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  • Other countries are tightening restrictions on foreigners (e.g., Japan paying foreign workers to leave) and we're doing the exact opposite. I sure hope US companies force foreigners to work for free in internships just like Americans from 18 - 65 already do. Let's call it a path to citizenship - they want to be treated like us, step on up, work for free, it's the new minimum wage. I'm watching Nero fiddle and feeling it getting hotter and hotter.

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Right, they are just going to flood the U.S. labor market with immigration, just completely ignoring the reality of economic conditions. We only have the Fed buying up $40 billion a month in MBS and U.S. treasuries, but who cares, go ahead, flood the labor market...

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • And for the 28 million + (must be much more by now) out here in the Wasteland, where do we/they turn? No one in power doing anything to change or even acknowledge the truth because their business is corruption, and business is GOOD.

    Look, if someone said study Mandarin at your own expense for 4 years or some programming language or study this or that, we'd do it even if we are 30 or 40 or 50. But only with a guarantee that at the end of the time and $, we'd have a job we could house and feed ourselves with. Maybe a kid or two. But there are no guarantees and no one is saying anything about any jobs that will be open. They'll give a grin fit for a dumbsh*t and say, "Well, if you have skills and the work ethic, we'll hire you." And expect those homeless or close to it to grin and take it all in stride. Guess what? I ain't grinning, haven't been for awhile. But don't dare confront these asshats with personal experience of rejection over 4 or 5 or 6 years lest you be labeled someone with a "bad attitude" unworthy of a minimum wage job for your PhD.

    Well, I'm sick of the lies and inaction. I'm waiting for Mad Max to arrive with his dog, because I don't see any jobs, no reason to learn anything more because it won't get a job anywhere (here or abroad) and Taleo and hiring managers will blackhole qualified applicants anyway, and it will just be a waste of $ and time when people don't have any $ to waste and life is too short to bow to some jackass on a powertrip that can't spell HR. In fact, too much learning is not what America wants now, if corporate America wants you, best fit in to "Idiocracy."

    And no one in power cares, so a big F U to all those that destroyed our country. When men and women have no hope, things get really bad (or exciting - I guess depends on which side of Versailles's gates one finds themselves on). But CNN had a report on a Rutgers coach getting fired, I'm sure that issue of "national importance" trumps the close to 30 million Americans that have fire in their eyes and pure revulsion for those that sold them out (both Dems and Republicans).

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • No answers, if they can replace someone with a computer in the US or overseas, they will. No field is safe, thinking about it thinking people should be scared crapless and sick to their stomachs. Honestly don't know what to tell kids in the general population to do, those thinking about marrying and having kids, or basically anyone out there that's not part of the oligarchy that can screw up entire nations and never lose jobs or a dime. Dystopia is here, today, not tomorrow, today. How to invest or care about a country, build and maintain a society in this nightmare? There are answers, but those in charge won't stop the madness because they get rich off the status quo.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • You can say that again. I'm an American with a MS in computers and a fistful of technical certifications. IT companies won't respond to my resume, much less grant an interview. Why should they, when they can hire someone from Asia for a quarter of the salary?

    If you're an intelligent American, don't go into STEM work. Try medicine or finance instead.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • Why the title. More and more picking the pockets of individuals and local, state, federal, global governments by the banks is endorsed. That's our theme here, it's ok to take people's money as long as you are not another bank. Look at Europe, they needed to nationalize the banks, wipe out all of the debt and reset, instead they sent an entire continent pretty much economy into the tank, all to "save" the banks.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • These connections are easy to spot. It's all out there in plain sight. And they get mighty pissed if they ever get asked about it. All in huff, "How dare you question, blah blah."
    Well, here's the federal standard for recusal: "[a]ny justice, judge or magistrate of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."

    With that, how is it even possible for the SDNY Judge with a husband that admits to currently or recently representing big banks in antitrust issues able to seriously sit on a case dealing with big banks on any issue, let alone LIBOR fixing (an antitrust and fraud issue) in the very same district in which he is based and represents clients? Was every other SDNY Judge somehow unavailable? Really?

