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  • Tech is notorious for putting out phony job openings. On Craigslist you can see some companies posting the same ad, every other day, for years and they obviously have no intention of hiring anyone. I think that is so they can claim they "cannot find an American" and hire foreign guest workers.

    That said, I have no idea what kind of jobs people on this site are looking for, say big corporate career jobs or what skill levels, areas and so on. I am fairly certain glassdoor has real jobs, straight, typical corporate interviews, etc. Some companies are insane enough to only look at who adds their resume to their own database. Those are the companies that seem to only hire new college grads and they rarely use headhunters. More and more I see the real jobs being posted to specialty lists, areas, i.e. start up sites, sourceforge, particular github projects, open source sites such as Drupal and so on. I'll try to remember to post links to some of these sites as I see them, although we're an economics site so most readers are not techies.

    I don't know if anything on linkedin is real, I find it fairly useless myself and generally watch out for automated job rejection via a database over the most ridiculous things.

    Bottom line, openings looks like it is recovering while hires are flat line. The press, many economists focus on JOLTS job opening statistics and I think that is wrong due to all of the offshore outsourcing, use of foreign guest workers, the phony ads, the use of job ads as PR, etc. that goes on.

    The MSM ignore the flat line hire rates of JOLTS.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • There are many companies, big mostly, but smaller ones as well, that are posting the same exact jobs. They are interviewing for those jobs, choose not to fill them, and then repost them. This goes along with the gaming of the "no qualified Americans," "we need a tax break to hire," etc. game. has forums on this scam, and the job boards are filled with the same jobs year-after-year. Yes, not months, but year-after-year. Headhunters also post ads repeatedly every single day on job boards. They all must have resumes from everyone on the Earth by now but simply can't fill that spot. USAJobs also posts and cancels jobs and reposts them. Many, many sites rail against USAJobs - must be a psychological warfare test on the US population to see what they'll endure for the hope of work.

    It's impossible to figure out what a real opening is, what job is designated for a relative or internal candidate, and what job might be filled. And if a job is to be filled, they will never say when, it could be months from now or cancelled after the 4th interview.
    These job openings are as reliable as the unemployment rate. Just like the feds are making the inflation rate laughable. It's the USSR-like statistics, the stats are meant to serve a purpose and that is to create the illusion of growth. Only puts more psychological pressure and social pressure on those increasing #s of people looking for jobs because they are then blamed when the MSM and people confront them with these fake openings. But the newly unemployed will see an opening and apply. Those with more experience know full well the same job is on the site for years or is meant to keep HR busy so they don't get fired and keep budgets from getting cut.

    Reply to: JOLTS Shows 3.1 Unemployed per Job Opening in February 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Truth be told I am under the gun in my "day job", huge deadline I must meet, so I'm trying to hit critical economics information fast as I can under the working 24/7 under the gun circumstances.

    But with the new site design, we have "Instapopulist" where anyone can write an article. I'm hoping EPers will use it so we can have more discussion going.

    I think by now, this is a 1st and I'm diligent on running statistics by hand, checking figures for accuracy and so on, but that's what I get when I rush to at least mention some of our latest economic horror shows!

    Reply to: Outrageous Shorts - Jobs Crisis Ignored In D.C.   11 years 6 months ago
  • for a country that is living with a Democratic administration that is nothing more than a PR front for the wealthy.

