Recent comments

  • So?

    Skylar did it to herself with her passive-aggressive uptight victim routine. She got a guy fired and probably ruined his career as well. DId it ever occur to her to tell these guys just to tone it down or STFU instead of running to authorities/big brother to fix all problems?

    That's what a guy would do. Not make it a PR spectacle and whine fest.

    Or maybe just move. Yes, a novel idea.

    Her feminist friends like Adria Richards did her no favors either.

    And the jokes were just lame as can be. If she got torqued over them, Skylar should come with a big red warning sign saying "anything you say, can and will be used against you".

    As for diversity among H1-B workers. Who cares, that's about as irrelevant as it comes. The fact is these people are taking American jobs away. They are a threat to our country and people, it doesn't matter if they wear a skirt or trousers. It's like wondering if the Coral Snake that's about to end your life is female or male. It doesn't matter, you're doomed either way.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • It is ridiculously nutso since it is not the real production economy and if the Fed took away this easy money, maybe banks might be forced to finance real investments which generate real products and real jobs.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 6 months ago
  • How is this even a business or industry? It's just a scam, plain and simple. All their crap, we buy through the Fed. Create some crap securities out of thin air, sell them to the Fed. Fed prints money, inflates prices, but private banks at the Fed table get first dibs on free cash and choose where to gamble with it. Fed gives them money at 0% so they can loan it to us at 25% through credit cards or 4%+ on a mortgage. Fed pays them for holding excess reserves. Fed gives them billions in loans if they really screw up badly. And to top it off, the people that benefit from this largesse all have a seat at the Fed table and dictate policy.

    In what other sector is this even possible? There simply is no incentive to do a good job or follow laws when someone gives free $, never criticizes actions, and will make sure someone else picks up the tab.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 6 months ago
  • To begin with, and to show how far from reality the business press and banksters are from us, Barron's has JP Morgan Dbag Dimon as one of the "Worlds Best CEOs"! Am I smoking crack? Seriously? This isn't Mad Magazine? Here it is:

    "As the world's leading banker, Dimon is a forceful advocate for his company and much-maligned industry. He defends size, saying multinational clients need the broad array of services that only big global banks can provide."

    British banks are underfunded as revealed this week and need to raise capital. EU/Euro issue not solved and causing fears of bank runs everywhere. And on and on. And the press is licking bansters and CEOs like we don't know better. Banking is a "much maligned industry" according to Barron's? Is that all? This asskissing crap could have been written in 2000 but it's 2013 and it's still going on. Barron's should fire everyone and just let PR firms for big companies collect paychecks and write the paper (if that's not going on right now).

    This is 2007 all over again. Nothing was solved, in fact, unemployment still as bad and the derivatives and other weapons of financial destruction are now bigger. There is no doubt Goldman Sachs, MS, JP Morgan, and the rest of the vultures are now betting on yet another collapse after they've helped plan and create it, and will get bailed out yet again. No repercussions for them, no losses, no jail, no fear. We, on the other hand, will be forced to bend over for these pigs/criminals by politicians that ignore our rage. TARP II and more Fed $/secret loans globally. This is such a sh*t show. Rome 5th century, stick a fork in us.

    "Job creators," baby! "Best and brightest!" For people that can destroy growth and people globally while breaking laws left and right, these mutts need to learn the importance of words and consequences in some sort of re-education facilities.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 6 months ago
  • Just announced the Fed is buying half of the mortgage backed securities issued. Yoozer.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 6 months ago
  • The discrimination, bias is so ingrained in Silicon valley, it's unreal, the assumptions are always "chicks can't code", right out of the box and if one confronts anything and they are female, they will be called a "psycho bitch". I'm sorry group Anonymous, but their "demand letter" drips misogyny as does most of Silicon valley.

    Most of the guys do not even realize how bad it is, they don't even get what's wrong with thinking "chicks can't code" and if you say something, stare at you blank faced like WTF is his problem man, it's concrete brain.

    In the 1980's some corporations did a great job of retaining diversity talent and also had many seminars to make people wake up. No job threats, not public embarrassment, simply mandatory seminars to expose the mentality and change it. Guys are not true misogynists, sexist jackasses really, geeks are generally socially clueless so they just don't even get, even see what's the deal. A few seminars, awareness will pull most out of their Forking stupor.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • That's really the deal on here, but we author on economic and labor related topics often contrary to what the MSM is saying. A lot of number crunching, statistics, facts and the site motto is "no economic fiction".

