching all of this has got me fascinated with these underwater devices. I cannot thread a needle easily and these robot arms that's what it looks like, esp. with these latch pegs!

    Anywho, they have to get the flow up to the top going and much more so we're all reacting wrong.

    Isn't watch spillcam addictive?

    I plan on putting up a huge new thread, once I get a good picture on how this is working.

    We got to get back to econ, although this technical issue is key to analyze the entire effect. Of course watching dead marshes and so on, I get we can diverge.

    I also notice oil drum crashes continually and there are almost no sites actually tracking this and paying attention to the engineering details. Lots of opinions out there on all sorts of crap, ignoring in my opinion the most important thing, which is to cut off the spill.

    We had spill path animations today but it's unclear at what spill rate that is or if is just what as spilled to date. That said, this secondary "vaccuum cleaner" or reverse pumping idea hopefully could be further deployed if they actually know where the large concentrations are. me thinks.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
  • CNN said when they cut the riser the flow looked like it tripled. The last twelve hours was the worst for amount of oil flowing. Hopefully they can bolt that thing down and syphon off a significant amount of the oil.
    The administration must have signed off on this before hand. Obama is getting dealt some really tough hands.

    Reply to: Even More Ado About Oil   14 years 5 months ago