    Reply to: Outrageous Shorts - Jobs Crisis Ignored In D.C.   11 years 6 months ago
  • I must have entered into dream land, sorry. When I saw graduate programs accepting older students I must have given some hope. Yes, I should have known better, only young and foreign and male shall enter, at least in STEM. Sorry. The only piece I find any hope at all of course is an article plant. ;)

    Reply to: Outrageous Shorts - Jobs Crisis Ignored In D.C.   11 years 6 months ago
  • Rumor has it Washington is having some nuclear cleanup issues. Normally that would suck for normal Americans that cared (i.e., us). But I'm thinking some shrewd outsourcers and profit lovers (remember, patriotism is useless to these folks) can figure out a way to make $ off nuclear cleanups. See, foreign corporations and US corporations bring in foreigners to clean up nuclear waste. Forget the background checks - those are just meant for law-abiding Americans meant to make sure they never get hired. Anything the foreign employees find they keep. Now, if Pakistan or India or Syria or North Korea can pay them lots of $ for the nuclear material they recover, oh well, that's CAPITALISM baby! Who are we to stop them or regulate them?! Regulations bad. Patriotism bad. $ and nuclear arms trafficking in the name of crony capitalism so good. There are STEM jobs right there for Washington (granted, it will be enemies of the US temporarily working in Washington, but those are the breaks). Get Gates on it and make sure he gets his PR machine to post more BS "editorials" in the Seattle Times supporting it. STEM, international trade, nuclear cleanup, and the military-industrial complex in DC and abroad cleans up figuratively and literally as we will have to fight the nuclear armed enemies once they are armed with our waste. It's a win-win, see?

    Whatever you do, don't think about it, thinking bad, crony capitalism good. Before I run for Congress or try to enter a corporate boardroom I will be sure to hit myself with a hammer repeatedly in the head - it's the only way I can pass muster.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Washington state is perpetuating a meme that there are 25,000 high-tech (biology, science, etc) jobs unfilled, so we need to spend more tax money on different forms of higher ed.

    They must be invisible as well, because you can look at the Worksource site, where it shows that there are only 31, 575 jobs available today, available online even in the city of Spokane, which just made Forbes most recent WORST PLACE TO GET A JOB list. Te vast majority of jobs, (phone banks, carpet cleaning, home health care aide), are only related to STEM by virtue of being housed next door to a hospital.

    Maybe, instead of more tax money, they just need to post them. Or quit lying.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Just FYI, that was a 5 years old puff piece from 2008.

    It would be more descriptive today to report on all the older students who can't get employed, hiding in the halls of academia, hoping against hope that their Social Security won't be taken away in student loan re-payments.

    Reply to: Outrageous Shorts - Jobs Crisis Ignored In D.C.   11 years 6 months ago
  • I'm sick of crowdsourcing too. Sounds like a good idea. But then you see massive multinationals (Fortune 100) posting jobs that people used to be paid actual wages for ($50-$100,000+), with health care, etc. Nope, now they post it on a site and ask people to do the work/research. Sure enough they get 250+ people doing the research and work for free. And these projects run the gamut to very complex R & D in health sciences, engineering, etc. If the big corporation chooses their work as the "winner," they might get paid say $10,000. How much would the MNC make from their work? Many, many, many multiples of that. Of course the MNC gets to choose who wins and determine how they won. And if someone submits an idea that they swore was the same as the winning idea but didn't receive credit and pay? Well, best of luck, go sue the MNC in a court of law and let us know how it works out 20 years from now after the MNC has made billions off the idea someone might have made $10,000 off of but didn't even receive that.
    Crowdsourcing - yet another race to the bottom of labor compensation. Just more ripping and raping of labor.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Just a FYI, some of the scum of the earth advertise on Craigslist for jobs these days. The real jobs seem to be spread out, with many posting on specialty mailing lists for say the skill set or on niche sites talking about that particular sector and work area. Craigslist is a problem because it's not a national job board and just any asshat can run an ad on there it is either so cheap or free, so you get the scum of the earth trying to pay skilled professionals below minimum wage.

    Can say that same about those bid project sites, front loaded with ripoff, trying to get some smuck in Russia or India to write their code for them for $100 bucks.