    That said, there isn't much labor organization among professionals and the results of that are obvious. Politicians don't think twice about trading away their jobs!

    So, for this site,you can share the articles to other places for people to read, but in terms of organizing, it's just a mess. On H-1B the IEEE is selling out U.S. workers by claiming "green cards" will not harm U.S. STEM, when they clearly will, flooding the labor market is flooding the labor market. Then you have the AFL-CIO, but professionals are almost an afterthought and they are much more interested in getting illegals legal and members of their main unions. Then, there are groups like NumbersUSA, which is about reducing immigration period to the U.S. and you can choose your topic and they send out various action alerts. There is "bright future jobs", but I don't know much about what their position is. Seem some good stuff about discriminatory "H-1B, or OPT only need apply" jobs out there.

    For now, I think in terms of action is to spread the facts, far and wide and most importantly get people to take some action. Calling up their representations, going to town halls, visiting their Congressional offices, faxing and so on.

    It would be nice to see an organized protest by U.S. professional labor, out in the streets, getting media attention but professionals do not like to be called "racist xenophobes" and that is the weapon used when anyone dare speak about labor markets, supply, jobs, security.

    Welcome to EP!

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 6 months ago
  • @Notmyrealname, friends and family should know the truth by now. You should call them out and shoot down the lies every chance you get. 22,000,000+ great unemployed Americans with PhDs, BAs, military experience, STEM degrees, international experience, multiple language skills, kids to feed and homes to keep, etc., etc. need it now. Ask those who slander Americans as "lazy" why vets compose one of the biggest groups of unemployed? They were good enough to defend the Nation and every citizen, but somehow they are too "lazy" to get hired in their own country? What bullsh*t. Slander by plutocrats and anyone that spouts it.

    I enjoy the 1 or 2 seconds of pure comedy as the clueless spout things they hear on TV or the radio or from politicians. Spouting mantras and propaganda from people that never busted their asses anywhere ever, but continue to rake in millions and think collecting bribes or meeting at country clubs to sell out their country is "work." Friends, family, colleagues, politicians, plutocrats can speak, but if they continue to spout lies and sh*t, then they need to be responded to ASAP. Shoot them down, point-by-point.

    Everyone is replaceable, EVERYONE. Anyone sitting in front of a computer doing a job can be replaced by a 12 year old kid making soccer balls today in Pakistan, doing some American's job tomorrow. If not some 12 year old, a computer program, If no program, they'll just leave the job vacant while demanding tax subsidies or destroy it so some CEO can collect a $20 million bonus until he destroys the company completely before bailing out. Big CEOs love unemployment rising, creates pressure to lower wages and increase profits. Anyone earning a salary can be replaced with an intern that might actually work for free (even with advanced degrees and years of experience). Some professions, like nursing, have people actually pay to work for experience. So, who's above being replaced now? No one. No one should feel safe, smug, or above the struggle.

    It's no longer about quality or patriotism, the plutocrats and their puppets care about profits and power. Same with any politician, if they ask too much in bribes, a plutocrat will just pay a more willing puppet a little less. And so on.

    This is what happens when greed and corruption rule the day. Relatives don't let relatives believe lies at the expense of the USA, friends don't let friends sound like idiots. Call them all out, spread the truth. It may be uncomfortable, and you may burn some bridges or lose a few "friends," but it's either that or go along with the program as this Nation is betrayed by half-wits and criminals who want sheep and nothing more.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • Robert, how do you think that we can fight back? I think that you have begun to do so with this wonderful website.

    So many of us that participate on the web adding commentary to online news sites project our opinions awkwardly without the polish of professional public relations methodology. I believe that we can better fight the fight with a more polished approach

    I would like to see more sites like this, but in order to be sustainable, those sites need to generate the revenue necessary to support it.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • One of the things I think is terrible for women in technology at the moment is that there has been such a PR campaign on the part of the Brookings Institute, Kauffman Foundation, and even many in the Democratic Party, including Nancy Pelosi and Zoe Lofgren, for very high skilled immigration, with a complete disregard for women STEM professionals.

    These entities continue to sell the idea that there is a huge STEM shortage. They continue to say that there is a shortage of "programmer" and that American engineers and scientists are inferior to foreign STEM professionals and therefore that we must quadruple the number of H-1B workers.

