Recent comments

  • If you think about it, people were setting the world on fire in all sorts of areas, including Science & Technology with Bachelor's degrees. Some even without high school. The piece of paper requirement has become fairly ridiculous in many cases. I do think one needs education to a certain degree but many universities are so large, the truth is one is self-educating and just racking up the credit hours. Self-education is the biggest skill one needs yet the paper chase is more and more not recognizing that.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • And yet Columbia and other schools have Masters in Journalism when no such thing existed and yet great stories were being written by reporters/writers unafraid of tackling big issues (Columbia makes the $, loan companies make the $, the students - nope). Now we have script readers that have no objectivity or ability to actually conduct real research. It's all party-affiliated crap or people that pretend to be journalists while they record goings on in the halls of power to pen yet another "tell-all" about what they saw in the White House during this or that event - yawn, just in it for $.

    Just like every field, papers and TV demand some Masters in Journalism, 10+ years in journalism, and then the people that spend $100,000+ for all these degrees will be ignored by people that want to pay $8/hr. to a freelancer. And then the guy in his 20s or 30s with the degree and debt will then get grilled as to why he's unable to land a job by someone that could start work at a paper with a high school degree decades ago and work his way up. Dark days in every field. It's good, the lies and games and rackets are burning so many people and tearing trust apart at every level that the whole thing will crash because no one will trust anything or anyone and the number of people being exploited/lied to grows with every day.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • Is a really bad thing. Frankly I think advertisers need to pay more generally for online. This race to the bottom on wages for everyone is insane. That said, those idiotic talking heads on cable noise get six figure salaries and that is also part of the problem. Real Journalism doesn't pay.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • I guess the media, at least in some places, just can't continue the lie that the "best and brightest" are kicking ass and everyone that has a job is superfantastic and earns good wages while everyone that gets canned was a pathetic loser that needs to die already.

    Read glassdoor for good insights (although they are now apparently trying to censor negative reviews according to some folks). Anyway, Murdoch and Ailes may be megarich and Murdoch may love getting richer through phone hacking and bribes (allegedly), but the reviews regarding Fox News are damn funny/tragic. People are working P/T hours as analysts and other positions and making $12/hr. for the honor (and this is in NYC). People earning that automatically qualify for govt. assistance that Murdoch and Ailes and Hannity et al. despise. Apparently the on-air talent can't make do without millions for repeating lies, but the people doing actual work at the bottom make jack and get treated like dirt.

    WSJ is having layoffs. New CEO came from Bloomberg's organization and layoffs are happening and morale is down.

    So it's happening everywhere, people getting canned, more and more consolidation and the rotation of the 1% at the top, jokers at the top making mad loot without innovating or creating anything themselves. So I guess it's harder and harder for media types writing articles to keep lying when reality keeps hitting them harder and harder. At some point some people must discover or rediscover integrity and truth. Journalism used to be a profession. Now they want all freelancers and part-time folks without benefits. And I'm guessing stories that go against corporations or the 1% won't earn one much $, but it's good to see some people risking it within big media to tell the truth. Again, it's all orchestrated, make people beg for part-time work just to survive and it's more likely that they won't dare criticize the boss that tosses morsels to the peasants.

    How about we upset the whole freaking table and demand more than morsels?

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • It seems everyone gets it except corporations themselves. The answer is to business "everything" is to fire the workers.

    If you want more people to read your links, you should format them. By SEO alone, search engines almost never index unformatted links.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • This is a nice article from Fortune of all places.

    It talks about how layoffs are used to get rid of people that threaten management's ego and other reasons, how CEOs that screw up get richer (never fired), and other good tidbits. How consulting companies always recommend layoffs, but not for the clowns that run the circus into the ground. Nothing new here, just nice to see it coming from the business press that is super-duper excited because the Dow is hitting new records (of course it did, so much Fed free money has to be invested by banksters somewhere).

    Anyway, maybe some in the press actually look outside their windows and are wondering why they might want to address the gathering global crowds that seem pissed off, unemployed with no hope for a job or a decent future, hopeless, and completely ignored/locked out of any discussion to fix this mess immediately.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • Hi Folks, thanks for bearing with us. We're on a new server and if you have problems, trying clearing your browser cache, even cookies. If that doesn't work, leave a comment or email us for technical difficulties.