    SDNY bankster capital of the world and look how few prosecutions stem from that office. What are they up to exactly? Why earn all that $? Why are they worth so much as private attorneys if they never actually went to trial on big cases? Connections or their mad trial skills when 95+% of their cases plead out. Hmmm, let's think about it.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • Banks acting in collusion to manipulate a key interest rate certainly sounds like anti-trust, but I am not an attorney, legal expert. I will email Bloomberg law and ask that they cover the ruling in detail. They are solidly objective usually. These connections being dug up are pretty astounding, no doubt about it, but I want to hear it from the legal experts if this ruling is bogus.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • Come on, as if anyone needs further evidence of revolving door crap, the SDNY Judge that dismissed the case was a SDNY Assistant US Attorney and so was her husband. And to prove the point that in return for non-prosecution of banksters during their terms they get judgeships or become big law firm partners, we have her becoming a federal judge and her husband now a partner in a big bankster defending law firm! Awesome! Any doubt now how our justice system works? Here it is, from his big law firm's (yes, he works in the SDNY) website:

    "Current/Recent Engagements
    Representing officers and directors of AIG, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Computer Associates, Global Crossing, Merrill Lynch and Nortel in investigations involving allegations of accounting irregularities."

    "Attorneys, accountants, and officers and employees of leading financial services, telecommunications, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, consumer goods and other companies have relied on Mr. Buchwald for defense against a range of charges, including insider trading, securities and mail fraud, antitrust violations, tax evasion, bribery, customs fraud, immigration violations and money laundering."

    Banksters being defended by former SDNY Assistant US Attorneys? And a wife as a federal judge in the same district? No way! Shocking!
    I wonder why she didn't recuse herself? I hope the 2nd Circuit tears her a new one and there's an investigation. Come on, at least pretend justice is blind and determined on the law, not bullsh*t public policy grounds that everyone knows are a last resort when the fix is in.
    Come on, the 99% also have skills, experience, and education. Just because we don't step on other people or crave wealth above all else in life, doesn't mean we don't know what's going on and have the skills and experience to start righting the wrongs you have imposed on us. You have the corruption, we have the numbers and skills. The 99% want our country back because we're sick of seeing criminals and corrupt idiots sell us out and destroy what took 200+ years to build. Enjoy.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • Read this (from Bloomberg): "Explaining her decision to dismiss the claims after the regulatory settlements, Buchwald said private cases must be 'examined closely' to ensure plaintiffs are “properly entitled to recover and that the suit is, in fact, serving the public purposes.”

    “The broad public interests behind the statutes invoked here, such as integrity of the markets and competition, are being addressed by ongoing governmental enforcement,' she said."

    Apparently this clown thinks as long as the government that is controlled by the banks and takes their donations is pretending to do something about it or settles for a miniscule % of the money stolen, then private lawsuits are somehow preempted everywhere? Never heard of all lawsuits being preempted because some federal agency might someday be pursuing some action or cuts a deal without consulting all the injured parties for a tiny portion of the public and private losses, but then again the rules and laws are constantly being reinterpreted to aid the elite.

    When you can't rely on plain meanings of laws and they are arbitrarily enforced to the detriment of the majority of citizens, why should they be held as the law of the land anymore? Did she not read where the DOJ isn't going to prosecute big banks per Holder? Hey, Judge, the Feds explicitly said they weren't going to pursue legal actions against certain banks - that only leaves lawsuits brought by other parties, understand? That's the only recourse to protect the public. And now those aren't allowed?

    By the way, she was in the US Attorney's Office for the SDNY (bankster central and a complete lack of enforcement against bankster cartels throughout history). Given her logical skills, can't wait to discover what wonders she worked as a prosecutor. No surprise - she played the game, got rewarded with a judgeship (as others are rewarded by becoming partners in big law firms defending the very same banks), and now will return the favor.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • HR are hatchet people generally. That said, it seems way too common for women who get to the top to be worse than the males towards other women.

    I don't get that, but I don't get how some mothers can stand by and let their husbands kill their daughters claiming "honor killing" or blame their daughters, shun their own flesh and blood if she has been assaulted and so on.

    Weird juju. Ladies are over 50% of the U.S. population and if they would band together and act in concert, instead of those phony organizations that won't even utter the word discrimination, ya all would probably get somewhere. Seems like one lone wolf speaks truth and then the onslaught goes after her, she's solo.

    Bottom line women techies are paid less than their male colleagues as well as seen less in terms getting the critical projects, given team leader roles, regardless of their CV.