    What has reach the point of chagrin for me is to hear my women friends outside of engineering and science echo this same illogical, distorted thinking. Many are in HR, program management and marketing and are working in the technology industry, but are not actually doing science or engineering. I see many women in this position. They have bought into the Brookings institute party line and are not aware that they are being duped. They will openly say that graduates of American universities are incompetent and lazy. If you try to tell them otherwise and that we need to back off on very high immigration, they will quickly label you a racist. That has how far this propaganda campaign has gotten.

    H-1B hiring has already harmed American nurses. Soon, it will penetrate the marketing/HR/program management ranks and these women too will have trouble staying employed.

    Many women, who tend to be democratic leaning, as I am, will effectively vote themselves out of a job.

    A few women will survive at the top, propped up by the power elites, in order to make the dog and pony show look inclusive.

    I put Meg Whitman, Marissa Mayers and Sheryl Sandberg in this class.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago

    See what money gets you - access that we can never get if and when we write to our Senators, Congressmen, Governors, etc. all day, every day. We write to help prevent the destruction of American CITIZENS that aren't corrupt and don't have access. They write and legislate and meet for the opposite effect. We write about jobs, foreign affairs, unemployment, immigration to our "representatives" - endlessly. And the responses we get are nothing if they aren't form email responses.

    Money buys access and laws while the constituents are completely ignored.The article shows it all, Zuckerpunk has meetings and access no one else can get (without $) and that he isn't even allowed to get (Zuckerpunk ain't living in NJ). Now he and Bloomberg and the rest of the corrupt crew can dictate policies for us? What gives them the right? Nothing, only $. If you don't live in NJ, Christie doesn't want to hear from you (and if you don't have $, don't bother - look at the videos of him bashing average NJ citizens - he wouldn't have the balls to do that to Zuckerberg from California). Same with Congressmen and Senators (email systems prevent it) or any politician from other states' citizens. Even when they allow an email, it will generate a BS response. But apparently Zuckerberg has sway with the NJ Governor, and has meetings with him? No shock there. $ talks.

    If an Indian citizen running a company in India wants Obama to allow more visas, he'll listen, Christie, sure, they count more than his own citizens. Same with Cuomo, Brown, whoever and wherever. D & R all suck, all act like traitors. $, it's what runs this country as it swirls down the bowl like a turd. We didn't do it, greedy/corrupt politicians and vile plutocrats are forcing it on us, and now how do resist when democratic outlets are denied to us? What peaceful choices are left to us?

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • They are going to pass massive foreign guest worker increases, plus turn the U.S. educational system into a "employer" based green card ATM and they are pushing hard to do it.

    The only hope regular working people in America have is to right now, write, go to townhalls, walk into your local Congressional offices, flood their faxes and complain loudly.

    They don't care about the labor statistics, the market conditions and they especially do not give a damn about the U.S. worker, at any skill or professional level.

    It is not a matter of looking at France at the moment, it is a matter of trying to stop Comprehensive Immigration reform. This is not about "amnesty" or "pathway to citizenship" at all for some here illegally. It is all about flooding the U.S. labor market and this is when there is still a massive jobs crisis.

    They use the illegals to try to hide what they are really doing and to push through this corporate offshore outsourcing/cheap labor agenda.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • This goes beyond tech. Look at any country that has basically unregulated and/or massive influxes of people without limits. White collar, blue collar, whatever. The UK and France have major problems in their society now. There's a reason there are borders, immigration policies, limits, civics classes, socialization prescribed over periods of time. Because without those limits and integration of people into the broader society, we will now have problems where large groups of people bring over same issues they had in their countries of origin. The UK has problems with caste prejudices. In the UK? Caste problems? And those problems stretch into work and neighborhoods, hiring, firing, etc. France's issues were shown to be out of control with the riots and violence over there. Sweden has problems with huge influxes of immigrants that came from countries that are basically polar opposites from Sweden, resentment against certain populations in Italy, Greece, Germany, and so on.

    Controlled immigration is not just about jobs. It's also about preserving social fabric. If people don't have jobs, they get pissed + desperate. If they don't have a job and are purposely unemployed so a visa holder can replace them, they of course are angry. So know you have a citizen upset and his family poorer. Then someone who was raised in society that might tolerate racism or sexism or discrimination against certain classes brings those issues with him here and into the workplace. To say nothing of potential ties to crime or corruption, etc. that a % of immigrants will have in any country (not all, not a majority, but enough to require actions from law enforcement, social services, fiscal policy changes, etc.).