    Of course the EEOC won't do anything about discriminatory job ads and ads trying to pay workers less than minimum wage.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Huge fan of craigslist. Not because there are gems for jobseekers, but because it really shows how bad the situation in this country is. Search any major city and it's pretty scary the wages people are willing to pay for most jobs out there. And these jobs aren't picking up bubble gum wrappers. I'm talking driving tour busses, trucks, security at airports and banks and office buildings, reviewing medical records, etc. Some companies are specifically seeking recent medical grads from overseas for jobs that don't pay anything for months. Security companies that make people pay for training themselves and then pay them $8/hr.
    And obviously this goes on in many jobs in many professions. You can literally find ads for interns in areas such as cleaning all the way to doing jobs people used to earn $100,000+ for. And will those people busting their asses for nothing or wasting their brains while unemployed be thinking happy thoughts? Maybe, but then again, probably not. Nor should they.

    So, in the quest for profits, I hope the 1% enjoy the security guard at their front door that is working three jobs that pay him $8 each. Perhaps the 1%ers' medical records are getting reviewed by medical school dropouts from other countries (is that cancer or just dirt, oh well, not paid enough to care). Maybe someone that has to work 80 hours/week to feed his family is manning the security gate at his private airport and will look the other way for $1000 as drugs are placed on board - goes on all the time in other countries. Etc., etc.

    Oh yeah, this will end well! Enjoy 1%ers, you ordered it, you got it. I wonder, does that waiter know it's Blankfein or Dimon he's serving? Sure hope he likes banksters.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • or worse, corrupt ears.

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • This shows how badly the US needs a govt funded jobs program... go back to the '30's... this is what we need but ... But barring world war III, it's unlikely we will ever get it and thus.... the long depression will continue

    Reply to: The Pathetic Payroll Gains of March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • I learned an important lesson about New York banks, New York agencies, and other NY things a 2 years back when my contract with NYC was corruptly substituted for a more expensive contract involving a consultant who had appropriately greased the palms of international consulting frims. My measly $60/hr contract was subustituted for a contract starting at a base of $75/hr by
    a former consultant (whose skills were less but whose connections were mighty). This international consulting firm is an icon of U.S. Technology.

    The intermediary firm between the Tech Icon company would gain the $15/hour difference between my rate goes to the India-in-US firms hired by Global_Tech. For the TaxPayers of NYC, they will continue to pay $225/hr or
    $450K/annum. The difference of the $15 goes to a corrupt, incompetent Indian slimeball which NYC refuses to remove, knowing fully his degree of corruption. Complaints to NY agencies,
    would you believe, go nowhere.

    Reply to: La-La Libor Lawsuit Land   11 years 6 months ago
  • Congress really refuses to even recognize the jobs crisis. It is absolutely insane to talk about deficits.

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • It's just impossible, something has to give/break. Tax base withering, more people that need jobs can't find them and can't collect any $ whatsoever (too old, contractors/temp, etc.), endless foreign adventures (Mali, Democratic Rep. of Congo, Afghanistan, Yemen, and dozens of others) that cost trillions and do jack for citizens while enriching military-industrial players, and education is a waste of time and $. So is following the law, apparently (if you're one of the 99%). And the MSM is talking about whether another Clinton can "serve the public" as President in 2016 or maybe another of the elitist jackasses that crave $ and power. Like I said awhile ago, maybe we can have a Kennedy in a cabinet position, a Romney in some other spot, a Clinton in another, a Bush in another, and maybe a Rockefeller kickin' it somewhere else. Just for kicks, I think we need a Blankfein and Dimon or Buffett or Gates too. Because in a nation of 330 million, surely the money and power-hungry psychos that enter boardrooms and politics are the only people best-suited to lead our Nation? Perhaps a Clinton, Rockefeller, Kennedy, Bloomberg, Bush, or Murdoch could instruct me on the evils of nepotism. Probably not.

    Just end this charade and let's reboot. This travesty sucks (I broke it down so any US or State Senator could understand my point).

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • Every Cruise Ship, all job losses not due to technology ,not recaptured by local tech employment as it was, the destruction of the manufacturing sphere all have a single thing in common: Global Outsourcing. Cruise Ships have crews not sourced controlled or regulated by a single country. It's the Global Economy, man, start liking it. Or fight it.

