Angry Bear

Time for A Few Small Repairs?

Citigroup credited a client’s account with $81tn when it meant to send only $280, an error that could hinder the bank’s attempt to persuade regulators that it has fixed long-standing operational issues. Yes, that is 81 trillion U.S. Dollars, which about says it all. The good news for Citi is that–this time–they managed to get […]

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The Legacy

America has set its life upon a cast and will now stand the hazard of the die.  As of today, most likely, Trump’s legacy will be that he sold out the United States of America, Ukraine, Europe, and Taiwan for his own personal benefit, and perhaps a nineteenth-century fantasy.  That his threats to annex Panama […]

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Illnesses from contaminated food increased in 2024

Each week, R.J. sends me briefings on various topics (covid, etc.) impacting the nation. This particular report caught my eye. If you have worked in the food industry, you would know an outbreak of listeria is serious. Such an outbreak leads to a shutdown of a facility for a long period of time. The FDA […]

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January income and spending show unresolved seasonality in a typical late cycle configuration

 – by New Deal democrat There were two important points in this morning’s personal income and spending report for January. The first is that there appears to be some unresolved seasonality at work. The second is that nevertheless both were weaker than one year ago. Nominally personal income rose 0.9%, while spending declined -0.2%. Since […]

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Dental health and mental health

Back in the early 80s, Marshall and Warren made the link between gastric ulcers and Helicobacter pylori infections. Suddenly, a painful chronic condition that increased the risk of stomach cancer was curable with antibiotics. A major public health scourge today in America is dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. There’s growing evidence that periodontitis is linked to […]

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I Guess the Nursing Homes don’t care

With all the focus on Medicaid, I have been wondering; why haven’t we heard from the long-term care industry? Surely they must be hearing about the potential cut of $880 billion within the Medicaid budget. Oh, and this is a minimum directive given to the committees of jurisdiction as noted in their 58 page budget […]

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Musk and his lies, lies, and more lies

More political coverage this morning. If one can call it such. Trump lying about Medicaid and Musk doing the same about his cost cutting activities which is causing injury to millions of people. ~~~~~~~ He’s lying about what we did in the Clinton administration, lying when he says public servants are our enemies, and lying […]

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Medicaid Fraud Reduction Might Save $50 Billion

At the most. The GOP leadership keeps trumpeting work requirements and fraud when asked where they’ll find $880 billion in cuts to health care programs. That’s nonsense according to Merrill Goozner. The fraudulent work requirement meme, GoozNews I was glad to see fellow substacker Paul Krugman weigh in this morning on how the Republican Party is attacking […]

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Taking Medicaid Away from Those Who Need It the Most

Cruel and Usual: Republicans Prepare to Gut Medicaid – by Paul Krugman West Virginia is a very red state; Donald Trump received more than two thirds of its votes last year. It’s also a poor state, left behind by the 21st century economy. Because incomes are low, it pays very little in federal income taxes — less […]

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The end of “steady as she goes” in jobless claims?

– by New Deal democrat This week’s report on initial jobless claims was of particular interest, because of the issue of whether Federal employees laid off by the new Administration would cause an increase. It appears they did. Initial jobless claims rose 22,000 for the week to 242,000, and the four week moving average rose 8,500 […]

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RFK Jr wants to cut Alzheimers research

As the American population ages, the burden of dementia care is increasing. While the GOP congress hopes to ease that burden by cutting Medicaid funding and letting those folks die*, RFK Jr is tackling the prevention side to make sure more Americans and their loved ones suffer from this awful condition: “Robert F. Kennedy Jr., […]

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All About Politics and Not the Law

When They Come for the Judges, Civil Discourse Utah Senator Mike Lee knows better than this, which means that it’s about politics and not about the law. Specifically, it’s about letting politics trump the rule of law, the principle that there are laws that everyone, including the government, must follow. Apparently, the senator is no […]

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Florida GOP Chair Slams U.S. Congressman Protecting Medicaid

AB: Uppity Democrat and Congressional Person Maxwell Frost is in a battle with Florida GOP Chair Evan Power in the aftermath of a rancorous congressional session. “Florida GOP Chair Slams U.S. Congressman Protecting Medicaid, “We Are Laughing at You,” 2Paragraphs Headlines were made when Frost tried to counter a MAGA legislative majority determined to push President Donald Trump‘s […]

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The Trump/Musk/RFK Jr Administration is trying to kill us

• Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has paused a multimillion-dollar contract from the Biden administration to create a new COVID-19 vaccine; • US health officials are reevaluating a $590 million contract for bird flu shots that the Biden administration awarded to Moderna; • A meeting of a committee that advises the FDA on vaccine policy has […]

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Viruses don’t care about your beliefs

“As the measles outbreak in Texas keeps spreading, parents who previously chose not to vaccinate their children are now lining up to get their kids the shots needed to protect them from the serious illness. “People are more and more nervous” as they watch the highly contagious virus spread in their communities, mostly among children, […]

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Unions, Labor, and Work Stoppages

As the EPI article says decades of federal policy and court decisions have placed limit on Labor’s to strike as allowed under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Evolving over the years, millions of workers have been excluded from the NLRA right to strike. As you can see on the graph below the numbers of […]

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Techno-Stalinism and the death of democracy

A former mentor once explained to me why America would be better off if scientists ran the country. While technocracy isn’t inherently anti-democratic—America could simply elect scientists and engineers—the notion smacks of elitism. Of course, this country was founded on the idea of elitism. Only property-owning White men could vote. The president was appointed by […]

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Planned Budget Cuts and Impact

Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen review Trumps budget cuts. The implication here is it is near impossible to achieve the dramatic cuts without imposing severe penalties on the US Citizenry, The attempt is to balance the budget so as intakes equal outtakes of funds. Except Trump does not want to fix his 2017 tax break. […]

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