    I hope this is the last of server crashes and other fun stuff!

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 7 months ago
  • I'm moving the site to a new VPS, new company, new server. Enough is enough and probably should have done this months ago.

    For now trying emptying your browser cache and I'm moving on this as fast as I can, but I won't be posting any new articles today due to working on the site.

    I sure as hell hope this solves our problems!

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 7 months ago
  • Only way to access different parts of site is to link directly to them. Trying to visit EP Front Page or EP from a web search isn't working.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 7 months ago
  • Over time, Congressional leaders, Obama are proposing insane economics. It just happens to be the latest insanity is Congress. They push lobbyist written corporate favors and are hell bent in further middle class destruction.

    It does not matter who is to blame for they all are and now they are sending the economy into the tank over their absurd politics which demand they harm the U.S. economy. EOM.

    Reply to: Q4 2012 GDP Revised to a Barely Breathing 0.1%   11 years 7 months ago
  • The House of Representatives has proposed budgets for the last 2 years & sent them to the Senate for a vote. Senator Harry Reid refuses to have vote.

    Meanwhile The Democrat Party has yet to formally propose a budget.

    "Think about the fact there are more people in the United States, and while GDP is adjusted for inflation, it is not presented per capita." that comment is the truth.

    But Obama has no responsibility here? Really?

    Reply to: Q4 2012 GDP Revised to a Barely Breathing 0.1%   11 years 7 months ago
  • although not in the U.S. Supposedly Obama is putting the last meager retirement funds on the table, social security to the GOP as a bargaining chip.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
    If this can happen in the land of Davos and secret bank accounts, then there's hope for the rest of the world. I can predict the responses from the banksters and supporters. Prepare for the following responses from mouthpieces that can't think, can't find Switzerland or Sweden (or tell the difference between the countries) or Somalia on a map, and are paid to curse logic.
    "But, but this will drive the 'best and brightest' away from driving companies into mediocrity or oblivion for tens of millions of dollars," "the Swiss are Commies and don't appreciate capitalism," (yes, we will hear that - priceless), "the Swiss education system, no, the health system, uh, the Swiss are just bad people," and on and on.

    CEOs and banksters and boardrooms need to face reality, they are running out of geography and have pissed off 99.9% of the populace globally. No boardroom or bank vault or TV studio is so far removed that they can ignore the population of the world anymore. If they want to bank in regulation free countries, try Somali banks and see what happens to their loot. Try incorporating in Mogadishu and hold board meetings in international waters, they need to beware of pissed-off pirates, especially because the elite don't believe in paying taxes to fund navies. And armed guards earning minimum wage might resent protecting them.

    Reply to: Swiss to Vote on Excessive CEO Pay   11 years 7 months ago
  • Folks, I'm very sorry. The hosting company literally blew away the entire server, site and as a result we have lost content. That's the latest comments for fortunately there were no new articles.

    Sigh. Thanks for bearing with us on these server issues. It is looking like I need to find EP a new home at this point. I'll have more updates later.

    Reply to: Site Upgrade!   11 years 7 months ago
  • The simple question is: is this what human beings are destined for - serving and existing to enrich the few? Is that all technology and plutocratic crony capitalism bring us? At this point questions like these have to be asked. Because if people are born with no hope for a better life and will only serve others in ever degrading circumstances in the Western world, why follow the script? They don't want us to have jobs (thus the increasing productivity demands and completely absurd bars to hiring people because they don't want to hire people). Overqualified and skills gap lies prove that. They don't want us to survive without jobs - no welfare that we paid into. And they hate public education and other social services.
    So, the question is, why play along anymore? Is the goal of education and life in the US and many other countries really to serve these a**holes anymore? Existential questions because now's the time. This is the result of consumerism that was brought to us by the same people 100+ years ago and bank-rigged games that have been around for centuries. It ain't working, so it's time to stop playing. We've got one life down here, and this script sucks, so let's try a new one. What that is needs to be discussed right now by those locked out of the "American Dream", but this one is complete crap and is screwing more of us with every passing day. We deserve better now, and our kids and grandkids do too. I don't think this is the vision of humanity philosophers and enlightened thinkers had for people when they first gave it thought and kept dreaming of a better world through the millennia. Nope, I'm pretty sure of it, this ain't it.