    I just saw that a Facebook site (why would anyone create a blog on Facebook?) called I love F**king Science, the author revealed herself to be female and generated hundreds of thousands of derogatory, sexist, misogynistic comments. CBS this morning did a story on it.

    I had no idea it was that bad out there that a long established science blogger, just by revealing her sex behind whatever funky online id/name she used would generate such an onslaught of hate.

    The situation for women STEM clearly is much worse than I realized just from that event alone.

    Good point that the few female executives get in from the sidelines, from politics and connections vs. running up the ranks of techville. Too many blocks to get up the ranks of techville. What's happening in VC land with women presenting their business model and prototype to get funding?

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • First, I would never book a cruise where they pack people in like Sardines and clearly safety is being cut for profits. But those people should sue that company into the ground and the government, coast guard should charge for services. BP cost billions to taxpayers and they went after some of that money, the same should apply here.

    I agree with you, unfortunately these are just your typical weekly news stories and every week, everyday we see yet another.

    Millions of bogus IRS tax filings? I think there might be 100 million or less individual tax filings in the United States in the first place? What's the percentage of overall tax filings where people are getting their ID stolen. This is just outrageous and nothing is being done. You can buy stolen IDs now, not just one, a batch, for less than $20.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - A Collection of Outrage   11 years 6 months ago
  • 1) Only so much a man can take and rail against with no effect before he suffers shell-shock.
    Surely the problem with cruises is they have too many regulations (sarcasm). There's a reason they register their ships in Panama and Liberia, and it's not because the Liberian Navy (there is none and that's the least of that country's issues as we feed billions into it so its leaders get richer) is closer and better than the Coast Guard. Absolutely, profits at the expense of passenger safety and health. Look at those ships nowadays, they look like they are ready to turn on their sides if there's a rogue wave. 5,000+ people, many of whom are drinking heavily, bad regulations + enforcement = nightmare. But don't dare talk about tougher regulations to cruise ship owners. That would cut into their piggy banks.
    Again, notice the big vs. small treatment. Small group of people goes hiking in restricted area, needs rescue, people and MSM says they should repay costs. Big cruise ship runs like crap, breaks down, 5000 people need rescue, won't see Fox News demanding owners repay Coast Guard. Double standards everywhere for corporate boards and CEOs vs. people - proves corporations really aren't "people," they are deities in the eyes of our govt.

    2) ID theft - once again, what's going to happen when all three credit agencies have more and more security breaches as they handle all of our Social Security Numbers and other data overseas?

    Law firms and hospitals and banks and every other entity all allowed to outsource confidential information to Asia and everywhere else while a store clerk in the US has to take a urine test and fingerprint check and provide 3 references before he is even hired (and won't be because he won't work for free). Is ID theft, forgery, depleting entire bank accounts, terrorists using our data and IDs, etc. going to get worse or better? Our govt. is okay with it because they allow it. But perhaps they can spend 20 years and hire 100 consultants for $20 billion to study the problem and come up with an answer. One breach and a person can lose all their money and become a "terrorist" overnight. Their life is ruined and the companies and the government not only don't care, they won't do anything to prevent it from happening again.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - A Collection of Outrage   11 years 6 months ago
  • Yep, I'm all too familiar with HR departments that undermine the engineering teams. These women HRs (they are usually women) make a special point of being condescending and unsupportive of women engineers. They often undermine wage negotiations. They usually block complaints about discriminatory behavior and side with the executive teams.

    Actually, their jobs depend on sucking up to the executive team so the company doesn't have to come clean on their dysfunctional work environment.

    Sandberg is COO, not HR, but her role is the same. She's there as a buffer to soft peddle the company to the outside world and at the same time, probably to pave over issues of a dysfunctional work environment. Think that Facebook is a good place for women to work? Google "Katherine Losse".

    I'd rather deal with a couple of goofs making dongle jokes any day compared to dealing with these lying and manipulative women executives. At least it's honest. Actually, I probably would have turned right around to those guys at the python conference and said LOUDLY "Are you sure it is a BIG dongle we're dealing with here?"

    Again, I get why it is annoying to have to listen to these jokes, but seriously, it's a jungle out there. Dongle jokes are the least of our worries.