    We need Scandinavian cruise lines to have mostly Scandinavian crews. If not, crews fo cruise liners, comprised of underpaid international help, will run ships aground with no particular country, or labor force, or controlling legal entity, to be held accountable. The passengers may be poisoned or killed, it does not matter.

    Service industries around the globe are using a standard of the lowest price of labor. :Lowest price for technology, cruise ships, hotels, fast food, all of it. So how extreme does the labor arbitrage model go? Look at a real company, names changed to protect the guilty. This global outsourcing company works in one country only, the USA. It's client is a marquis of finance.

    GatesofHell cannibalizes an existing contract with Clueless Technologies.
    Only 2 of hundreds of Clueless employees survive, both have 'Security Clearances'. Like all Clueless employees, the Black Helicopter Crowd of
    IT are told they must have OPM Security Clearance to retain employment in the USA.

    Total WarDog Employees on GatesofHell Projects 324

    Total Offshore - Chennai India- Employees 280

    Total OnShore - US - Employees 40

    Total H1B - US - Employees 35

    Total US -Us - Employees 5

    Wow, think that small number of US workers is small? Not small enough for the Global Outsourcers. It seems that the Vendor Management Office of Wardog wants the US employee number smaller. They reduce the number of US Employees for 5 to 2 excluding the 2 of the Black Hellicopter Crowd.

    Reply to: Friday Movie Night - A Collection of Outrage   11 years 6 months ago
  • I should have overviews of this month's employment report up shortly, but that's right We have $40 billion a month in quantitative easing while Congress makes the employment situation worse and now they are hell bent on flooding the U.S. labor market with more cheap foreign labor when there are clearly not enough jobs, at all levels, for those already here.

    We do not have inflation due to weak demand, the economy not operating at full capacity, but we do have housing prices being artificially pumped up (I believe) due to QE with wages depressed. Terrible!

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • As always, I'm shocked there's anyone left to fire in jobs, but the weekly initial claims are so incredibly high even at this stage post 2007/2008. Toss in the labor force participation rates that haven't been seen since 3 decades ago, pathetic jobs created (and the quality of those jobs) and things are pure crap for most of us (and getting worse for more). Compound this with Bernanke's policy of perpetual QE based on unemployment rates and we're getting unemployment + inflation with no end in sight.

    But hey, now's the time to flood the labor market and create greater competition for the fewer jobs out there; time to depress wages so even more people can work for free (or pay to work).

    Post an ad on craigslist in any market asking for people to apply for a temp job in any field with no pay and no benefits and subject to being terminated without any notice and you'll get flooded with applicants with experience and good degrees desperate for work of any kind. But hey, good times are here for the USA!

    Those selectively blaming Dems or Republicans, don't, blame them both completely. They'll get rich no matter who sits in office because corruption covers all bases - that's how it works. Outsourcing and visas serve both, Wall Street and Big CEOs run the show, if they didn't, they wouldn't be the top donors to both campaigns throughout all these years and wouldn't have control of our state houses and federal offices no matter which D or R is in power. Public databases confirm the list of big donors is bipartisan. Doesn't matter if we're hit in the head with a blue or red bat, the damage is the same.

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
  • as do others. If you read the testimony further from the hearing where we connect U.S. domestic diversity discrimination with guest worker Visas, one plan is to charge $25,000 per worker. Now making sure a foreign guest worker is more expensive than an American one. If they really did that and it was significantly more expensive, I'd bump that up to $40k per STEM in fees, it would help. But green cards for graduating from a University is just going to make the current disaster for higher education worse. It is simply financially impossible for a U.S. citizen to go to a PhD program for now seven years on just $14k stipend per year to live on.

    Reply to: ADP Employment Report Shows 158,000 Jobs for March 2013   11 years 6 months ago