    Reply to: Davos aka Banksters, politicians, CEOs party and plot our demise   11 years 7 months ago
  • Been happening in the U.S. since "Welfare reform". Documented by Michael Moore in Bowling for Columbine. People are forced to take minimum wage, also bussed 50+ miles one way to "work" in order to obtain social services benefits. Then, their kids have no parent at home because they are working more than full time for wages that cannot even put food on the table, plus taking bus rides that take 2 hrs each way in some cases.

    Glorified slave labor subsidy to businesses, esp. in food service.

    Reply to: Davos aka Banksters, politicians, CEOs party and plot our demise   11 years 7 months ago
    Even though this is from 2011, not sure how much has changed or will change. Yes Sir, who says companies don't want more unemployment? Because now they can get their politicians to force the unemployed to work for free in return for some benefits, and if they don't work for free, they get nothing. In fact, these people aren't working for free - they are paying to work because it costs them fuel or transit costs, water + food to live to work, apt. costs they don't recoup, health costs so they can be healthy enough to clean the CEO's shoes or whatever else the corporations demand. Now who says the UK politicians and others aren't serving the paymasters? Our governments are securing free labor for certain corporations! How far "democracy" has come. And this isn't planned? If anyone had any semblance of morality in govt., they'd go ballistic in every single meeting these schemes are mentioned and resign immediately. The silence and go-along-to-get-along by thousands of pols across the globe reveals who they are and why they can never be trusted.

    This isn't red or blue, Labor or Conservative, this is universal greed. But these same pols will no doubt appear on TV and bemoan tragedies in other countries, demand our $ to fix them, and then find ways to get us to work for free until we simply go homeless and die somewhere out of sight. Just make sure it's far enough away from the roads their motorcades travel, no need for us to ruin the landscape.

    Reply to: Davos aka Banksters, politicians, CEOs party and plot our demise   11 years 7 months ago
  • This is unbelievable. Instead of stopping this insanity, GOP are going on Fox News in pure denial. This is real. Don't people realize agencies cannot choose their cuts like any business would who was downsizing?

    Reply to: Bernanke Speaks Economic Sanity to Dr. Strangelove Congress   11 years 7 months ago
  • For those wanting these overviews delivered or done in a more timely manner, consider hiring us for consulting work. Since this is a publication, we get to these as we can. I've received requests for faster overviews as well as hand delivered , tuned ones. I'd be happy to offer economic report custom analysis as a paid service to select clients.

    Reply to: ISM Manufacturing Index - PMI 54.2% for February 2013   11 years 7 months ago
  • A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of contracting real GDP. That said, it's very clear increased productivity, economic growth is not translating to the U.S. worker.

    Okun's Law is basically a ratio of the unemployment rate to GDP, but it is potential GDP, not actual.

    I did a graph of it here and am looking to do a big picture annual GDP to employment to wages type of article soon.

    Beyond the fact that the U.S. is not generating enough economic growth to really create jobs, there is another element which I think is completely ignored by not just politicians but most economists. That's globalization. It's pretty clear with India having outsourcing be such a large part of their GDP, plus the employment levels in both India and China, foreign workers being the growth "area" for actual U.S. employment, this is really hurting the U.S. worker.

    That said, technically we are not in a recession, although I think it is highly probable at this point Congress will throw the U.S. back into a recession.

    I think for anyone to be elected to Congress, they should be required to pass a basic economics test as well as a basic math test. See the overview of Bernanke's testimony where it is a true horror to watch these people. That's what is wrong, we cannot even get basic economic theory recognized by way too many of these politicians. How can one legislate when they cannot even get basic laws of supply and demand through their thick skulls?

    Reply to: Q4 2012 GDP Revised to a Barely Breathing 0.1%   11 years 7 months ago