    We are being fooled by websites/books such as "Lean In" and

    I, for one, don't need a lecture from Sheryl Sandberg on working harder or being more confident. I need Sheryl and her boss, Mark Zuckerberg, to stop depressing my wage and bargaining power by engaging in direct lobbying in Washington for more cheap, H-1B, mostly male STEM workers.

    Sheryl, might I remind you that your degree is in economics, not computer science or engineering? You were coddled along at Harvard by Lawrence Summers at Harvard. Yes, the same guy who was fired from Harvard for telling everyone that women can't do science and math. You are an advertising executive. Facebook sucks as a user experience. Your stock is falling. It's in the 25s and is dropping like a rock. No one cares about your book and in two years, it will selling used on Amazon for $2.00.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • Add to that list the names of Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton, ( who could not get enough H-1B's for Bill Gates), just like her husband, Bill, who I voted for and shame on me, could not get enough of NAFTA free trade. HR departments generally look down on engineers as troublesome unmanagable nerds who lack "interpersonal skills" like effective lying, cheating, manipulation, politics and "diplomacy".

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • Like every other issue, confront people with jobs about age discrimination and they'll deny it because they want to believe they are special and have unique and outstanding skills that no one else in the world could possess. It helps calm their minds because as they age and approach the danger zone of being fired, reality is too uncomfortable to admit.

    Taleo and other ATS software makes it so easy to just input parameters barring anyone of any age from progressing. Any date on any resume makes it easy to eliminate those over 45 or 30. Anyone with math skills of a 5 year old can weed out people deemed ready for "Logan's Run." Take any job and apply online. Just change the dates of education and employment by 20 years. Watch as someone can apply for 4+ years with nothing/no response, and someone in their 20s can get hired within weeks. Yes, it happens.

    People will respond with "but it's illegal, they can't do that." In denial much? Speeding is illegal, so is robbery, murder, littering, perjury, arson, vandalism, etc. and yet. . .
    People like to blame health insurance and everything else. Plenty of people in their 60s+ are in better shape than an 18 year old that eats fast food daily or doesn't exercise. And why are the 50+ year old CEOs at big banks and other corporations destroying the globe exempt? Are they in much better shape and kicking ass at Gold's Gym?Does their steady diet of caviar and champagne and sitting on their asses make them healthier?

    Quite frankly, it's about skills/insecure management and wages. People with skills and a clue pose a threat to companies that want to hire drones and carry on business as usual. People that advance in their careers at a certain point earn too much for their bosses and management to tolerate them anymore (big salaries are only for the big bosses). Just imagine, if JP Morgan and Wells Fargo want to launder money, are they going to hire a 50 year old with experience in banks and law enforcement for an anti-money laundering role? Will News Corp. hire someone that knows all about FCPA and duties to report it to govt. officials? Or will they pay someone that is much younger and will be easier to control with promises of "a long career" if they do as they are told?

    Mediocre and weak individuals don't want people that have more experience and skills that will outshine them through their work and ideas - that's threatening. Despite all the happy BS press on Linkedin, Forbes, CNN, weak bosses want mediocrity around them that will make them look good by comparison. Articles like that don't sound pleasant, but the truth in 2013 is far from pleasant. "Overqualified" proves the point, but tries to dress it up and blame the applicants for having skills and experience. Be mediocre or worse, corporate America and politicians want nothing more.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • That was obtained and listed in one of the links where we cranked the numbers. Age discrimination is very clear as is discrimination by citizenship status. In other words, if you are an American looking for a job in your own country, they will not consider you.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • Not a tough decision by parliament, they would have been lynched otherwise...

    Reply to: Cyprus Stands Up and Rejects Savings Account Seizure   11 years 6 months ago
  • If you check the age of these males you will see, they are also used to aid in age discrimination.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • You don't get it do you on why that's a big problem for women to have to listen to forking jokes during a presentation. It does matter because dude, chicks can code and would you say such crap around your mother? Didn't think so!

    Although I agree that the entire thing was blown out of proportion, who cares if she tweeted in 2013 some asshat behavior and should anyone been fired over this? Of course not. Should she has received hate crime threats for what she did? Are you kidding me? All that did was prove her point, dudes, if you wouldn't treat your mother that way, then, odds are you've got your head stuck up some place where the sun don't shine on your attitude.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