    So the whole open borders, free immigration is great is pure crap. It destroys jobs, creates unemployment, and can actually cause social chaos that flies in the face of "all immigrants are superliberal and will bring love and justice everywhere they go." Some will, some most certainly won't. And we deal with the consequences because businesses and politicians just don't care.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • I have links in the above article where I number crunched from the same DHS data and I also called up DHS and demanded to know the demographics based on sex, age, race and was also blown off when they have to have this information as part of the process.

    I was absolutely thrilled to see someone, finally, raise this up in Congressional testimony. That said, other positions from the IEEE are really aweful for U.S. STEM, such as instant green cards and turning the U.S. educational system into a path to a green card. Bad idea and is really going to hurt US STEM.

    That completely ignores the situation in Academia also being discriminatory against women engineers, from entrance, to marginalized, to the fact they seem to favor foreigners who will take $14k a year stipends which no American can live on.

    Green cards are another disaster for equal opportunity and will certainly squeeze out American women and U.S. domestic diversity, and overall anyone with U.S. citizenship from graduate school in the first place.

    Yeah, anyone who has worked in the tech sector knows what happens and unfortunately there are way too many who don't get why she would blow up in the first place, what is wrong.

    But yes, position, money and being enable to technically achieve are way more important than assisine shop talk.

    Great description of the attitude towards single mothers. We've analyzed a host of Census data and it all points to systemic work discrimination against single mothers. That's absurd and as you point out, Germany, France, Finland and so on all take it as a matter of course people have families, children and adjustments are made, including allowing nearby daycare.

    BTW: Don't use your full name. Like it or not, it has gotten way worse for one to say what they think online in terms of corporations and hires. It's wrong, they have no business Googling what people say or their facebook page and so on, but they do.

    Case in point, this article. She got fired for a tweet with a photo out of a personal account, nuf said.

    This site does not reveal anyone's email or sell any registration information to 3rd parties for that reason. So people can say what they think and have a conversation without worry of reprisals.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • Thanks for writing this article, Robert.

    It really hit the nail on the head.

    The "Little Woman at Home" comment made me smile. I worked flat out as a mixed signal communications integrated circuit engineer for ten years (after getting a Masters in EE), then was happy to be the "Little Woman at Home" for a few years and now again work as an engineer.

    That woman shouldn't have been fired for saying she is exasperated with hearing about "big dongles", etc. I do think that if some of these guys had to endure daily "shop talk" and off color comments from female bosses and colleagues, they might get that the "doggle" like innuendos are maybe not the best idea in a business setting.

    The bigger issue is that women are often not taken seriously as technical equals. That is probably why this women reacted so strongly. Sexual innuendo combined with marginalizing and exclusionary behavior is what really wears women down.

    As you point out, it is very common for women to be sidelined and not get credit for their technical contributions. I know that men also experience this, but it somehow seems that women are the greater victims.

    The childcare issue is huge, both for men and women. In Silicon Valley we embrace the notion that we must work 80 hours a week and never take time out for our kids. Yet, somehow, other countries such as Germany manage to be technically productive on a 40 to 50 hour work week with generous vacation. The consistency and dedication of their workforce must be partly contributing to this.

    When I was younger, I didn't realize seriousness of the discrimination issue in Silicon Valley against mothers. When I finally had a child in my early forties, the full weight of Silicon Valley's FEAR OF WORKING ENGINEERING MOTHERS came home to me. I'd endured the usual "how many children do you have" questions, but even this did not prepare me for some of the sentiments that I was to encounter. The extent of the problem came home to me in a technical meeting with a business leader (who also happened to be a well known professor at Stanford) who openly stated in front of a room full of engineers (including me) that since a colleague's wife had three children, she should not complain about not being able to get a job and shouldn't complain when her workaholic technical engineering husband has affairs. He himself had divorced his wife, the mother of his four children, in order to marry his mistress. Quite noticeably, he had maneuvered so that his wife did not benefit from the exercise of stock of "his" start up companies.

    This seems to pass for acceptable behavior in Silicon Valley.

    There certainly are many wonderful men in here. I'm married to one. But there is enough of these enfant terrible CEOs, who seem to float to the top of some SV companies, to still perpetuate a men's club culture.

