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  • you see people who were foreclosed on who were not behind in payments and there were some who did not even have a mortgage at all. So they get $32k and you know there is no house worth $32k.

    Reply to: Foreclosure Settlement Shows 4.2 Million Borrowers Shafted in 2009-2010   11 years 6 months ago
  • What a real joke this is to the consumer.  Again another Government settlement that benefited the Banks/Lender...Thanks Feds

    Reply to: Foreclosure Settlement Shows 4.2 Million Borrowers Shafted in 2009-2010   11 years 6 months ago
  • Not only did they foreclose on those behind in payments, NYTimes reported that banksters foreclosed on individuals not behind in payments at all. Folks who requested loan modifcations were routinely foreclosed. Let's show them!
    All this made the crisis bigger and worse. In the Great Depression, FDR had the wisdom to subsidize the mortgages of those who had a chance of making payment, thereby aleviating some of the 30's banking crisis. Nothing like the New Deal solutions was re-attempted in the Great Recession.

    Reply to: Foreclosure Settlement Shows 4.2 Million Borrowers Shafted in 2009-2010   11 years 6 months ago
  • When the banks captured the mortgage market they entered a market regulated by states, but in the Gramm-Leach Bill they said they would ignore state mortgage laws and be free from prosecution. They had no "fiduciary" duty to anyone unlike someone licensed under CA real estate laws. They hired people willing to robo-sign, fake notary stamps and fail to keep records. It was a pass-thru process with the banks selling unread mortgages to investors buying blind. After at least ten years of toxic undocumented mortgage creation it is impossible to convert that toxic dump site to a legal system. Those foreclosed by the sheriff were collateral damage of no concern to a government who allowed the process and the banks who continue today restrained only by the massive numbers of law-suits from investors around the world. Between the government doing fake prosecutions of some big banks for chump change and freedom from prosecution to the statute of limitations, the banks hope to run out the clock free to continue business as usual. Most of the toxic mortgages have been shifted to the federal government. As some say "the biggest heist in history" and they got away with it.

    Reply to: Foreclosure Settlement Shows 4.2 Million Borrowers Shafted in 2009-2010   11 years 6 months ago
  • As far as "borrowing" from a 401k, borrowing implies paying it back. People are looking to feed themselves and stay in a house or apartment as long as possible, with no jobs and older than a certain age, that money is survival money now, that's all. So the money managers made fees while "managing" the money and then people get slammed again when they need their own money to feed themselves and stay off the street for one more month. Great, quite a system.

    Reply to: More Workers Are Borrowing From 401(k)s   11 years 6 months ago
  • Stocks are soaring due to quantitative easing but for working America, there is no recovery.

    Thanks for this Instapopulist. I knew people had tapped out their retirement due to no job, but these are working people which goes to show incomes do not cut it, wages are so repressed.

    We have politicians and corporations with deaf ears, just going about their lobbyist agenda completely ignoring what is happening to most Americans.

    Reply to: More Workers Are Borrowing From 401(k)s   11 years 6 months ago
  • I hear ya on fear of lawsuits as a reason not to hire at all, but this is about equal work for equal pay. It's black and white. A woman doing the same job making less money for the same job. Now if that isn't a reason to sue, I don't know what is, but the law wouldn't stop women from being hired, it would just force corporations to pay them the same.

    It's a no brainer in 2013 and the examples of pay inequality are across the board. Without it you're making a victim class, a 2nd class, letting businesses get away with paying one worker less than the other due to their sex.

    Come on.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - Women Who Make America   11 years 6 months ago
  • Repooflicans are usually wrong, but in this case they're right.

    Fact: Any time you set up a law that gives one Victim Class a new way to litigate, the newly litigious Victim Class loses employment. This is what happened with ADA, which was WRONGLY proposed and supported by Repooflicans Bush Sr and BobDole. Employment among disabled people went down after ADA, because employers were hesitant to bring in a source of endless liability. Can't blame them.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - Women Who Make America   11 years 6 months ago
  • That's true but if you take the final price and not the average price over March. So sales are through the month and by April 1st, yes prices were 2.7% lower, but sales were throughout the month. So depending on how you calculate the percentage drop in gas it shows sales by volume didn't increase. For example, if I take the average monthly gas price, on a weekly basis which is itself an average from 900 gas stations, then take the percentage change from February, we get a 1.1% increase in prices. This isn't the same as February where gas prices on average skyrocketed, driving February retail sales.

    I guess I should have explained the title more than I did.

    Reply to: Don't Blame March Retail Sales -0.4% Drop on Gas Prices   11 years 6 months ago
  • you said "it looks like people just filled up the tank less"

    gas stations sales dropped 2.2%, while prices were 2.7% lower, meaning volume gas sales rose, right?

    Reply to: Don't Blame March Retail Sales -0.4% Drop on Gas Prices   11 years 6 months ago
  • My daughter just finished paying off her student loans, several years after graduating. It is a shame but politics are definitely involved and causing undue strain on students and parents.