    No surprise then that these same CEO's favor a program that allows them an ample supply of young male (mostly childless) workers.

    The hiring of young, mostly male H-1B workers has a significant negative impact on the viability of STEM careers over the long term. It makes it more difficult for engineers to re-enter the workforce after taking time out. Since women are more likely to take time out for their families, it is we that are disproportionately displaced by the hiring of H-1Bs, who are mostly young men.

    I've gotten to know a lot about different cultures because of the diversity that immigrant engineers have brought to the North American talent pool. I've mostly enjoyed this. I once had a wonderful Serbian chain smoking mixed signal IC boss who was a verteran of Motorola's wireless division. At school, a close friend was a survivor of the Pol Pot regime and another escaped Iran and would otherwise have died at Evin Prison. I cannot state strongly enough that the problem is not the H-1B workers themselves. They, like me, just want to do their job and find a reasonable chance for themselves.

    The problem is the exploitive H-1B program and the business leaders that continue to lobby for it.

    I'm not against the H-1B program per se, but I don't think it is being used as originally intended. It was certainly not intended to be used to displace American engineers and residents and lower their wages.

    I'm glad the IEEE is finally speaking out.

    Again, thanks so much for writing this article.

    Reply to: The Boys Club of Tech Perpetuated by Foreign Worker Visas   11 years 7 months ago
  • I have no idea the Fed was buying that large of a percentage of U.S. Treasuries, acting as the "China of last resort". Frightening and your explanation of underlying collateral for CDSes come due is helpful.

    Unbelievable the European Commission does not have a FDIC like function guaranteeing all depositors throughout which seemingly makes weaker EU countries play financial musical chairs.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 7 months ago
  • No money is safe anywhere, it's all readily locked down and seized. Banking powers can just as soon lock down American citizens' money as they can loan/give billions of our $ overnight to European banks (via the Fed) when they want. Goes on all the time and the only reason we ever know about it is FOIA requests that take years to respond to.

    Merkel and her bankster crew still not blaming the banking posse after this crisis deal solves the problem for less than one day.

    This is from Reuters: "German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the deal was right for Cyprus because it ensured that those who contributed to the crisis were required to pay towards its resolution. "I am very pleased that a solution was found last night and that we have been able to avoid an insolvency," Merkel said.

    Look how Merkel, the EU, IMF, Fed, etc. will always blame some depositor in some bank or some low-level citizen that is "lazy" because he wants a living-wage job or wants to collect a pension at some point in his life. They will never, never, never blame big banking cartels, the big banking powers that help negotiate deals or lie about national finances (Goldman and their friends), or commit 1000 other crimes). It's always the little people, never the people flying in Lear Jets or government planes with private security and billions of Euros in secret bank accounts.

    Reply to: The Cyprus Bailout Solves Nothing   11 years 7 months ago
  • The math works out for the politicians. We flip the script on the 1%. The 99% each pay the max they can afford, each 99% submits his/her own law (like the 1% do now through ALEC etc.), the Congressmen pass the laws, and the 99% live like the 1% do. Congressmen don't have to read or write anything, just pass laws individually for 300 million people. Sure, it's ridiculous and pure chaos, but let's enjoy the ride down because it's a circus anyway at this point. Script turned on its head. And all laws really should reward the 99% and utterly destroy the 1% - payback is only fair, I learned this by watching the tactics and lack of morals by the 1%. It's so stupid at this point let's just go full 100% insane stupidity. My civics lessons never taught me these things, but then again I never knew the 1% could actually write and submit their own laws and get them passed completely without any editing or thought or criticism by politicians.

    Reply to: Microsoft Busted for Bribery   11 years 7 months ago
  • Revolution, why not - they're being robbed and abused. Why shouldn't they just revolt - they've got nothing to lose. Plus that would send a nice message to both the criminals and potential victims elsewhere.

    Reply to: Cyprus Stands Up and Rejects Savings Account Seizure   11 years 7 months ago
  • We cannot find an official announcement but it looks like seizing bank accounts at the Bank of Cyprus is going to happen with another seizure at all Cyprus banks that is less.

    What a disaster for Cyprus and protests are swelling the streets. They have less than 24 hours with the IMF, ECB, European Commission holding a gun to their heads for the ransom.

    We'll update the article when the latest extortion terms of official.

    Reply to: Cyprus Stands Up and Rejects Savings Account Seizure   11 years 7 months ago