    Reply to: The Student Loan Money Machine   11 years 6 months ago
  • Awesome, the MSM is so transparent. Bill O', working for alleged phone hacker/briber/murder investigation hampering Murdoch, didn't cover the WH meeting with banksters. Didn't catch MSNBC, but I'm sure they covered it up too. Bill O' targeted some California professor calling him a Commie or something like he's Satan destroying our country. Never mind the fact that Dems and Republicans colluding with $ to destroy us together. Yup, divide and conquer. Muddy the waters. Target some small fry guy in some locale that really has no power. Some mall Santa that secretly works in a "war against Christmas" or some local judge or some professor. Can't go after any CEO, any big donors, that would threaten a teleprompter reader's job and mansion. That might require thought and honor. Whatever they do, they can't let the public know that both parties serve the same $ masters - that might lead to a French-type incident from 200+ years ago. Obama and Romney, who cares, we're f*cked either way, big $ loves them all, they just hate us. Go on reading the teleprompters, we'll wait.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • When Dimon and other douches are looked to for $ and advice, this place is doomed. Apparently for the truly corrupt and dimwitted, $ = brains. We could ask Dimon and Blankfein and the rest of the clown posse to lecture us all on anything, anything, from mathematics to political science to psychology or engineering. And you know what they'd come up with? NOTHING. Because $ = $, that's it. Some people are fabulously wealthy and stone cold idiots. Some are dirt poor and absolute geniuses. They are not correlated. And tragically, some of the wisest, most honest men struggled to ever escape poverty because they were ripped off or they just didn't care that much about $. Banksters dictating our lives? Sure, because these morons' body of work is right up there with Voltaire and Socrates and Jefferson.

    When banksters get free money from the Fed, get inside information from the Fed and politicians, and are also given immunity from prosecution for breaking the law (and profit from those crimes) and yet are still able to lose billions in trades, well, that pretty much tells the entire world they are IDIOTS besides being criminals. Let me go check out the literature and work records of TBTF at the Library of Congress ton confirm this fact.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • See, now it is about jobs, just jobs for those connected to the boardrooms and politicians. Jobs for private bankers, Lear Jet crews, megayacht captains, etc. now and for everyone after they leave office. Have to line up jobs and favors for the next two or three generations while they are in seats of "public service."
    This is also why JP Morgan, Goldman, Citi, etc. constantly post job "openings" they never fill with Americans. Then they and politicians like Obama can say, "Look, Dimon posted 10,000 jobs every year." Unfortunately reality is those jobs are being filled in the Philippines. But hey, don't ask questions or think, they hate that crap.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Think that's PR to cover up Obama is meeting with the CEOs of TBTF banks, also the enablers and motivators of offshore outsourcing, (global free movement of capital).

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Any doubt who owns and runs this country? But Obama's meeting them about jobs, so it's all good. Tragic. I think there might be a homeless unemployed person also in attendance, but probably not, the homeless and unemployed tens of millions don't carry too much cash or weight in the "Republic." Now banksters that can break all the laws in the world and be promised non-prosecution along with our tax money to fund their bonuses and private compounds, that's who matters to the government.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Just a symptom. Remember simple things like bait-and-switch, price gouging, lying, bullshitting on resumes or lying to applicants or employees or to officials or the public, self-promotion, stepping on others, backstabbing, etc. was frowned on? Grabbing everything in sight was seen as vile? Consumerism was in check? I want those days back.
    Now it's all acceptable and looked on as necessary to profit at everyone else's expense. That works if one or two people do it, but when people in power do it and anyone that doesn't finds it harder to survive across entire societies, good times are sure to come. Society, meet disaster. There's a reason people thought and wrote about social mores, social fabric, social contracts, good governance, ethics, self-control and concern. Apparently those words all meant nothing.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • That's right and it comes along with 6 figure student loan debt. Imagine going to medical school and running into a problem and not completing the program. Talk about debt.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Yes, that's right, 20% EMPLOYED (and not necessarily in the law - so baristas count). Today I felt like doing the law sector, but it's the same in so many other fields. Pharmacy schools still promoting jobs, nursing, etc. despite reality. And the ABA and law schools are doing nothing to stop the pumping out of more grads and the creation of more law schools. These people are still lying about the job prospects because it's all about the $, $, loans, and $.
    Before the Internet and blogs, people had no inside information or truth, but now, the Internet and blogs are the key to stopping the corruption and lies in industry after industry. Law, medicine, finance, engineering, the public needs to be informed and look out for themselves.

    By the way, did you see the Fed leaking its minutes yesterday to Congressional staffers and lobbyists so they had plenty of time to trade on the info.? ZH and more papers picking it up in detail. The US elite and govt. are such clown shows at this point. It's all about connections and influence and corruption. It's so painful to watch because so many smart people with killer work ethics will continue to be ignored and destroyed while the greedy, corrupt, and psychopathic continue to go wild, unaccountable.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • That's obscenely high for engineers. When one gets into degreed positions the unemployment rate should be around 2.2% and overall professional unemployment rates are double, triple what they should be, but this is really bad. Article here.

    I'll try to crank some occupational numbers soon to get to the story. The large aggregate figures which we overview monthly don't give a clear picture on what is happening in reality with jobs by occupation.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
